College Accountability Phase 1 (5 Yr Trends) - Retrospective

College Accountability Phase 1 (5 Yr Trends) - Retrospective

Date: May 10, 2023

Attendees: @Sarah Thomas @Valeria Garcia @Shruti Kumar @Sangita Singh @Hennadii Balashov @Xiaoying Liu @Jayakumar Unnikrishnan @Chirag Jain




  • We need to anticipate other resource needs ahead of time - The team will make every attempt.

  • Requested that we use a RACI for roles and responsibilities - In Action Items

  • We can have our 2023 CA Phase 2 Project Dashboard Confluence page link to our College Accountability Teams meeting channel. - Will add this if needed, however, team is using both successfully

  • All project decisions will be recorded in Confluence. - In Action Items

  • Jay and Valeria both suggested that we need to develop more ways to communicate these dashboards out to the user community. - Good idea, needs more discussion. Sarah think ODS needs a marketing plan.

  • Jay suggested that he thought it would be preferable if persons did not supply us data via an excel spreadsheet. Instead, we should have direct access to the data and pull the data via an API or SQL pull. Sarah replied that although this is a good idea, it will require more work to write and maintain the data pulls and we still may need the data owner to validate the data. - To be discussed offline.

  • We need to hold persons who supply data accountable for providing clean data. - Data this round has been much more clean.

  • We need to send out communication to persons we need data from ahead of time. - Team to keep this in mind.

  • If the data is part of the Strategic Plan Metrics, then we should use these data sources. - Team will do this. Jay will assist in getting information on Strat. Plan Metrics.

  • When we have the College Review processes defined, then we should let people know that we will be asking for data soon. Sangita thought a broad announcement would be good. Jay thought an announcement with email would be good. Valeria said that meetings are not always useful because people do not attend and would prefer to send an email announcement. - Decided to send an announcement via email, with a follow up or read-receipt.


Action Items

Include roles & responsiblities in phase 2
All project decisions are being recorded in meeting notes in Confluence.


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