SSRA Course Grade Dashboard

SSRA Course Grade Dashboard

Part of Student Success Hub

maintained by Student Success Research and Analytics

Course Grades Dashboard

This dashboard was designed to equip stakeholders and key decision makers with comprehensive, accessible, actionable, and timely data regarding student academic performance and achievement across USF courses; the data are disaggregated by various demographic student characteristics.

Data Source: SID, Banner
Refresh schedule: (Pending)

Report pages

The report is primarily filtered by selecting either course unit funded campus/college or student homecampus/college from drop-down menus at the top part of the dashboard. After making an appropriate selection, tables and charts will display grades awarded counts.

Dashboard has the following pages:

  • Final Grades Distribution
  • DFW Rate by Campus/College
  • Midterm vs Final Grade
  • DFW by Student Type
  • DFW by Gender
  • DFW by Race/Ethnicity
  • DFW by First Generation
  • DFW for Pell Recipients
  • DFW by Section Modality
  • DFW by Course Section

Data Element

Data Source (underlying data field)


Report Pages

TermSID → SID_COURSES_TAKEN → TERMIDTerm such as Fall 2020 or Spring 2018All Pages
Course Section





Specific course sections represented by combination of subject prefix, course number, section number, and section type; for example, ECO-4421-002-C

DFW by Course Section


DFW by Course Section

Midterm GradePROD → SFRSTCR → SFRSTCR_GRDE_CODE_MIDMidterm grade assigned to a student in a given course

Midterm vs Final Grade

Final GradeSID → SID_COURSES_TAKEN → GRADE_AWARDEDFinal grade assigned to a student in a given courseAll Pages

AD: Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.

PD: Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. There is a requirement for the student to attend campus or another explicit geographic location for a portion of the course.

CL: Primarily Classroom Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (ie, labs, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc).

HB: Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both.

DFW by Section Modality

Course SiteSID → SID_INSTRUCTIONAL_ACTIVITY → DELIVERY_METHD_INDGroups of course modality, such as On Campus, Off Campus, or High FlexDFW by Section Modality
Course CampusSID → SID_COURSES_TAKEN → CAMPUS_FCampus associated with the courseAll Pages
Course CollegeSID → SID_COURSES_TAKEN → GLOBAL_COLLEGECollege associated with the courseAll Pages
Course DepartmentSID → SID_COURSES_TAKEN → GLOBAL_DEPTDepartment associated with the courseNot Used

Course Level follows BOG definitions:

The first digit reflects course level:
0 - Indicates remedial level courses
1,2 - Indicates lower level
3,4 - Indicates upper level
5,6,7,8,9 - Indicates graduate level courses

All Pages
Student CampusSID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → HOMECAMPUSThe Campus at the time of EnrollmentAll Pages
Student CollegeSID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → GLOBAL_COLLEGEThe Global College at the time of EnrollmentAll Pages
Student DepartmentSID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → GLOBAL_DEPTThe Global Department at the time of EnrollmentNot Used

Student class level description

Not Used
Not Used
GenderSID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → GENDERThe Gender at the time of Enrollment

DFW by Gender

Race EthnicitySID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → ETHNICThe Ethnicity at the time of Enrollment

DFW by Race/Ethnicity

Student Type





Student Type such as FTIC or Masters

DFW by Student Type


First generation status

DFW by First Generation


Pell grant award status

DFW for Pell Recipients


Filter Panels

Filters are listed on top panel of the report.


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • Some filters are radio buttons and you can select only one item. The items in these filters are indicated as round buttons.
  • Some filters allow multiple selections. To select multiple values in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the square boxes .
  • Filters for the report may not have Blank as an option. 

Data Panel

This panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
  • You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears Black Triangle PNG, Free HD Black Triangle Transparent Image - PNGkit ,  you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse. 

Options for the Data Panel

Export Data to Excel

To export the data results to Excel, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar  will pop up. Click the  in the top right corner . 

A drop down menu will appear with 'Export data' as one of the options.  Select Export Data to work with the data in Excel.

Note : The exported data in Excel may not look exactly like the screen. 

Focus Mode

To see the data in Focus Mode, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar  will pop up. Click the option for Focus Mode   It allows the visual to take the entire space in the report canvas. Full screen mode will persist until you exit out or click on   on the top left hand side.
When in Focus Mode, click the  in the top right corner and a drop down menu will appear with the following options:

You can export data, or see the data in a table by selecting the appropriate option.  


Spotlight causes all other visuals on the page to fade so the selected visual is highlighted. To highlight a visual, click on more action  and select 

Drill Up and Drill Down

If the visual has the hierarchy, the  menu will appear when you hover on the top left side of the visual.  Turn on drill down first by selecting the downward arrow. The grey background  lets you know that drill down is active. Selecting  will expand another level of hierarchy. Selecting the double arrow icon for drill all levels at oncedrill-down icon takes you to the next level in the hierarchy.  Selecting  will take you one level up in hierarchy.  The arrows will be greyed out if the option is not available. 

Reset to Default

If you have made any changes, such as implementing filters or sorting the table, you have the ability to return the sorting and filtering to the report creator's default view. Click the Reset to Default image above the report in the Report Header: 

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