Planning, Performance, and Accountability (PPA)
Mary Kuka-Marchese
Shabnam Mehra
Tina Gainer
Bibiana Pineda-MacDonald
Annually, the Provost and college leadership engage in a review of the highlights, challenges, opportunities and goal setting of each college and unit in Academic Affairs. Throughout the year colleges are provided data updates (PPAs) on goals established in consultation with the Provost and the leadership team, culminating in a final report of actual performance to goal. PPA is part of Student Success Research & Analytics annual projects.
This section of report displays the the metrics for the numbers of students enrolled. The numbers are broken out by Undergraduate Lower Level FTE, Undergraduate Upper Level FTE, Graduate Beginner Level FTE, and Graduate Advance Level FTE.
- Undergraduate Lower Level FTE
A student who has earned less than 60 credit hours, or a student who has not been admitted to the upper division. (BOG)
- Undergraduate Upper Level FTE
A student who has earned 60 or more credit hours or has an associate of arts degree and has completed requirements in English and Mathematics as prescribed by FAC 6A -10.030 or is working toward an additional baccalaureate degree.(BOG)
- Graduate Beginner Level FTE
A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a graduate degree program and is not an advanced graduate student.(BOG)
- Graduate Advanced Level FTE
A graduate student who has been formally admitted to a recognized Doctoral or Post - Masters's degree program.(BOG)
- Total FTE - Gross
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) student is a measure of instructional effort (and student activity) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll by course level. FTE is based on the Federal definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 30 and graduate credit hours by 24. (BOG)
This section of report provides metrics for online enrollment, broken out by undergraduate and graduate levels.
Online Enrollment
- Undergraduate Distance Learning FTE (Gross) Online course is a course in which at least 80 percent of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time or space, or both (per 1009.24(17), F.S.).(BOG)
- Graduate Distance Learning FTE (Gross)
Online course is a course in which at least 80 percent of the direct instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology when the student and instructor are separated by time or space, or both (per 1009.24(17), F.S.).(BOG)
This section of report displays the metrics for high impact practices including the number of students participating in education abroad, undergraduate research activity, internships and service learning
- Education Abroad: Number of Unduplicated Students (includes non-credit experiences)
Unduplicated number of degree and non-degree seeking USF students (undergraduate and graduate) by 'home' college, engaging in any international credit-bearing experiences. These international experiences include participation in University-sponsored exchanges, faculty-led programs, international internships, and service learning programs as well as international experiences sponsored by another university or third party entity. This excludes independent study.
- Undergraduate Research Activity (Number of Students) - AY ( F + S + U)
The data represents the head counts for the level of undergraduate research engagement for the academic year as monitored by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) using specific courses to capture research activity. This data is pulled from benchmarked student data in SID.
- Internships (Number of Students)
The data represents the number of students enrolled in Internship course sections (and equivalent courses, such as preceptorship) for the academic year for OneUSF.
- Service Learning (Number of Students)
Service-learning is a form of community engaged learning that explicitly connects academic courses with civic engagement, which includes individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern, and to make a difference in the civic life of our communities. The key components of service-learning are: (1) that it enhances the understanding of course content and is tied to specific learning goals through consciously designed reflection, (2) that one of the learning goals is civic engagement, intended to enhance students' sense of personal responsibility to participate in the public realm to address current pressing social problems, and thus going beyond the academic or skill based goals of the course, and (3) that it develops a reciprocal relationship through which the experiential activities are planned and implemented through a collaboration with a community partner so that they meet needs specifically identified by that partner.The data resource is Banner designated service-learning courses and courses forwarded from each of the schedulers that should have been designated in banner as service-learning with the 'SLCC' and 'CEL' attributes.
(Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships)
This section of report displays the metrics for graduate and undergraduate net tuition with numbers broken out by in-state and out-of-state students.
- Undergraduate In-state
The actual average of the total undergraduate costs of tuition and fees (which varies by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for in-state students.
- Undergraduate Out-of-state
The actual average of the total undergraduate costs of tuition and fees (which varies by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for out-of-state students.
- Undergraduate Total
The actual average of the total undergraduate costs of tuition and fees (which varies by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for in-state and out-of-state students.
- Graduate In-state
The actual average of the total graduate costs of tuition and fees (which varies by income group due to the amount of credit hours students are enrolled) minus the average Gift Aid amount for in-state students.
- Graduate Out-of-State