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DegreeWorks provides a series set of reports that display metrics for degree-seeking students to help identify students close to graduationtheir progress toward graduation. It displays this data in three reports: Student Degree Completion Report for Advisor, Students Over 120 Credit Hours–Advisor Report, and Students within Specified Credits for Selected Blocks.

DegreeWorks reports access data from the DegreeWorks cube and maps the students to Benchmark data to produce results for students who are currently enrolled at the university. The population of students pulled from DegreeWorks are:

  • Degree-seeking undergraduates
  • Post-baccalaureate degree-seeking students
  • Pre-majors or undeclared degree-seeking undergraduates

The population of students that are not pulled from DegreeWorks are:

  • Non-degree-seeking undergraduates
  • COPH students
  • Graduate students

This population of students from DegreeWorks are then mapped to Benchmark data to match with those students who have been enrolled in at least one of the last three terms. For example, in November, the three terms are Summer, Spring, Fall, and in March, the three terms are Fall, Summer, Spring. This results in a composition of active, degree-seeking students.

Database updates: Cubes are updated on the 1st Monday of every month. In May, August, and December, cubes are updated every Monday

Table of Contents


This report shows Student Degree Completion status for an advisor. It helps them to identify students close to graduation and what their different statuses are within DegreeWorks.

The report displays data in three tabs: Student Advisor Report, Completion Bar Graph, and Completion Pie Chart. 


Enter value(s) for Student Home Campus (Mandatory): Student Home Campus


Tab 1: Student Advisor Report

 The report on this tab displays a list of students in tabular format, based on the filters selected in the prompts. The degree completion blocks display the credits or requirements needed for graduation. 


Student Institutional Classification


Tab 2: Completion Bar Graph

This The report on this tab displays a bar graph showing the count of students grouped by degree Completion Groups. 


Tab 3: Completion Pie Chart

This The report on this tab displays a pie chart showing the count of students and percentages relative to the whole, grouped by degree Completion Groups.  


Report : Students Over 120 Credit Hours-Advisor Report

This report shows which shows the students who are already are exceeding the normal # number of CRs credit hours needed to graduate ( in their program ), so that the their department can get them to graduate ASAP ( and avoid penalties for excess hours). The added filter of Institutional Classification (Junior or Senior) will can help judge the student's risk of impacting the 4-year-graduation-rate metric.


Recent Enrollment Term

Catalog Year



Credits Applied

Credits Needed

Completion Percentage


This report shows active students within specified credits for selected blocks (typically blocks without overlapping credit) . It displays the credits needed for each student


Enter value(s) for Student Home Campus (Mandatory): Student Home Campus


Tab 1: Student All Blocks

This report displays a table listing students in the selected campus, college, and (optional) department. Based on the clocks selected in the prompts, it shows the active students and the credits needed for each student. 


Student Institutional Classification


Other columns displayed vary with the blocks selected at the prompts. For degree completion blocks: if shaded green, then all requirements for that block are complete; if shaded red, some credits or requirements are still missing.





Report Elements Glossary
Report Elements Glossary




Student Home Campus
Student Home Campus
Student Home Campus

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksIdentifies the student's home campus.  

Student College
Student College
Student College

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorks Identifies the student's college of registration.

Student Department
Student Department
Student Department

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksIdentifies the student's department of registration. 

DGW completion percentage
DGW completion percentage

completion percentage

Completion Percentage

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksShows DegreeWorks completion percentage progress towards completion of the credit requirements for the student according to the catalog hours.
DGW Requirement Blocks to display
DGW Requirement Blocks to display
DGW Requirement Blocks to display
Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorks 

Student Institutional Classification
Student Institutional Classification
Student Institutional Classification

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksThe categorization of a student's progress, as defined by the institution, at the beginning of a term.

Admission Type
Admission Type
Admission Type

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorks

Identifies the student's type of admission to the university, based on the following values:

  • FTIC
  • AA Transfers
  • Other Transfers
  • Pos Bac Degree Seeking
  • Master/Ed.S.
  • Doctoral Research
  • Doctoral Professional
  • Other Non-Degree Seeking

DGW Catalog Year
DGW Catalog Year
DGW  Catalog Year

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorks

DegreeWorks catalog year for the degree being sought.

Catalog year is determined by the year a student begins at USF for as long as he or she maintains continuous enrollment. A catalog year is defined by the academic year in which a student enters USF. 

Last Name
Last Name
Last Name

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksLast Name of person.

First Name
First Name
First Name

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksFirst Name of person.

Student ID
Student ID
Student ID

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksThe student's university identification number.

Email Address
Email Address
Email Address

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksEmail address of the student.

Recent Enrollment Term
Recent Enrollment Term
Recent Enrollment Term/Term Title

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksMost recent enrollment term.

Catalog Year
Catalog Year
Catalog Year

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorks

DegreeWorks catalog year for the degree being sought.

Catalog year is determined by the year a student begins at USF for as long as he or she maintains continuous enrollment. A catalog year is defined by the academic year in which a student enters USF. 

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksDegree that the student may qualify towards, according to DegreeWorks.


Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksPrimary major in which the student can get a degree, according to DegreeWorks, concatenated with a secondary major that the student can get, according to DegreeWorks

Credits Needed
Credits Needed
Credits Needed

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksDegreeWorks credits needed towards the degree program. 
Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksTotal applied GPA towards the specific degree that the student may qualify towards, according to DegreeWorks.

#DGW Credits Applied
#DGW Credits Applied


Credits Applied

Cube:EIS DegreeWorks- DegreeWorksDegreeWorks credits applied towards the degree program.
