EIS Student CUBE Documentation - Courses Taken.

EIS Student CUBE Documentation - Courses Taken.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
Course TakenCourse Org Department  Hierarchy
Course TakenCourse Org Unit College Hierarchy
Course TakenFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies if the course unit is academic or not.
Course TakenOrg Unit CampusUnique campus name, for cross system use
Course TakenOrg Unit CollegeUnique College Code, similar to banner for College by campus
Course TakenOrg Unit College GroupGrouping to identify Health vs Non-Health colleges
Course TakenOrg Unit DepartmentUnique College Department Code
Course TakenCourse CIPCourse CIP Code. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
Course TakenCourse CIP GroupCourse CIP group identified by using the leading two characters of the entire program CIP.
Course TakenCourse CIP Hierarchy
Course TakenCourse CIP TitleCourse CIP Title. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
Course TakenCourse Days In Week MeetingCourse Days In Week Meeting
Course TakenCourse Delivery MethodA classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction. Full Distance Learning Course. Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.Primarily Classroom Course - Primarily Classroom Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (ie, labs, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc).Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both.Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direc
Course TakenCourse DetailComplete course identifier in the format of Course Prefix - Course Number - Course Section Course sectiontype (course reference number)
Course TakenCourse IDSynthetic key designed to identify unique courses at the section level
Course TakenCourse IdentifierCourse identifier in the format CoursePrefix CourseNumber CourseSection
Course TakenCourse Level GroupCourse level identified as undegraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate course have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000
Course TakenCourse NumberA code which includes the level of a course and which is assigned to identify the course in a systematic manner
Course TakenCourse PrefixThe alpha abbreviation which is assigned to a course, by Common Course Numbering.
Course TakenCourse Prefix Number TitleCourse identifier in the format of CoursePrefix  - Course number Course Title
Course TakenCourse Ref NumberUnique identifier to distinguish courses down to its lowermost granularity.
Course TakenCourse SectionA unique identifier assigned by the institution for each section of a course offered during the term reported.
Course TakenCourse Section TypeThe means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File.
Course TakenCourse Session IDAn indicator used by the universities to uniquely identify a session of less than 10 weeks within a summer term OR less than full term for fall and spring terms.
Course TakenCourse SiteThe official number or other identifier that serves to uniquely identify the site within the university.
Course TakenCourse Site AddressAddress of the site where the course if offered.
Course TakenCourse Site CountyCounty of the site where the course is being offered.
Course TakenCourse TitleCourse Title
Course TakenFlag Education AbroadIdentifies courses that are education abroad. Specifically courses which have a Session_Code = 1 in SSBSECT table in Banner
Course TakenFlag FKLIdentifies general education courses. Also called foundation of knowledge and learning courses.
Course TakenFlag MaymesterIdentifies courses offered in the special maymester time frame
Course TakenFlag Winter SessionIdentifies courses offered in the special winter session time frame
Course TakenFunding SourceA code to indicate the budget entity of the department offering the course section.
Course TakenInstructor Primary NameName of the primary instructor associated with the course
Course TakenInstructor Primary PIDID of the primary instructor associated with the course.
Course TakenMeasures
Course TakenFlag FallIdentifies fall terms.
Course TakenFlag Fall SpringIdentfies fall and spring terms.
Course TakenFlag Summer FallIdentifies summer and fall terms.
Course TakenTermTerm of record.
Course TakenTerm Academic Year HierarchyTerm Academic Year Hierarchy
Course TakenTerm Calendar Year  HierarchyTerm Calendar Year  Hierarchy
Course TakenTerm TitleTerm Title of record.
Course TakenYear AcademicAcademic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring.
Course TakenYear CalendarCalendar year as identified by Spring + Summer + Fall.
Course TakenYear Stu Fin AidFinancial Aid year as identified by Fall + Spring + Summer.
Course TakenLatest Benchmark This field provides the latest benchmark for which data has been loaded by term


Cube NameMeasure NameMeasure DescriptionEXPRESSION
Course Taken% Count of Total for Col Case when isempty([Course Count])  then null  else iif(isempty(Axis(0).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember.Parent),1,[Course Count]/(Axis(0).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember.Parent,Measures.[Course Count]))  End
Course Taken% Count of Total for Row Case when isempty([Course Count])  then null  else iif(isempty(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember.Parent),1,[Course Count]/(Axis(1).Item(0).Item(0).Dimension.CurrentMember.Parent,Measures.[Course Count]))  End
Course TakenCourse CountCourse Count 
Course TakenCourse Credit HoursCourse Credit Hours 
Course TakenCourse HeadcountStudents enrolled in courses 
Course TakenCredit Hours Doctoral FundableCredit Hours Doctoral Fundable 
Course TakenCredit Hours Doctoral GrossCredit Hours Doctoral Gross 
Course TakenCredit Hours FundableThe number of State Fundable Hours based on Student Section Funding Flag, type of Course Section and/or Fee Waiver Kind 
Course TakenCredit Hours Fundable AARThe number of State Fundable Hours based on Student Section Funding Flag, type of Course Section and/or Fee Waiver Kind as per BOG Accountability methodology 
Course TakenCredit Hours GrossA quantitative measurement, stated in semester hours, which is the number of hours for which a student may be enrolled for credit for this course section 

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