SSRA Doctoral Student Success (DSS) Dashboard
Doctoral Student Success (DSS) Dashboard (2012-2024)
This report provides student success metrics for Doctoral Research and Professional students.
Data Source: SID
Refresh schedule: Every semester. The “Last Refreshed” timestamp on each page indicates the time when the data was last refreshed.
Doctoral Student Cohort was identified using the following logic:
- If the student entry date and student recent admit date are less than 1 year apart then the Cohort of the graduate student will be based on the student entry date
- If the student entry date and student admit date is 2 or more years apart then the Cohort of the graduate student will be based on the student recent admit date
- The new academic year starts in Fall, followed by spring and summer, hence Fall 2020 cohort is AY 2020-2021
- One year cohort includes students start in fall, spring, and summer
Time to Candidacy/Degree:
- Years between initial candidacy/degree term and cohort start term.
- Use the fall term as the start of new academic year. For example, if the candidacy/degree term is fall 2020, then year of candidacy/year of degree will be assigned to 2020-2021; If the candidacy/degree term is spring or summer 2020, then year of candidacy/year of degree will be assigned to 2019-2020
Still Enrolled/Drop-out:
- Check students enrollment status in most recent year, usually spring and/or fall terms
- If students did not earn any graduate level degree and they are not enrolled in the most recent year(i.e., spring//fall), they are considered drop-out
Doctoral Student Profile
- Shows the doctoral student headcount by cohort.
- Shows the doctoral student headcount by gender.
- Shows the doctoral student headcount by college.
- Shows the doctoral student headcount and percentage by race/ethnicity.
- Shows the doctoral student headcount by program type (Professional vs. Research).
- Shows the doctoral student headcount by strategic emphasis.
Research Doctoral Students Overview (2012-2024)
- Shows the headcount of newly enrolled research doctoral students by cohort and gender.
- Shows the headcount of newly enrolled research doctoral students by cohort and race/ethnicity.
Research Doctoral Students Time to Degree (2012-2024)
- Shows the average years for research doctoral students to reach candidacy (Time to Candidacy) by college, department, CIP, and major.
- Shows the average years for research doctoral students to earn their PhDs post-candidacy (Candidacy to Degree) by college, department, CIP, and major.
- Shows the average years for research doctoral students to earn their PhDs post-enrollment (Admission to Degree) by college, department, CIP, and major.
- Shows the average years that research doctoral students spent in their PhD programs after reaching candidacy and before dropping out (Candidacy to Drop Out) by college, department, CIP, and major.
- Shows the average years that research doctoral students spent in their PhD programs before dropping out (Enrolled before Dropping Out) by college, department, CIP, and major.
Note: Among students who did not graduate, those who did not enroll in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Fall 2024 were identified as dropouts.
Professional Doctoral Students Overview (2012-2024)
- Shows the headcount of newly enrolled professional doctoral students by cohort and gender.
- Shows the headcount of newly enrolled professional doctoral students by cohort and race/ethnicity.
Note: There are 7 Professional doctoral degree programs recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), including:
- Audiology (CIP: 510202)
- Nursing (CIP: 513818)
- Public Health (CIP: 512201)
- Medicine (CIP: 511201)
- Physical Therapy (CIP: 512308)
- Business Administration (CIP: 520201)
- Pharmacy (CIP: 512001)
Professional Doctoral Students Time to Degree (2012-2024)
- Shows the average years for professional doctoral students to earn their doctoral degrees (Admission to Degree) in the 7 recognized professional doctoral programs.
- Shows the average years that professional doctoral students spent in their doctoral programs before dropping out (Enrolled before Dropping Out) in the 7 recognized professional doctoral programs.
Note: Among students who did not graduate, those who did not enroll in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Fall 2024 were identified as dropouts.
Note: There are 7 Professional doctoral degree programs recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), including:
- Audiology (CIP: 510202)
- Nursing (CIP: 513818)
- Public Health (CIP: 512201)
- Medicine (CIP: 511201)
- Physical Therapy (CIP: 512308)
- Business Administration (CIP: 520201)
- Pharmacy (CIP: 512001)
Doctoral Degree Completion Overview (2012-2024)
- Using a matrix table to show the doctoral cohort headcount as well as the headcount of the following categories, including:
- doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees only
- doctoral students who earned both master's and doctoral degrees
- doctoral students who earned master's degrees but left their doctoral programs
- doctoral students who earned master's degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
- doctoral students who left their doctoral programs without earning any graduate degrees
- doctoral students who are currently enrolled in their doctoral programs and haven't earned any graduate degrees
- The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
- Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).
Doctoral Degree Completion Rates by College (2012-2024)
- Using a stacked bar chart to show the doctoral degree completion rates by college, including:
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned both master’s and doctoral degrees
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees but left their doctoral programs
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
- the percentages of doctoral students who dropped out without earning any graduate degrees
- the percentages of currently enrolled doctoral students who haven’t earned any graduate degrees.
- The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
- Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).
Doctoral Degree Completion Rates by Race/Ethnicity & Gender (2012-2024)
- Using a stacked bar chart to show the doctoral degree completion rates by gender and race/ethnicity, including:
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned both master’s and doctoral degrees
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees but left their doctoral programs
- the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
- the percentages of doctoral students who dropped out without earning any graduate degrees
- the percentages of currently enrolled doctoral students who haven’t earned any graduate degrees.
- The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
- Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).
Earned Master’s Degrees during Doctoral Study (2012-2024)
- Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree during doctoral study by doctoral cohort and master’s strategic emphasis.
- Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree during doctoral study by doctoral cohort, doctoral college, doctoral department, doctoral CIP, and doctoral major.
- Shows the most popular master’s degrees earned (Top 20) during doctoral study.
Earned Master’s Degrees from USF before Doctoral Study (2012-2024)
- Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree from USF before enrolling in a doctoral program by doctoral cohort and master’s strategic emphasis.
- Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree from USF before doctoral study by doctoral cohort, doctoral college, doctoral department, doctoral CIP, and doctoral major.
- Shows the most popular master’s degrees earned (Top 20) from USF before doctoral study.
Earned Doctoral Degrees with Different CIPs (2012-2024)
- Shows the headcount of doctoral students who earned a doctoral degree with a CIP different from their CIP at initial enrollment.
Filter Panel
All pages have the same filter panel on the right side, including:
- Cohort_AY: default selection is from Academic Year 2012-2013 to Academic Year 2022-2023
- Gender: default selection is All
- Race/Ethnicity: default selection is All
- Nationality: default selection is All
- Program Type: default selection is All
- College: default selection is All
- Department: default selection is All
- CIP: default selection is All
- Doctoral Major Code: default selection is All
- Doctoral Major Title: default selection is All
- Strategic Emphasis: default selection is All
- Strategic Emphasis Y/N: default selection is All
- Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results.
- To deselect an item, click on the option again.
- All filters allow multiple selections.
Data Panel
Data panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:
- Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
- You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears , you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse.