EIS Workload CUBE Documentation - Activity.

EIS Workload CUBE Documentation - Activity.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
ActivityActivity TypeIdentfies the various types of workload activities
ActivityActivity Type GroupGrouping the workload activities by Course vs Instruction Related vs Non-Instruction Related vs Sponsored
ActivityActivity Type HierarchyHierarchy showing the workload activity grouping along with the various activities associated with them
ActivityActivity Type TitleWorkload activity title
ActivityFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies if the workload activity unit is an academic unit
ActivityOrg College HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus
ActivityOrg Department HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus and further all departments under each college
ActivityOrg Unit CampusCampus that is funding the workload activity
ActivityOrg Unit Campus Budget Report CodeCampus used for budget reporting
ActivityOrg Unit CollegeCollege that is funding the workload activity
ActivityOrg Unit DepartmentDepartment that is fundind the workload activity
ActivityOrg Unit Dept CIPPrimary CIP associated with the department that is funding the workload activity
ActivityOrg Unit Dept Cost BasedKey Field
ActivityActivity Org UnitKey Field
ActivityCourse CIPPrimary CIP associated with the course
ActivityCourse CIP TitlePrimary CIP title associated with the course
ActivityCourse Delivery MethodA classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction. Full Distance Learning Course. Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.Primarily Classroom Course - Primarily Classroom Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (ie, labs, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc).Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both.Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direc
ActivityCourse EnrollmentTotal number of students enrolled in the course
ActivityCourse IdentifierCourse identifier in the format CoursePrefix CourseNumber CourseSection
ActivityCourse Instruction TypeIdentifies nature of the course as Individual vs Organized vs Other Or if it is non course
ActivityCourse Instruction Type LevelIdentifies the nature of the course section as Individual Dissertaion vs Other vs Thesis vs Organized OR if it’s a  Non course
ActivityCourse LevelIdentifies the level of the course as Upper vs Lower vs Grad I vs Grad II
ActivityCourse Level GroupCourse level identified as undegraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate course have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000
ActivityCourse Level Group SortSort order for course level group
ActivityCourse Level SortSort order for course level
ActivityCourse Section TypeThe means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File.
ActivityCourse SiteThe official number or other identifier that serves to uniquely identify the site within the university.
ActivityCourse Site AddressAddress of the site where the course if offered.
ActivityCourse Site CountyCounty of the site where the course is being offered.
ActivityFlag Cost ShareIdentifies if the activity is a Cost Share activity
ActivityFlag CourseIdentifies if the activity is a course
ActivityFlag FKLIdentifies general education courses. Also called foundation of knowledge and learning courses.
ActivityFunding SourceA code to indicate the budget entity of the department offering the course section.
ActivityTerm ActivityTerm associated with the activity
ActivityWorkload Activity IDKey Field
ActivityWorkload Activity TitleWorkload Activity Title
ActivityContract MonthShows the number of months in the appointment contract period
ActivityContract PeriodShows the contract period for which the employee has been appointed. Values include 9M- 9 month, B & E- Biweekly, H - Hourly, I - 12 month , U1 - Sem 1 contract period, U2 - Sem 2 contract period, UA - Summer A , UB - Summer B, UC - Summer C
ActivityEmployee PayplanIdentifies the Pay Plan code which formally describes and governs the policy, methods, procedures, and salary schedule for compensating employees for work performed. Employees are eligible for benefits and deductions based on the salary administration plan code.
ActivityEmployee Payplan Rank GroupCustom group showing payplan and ranks
ActivityFaculty Level
ActivityFlag AdjunctIdentifies if an appointment is an Adjunct
ActivityFlag FacultyIdentifies if an appointment is a Faculty
ActivityFlag Faculty RankedIdentifies if an appointment is a ranked faculty 
ActivityFlag Faculty Tenure Or Tenure EarningIdentifies if an appointment is a faculty member who is either already Tenured or is on a Tenure Track
ActivityFlag Faculty TenuredIdentifies if an appointment is a tenured faculty
ActivityFlag Faculty VisitingIdentifies if an appointment is a visiting faculty
ActivityFlag Faculty09 MonthIdentifies if an appointment is a faculty member on a 9 month contract
ActivityFlag Faculty12 MonthIdentifies if an appointmen is a faculty member on a 12 month /annual contract
ActivityFlag Full TimeIdentifies full time appointments
ActivityFlag Graduate AsstIdentifies if an appointment is a Graduate Assistant
ActivityFlag In UnitIdentifies in-unit appointments
ActivityFlag Instructional FacultyIdentifies if an appointment is an instructional faculty
ActivityFlag Primary Inst RshIdentifies if an appointment is primarily involved in an  instructional or research capacity
ActivityFlag Primary RecordIdentifies the primary record of appointment for employees who have multiple appointments
ActivityFlag Research FacultyIdentifies if the appointment is a faculty member who is primarily involved in a research capacity
ActivityFlag Teaching CoursesIdentifies if the appointment is involved with teaching courses
ActivityFlag Terminal DegreeIdentifies if the highest degree associated with the employee appointment is a terminal degree
ActivityOrg Unit Dep Cost BasedKey Field
ActivityPerson Admin CodeIdentifies the administrative code associated with the appointment in GEMS
ActivityPerson Appt StatusIdentifies the status of the appointment in GEMS
ActivityPerson Class CodeJob Code known as Classification or Class Code. Each classification or job title is assigned a unique four-digit, numerical Job Code.
ActivityPerson NameName
ActivityPerson RankRank
ActivityPerson Rank SortRank Sort Order
ActivityPID EmployeeUID of employee
ActivityPrimary Contract PeriodIndicates the contract period to which the employee is appointed
ActivityFaculty Group BudgetCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Group DetailCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Group RankCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Group Rank DetailCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Group TenureCustom Group
ActivityFaculty LevelCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Level SortCustom Group
ActivityFaculty Level TitleCustom Group
ActivityGroup Employees CompactCustom Group
ActivityGroup Inst Cost Faculty PositionCustom Group
ActivityGroup Inst Cost Inst StaffCustom Group
ActivityGroup Inst Cost Ten EarnCustom Group
ActivityGroup Instructional StaffCustom Group
ActivityFlag FallIdentifies Fall Terms
ActivityFlag Fall SpringIdentifies Spring or Fall Term
ActivityFlag Summer FallIdentifies Fall or Summer Term
ActivityTerm Academic Year HierarchyShows hierarchy of academic year terms. Each academic year comprises of Summer, Fall and the following Spring
ActivityTerm Calendar Year HierarchyShows hierarchy of calendar year terms. Each calendar year comprises of Spring , Summer &  Fall of the particular year
ActivityTerm TitleTerm Title
ActivityYear AcademicAcademic Year
ActivityYear CalendarCalendar Year
ActivityYear Stu Fin AidFinancial Aid Year - Comprises of Fall, following Spring and following Summer term 
ActivityFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies an academic unit
ActivityOrg College HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus
ActivityOrg Department HierarchyOrganizational hierarchy showing campus and all the colleges under that campus and further all departments under each college
ActivityOrg Unit CampusCampus
ActivityOrg Unit Campus Budget Report CodeCampus used for budget reporting
ActivityOrg Unit CollegeCampus Sort
ActivityOrg Unit DepartmentCollege
ActivityOrg Unit Dept CIPDepartment
ActivityOrg Unit Dept Cost BasedKey Field


Cube NameMeasure NameDescriptionEXPRESSION
ActivityWorkload Activity FTEFTE associated with the particular activity
ActivityAmount Activity CostCost associated with the particular workload activity
ActivityWorkload Portion Of SectionPortion of section of workload as associated with the particular workload activity
ActivityWorkload Activity Person YearPerson years as counted towards the particular workload activity
ActivityCredit Hours Gross WorkloadGross credit hours for a course activity
ActivityCredit Hours Fundable WorkloadFundable credit hours for a course activity
ActivityCredit Hours Doctoral Gross EffortGross credit hours for a doctoral course activity
ActivityCredit Hours Doctoral Fundable EffortFundable credit hours for a doctoral course activity
ActivityCount Workload ActivityCount of workload activities
ActivityCredit Hours Grad2 WorkloadCredit hours towards Grad 2 type course activity
ActivityCredit Hours Grad1 WorkloadCredit hours towards Grad 1 type course activity
ActivityWorkload Activity CountCount of workload activities
ActivityCount Employee DistinctDistinct count of employees

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