College Accountability, Reviews & PPA

College Accountability, Reviews & PPA

College Accountability is the new platform that encompasses the College Review and PPA data packets and displays them online as data reports and dashboards.  This was created during the 2022-2023 College Review process.  The goals and PPA1 were delivered in November in the old format as the new format was being developed.  In April 2023, the new format will be rolled out and further upgrades will be rolled out as the project finalizes.

College Reviews are a set of comprehensive data reports for all colleges to measure their progress against their goals.  The navigation document was started in 2022 to provide an easier way for Deans, the Provost and other leadership to quickly access college review documentation. It is essentially a table of contents with links to data reports and other documentation.  The primary reports are contained in Box under a folder named Data Packets by College.  These are pdf documents that contain the primary data for colleges.  There is also a glossary housed in the Box folder and an additional folder called Supplemental Reports.  This folder contains additional data that colleges or departments provide to support their college review data.

College Review Data Packets are a part of an annual evaluation of colleges and represent a comprehensive array of data covering the areas of:

  • Student access, retention, progression & success
  • Research, innovation, & creative activity
  • Economic drivers
  • Resources

The following colleges have college review data packets and are stored in Box: (link is under College Review page on ODS website)

  • Arts & Science
  • Behavioral & Communication Science
  • Business
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Global Sustainability
  • Honors
  • Marine Science
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Public Health
  • The Arts
  • USF World

College Review Reports are related data automated by IT and  are available via IT-BIA Data and Analytics Portal(Note, your forest account should be in caps (netid@FOREST.USF.EDU)).

The reports are used  to compare and contrast college performance across the past 5 years. Most data found in these reports are updated at each benchmark and available at the campus, college, and department level. While maintained by IT, the functional data and business process are owned by ODS and data questions should be routed to SSRA staff or ods-data-help@usf.edu . For technical assistance with the D&A portal, please contact it-bia@usf.edu.

For the status of the College Accountability Creation Project,

please see the College Accountability Status Report 

College Review Due Dates are kept on the PPA Confluence page calendar, see https://usfjira.atlassian.net/l/c/k3a9s5ew

College Review/PPA Retrospectives

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