USF Projects Dimension

USF Projects Dimension

Adjusted Award Amount

The total amount of the award after adjustments.

Data Type: Number

Adjustment Amount

The amount of adjustments to the initial award that either increases or decreases the total award amount.

Data Type: Number

Award Amount Total

The total amount dedicated to the project after adjustments.

Data Type: Number

Award Date

The date the award was awarded.

Type: Date

Award Status

Current status of awards: Examples: (ACP, Non,UNW)

Award Type

This field stores the information on types of award.

Data Type: Text

Contract Begin Date

The date contract began.

Type: Text

Contract Business Unit

The business unit associated to the contract, such as GRT01 or None.

Type: Text

Contract Description

The description for the contract with which the employee or traveler is associated.

Type: Text

Contract Employee ID

The Contract Employee ID is the unique element that GEMS assigns to every employee over the course of their employment. An employee has only one Employee ID.

Type: Text

Employee Name

This is the first, middle initial and last name of each employee. This data is maintained and managed within GEMS.

Type: Text

Contract End Date

The date in which a contract for a USF project ends. Format: DD-MMM-YYYY

Type: Text

Contract Number

The contract number with which the employee or traveler is associated.

Type: Text

Contract Title

Contract title entered by traveler or employee for travel request and expense report.

Type: Text

Contract Type

Indicates the type of contract: Federal, State, Private or Other.

Data Type: Text

Cust ID

The ID for the customer with which the employee or traveler is associated.

Type: Text

Dept ID

GM Begin Date

The date GM began. Format: DD-MMM-YYYY

Type: Text

GM Source Income

The GM source income refers to which state the money was earned in.

Type: Text

GM Source Funding

The GM source funding refers to the act of providing financial resources.

Type: Text

Initial Award Amount

The dollar amount initially awarded for the project contract.

Data Type: Number

Primary Sponsor ID

The ID for the primary sponsor with which the project is associated.

Type: Text

Project Begin Date

The date the project began.

Type: Date

Project PI Employee ID

The project PI employee ID is the unique element that GEMS assigns to every PI employee over the course of their employment.

Data Type: Text

Project PI MDM ID

The project PI MDM ID is the single identifier number that is auto-generated for every MDM employee.

Data Type: Number

Project PI Name

PI First, middle and last name associated with the project

Type: Text.

Proposal ID

Identification Number of the related Proposal.


Purpose of the related Grant.

Ref Award Number

This field stores the information on the reference number of an award.

Data Type: Text

Ref Awd Num2

This field stores the information on the second reference number of an award.

Data Type: Text

Sponsor Award ID

Award Identification Number of the associated sponsor.

Sponsor Name

Sponsor name or a related project.

Type: Text

USF Business Unit

The business unit associated to USF, such as USF01.

Type: Text

USF Operating Unit

The operating unit the project is associated with as defined at USF: HSC (Health), LKL (Lakeland), SAR (Sarasota), STP (St Pete), TPA (Tampa), UNV (University).

Data Type: Text

Version ID

Identification text of the related version, such as V1, V2, None.

Type: Text

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