SSRA SCH and FTE Dashboard

SSRA SCH and FTE Dashboard

Part of Student Success Hub

maintained by Student Success Research and Analytics

SCH FTE reports is a set of following reports: 

SCH FTE Report

SCH FTE reports provide SCH and FTE information for 10 years at the latest benchmark. These reports enable leadership to visualize, slice and dice the data and facilitate with strategic planning. 

SCH FTE All Benchmarks

SCH FTE all benchmarks reports provide SCH and FTE information for 5 years for all benchmarks. 

Data Source: SID
Refresh schedule:  Data is refreshed for all three semesters for all four benchmarks. The “Data as of” field on the bottom right of the page indicates when the data was last refreshed from SID database.  The "Data updated" field on the top of the report indicates when the report was last published. These two dates are often different because a report update could be change in visuals or navigation etc. and not necessarily a data refresh.

Report pages
SCH FTE Report
  • Quick Facts: USF The tab displays the USF summary of both SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) for the selected academic year. This tab only shows data for one academic year at a time. To view the data for specific semester, use the Semester filter in the filter panel.  The visuals on this page has SCH and FTE information:
    • By college
    • By campus
    • By semester
    • By gender
    • By race/ethnicity
    • By course level
  • Quick Facts: College The tab displays the college level summary of both SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) for the selected academic year and for the selected college. This tab only shows data for one academic year at a time, for the selected college. To view the data for specific semester, use the Semester filter in the filter panel. The visuals on this page has SCH and FTE information:
    • By department
    • By campus
    • By semester
    • By gender
    • By race/ethnicity
    • By course level
  • Trend by Diversity → The tab displays a ten-year trend of SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by race/ethnicity and gender, along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.
  • Trend by College → The tab displays a ten year trend of SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by College,  along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.
  • Trend by Campus & Course Level → The tab displays a ten year trend of SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by Campus and Course Level, along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.
  • Details by Campus & Course Level → The tab displays ten years of data for SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by Campus and Course level in a tabular format, along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.
  • Details by College & Course Level → The tab displays ten years of data for SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by College and Course Level in a tabular format, along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.
  • SCH : Change From Prior → The tab displays ten years of SCH (Student Credit Hours) data by level and shows the change from the prior year.

                 The "Diff SCH" column shows the difference in SCH from the previous year for that level. The calculation is (SCH for the year - SCH for the previous year).

SCH FTE All Benchmarks

  • SCH/FTE By Term → The tab displays the data of SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by term and benchmark. This tab only shows data for one term of the year at a time.
  • SCH/FTE By Benchmark → The tab displays the data of SCH (Student Credit Hours) and FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) broken down by benchmark, campus and course level for the past five years in a tabular format, along with a slicer to toggle between the SCH and FTE views.

Filters on the Filters Panel

There is a filter panel on the right which can be expanded or collapsed using the >> button.  The filter panel has following filters:

  • Budget Entity
  • Academic Year</