EIS Student CUBE Documentation - Degree Awarded.

EIS Student CUBE Documentation - Degree Awarded.


Cube Name Dimension Unique NameDescription
Degree AwardedCIPCIP Code. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
Degree AwardedCIP GroupCIP group identified by using the leading two characters of the entire program CIP.
Degree AwardedCIP Hierarchy
Degree AwardedCIP Strategic Emphasis GroupCIP grouping as identified by the BOG as being a part of specific areas for strategic emphasis. The various values are: EDUCATION, GAP ANALYSIS, Globalization, HEALTH, STEM
Degree AwardedCIP TitleCIP Title. Classification associated with the major emphasis of the course program category or other activity. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 
Degree AwardedFlag Org Unit AcademicIdentifies if the course unit is academic or not.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit CampusCampus unit that is funding the course.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit Campus SortSorting order for Campus.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit CollegeCollege that is funding the course.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit DepartmentDepartment that is funding the course.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit Dept Cost Based
Degree AwardedOrg Unit Major Hierarchy
Degree AwardedStudent MajorIdentifies the student's primary major.
Degree AwardedStudent Major TitleTitle of student's primary major.
Degree AwardedOrg College HierarchyOrg College Hierarchy.
Degree AwardedOrg Department  HierarchyOrg Department Hierarchy.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit CampusUnique campus name, for cross system use.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit CollegeUnique College Code, similar to banner for College by campus.
Degree AwardedOrg Unit DepartmentDepartment that is funding the course.
Degree AwardedDegree CIPThe classification associated with the degree program in which the degree was awarded. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES).
Degree AwardedDegree Level AwardedThe degree, certificate, or diploma awarded the student this term.
Degree AwardedDegree Level Awarded DetailDetails of the degree, certificate, or diploma awarded the student this term.
Degree AwardedDegree Level Sort
Degree AwardedFlag Excess HoursIdentifies if an undergraduate student generated excess hours towards their bachelors degree. It is only set for UG students and primary majors.
Degree AwardedFlag Valid Excess Hours DegreeIdentifies if the particular degree can count towards the generation of excess hours. To be used when computing excess hours.
Degree AwardedPerson GenderGender of person.
Degree AwardedPerson NameName of person.
Degree AwardedPerson RaceRace/Ethnicity of person.
Degree AwardedStudent IDUID of person,
Degree AwardedStudent TypeStudent type according to most recent admit status.
Degree AwardedTime Unit TermTime Unit Term.
Degree AwardedMeasures
Degree AwardedFlag FallIdentifies fall terms.
Degree AwardedFlag Fall SpringIdentifies fall and spring terms.
Degree AwardedFlag Summer FallIdentifies summer and fall terms.
Degree AwardedTermTerm of record.
Degree AwardedTerm Academic Year HierarchyTerm Academic Year Hierarchy.
Degree AwardedTerm Calendar Year  HierarchyTerm Calendar Year  Hierarchy.
Degree AwardedTerm TitleTerm Title of record.
Degree AwardedYear AcademicAcademic year as identified by Summer + Fall + Spring.
Degree AwardedYear CalendarCalendar year as identified by Spring + Summer + Fall.
Degree AwardedYear Stu Fin AidFinancial Aid year as identified by Fall + Spring + Summer.
Degree AwardedLatest Benchmark This field provides the latest benchmark for which data has been loaded by term


Cube NameMeasure NameMeasure DescriptionExpression
Degree AwardedCount Degree AwardedCount Degree AwardedCount of degrees awarded.
Degree AwardedCount Degree Awarded DistinctCount Degree Awarded DistinctDistinct count by person of degrees awarded.
Degree AwardedThreshold HoursThreshold HoursThe max hours that are allowable according to the BOG for the particular program. Typically it is 1.1 times the catalog hours.
Degree AwardedTotal Exemptions HoursTotal Exemptions HoursSum of all hours that can be treated as exemptions while computing the Excess Hours.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Exam CreditExemptions Hours Exam CreditExam Credit hours that can be exempted as an accelerated mechanism.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Dual EnrollmentExemptions Hours Dual EnrollmentDual enrolled hours that can be exempted as an accelerated mechanism.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours InternshipExemptions Hours InternshipInternship hours that can be exempted. This should include externships, practicums, and supervised teaching activities within teacher education.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours College PrepExemptions Hours College PrepCollege prep hours that can be exempted as an accelerated mechanism.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Military SciencesExemptions Hours Military SciencesMilitary sciences exemption credits. This identifies courses that are part of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Personal HardshipExemptions Hours Personal HardshipPersonal Hardship exemption credits.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Foreign LanguageExemptions Hours Foreign LanguageForeign language exemption credits. Up to 10 credit hours of foreign language that are used to meet FTIC admission requirements (per Regulation 6.002(1)(h)) are exempt from excess hours.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Active DutyExemptions Hours Active DutyActive duty exemption credit hours. These hours will only include credit hours taken while on active duty.
Degree AwardedExemptions Hours Grade Roll OverExemptions Hours Grade Roll Over
Degree AwardedExcess HoursExcess HoursExcess hours generated by the particular student getting the undergraduate degree. Formula used is (All Native + Non Native Hours used towards degree) - (Catalog hours * 1.1) - (Exempted hours).
Degree AwardedExcess Hours Student CountExcess Hours Student CountCount of students with excess hours.
Degree AwardedNumber of Program ChangesNumber of Program ChangesShows how many instances occurred wherein the student changed his or her program. Only set for UG students getting bachelor degrees.
Degree AwardedPercentage of Degree Awarded TotalPercentage of Degree Awarded Total
Degree AwardedAverage Degree Awarded By Academic YearAverage Degree Awarded By Academic Year

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