EIS Tuition CUBE Documentation - Courses.

EIS Tuition CUBE Documentation - Courses.


Cube NameDimension Unique NameDescription
TuitionCourseCIPCIP Code. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
TuitionCourseCIP GroupCIP group identified by using the leading two characters of the entire program CIP.
TuitionCourseCIP Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCIP Strategic Emphasis GroupCIP grouping as identified by the BOG as being a part of specific areas for strategic emphasis. The various groups include - EDUCATION,GAP ANALYSIS,Globalization,HEALTH,STEM
TuitionCourseCIP TitleCIP Title. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
TuitionCourseCourse Days In Week Meeting
TuitionCourseCourse Delivery MethodA classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction. Full Distance Learning Course. Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.Primarily Classroom Course - Primarily Classroom Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (ie, labs, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc).Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both.Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direc
TuitionCourseCourse DetailComplete course identifier in the format of Course Prefix - Course Number - Course Section Course sectiontype (course reference number)
TuitionCourseCourse IdentifierCourse identifier in the format CoursePrefix CourseNumber CourseSection
TuitionCourseCourse Level GroupCourse level identified as undegraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate course have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000
TuitionCourseCourse NumberA code which includes the level of a course and which is assigned to identify the course in a systematic manner
TuitionCourseCourse PrefixThe alpha abbreviation which is assigned to a course, by Common Course Numbering.
TuitionCourseCourse Prefix Number TitleCourse identifier in the format of CoursePrefix  - Course number Course Title
TuitionCourseCourse Prefix Section Number Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCourse Reference NumberUnique identifier to distinguish courses down to its lowermost granularity.
TuitionCourseCourse SectionA unique identifier assigned by the institution for each section of a course offered during the term reported.
TuitionCourseCourse Section TypeThe means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File.
TuitionCourseCourse Session IDAn indicator used by the universities to uniquely identify a session of less than 10 weeks within a summer term OR less than full term for fall and spring terms.
TuitionCourseCourse SiteThe official number or other identifier that serves to uniquely identify the site within the university.
TuitionCourseCourse Site AddressAddress of the site where the course if offered.
TuitionCourseCourse Site CountyCounty of the site where the course is being offered.
TuitionCourseCourse TitleCourse Title
TuitionCourseFlag GenEd FKLIdentifies general education courses. Also called foundation of knowledge and learning courses.
TuitionCourseFlag MaymesterIdentifies courses offered in the special maymester time frame
TuitionCourseFlag Professional ProgramThis flag identifies courses as belonging to professional programs like MD, Pharmacy or Physical Therapy
TuitionCourseFlag Valid CourseUsed to distinguish fake placeholder courses created for balancing unmatched dollar records.
TuitionCourseFlag Winter SessionIdentifies courses offered in the special winter session time frame
TuitionCourseFunding SourceA code to indicate the budget entity of the department offering the course section.
TuitionCourseInstructor Primary NameName of the primary instructor associated with the course
TuitionCourseInstructor Primary PIDID of the primary instructor associated with the course.
TuitionCourseStrategic Emphasis CIP Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCourse Camp-Coll-Dept Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCourse Camp-Group-Coll-Dept Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCourse CampusCampus unit that is funding the course.
TuitionCourseCourse Campus College Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCourse CollegeCollege that is funding the course.
TuitionCourseCourse DepartmentDepartment that is funding the course.
TuitionCourseFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies if the course unit is academic or not.
TuitionCourseOrg Unit College GroupGrouping to identify Health vs Non-Health colleges
TuitionCourseData Last Refreshed Date
TuitionCourseAcademic Year Hierarchy
TuitionCourseCalendar Year Hierarchy
TuitionCourseFinancial Aid Year Hierarchy
TuitionCourseFlag FallIdentifies fall terms.
TuitionCourseFlag Time Unit Fall SpringIdentfies fall and spring terms.
TuitionCourseFlag Time Unit Summer FallIdentifies summer and fall terms.
TuitionCourseTermTerm of record.
TuitionCourseTerm TitleTerm Title of record.
TuitionCourseYear AcademicAcademic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring.
TuitionCourseYear CalendarCalendar year as identified by Spring + Summer + Fall.
TuitionCourseYear Stu Fin AidFinancial Aid year as identified by Fall + Spring + Summer.


TuitionCourseGross Tuition [Revenue AGOS] + [Revenue Differential] + [Revenue Programmatic] + [Revenue Tuition] + [Revenue OOS]
TuitionCourseTotal Exemptions [Exemption EG] + [Exemption EGOOS] + [Exemption Statutory] + [Exemption Statutory Differential] + [Exemption Statutory Lakeland] + [Exemption Statutory OOS]
TuitionCourseTotal E&G Exemptions [Exemption EG] + [Exemption EGOOS]
TuitionCourseTotal Statutory Exemptions [Exemption Statutory] + [Exemption Statutory Differential] + [Exemption Statutory Lakeland] + [Exemption Statutory OOS]
TuitionCourseNet Tuition [Gross Tuition] - [Total Exemptions]
TuitionCourseRevenue TuitionTuition revenue less into and self-funded waiver amounts 
TuitionCourseRevenue OOSOut-of-State fee revenue
TuitionCourseRevenue AGOSGraduate Assitant Out-of-State Fee Waiver - A psuedo-waiver that is created to reduce the Out-of-State Fee amount for Graduate Assistants; Should be applied against Revenue OOS 
TuitionCourseRevenue ProgrammaticProgrammatic tuition revenue; generated by Nursing, Business, and Engineering graduate students
TuitionCourseRevenue DifferentialDifferential tuition revenue generated by undergraduate students
TuitionCourseCourse CountCount of courses
TuitionCourseCredit Hours Fundable StudentThe number of State Fundable Hours based on Student Section Funding Flag, type of Course Section and/or Fee Waiver Kind.
TuitionCourseCredit Hours Gross StudentTotal credit hours generated by student taking a course
TuitionCourseFTE Gross StudentUndergraduate FTE = (UG Gross SCH/40) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Gross SCH/32)
TuitionCourseFTE Fundable StudentUndergraduate FTE = (UG Fundable SCH/40) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Fundable SCH/32)
TuitionCourseFTE Federal Gross StudentUndergraduate FTE = (UG Gross SCH/30) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Gross SCH/24)
TuitionCourseFTE Federal Fundable StudentUndergraduate FTE = (UG Fundable SCH/30) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Fundable SCH/24)
TuitionCourseExemption StatutoryAny statutory  waivers that paid tuition
TuitionCourseExemption Statutory OOSAny statutory waivers that paid the Out-of-State fee
TuitionCourseExemption Statutory DifferentialAny statutory waivers that paid tuition differential tuition
TuitionCourseExemption Statutory LakelandAny statutory waivers that paid tuition - just LKL students
TuitionCourseExemption EGAny non-statutory waivers (a.k.a. funded waivers) that paid tuition
TuitionCourseExemption EGOOSAny non-statutory waivers (a.k.a. funded waivers) that paid the Out-of-State fee 

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