EIS HR CUBE Documentation - Appointment.

EIS HR CUBE Documentation - Appointment.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
AppointmentContract MonthShows the number of months in the appointment contract period
AppointmentContract PeriodShows the contract period for which the employee has been appointed. Values include 9M- 9 month, B & E- Biweekly, H - Hourly, I - 12 month , U1 - Sem 1 contract period, U2 - Sem 2 contract period, UA - Summer A , UB - Summer B, UC - Summer C
AppointmentDate HireShows First start date for current appointment
AppointmentDegree Highest InstitutionName of institution offering the highest degree awarded to the employee
AppointmentDegree Highest SACSHighest degree awarded to the employee that can be counted for SACS purposes
AppointmentDegree Highest SACS YearYear in which the highest degree awarded that can be counted towards SACS purposes was awarded
AppointmentDegree Level GEMSDegree level of the employee as recorded within GEMS
AppointmentEmployee PayplanIdentifies the Pay Plan code which formally describes and governs the policy, methods, procedures, and salary schedule for compensating employees for work performed. Employees are eligible for benefits and deductions based on the salary administration plan code.
AppointmentFaculty Level
AppointmentFlag AdjunctIdentifies if an appointment is an Adjunct
AppointmentFlag CitizenIdentifies if an appointment is a US Citizen
AppointmentFlag Effort ReptIdentifies if an appointment has to be counted for effort reporting purposes. Only appointments having instructional and research activities need to have effort reports
AppointmentFlag FacultyIdentifies if an appointment is a Faculty
AppointmentFlag Faculty RankedIdentifies if an appointment is a ranked faculty 
AppointmentFlag Faculty Tenure Or Tenure TrackIdentifies if an appointment is a faculty member who is either already Tenured or is on a Tenure Track
AppointmentFlag Faculty Tenure TrackIdentifies if an appointment is a faculty member who is on a tenure track
AppointmentFlag Faculty TenuredIdentifies if an appointment is a tenured faculty
AppointmentFlag Faculty VisitingIdentifies if an appointment is a visiting faculty
AppointmentFlag Faculty09 MonthIdentifies if an appointment is a faculty member on a 9 month contract
AppointmentFlag Faculty12 MonthIdentifies if an appointmen is a faculty member on a 12 month /annual contract
AppointmentFlag Full TimeIdentifies full time appointments
AppointmentFlag Full Time Report Or SurveyCustom flag used to identify if the particular appointments needs to be used for specific Reporting or Survey purposes
AppointmentFlag Graduate AsstIdentifies if an appointment is a Graduate Assistant
AppointmentFlag In UnitIdentifies in-unit appointments
AppointmentFlag Instructional FacultyIdentifies if an appointment is an instructional faculty
AppointmentFlag MedicalIdentifies if an appointment belongs to the health colleges
AppointmentFlag New HiresIdentifies if an appointmen is new for the term
AppointmentFlag Position
AppointmentFlag Primary Inst RshIdentifies if an appointment is primarily involved in an  instructional or research capacity
AppointmentFlag Primary RecordIdentifies the primary record of appointment for employees who have multiple appointments
AppointmentFlag Research FacultyIdentifies if the appointment is a faculty member who is primarily involved in a research capacity
AppointmentFlag Survey Admin CUPACustom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the CUPA survey as an administrator
AppointmentFlag Survey Faculty CUPACustom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the CUPA survey as an faculty
AppointmentFlag Survey Faculty OSUAAUPCustom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the OSU & AAUP surveys as a faculty
AppointmentFlag Survey Staff IPEDSCustom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the IPEDS survey as a staff member
AppointmentFlag Terminal DegreeIdentifies if the highest degree associated with the employee appointment is a terminal degree
AppointmentFund Univ Source PrimaryIdentifies the primary funding source for the appointment.
AppointmentInstructional GroupIdentifies the appointment group as either Instructional or Non-Instructional
AppointmentOrg Unit Dep Cost BasedKey Field
AppointmentPerson Admin CodeIdentifies the administrative code associated with the appointment in GEMS
AppointmentPerson Appt StatusIdentifies the status of the appointment in GEMS
AppointmentPerson Class CodeJob Code known as Classification or Class Code. Each classification or job title is assigned a unique four-digit, numerical Job Code.
AppointmentPerson Class Code TitleDescription of Job Code.
AppointmentPerson RankFaculty rank of appointment 
AppointmentPID Empl IDGEMS Employee ID 
AppointmentPID EmployeeUID of Employee
AppointmentPosition NumberA unique numerical sequence used to designate a specific USF position. GEMS automatically assigns assigns 8-digit Position numbers when the position is entered into the system by Budgets. A number, once used, may not be reused.
AppointmentPrimary Contract PeriodIndicates the contract period to which the employee is appointed
AppointmentStaff GroupCustom grouping used for specific reporting purposes
AppointmentPerson GenderGender
AppointmentPerson NameEmployee Name
AppointmentPerson RaceEmployee race
AppointmentPerson TenureTenure status of the appointment
AppointmentPID EmployeeUID of Employee
AppointmentFaculty Group BudgetCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Group DetailCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Group RankCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Group Rank DetailCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Group TenureCustom group
AppointmentFaculty LevelCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Level SortCustom group
AppointmentFaculty Level TitleCustom group
AppointmentGroup Employees CompactCustom group
AppointmentGroup Inst Cost Faculty PositionCustom group
AppointmentGroup Inst Cost Inst StaffCustom group
AppointmentGroup Inst Cost Ten EarnCustom group
AppointmentGroup Instructional StaffCustom group
AppointmentFlag FallIdentifies Fall Terms
AppointmentFlag Fall SpringIdentifies Spring or Fall Term
AppointmentFlag Summer FallIdentifies Fall or Summer Term
AppointmentTerm Academic Year HierarchyShows hierarchy of academic year terms. Each academic year comprises of Summer, Fall and the following Spring
AppointmentTerm Calendar Year HierarchyShows hierarchy of calendar year terms. Each calendar year comprises of Spring , Summer &  Fall of the particular year
AppointmentTerm SortSort Order
AppointmentTerm TitleTerm Title
AppointmentYear AcademicAcademic Year
AppointmentYear CalendarCalendar Year
AppointmentYear Stu Fin AidFinancial Aid Year - Comprises of Fall, following Spring and following Summer term 
AppointmentFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies an academic unit
AppointmentOrg College HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus
AppointmentOrg Department HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus and further all departments under each college
AppointmentOrg Unit CampusCampus
AppointmentOrg Unit Campus Budget Report CodeCampus used for budget reporting
AppointmentOrg Unit Campus SortCampus Sort
AppointmentOrg Unit CollegeCollege
AppointmentOrg Unit DepartmentDepartment
AppointmentOrg Unit Dept Cost BasedKey Field


Cube NameMeasure NameDescriptionExpression
AppointmentFTE EmployeeShows employee appointment FTE
AppointmentSalary TotalShows the total salary of the employee including base and benefits
AppointmentSalary Normalize9 Mth FT No StipendSalary that has been normalized to show the equivalent for a 9 month full time appointment excluding stipends
AppointmentSalary Compare Full TimeSalary prorated to a full time appointment in case the employee is a part time employee
AppointmentSalary Ben BaseEmployee salary comprising of only base + benefits
AppointmentSalary Stipend TotalStipends earned by employee
AppointmentSalary Primary Contract Period

AppointmentSalary Pay PeriodSalary component for each payperiod including benefits and base but excluding stipends
AppointmentSalary Effort Rept Pay PeriodSalary component for each payperiod including benefits and base but excluding stipends that is counted towards effort reporting 
AppointmentSalary Term Appt BasedSalary component totals  for each term 
AppointmentFTE Term Appt BasedTotal FTE for the term based on the appointment of the employee
AppointmentCount Employee DistinctShows a unique instance of the employee at the grouping level selected.
AppointmentCount EmployeeShows count of instances of employee at the grouping level selected. Can be duplicated if employee has multiple appointments
AppointmentSalary Total AverageComputed field showing average salary[Salary Total]/[Count Employee]

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