EIS HR CUBE Documentation - Appointment.
EIS HR CUBE Documentation - Appointment.
Cube Name | Dimension Unique Name | Description |
Appointment | Contract Month | Shows the number of months in the appointment contract period |
Appointment | Contract Period | Shows the contract period for which the employee has been appointed. Values include 9M- 9 month, B & E- Biweekly, H - Hourly, I - 12 month , U1 - Sem 1 contract period, U2 - Sem 2 contract period, UA - Summer A , UB - Summer B, UC - Summer C |
Appointment | Date Hire | Shows First start date for current appointment |
Appointment | Degree Highest Institution | Name of institution offering the highest degree awarded to the employee |
Appointment | Degree Highest SACS | Highest degree awarded to the employee that can be counted for SACS purposes |
Appointment | Degree Highest SACS Year | Year in which the highest degree awarded that can be counted towards SACS purposes was awarded |
Appointment | Degree Level GEMS | Degree level of the employee as recorded within GEMS |
Appointment | Employee Payplan | Identifies the Pay Plan code which formally describes and governs the policy, methods, procedures, and salary schedule for compensating employees for work performed. Employees are eligible for benefits and deductions based on the salary administration plan code. |
Appointment | Faculty Level | |
Appointment | Flag Adjunct | Identifies if an appointment is an Adjunct |
Appointment | Flag Citizen | Identifies if an appointment is a US Citizen |
Appointment | Flag Effort Rept | Identifies if an appointment has to be counted for effort reporting purposes. Only appointments having instructional and research activities need to have effort reports |
Appointment | Flag Faculty | Identifies if an appointment is a Faculty |
Appointment | Flag Faculty Ranked | Identifies if an appointment is a ranked faculty |
Appointment | Flag Faculty Tenure Or Tenure Track | Identifies if an appointment is a faculty member who is either already Tenured or is on a Tenure Track |
Appointment | Flag Faculty Tenure Track | Identifies if an appointment is a faculty member who is on a tenure track |
Appointment | Flag Faculty Tenured | Identifies if an appointment is a tenured faculty |
Appointment | Flag Faculty Visiting | Identifies if an appointment is a visiting faculty |
Appointment | Flag Faculty09 Month | Identifies if an appointment is a faculty member on a 9 month contract |
Appointment | Flag Faculty12 Month | Identifies if an appointmen is a faculty member on a 12 month /annual contract |
Appointment | Flag Full Time | Identifies full time appointments |
Appointment | Flag Full Time Report Or Survey | Custom flag used to identify if the particular appointments needs to be used for specific Reporting or Survey purposes |
Appointment | Flag Graduate Asst | Identifies if an appointment is a Graduate Assistant |
Appointment | Flag In Unit | Identifies in-unit appointments |
Appointment | Flag Instructional Faculty | Identifies if an appointment is an instructional faculty |
Appointment | Flag Medical | Identifies if an appointment belongs to the health colleges |
Appointment | Flag New Hires | Identifies if an appointmen is new for the term |
Appointment | Flag Position | |
Appointment | Flag Primary Inst Rsh | Identifies if an appointment is primarily involved in an instructional or research capacity |
Appointment | Flag Primary Record | Identifies the primary record of appointment for employees who have multiple appointments |
Appointment | Flag Research Faculty | Identifies if the appointment is a faculty member who is primarily involved in a research capacity |
Appointment | Flag Survey Admin CUPA | Custom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the CUPA survey as an administrator |
Appointment | Flag Survey Faculty CUPA | Custom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the CUPA survey as an faculty |
Appointment | Flag Survey Faculty OSUAAUP | Custom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the OSU & AAUP surveys as a faculty |
Appointment | Flag Survey Staff IPEDS | Custom flag used to identify if appointment needs to be included in the IPEDS survey as a staff member |
Appointment | Flag Terminal Degree | Identifies if the highest degree associated with the employee appointment is a terminal degree |
Appointment | Fund Univ Source Primary | Identifies the primary funding source for the appointment. |
Appointment | Instructional Group | Identifies the appointment group as either Instructional or Non-Instructional |
Appointment | Org Unit Dep Cost Based | Key Field |
Appointment | Person Admin Code | Identifies the administrative code associated with the appointment in GEMS |
Appointment | Person Appt Status | Identifies the status of the appointment in GEMS |
Appointment | Person Class Code | Job Code known as Classification or Class Code. Each classification or job title is assigned a unique four-digit, numerical Job Code. |
Appointment | Person Class Code Title | Description of Job Code. |
Appointment | Person Rank | Faculty rank of appointment |
Appointment | PID Empl ID | GEMS Employee ID |
Appointment | PID Employee | UID of Employee |
Appointment | Position Number | A unique numerical sequence used to designate a specific USF position. GEMS automatically assigns assigns 8-digit Position numbers when the position is entered into the system by Budgets. A number, once used, may not be reused. |
Appointment | Primary Contract Period | Indicates the contract period to which the employee is appointed |
Appointment | Staff Group | Custom grouping used for specific reporting purposes |
Appointment | Person Gender | Gender |
Appointment | Person Name | Employee Name |
Appointment | Person Race | Employee race |
Appointment | Person Tenure | Tenure status of the appointment |
Appointment | PID Employee | UID of Employee |
Appointment | Faculty Group Budget | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Group Detail | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Group Rank | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Group Rank Detail | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Group Tenure | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Level | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Level Sort | Custom group |
Appointment | Faculty Level Title | Custom group |
Appointment | Group Employees Compact | Custom group |
Appointment | Group Inst Cost Faculty Position | Custom group |
Appointment | Group Inst Cost Inst Staff | Custom group |
Appointment | Group Inst Cost Ten Earn | Custom group |
Appointment | Group Instructional Staff | Custom group |
Appointment | Flag Fall | Identifies Fall Terms |
Appointment | Flag Fall Spring | Identifies Spring or Fall Term |
Appointment | Flag Summer Fall | Identifies Fall or Summer Term |
Appointment | Term | Term |
Appointment | Term Academic Year Hierarchy | Shows hierarchy of academic year terms. Each academic year comprises of Summer, Fall and the following Spring |
Appointment | Term Calendar Year Hierarchy | Shows hierarchy of calendar year terms. Each calendar year comprises of Spring , Summer & Fall of the particular year |
Appointment | Term Sort | Sort Order |
Appointment | Term Title | Term Title |
Appointment | Year Academic | Academic Year |
Appointment | Year Calendar | Calendar Year |
Appointment | Year Stu Fin Aid | Financial Aid Year - Comprises of Fall, following Spring and following Summer term |
Appointment | Flag Org Unit Academic | Identifies an academic unit |
Appointment | Org College Hierarchy | Organizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus |
Appointment | Org Department Hierarchy | Organizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus and further all departments under each college |
Appointment | Org Unit Campus | Campus |
Appointment | Org Unit Campus Budget Report Code | Campus used for budget reporting |
Appointment | Org Unit Campus Sort | Campus Sort |
Appointment | Org Unit College | College |
Appointment | Org Unit Department | Department |
Appointment | Org Unit Dept Cost Based | Key Field |
Cube Name | Measure Name | Description | Expression |
Appointment | FTE Employee | Shows employee appointment FTE | |
Appointment | Salary Total | Shows the total salary of the employee including base and benefits | |
Appointment | Salary Normalize9 Mth FT No Stipend | Salary that has been normalized to show the equivalent for a 9 month full time appointment excluding stipends | |
Appointment | Salary Compare Full Time | Salary prorated to a full time appointment in case the employee is a part time employee | |
Appointment | Salary Ben Base | Employee salary comprising of only base + benefits | |
Appointment | Salary Stipend Total | Stipends earned by employee | |
Appointment | Salary Primary Contract Period | ||
Appointment | Salary Pay Period | Salary component for each payperiod including benefits and base but excluding stipends | |
Appointment | Salary Effort Rept Pay Period | Salary component for each payperiod including benefits and base but excluding stipends that is counted towards effort reporting | |
Appointment | Salary Term Appt Based | Salary component totals for each term | |
Appointment | FTE Term Appt Based | Total FTE for the term based on the appointment of the employee | |
Appointment | Count Employee Distinct | Shows a unique instance of the employee at the grouping level selected. | |
Appointment | Count Employee | Shows count of instances of employee at the grouping level selected. Can be duplicated if employee has multiple appointments | |
Appointment | Salary Total Average | Computed field showing average salary | [Salary Total]/[Count Employee] |
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