SSRA Doctoral Student Success (DSS) Dashboard

SSRA Doctoral Student Success (DSS) Dashboard

Part of Student Success Hub

maintained by Student Success Research and Analytics

Doctoral Student Success (DSS) Dashboard (2012-2024)

This report provides student success metrics for Doctoral Research and Professional students.

Data Source: SID
Refresh schedule:  Every semester. The “Last Refreshed” timestamp on each page indicates the time when the data was last refreshed.

Data Element Definitions

Doctoral Student Cohort was identified using the following logic:

  • If the student entry date and student recent admit date are less than 1 year apart then the Cohort of the graduate student will be based on the student entry date
  • If the student entry date and student admit date is 2 or more years apart then the Cohort of the graduate student will be based on the student recent admit date
  • The new academic year starts in Fall, followed by spring and summer, hence Fall 2020 cohort is AY 2020-2021
  • One year cohort includes students start in fall, spring, and summer

Time to Candidacy/Degree:

  • Years between initial candidacy/degree term and cohort start term.
  • Use the fall term as the start of new academic year. For example, if the candidacy/degree term is fall 2020, then year of candidacy/year of degree will be assigned to 2020-2021; If the candidacy/degree term is spring or summer 2020, then year of candidacy/year of degree will be assigned to 2019-2020

Still Enrolled/Drop-out:

  • Check students enrollment status in most recent year, usually spring and/or fall terms
  • If students did not earn any graduate level degree and they are not enrolled in the most recent year(i.e., spring//fall), they are considered drop-out

Doctoral Student Profile

  • Shows the doctoral student headcount by cohort.
  • Shows the doctoral student headcount by gender.
  • Shows the doctoral student headcount by college.
  • Shows the doctoral student headcount and percentage by race/ethnicity.
  • Shows the doctoral student headcount by program type (Professional vs. Research).
  • Shows the doctoral student headcount by strategic emphasis.

Research Doctoral Students Overview (2012-2024)

  • Shows the headcount of newly enrolled research doctoral students by cohort and gender.
  • Shows the headcount of newly enrolled research doctoral students by cohort and race/ethnicity.

Research Doctoral Students Time to Degree (2012-2024)

  • Shows the average years for research doctoral students to reach candidacy (Time to Candidacy) by college, department, CIP, and major.
  • Shows the average years for research doctoral students to earn their PhDs post-candidacy (Candidacy to Degree) by college, department, CIP, and major.
  • Shows the average years for research doctoral students to earn their PhDs post-enrollment (Admission to Degree) by college, department, CIP, and major.
  • Shows the average years that research doctoral students spent in their PhD programs after reaching candidacy and before dropping out (Candidacy to Drop Out) by college, department, CIP, and major.
  • Shows the average years that research doctoral students spent in their PhD programs before dropping out (Enrolled before Dropping Out) by college, department, CIP, and major.

    Note: Among students who did not graduate, those who did not enroll in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Fall 2024 were identified as dropouts.

Professional Doctoral Students Overview (2012-2024)

  • Shows the headcount of newly enrolled professional doctoral students by cohort and gender.
  • Shows the headcount of newly enrolled professional doctoral students by cohort and race/ethnicity.

    Note: There are 7 Professional doctoral degree programs recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), including:

  1. Audiology (CIP: 510202)
  2. Nursing (CIP: 513818)
  3. Public Health (CIP: 512201)
  4. Medicine (CIP: 511201)
  5. Physical Therapy (CIP: 512308)
  6. Business Administration (CIP: 520201)
  7. Pharmacy (CIP: 512001) 

Professional Doctoral Students Time to Degree (2012-2024)

  • Shows the average years for professional doctoral students to earn their doctoral degrees (Admission to Degree) in the 7 recognized professional doctoral programs.
  • Shows the average years that professional doctoral students spent in their doctoral programs before dropping out (Enrolled before Dropping Out) in the 7 recognized professional doctoral programs.

    Note: Among students who did not graduate, those who did not enroll in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Fall 2024 were identified as dropouts.

    Note: There are 7 Professional doctoral degree programs recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), including:

  1. Audiology (CIP: 510202)
  2. Nursing (CIP: 513818)
  3. Public Health (CIP: 512201)
  4. Medicine (CIP: 511201)
  5. Physical Therapy (CIP: 512308)
  6. Business Administration (CIP: 520201)
  7. Pharmacy (CIP: 512001) 

Doctoral Degree Completion Overview (2012-2024)

  • Using a matrix table to show the doctoral cohort headcount as well as the headcount of the following categories, including:
    • doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees only
    • doctoral students who earned both master's and doctoral degrees
    • doctoral students who earned master's degrees but left their doctoral programs
    • doctoral students who earned master's degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
    • doctoral students who left their doctoral programs without earning any graduate degrees
    • doctoral students who are currently enrolled in their doctoral programs and haven't earned any graduate degrees


  1. The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
  2. Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).

Doctoral Degree Completion Rates by College (2012-2024)

  • Using a stacked bar chart to show the doctoral degree completion rates by college, including:
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned both master’s and doctoral degrees
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees but left their doctoral programs
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
    • the percentages of doctoral students who dropped out without earning any graduate degrees
    • the percentages of currently enrolled doctoral students who haven’t earned any graduate degrees.


  1. The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
  2. Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).

Doctoral Degree Completion Rates by Race/Ethnicity & Gender (2012-2024)

  • Using a stacked bar chart to show the doctoral degree completion rates by gender and race/ethnicity, including:
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned doctoral degrees
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned both master’s and doctoral degrees
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees but left their doctoral programs
    • the percentages of doctoral students who earned master’s degrees and still enrolled in their doctoral programs
    • the percentages of doctoral students who dropped out without earning any graduate degrees
    • the percentages of currently enrolled doctoral students who haven’t earned any graduate degrees.


  1. The default view includes both Professional and Research Doctoral Students.
  2. Use the filter "Program Type" in the filters panel to select doctoral program type (Professional vs. Research).

Earned Master’s Degrees during Doctoral Study (2012-2024)

  • Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree during doctoral study by doctoral cohort and master’s strategic emphasis.
  • Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree during doctoral study by doctoral cohort, doctoral college, doctoral department, doctoral CIP, and doctoral major.
  • Shows the most popular master’s degrees earned (Top 20) during doctoral study.

Earned Master’s Degrees from USF before Doctoral Study (2012-2024)

  • Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree from USF before enrolling in a doctoral program by doctoral cohort and master’s strategic emphasis.
  • Shows the headcount of students who earned a master’s degree from USF before doctoral study by doctoral cohort, doctoral college, doctoral department, doctoral CIP, and doctoral major.
  • Shows the most popular master’s degrees earned (Top 20) from USF before doctoral study.

Earned Doctoral Degrees with Different CIPs (2012-2024)

  • Shows the headcount of doctoral students who earned a doctoral degree with a CIP different from their CIP at initial enrollment.

Filter Panel

All pages have the same filter panel on the right side, including:

  • Cohort_AY: default selection is from Academic Year 2012-2013 to Academic Year 2022-2023
  • Gender: default selection is All
  • Race/Ethnicity: default selection is All
  • Nationality: default selection is All
  • Program Type: default selection is All
  • College: default selection is All
  • Department: default selection is All
  • CIP: default selection is All
  • Doctoral Major Code: default selection is All
  • Doctoral Major Title: default selection is All
  • Strategic Emphasis: default selection is All
  • Strategic Emphasis Y/N: default selection is All


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • All filters allow multiple selections.

Data Panel

Data panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
  • You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears Black Triangle PNG, Free HD Black Triangle Transparent Image - PNGkit ,  you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse.
