EIS Tuition CUBE Documentation - Student Course.
EIS Tuition CUBE Documentation - Student Course.
Cube Name | Dimension Unique Name | Description |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP | CIP Code. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Group | CIP group identified by using the leading two characters of the entire program CIP. |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Strategic Emphasis Group | CIP grouping as identified by the BOG as being a part of specific areas for strategic emphasis. The various groups include - EDUCATION,GAP ANALYSIS,Globalization,HEALTH,STEM |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Title | CIP Title. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Days In Week Meeting | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Delivery Method | A classification of a course based on the delivery of direct instruction. Full Distance Learning Course. Full Distance Learning Course - 100% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both. All special course components (exams, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc) that cannot be completed online can be completed off-campus.Primarily Classroom Course - Primarily Classroom Course - Less than 50% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both. This designation can include activities that do not occur in a classroom (ie, labs, internships, practica, clinicals, labs, etc).Hybrid Course - 50-79% of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time, space or both.Primarily Distance Learning Course - 80-99% of the direc |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Detail | Complete course identifier in the format of Course Prefix - Course Number - Course Section Course sectiontype (course reference number) |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Identifier | Course identifier in the format CoursePrefix CourseNumber CourseSection |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Level Group | Course level identified as undegraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate course have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000 |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Number | A code which includes the level of a course and which is assigned to identify the course in a systematic manner |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Prefix | The alpha abbreviation which is assigned to a course, by Common Course Numbering. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Prefix Number Title | Course identifier in the format of CoursePrefix - Course number Course Title |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Prefix Section Number Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Reference Number | Unique identifier to distinguish courses down to its lowermost granularity. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Section | A unique identifier assigned by the institution for each section of a course offered during the term reported. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Section Type | The means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Session ID | An indicator used by the universities to uniquely identify a session of less than 10 weeks within a summer term OR less than full term for fall and spring terms. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Site | The official number or other identifier that serves to uniquely identify the site within the university. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Site Address | Address of the site where the course if offered. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Site County | County of the site where the course is being offered. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Title | Course Title |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag GenEd FKL | Identifies general education courses. Also called foundation of knowledge and learning courses. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Maymester | Identifies courses offered in the special maymester time frame |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Professional Program | This flag identifies courses as belonging to professional programs like MD, Pharmacy or Physical Therapy |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Valid Course | Used to distinguish fake placeholder courses created for balancing unmatched dollar records. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Winter Session | Identifies courses offered in the special winter session time frame |
TuitionStudentCourse | Funding Source | A code to indicate the budget entity of the department offering the course section. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Instructor Primary Name | Name of the primary instructor associated with the course |
TuitionStudentCourse | Instructor Primary PID | ID of the primary instructor associated with the course. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Strategic Emphasis CIP Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Camp-Coll-Dept Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Camp-Group-Coll-Dept Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Campus | Campus unit that is funding the course. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Campus College Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course College | College that is funding the course. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Department | Department that is funding the course. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Org Unit Academic | Identifies if the course unit is academic or not. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Org Unit College Group | Grouping to identify Health vs Non-Health colleges |
TuitionStudentCourse | Data Last Refreshed Date | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Measures | |
TuitionStudentCourse | City | City of Nationality |
TuitionStudentCourse | Nation | Country of Nationality |
TuitionStudentCourse | Region | Region according to groups specified by International Admissions. The various regions include - 1.China, Hong Kong, and Macau , 2.East Asia, 3.ECA, 4.MEASA, 5.NCSA, 6.Other |
TuitionStudentCourse | Region Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | State | State within country of nationality |
TuitionStudentCourse | Territory | Sub area grouping as identified by International Admissions to reside within each region. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Level | Identifies the leve of the course. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Level Group | Course level identified as undegraduate or graduate level. Undergraduate course have a course number <= 4999. Graduate courses have a course number >= 5000 |
TuitionStudentCourse | Course Level Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Grade Course | Grade awarded to the student for the particular course |
TuitionStudentCourse | Address State | State Address |
TuitionStudentCourse | Admission Type | Identifies student admission type. Various values include - 1 -FTIC, 2 - College System Transfers, 3 - Other Transfers, 3.5 - Post Bac. Degree Seeking, 4 - Masters/Ed.S., 5 - Doctoral Research, 6 - Doctoral Professional, 7 - Other Non Degree Seeking |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP | CIP Code. Classification associated with the degree program which the student declares is his major. Based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and authorized by the Board of Governors. |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Group | CIP group identified by using the leading two characters of the entire program CIP. |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Strategic Emphasis Group | CIP grouping as identified by the BOG as being a part of specific areas for strategic emphasis. The various groups include - EDUCATION,GAP ANALYSIS,Globalization,HEALTH,STEM |
TuitionStudentCourse | CIP Title | CIP Title. Classification associated with the degree program which the student declares is his major. Based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) and authorized by the Board of Governors. |
TuitionStudentCourse | City | City of person nationality |
TuitionStudentCourse | County Of Residence | County Of Residence |
TuitionStudentCourse | Date Person Birth | Person birth date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
TuitionStudentCourse | Date Student Recent Admit | The year and month of the student's most recent admission or readmission to the institution. This element should reflect the most recent admission date to the institution. It should be updated each time the student proceeds through the admission process, (I.E. An unclassified student who is formally admitted to the institution; or a native student who is admitted to a graduate program.) |
TuitionStudentCourse | Degree Level Sought | The level of degree that will be awarded pending successful completion of the student's current degree program. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Degree Level Sought Detail | Detailed information about the level of degree that will be awarded pending successful completion of the student's current degree program. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Degree Type Highest Student | The highest educational degree, certificate or diploma held by the individual. The code reported here should be the highest degree, certificate or diploma held by the student at the beginning of the term being reported. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Florida Prepaid Before 2007 | Identifies students who entered the Florida Prepaid program prior to 2007 |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Health | Identifies a student belonging to USF Health |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Housing | Identifies students registered for oncampus housing or affiliated housing. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag IPEDS Graduate Student | Identifies students who qualify as graduate students according to IPEDS classification. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag IPEDSFTIC | Identifies students who qualify as an FTIC according to IPEDS classification. Criteria include - Full time only, not withdrawn or deceased, not FSR, not invalid gender. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Person International | Indicates if a person is counted as an international based on the State and Federal definition that uses ethnicity code of Non-resident alien. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Person International USF | Identifies a person as an international based on USF World definiction which uses citizenship code of F-Foreign national. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Honors | Identifies a student as belonging to a Honors program. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Into | Identifies a student as being a part of the INTO program both currently enrolled or having matriculated from it. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student New | Identifies a student as a new student based on the students most recent admit term. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Part Time | Identifies a student as a part time student based on the cummulative credit hours enrolled in a particular term.For Undergraduates in spring and fall terms, if course load is < 12 credits then part time.For Undergraduates in summer terms, if course load is < 8 credits then part time.For Graduates in spring and fall terms, if course load is < 9 then part time.For Graduates in summer terms, if course load is < 6 then part time. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Prepaid Contract | Identifies students who have signed up for prepaid contracts (FPP). |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Received Fin Aid | Identifies students who have received financial aid. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Student Summer Fall | Identifies students who started in summer term and continued only the fall term. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Valid Enrollment | Identifies a valid enrollment. To be used to remove fake records created to account for unknown dollar distributions. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Funding Source | code to indicate the budget entity of the department/college of the student. |
TuitionStudentCourse | INTO Group | Identifies the INTO group to which the person is currently belonging to. |
TuitionStudentCourse | INTO Term Admit | Identifies the intial term of entry into the INTO program. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Age | Age of the person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Citizenship Code | Citizenship code of the person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Gender | Gender |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Name First | First Name of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Name Last | Last Name of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Name Middle | Middle Name of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Nationality | Country of Nationality |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Race | Race/Ethnicity of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Person Residency Type | For students this denotes the student's domicile, within or outside of the State of Florida, identified for the purpose of assessing fees at the institution. Values include - I- Instate Residents and O-Out of state residents |
TuitionStudentCourse | PID Student | UID of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | PID Student System PIDM | OASIS PIDM identifier of person |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student CIP Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Class Code | Class code of student based on their GEMS appointment record. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Classfication | Student classification |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Classification Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Entry Type | Type of student at time of first registration for credit courses at this institution.This element does not change after the first term the student is registered for credit courses |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Fee Class Kind | The classification of the type of registration fees (money charged by the university for instruction) and other payments made by the student to the university for educational purposes. The three classifications are: 1) All general instruction including IFAS (Institute of Food and Agriculture Science), Health Center, Medical Center and audits. 2) Student registered for no credit (graduating student, exams, etc.) 3) Student not registered, degree posted only. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student First Generation Indicator | For in-state, degree-seeking students taking at least 6 credit hours and that completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), this field indicates whether or not the student was determined to be needy and indicated on the FAFSA that, for both parents, the highest school completed was high school or less. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student High School Attended | High school attended by student |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student High School Attended City | City of location of high school attended by student |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student High School Attended State | State of location of high school attended by student |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Institutional Classification | The categorization of the student's progress, as defined by the institution, at the beginning of the term toward a specific degree program, as anticipated after all transcript evaluation and transfer hours are posted. These categories are: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate, Unclassified, First Professional, and Correspondence Course Students. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Last Institution Attended | The Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID) code for the student's most recent post-secondary educational training previous to this institution. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Level | Identifies level of student as graduate or undergraduate. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Major | Identifies the students primary major |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Termination Status | Code indicating termination of student's enrollment in the institution by withdrawing during the term, suspension during the term, suspension at the end of the term or death. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Type | Identifies students as graduate, undergraduate or non-degree. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Visa Type | Identifies students visa type if applicable. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student College | Identifies the students college of registration |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student College Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Department | Identifies the students department of registration. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Department Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Student Home Campus | Identifies students home campus of registration |
TuitionStudentCourse | Academic Year Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Calendar Year Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Financial Aid Year Hierarchy | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Fall | Identifies fall terms. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Time Unit Fall Spring | Identfies fall and spring terms. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Flag Time Unit Summer Fall | Identifies summer and fall terms. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Term | Term of record. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Term Title | Term Title of record. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Year Academic | Academic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Year Calendar | Calendar year as identified by Spring + Summer + Fall. |
TuitionStudentCourse | Year Stu Fin Aid | Financial Aid year as identified by Fall + Spring + Summer. |
Cube Name | Measture Name | DESCRIPTION | EXPRESSION |
TuitionStudentCourse | Gross Tuition | [Revenue AGOS] + [Revenue Differential] + [Revenue OOS] + [Revenue Programmatic] + [Revenue Tuition] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Total Exemptions | [Exemption EG] + [Exemption EGOOS] + [Exemption Statutory] + [Exemption Statutory Differential] + [Exemption Statutory Lakeland] + [Exemption Statutory OOS] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Total E&G Exemptions | [Exemption EG] + [Exemption EGOOS] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Total Statutory Exemptions | [Exemption Statutory] + [Exemption Statutory Differential] + [Exemption Statutory Lakeland] + [Exemption Statutory OOS] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Net Tuition | [Gross Tuition] - [Total Exemptions] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Net Tuition Less FA | [Net Tuition] + [Net Revenue Differential FA] | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Net Differential | Net Differential Revenue computed as difference between Revenue Differential and Exemption Statutory Differential | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Net Revenue Differential FA | This field shows the contra portion of revenue that is always kept aside for Financial Aid from the Net Differential Revenue | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Credit Hours Fundable Student | The number of State Fundable Hours based on Student Section Funding Flag, type of Course Section and/or Fee Waiver Kind. | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Credit Hours Gross Student | Total credit hours generated by student taking a course | |
TuitionStudentCourse | FTE Gross Student | Undergraduate FTE = (UG Gross SCH/40) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Gross SCH/32) | |
TuitionStudentCourse | FTE Fundable Student | Undergraduate FTE = (UG Fundable SCH/40) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Fundable SCH/32) | |
TuitionStudentCourse | FTE Federal Gross Student | Undergraduate FTE = (UG Gross SCH/30) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Gross SCH/24) | |
TuitionStudentCourse | FTE Federal Fundable Student | Undergraduate FTE = (UG Fundable SCH/30) ; Graduate FTE = (GR Fundable SCH/24) | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Courses Registered Count | Number of courses having tuition being applied to them | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Revenue Tuition | Tuition revenue less into and self-funded waiver amounts | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Revenue AGOS | Graduate Assitant Out-of-State Fee Waiver - A psuedo-waiver that is created to reduce the Out-of-State Fee amount for Graduate Assistants; Should be applied against Revenue OOS | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Revenue Programmatic | Programmatic tuition revenue; generated by Nursing, Business, and Engineering graduate students | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Revenue Differential | Differential tuition revenue generated by undergraduate students | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Revenue OOS | Out-of-State fee revenue | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Tuition Student Count | Number of students having a tuition component record | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption Statutory | Any statutory waivers that paid tuition | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption Statutory OOS | Any statutory waivers that paid the Out-of-State fee | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption Statutory Differential | Any statutory waivers that paid tuition differential tuition | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption Statutory Lakeland | Any statutory waivers that paid tuition - just LKL students | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption EG | Any non-statutory waivers (a.k.a. funded waivers) that paid tuition | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption EGOOS | Any non-statutory waivers (a.k.a. funded waivers) that paid the Out-of-State fee | |
TuitionStudentCourse | Exemption Student Count | Number of students having an exemption component record |