HUB/BOG Naming Standards

HUB/BOG Naming Standards


HUB/BOG naming standards aid developers by providing uniformity for Data Warehouse database objects.


Follow identifier naming convention described in the above section. (scope, primary identifier, modifier).  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT


 table_name_idx##  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_IDX01

Primary Key Constraint

 table_name_pk  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_PK

Unique Key Constraint

 table_name_uk##  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_UK

Foreign Key Constraint

 table_name _fk##  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_UK


 table_name_seq## (if associated with a table. Else follows identifier naming convention from the above section)  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_SEQ


 table_name_action_trg  Ex: HUB_PERSON_CURRENT_INS_UPD_TRG

Snapshots and Materialized Views

The name of the source object, pre-pended by system name. (Scope, primary identifier, modifier).  Ex: snapshot of spbpers becomes OASIS_SPBPERS.


Same as tables. (scope, primary identifier, modifier  Ex: HUB_STUDENT_COURSES


 F_ scope_primary identifier_modifier  Ex : F_OASIS_EXTERNAL_ID


 P_ scope_primary identifier_modifier  Ex: P_REG_STUDENT_EXEMPTIONS


 scope_primary identifier_modifier_pkg  Ex: COMMON_DATALOAD_PKG


1st type - system name (like OASIS) will point at database in same state as you are in. in other words, from DWDVLP, OASIS dblink will point at db: dvlp. In DWTEST same name will point at pprd. In DWHOUSE same name will point at prod. This allows code to be promoted without modifying.

2nd type, if actual database name, it points at actual database. For example, in DWDVLP, GEMSPRO dblink will point at GEMSPRO database, GEMS dblink will point at GEMSDVLP database. (Note: in some cases these 2 types are the same. System and db have same name. Those are solved on case by case basis).

Insert Script

tablename_ins.sql  Ex : HUB_ROOMS_INS.sql

The following are the exceptions:

  • For table hub_xref_rule inserts, the script should be named as xref_kw_qualifier_ins.sql
  • For table q$error inserts, the insert script should be named as q$error_catname_ins.sql

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