SSRA Admission Profile and Student Success Dashboard
Admission Profile and Student Success
This set of reports provide academic profile for applicants, and retention and graduation information for enrolled students. The historical data is available for the past 7 years. These reports enable leadership to visualize, slice and dice the data and facilitate with strategic planning.
Data Source: SID
Refresh schedule: Data is refreshed every semester. The “Data Refreshed” field on the bottom right of the page indicates when the data was extracted from SID. The "Data Updated" field on the top of the report indicates when the report was published. These two dates are often different.
Below are the tabs for the report:
- Test Scores and GPA Grid → This tab displays the SAT and High School GPA information for applicants for summer/fall cohort. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- Test Scores Trend For Applicants → This tab displays the trend of SAT Scores for applicants for past 5 years. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- GPA Trend For Applicants → This tab displays the trend of High School GPA for applicants for past 5 years. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- Test Scores By Ethnicity → This tab displays the SAT Scores breakdown by Ethnicity for applicants. This tab can be sliced for Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- GPA By Ethnicity → This tab displays the High School GPA breakdown by Ethnicity for applicants. This tab can be sliced for Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- APR Grid → This tab displays the academic progress rate for enrolled students by High School GPA and Test Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. One can view the Retained 2.0% by clicking on "Retained 2.0%" button right below the slicers, Retained 2.0 Numbers by pressing the "Retained 2.0 N" button and enrollment Numbers by pressing the "Enrolled N" button.
- Retention Grid → This tab displays the retention information for enrolled students by High School GPA and Test Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. One can view the retention 0% by clicking on "Retention %" button right below the slicers, Retention Numbers by pressing the "Retention N" button and enrollment Numbers by pressing the "Enrolled N" button.
- 4 Yr Grad Rate by Test Scores→ This tab displays the 4 year graduation % for enrolled students by SAT Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. By clicking on the image , you can change the orientation of the report from horizontal bars to vertical columns.
- 4 Yr Grad Rate by GPA → This tab displays the 4 year graduation % for enrolled students by High School GPA. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. By clicking on the image , you can change the orientation of the report from horizontal bars to vertical columns.
- 4 Yr Grad Trend by Test Scores → This tab displays the 4 year graduation trend for enrolled students by Test Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- 4 Yr Grad Trend by GPA → This tab displays the 4 year graduation trend for enrolled students by High School GPA. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency.
- 4 Yr Graduation Grid → This tab displays the 4 year graduation heatmap for enrolled students by High School GPA and Test Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. One can view the 4 year graduation 0% by clicking on "4 YR Grad %" button right below the slicers, 4 Year Graduation numbers by pressing the "4 YR Grad N" button and enrollment Numbers by pressing the "Enrolled N" button.
- 6 Yr Graduation Grid → This tab displays the 6 year graduation heatmap for enrolled students by High School GPA and Test Scores. This tab can be sliced for Ethnicity, Gender, Campus, College and Residency. One can view the 6 year graduation 0% by clicking on "6 YR Grad %" button right below the slicers, 6 Year Graduation numbers by pressing the "6 YR Grad N" button and enrollment Numbers by pressing the "Enrolled N" button
Data Element | Data Source (underlying data field) | Description | Report Pages |
Admissions Year | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Termid | The year when the applicant applied for admission | All Pages |
APR | FTIC_Student_Success_List → RET2_USF | Academic Progress Rate for Enrolled Students | APR Grid, Retention Grid, 4 Yr Graduation Grid, 6 Yr Graduation Grid |
Campus | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Campus_H | The campus in which student applied | All Pages |
College | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → College | The college in which student applied | All Pages |
Enrolled N | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Final_Adm_Action and SID_Enrollments_All_Vw → Stu_Recent_Adm_Dt | The number of enrolled students for the admission year | APR Grid, Retention Grid, 4 Yr Graduation Grid, 6 Yr Graduation Grid |
Admission Status | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Final_Adm_Action and SID_Enrollments_All_Vw → Stu_Recent_Adm_Dt | The enrollment status of applicants | All Pages |
Ethnicity | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Ethnicity | The ethnicity of applicants | All Pages |
Gender | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Gender | The gender of applicants | All Pages |
GPA Range | SID_Tests_Reqs_All_Vw → HSGPA | The range of High School GPA for the applicants | All Pages except Test Scores Trend For Applicants, Test Scores By Ethnicity, 4 Yr Grad Rate by Test Scores, 4 Yr Grad Trend by Test Scores |
4 Yr Graduation Rate | FTIC_Student_Success_List → Grad4_USF | The 4 year graduation rate for the enrolled students | 4 Yr Grad Rate by Test Scores, 4 Yr Grad Rate by GPA, 4 Yr Graduation Grid, 4 Yr Grad Trend by Test Scores, 4 Yr Grad Trend by GPA |
6 Yr Graduation Rate | FTIC_Student_Success_List → Grad6_USF | The 6 year graduation rate for the enrolled students | 6 Yr Graduation Grid |
Residency | SID_Applicants_Admits_All_Vw → Ethnicity and Fee_Class_Res | The residency status of the applicant | All Pages |
Retention | FTIC_Student_Success_List → RET_USF | The retention information for Enrolled Students | Retention Grid |
Score Range | SID_Tests_Reqs_All_Vw → TEST_SCORE_TYP, TEST_REQ_CD | The range of SAT and ACT Scores after concordance | All Pages except GPA Trend For Applicants, GPA By Ethnicity, 4 Yr Grad Rate by GPA, 4 Yr Grad Trend by GPA |
Filter Panels
Filters are listed on top or on side panel of the report.
- Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results.
- To deselect an item, click on the option again.
- Some filters are radio buttons and you can select only one item. The items in these filters are indicated as round buttons.
- Some filters allow multiple selections. To select multiple values in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the square boxes .
- Filters for the report may not have Blank as an option.
Data Panel
This panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:
- Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
- You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears , you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse.
Options for the Data Panel
Export Data to Excel
To export the data results to Excel, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar will pop up. Click the in the top right corner .
A drop down menu will appear with 'Export data' as one of the options. Select Export Data to work with the data in Excel.
Note : The exported data in Excel may not look exactly like the screen.
Focus Mode
To see the data in Focus Mode, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar