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Honors College reports

The Honors College at USF provides transformative educational opportunities that prepare highly motivated, intellectually curious, service-oriented, and academically accomplished students to become active and engaged thought leaders. The BIA creates a series of reports, shown below, that showcase the requirements of these students, their appointment trends, and their advisor efforts. The reports attempt to highlight the Honors College students success efforts.

Report Elements Glossary Table


Report : Honors_Completion Summary

The Honors Completion Summary report provides a summary of the overall status of the active students (with status of H%A and H%P) as to where they stand in terms of requirements completion. It also provides the individual breakdown of the requirements. The breakdowns include community engagement completion, global requirements completion, and course requirement completion. This report displays data in three tabs: Completion Summary, Course Requirements Details, and Global Experience Details. 

Tab 1: Completion Summary 

The display on this tab shows the overall completion percentage and the individual completion percentages. Users can click the "View Detail" link under the main gauge to view details of the students in the selected cohort. This view opens in a separate browser tab.







USFID (filter is available when the View Detail tab is open)



Student Admission Type

Student Type

Report Elements/Visualizations

The gauges display the overall completion percentage and the individual completion percentages. 

Total Count

Completion Count

Cohort Requirements Completion %/ Completion Count  

Community Engagement Req Completion %

Global Requirements Completion %

Course Requirements Completion %

Tab 2: Course Requirements Details

The display on this tab provides the details on the count and percentage of all active students (with status of H%A and H%P) in completing their course requirements. The course requirements are met by taking four (4) honors courses. The research track comprises the Honors Thesis, Honor Capstone, Engineering Capstone, and Departmental Thesis tracks. The visualization provides the completion details (Accepted, Denied, Pending, or Unavailable) along with the totals for each of the tracks. 










Student Admission Type

Student Type

Report Elements/Visualizations

The visualization provides total counts of students in each track and the counts of the completion status within each track.

Total Number of Students

Course Requirement Status


 Tab 3: Global Experience Details

The display on this tab provides the details on what global activities the active students (with status of H%A and H%P) are doing as part of fulfilling the requirements. The students have to complete two (2) global activities to satisfy this requirement. The visualization displays the counts of the students in each of the seven different activity types and the completion status within each type. The activity types are FL (Foreign Language) , HI (Honors International Day), IN (Internship), MI (Minor or Certificate), OT (Other Experience) , RE (Research), and SA (Study Abroad).










Student Admission Type

Student Type


Report : Honors_Student Detail

The Honors Student Detail report provides a detailed view of the active Honors students (with status of H%A and H%P). 

Tab 1: Student Detail










Student Admission Type

Student Type

Report Elements/Visualizations



Student Email

Community Engagement Activities

Community Engagements Accepted

Global Experience Activities

Global Experience Accepted

Course Count

Course Status

Student Profile 

This displays the selected student's details such as campus/college/dept/major information, demographics, and honors requirements details 



Report Elements/Visualizations









Student Level

Student Admission Type

Student Type

Admit Term

Recent Enrolled Term

Global Experience Section

Experience Type

Experience Description


Experience Status

Courses Section

Course ID

Course Name


Grade Awarded

Community Engagements Section

Submitted Date

Community Engagement Status


Report : Honors_Appointments Profile

The Honors Appointments Profile report showcases the details on advisor appointment trends of active students (with status of H%A and H%P). This report can be used to understand the total appointments and unique (distinct) appointments handled at the Honors College during the selected time range, appointment load of advisors, average wait time of students, slow and busy days and times, and the distribution of the types of appointments made by students. 

Tab 1: Appointments Profile



Day of Week

Time of Day


Total Appointments

Unique Appointments

Average Wait Time

Advisors by Appointments #

Non-unique Appointments by Time

Appointment Type

Appointment Topic

Report : Honors_Advisor Detail

This report provides details on advisor effort and details of the  active students (Status of 'H%A' and ''H%P') grouped by their advisor. Tab 1 It provides the requirements completion percentage of all the active students of the advisor, the student id, name, email, cohort, campus,college, major, status, number of appointments they have made till date with their advisor and their latest appointment date with their advisor. Tab 2 provides details on all appointments made by the active students with any advisor. 

Tab 1: Advisor Detail

This provides the requirements completion percentage of all the active students of the advisor, the student id, name, email, cohort, campus,college, major, status, number of appointments they have made till date with their primary advisor and their latest appointment date with their advisor. This report can be used by leadership to understand advisor caseload and help advisor see the completion statuses of their students and appointments that they have had with them. The Checkin_Applicant table which has data starting Aug 2017 is being used in this report currently.







Advisor Name

Report Elements /Visualizations

Advisor Caseload

Advised Students Completion %

Community Engagement Completion %

Global Requirements Completion %

Course Requirements Completion %

Link to student profile




Student EMail





Total Appointments

Latest Appointment


Tab 2: Advisor Details - All Appointments

 This tab provides details on all appointments made by the active students with any advisor.  It can be filtered by cohort, campus, college, department, major and primary assigned advisor. This report can be used to get the list of students who have never met with their advisor and reach out to them. 








Primary Advisor Name


Report Elements /Visualizations




Student EMail





Primary Advisor

Advisor Seen

Latest Appointment



Report : Honors_Graduation


This report provides graduation details of the Honors students (Status of 'H%') . It provides 4 year, 6 year and greater than 6 year graduation rates for the cohorts graduating with the honors degree as well as for those who started at honors college but graduated from USF without  completing the requirements. Note that the 'Graduated at USF' numbers in this report is completely different and will not match back to state and federal reported numbers for the institution. This report uses Honors cohorts which includes both FTIC and Transfers as well as Full Time and Part Time student. 


 Tab 1: Graduation Rate Details










 Student Admission Type

Report Elements/Visualizations

 Total Count

Graduated @Honors


Left Honors College


Left USF

Active Student @USF

Cohort graduated at honors college 4 year rate

Cohort graduated at honors college 6 year rate

Cohort graduated at honors college > 6 year rate

Cohort graduated at USF 4 year rate

Cohort graduated at USF 6 year rate

Cohort graduated at USF > 6 year rate


Tab 2: Graduation Rate Trends

This tab provides the 4 year and 6 year graduation trends over time. of cohorts that graduated from Honors College and of cohorts that graduated from USF (including all that started at Honors College irrespective of whether they completed the requirements or not). Note that the 6 year graduation rate trends will not match back to state and federal reported numbers for the institution. This report uses Honors cohorts which includes both FTIC and Transfers as well as Full Time and Part Time student. 






Cohort Type 



 Student Admission Type


Cohort graduated at honors college 4 year rate

Cohort graduated at honors college 6 year rate

Cohort graduated at USF 4 year rate

Cohort graduated at USF 6 year rate



Report : Honors_Attrition


This report provides details on attrition rates in honors college broken down by college and department. It provides details on how many honors  courses that students complete before they leave the program, length of time taken to complete those courses and reasons for leaving the program .  It includes students who have been dismissed or left the program (Status of 'H%D' and ''H%L').  It does count the 0 credits in IDH Course .This report will help identify students who need to be deleted from Honors College records (if they took 0 IDH courses, then they should not be considered Honors students at all, and will be deleted from the database, not just marked as left )

 Tab 1: Honors_Attrition










Student Admission Type

Student Type

Report Elements/Visualizations

Attrition Breakdown

Length of time Taken Courses

Student Count by Courses Taken

Reason for Leaving

The table below lists all the elements used in the Reports.





DescriptionFrequency of Update
Cohort Honors_College->Student->TermTerm student was admitted into the Honors program as recorded in the Honors College databaseHourly
Campus SID->SID_Honors_Vw->HomecampusStudent's home campus based on their most recent enrollment recordLatest Benchmark
College SID->SID_Honors_Vw->College_RptStudent's college based on their most recent enrollment record Latest Benchmark
Department SID->SID_Honors_Vw->deptStudent's Department based on their most recent enrollment record Latest Benchmark
Major SID->SID_Honors_Vw->MajorIdentifies the students primary major based on their most recent enrollment record Latest Benchmark
Gender SID->SID_Honors_Vw->GenderGenderLatest Benchmark
Ethnicity SID->SID_Honors_Vw->EthnicRace/Ethnicity of personLatest Benchmark
Student Admission Type SID->Student->Status

This uses the 2nd letter in the 4 letter code in the status column of the Student table.

The '2' indicates 2 year/Continuing USF or Transfer and '4' indicates 4 year/Admitted as FTIC

Student Type SID->SID_Honors_Vw->StudentTypeIdentifies students as graduate, undergraduate or non-degree.Latest Benchmark
Total Count Computed (Honors_College->Student->Status)This is the count of all active Honors College Students (It is calculated by counting all students in thew student table with the status of H%A and H%P)Hourly
Cohort Requirements Completion % ComputedThis is calculated as met if the community engagement, global requirement abnd course requirement are met.Hourly
Community Engagement Completion % ComputedThis requirement is counted as met if the student has a record with the status of Accepted in the CommunityEngagement table.Hourly
Global Requirements Completion % ComputedThe requirement is counted as met if the student has at least 2 records with the status of Accepted in the Global_Exp tableHourly
Course Requirements Completion % ComputedThe requirement is counted as met if the latest record of the student (Max Decision Date) has the status of Accepted in the AcademicCompletion table.Hourly
Course Requirement Status Honors_College->AcademicCompletion->PStatusStatus of the Course Requirement- Accepted/Denied/UnprocessedHourly
Global Experience Status Honors_College->Global_Exp->StatusStatus of the specific Global Experience- Accepted/Denied/PendingHourly
USFID SID->SID_Honors_Vw->uidStudent U numberHourly




Student NameHourly
Course Count


(Count of courses completed by the student)

Number of Honors courses that the student has completed.Latest Benchmark

Global Experience Activities



Number of Global Experience Activities submitted by the studentHourly
Global Experience Accepted


(Count of Accepted Status)

Number of Global Experience Activities that were acceptedHourly

Community Engagement Activities



Number of Community Engagement Activities submitted by the studentHourly

Community Engagements Accepted


(Count of Accepted Status)

Number of Community Engagement Activities that were acceptedHourly
Experience Type Honors_College->Global_Exp->ExpTypeType of Global Experience- The types are

FL (Foreign Language) , HI (Honors International Day), IN (Internship), MI (Minor or Certificate), OT (Other Experience) , RE (Research) and SA (Study Abroad)

Experience Description


[FL_Language],[FL_LangType],[SA_Program],[SA_Duration] ,[SA_Courses] ,[SA_URL] ,[SA_Faculty] ,[SA_Email] ,[HI_Date] ,[IN_Company] ,{IN_Supervisor] [,[N_Email] ,IN_Activity] ,[IN_Duration] ,[IN_Focus] , ,[RE_Department] ,[RE_Faculty] ,[RE_Email] ,[RE_Activity] ,[RE_Focus] ,[MI_Program]

Description of the Global ExperienceHourly
Student EmailHonors_College->Student->EMailEMail of the studentHourly


Honors_College->Global_Exp->SA_URLURL of the global activityHourly
Experience Status Honors_College->Global_Exp->StatusStatus of the Experience- Accepted/Denied/PendingHourly
Course ID SID->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->CourseInfoID of the Course from BannerLatest Benchmark

Course Name

SID->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->Course_TitleName of the Course from BannerLatest Benchmark
Term SID->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->termidTerm that the course was taken (Banner)Latest Benchmark
Grade Awarded SID->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->GRADE_AWARDEDGrade obtained by the student in the course (Banner) Latest Benchmark
Submitted Date Honors_College->CommunityEngagement->SubmitDateDate of submission of the Community Engagement formHourly
Community Engagement Status Honors_College->CommunityEngagement->StatusStatus of the Community Engagement Accepted/Denied/PendingHourly
Date System calenderDate range can be picked using the calendar in the filter 
Day of the Week  Weekdays (M,T,W,Th,F) 
Time of Day  Time from 7 am-5pm 
Total Appointments Honors_College->Checkin_Applicant->Count of total student appointments (non-unique) at Honors CollegeHourly

Unique Appointments



Count of total unique student appointments at Honors CollegeHourly

Average Wait Time




Average waiting time for students after checking in for meeting advisorsHourly

Advisors by Appointments #

Honors_College->Checkin_Applicant->Advisor and Honors_College->-All_Admin->Name


List of Advisors along with the number of appointments (not unique) handled by each one of themHourly

Non-Unique Appointments by Time



Count of non unique appointments during every hour of the dayHourly

Appointment Type

Honors_College-AUINote->ApptCategoryCount of appointments by category. They include AP, Appointment, EM, Email, Group, Group Advising, PH,Phone Walk in and WIHourly
Appointment Topic Honors_College-AUINote->ApptCategoryCount of appointments by category. All categories except those included in Appointment Type are used here.Hourly
Advisor Caseload Honors_College->StudentThis is the count of students assigned to an advisorHourly
Advisor Name Honors_College->All_Admin->NameThis is the primary advisor assigned to the studentHourly
Advisor Seen  THis is the name of the advisor seen at the time of the appointment which may be different from their "assigned" advisor.Hourly
Status Honors_College->Student->Status

This is the 4 letter code that indicates the status of the student

Student Type
H - Honors College
N - Non Honors
Admission Type (to Honors College)
2 - 2 year/Continuing USF or Transfer Admit
4 - 4 year/ Admitted as an FTIC
Special Programs
N - None
S - Scholar (Holc/Jenk)
P - Provost's Scholar
B - Both
A - Active
P - Probation
D - Dismissed
L - Left

Latest Appointment ComputedThis is the latest/most recent appointment made by the student with his/her advisor 

Total Count

Computed (Honors_College->Student->Status)

This includes all Honors students (Honors Status - H*)


Graduated @Honors

Computed (Honors_College->Student->Status)This includes students who graduated from the Honors College (Honors Status - H%G)Hourly


Computed (Honors_College->Student->Status)This includes students who were dismissed from the Honors program (Honors Status - H%D)Hourly

Left Honors College

Computed (Honors_College->Student->Status)This includes students who left the Honors program (Honors Status - H%L)Hourly



dbo.SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

This includes students who were a part of the Honors Program and graduated from USF irrespective of whether they completed the requirements or not.Latest Benchmark

Left USF

ComputedThis includes students who were a part of the Honors Program but left USF without a degreeLatest Benchmark
Active Student @USF


dbo.SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Active'

This includes students who were a part of the Honors program but have not graduated, may still be in the honors program or left/dismissed from honors. This is a list of students currently enrolled in some program at USF.Latest Benchmark

Cohort graduated at honors college 4 year rate

Computed(Graduated @Honors/ Total Count)*100 and using the graduation


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

 This includes the cohort that graduated from Honors College within 4 yearsHourly

Cohort graduated at honors college 6  year rate

Computed (Graduated @Honors/ Total Count)*100


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

 This includes the cohort that graduated from Honors College within 6 years Hourly

Cohort graduated at USF  4 year rate

Computed (Graduated@USF/ Total Count)*100


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

 This includes students who were a part of the Honors Program and graduated from USF within 4 years irrespective of whether they completed the requirements or not.Latest Benchmark
Cohort graduated at USF  6 year rate

Computed (Graduated@USF/ Total Count)*100


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

This includes students who were a part of the Honors Program and graduated from USF within 6 years irrespective of whether they completed the requirements or not.Latest Benchmark
Cohort graduated at honors college > 6 year rate

Computed(Graduated @Honors/ Total Count)*100 and using the graduation


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

This includes the cohort that graduated from Honors College in more than 6 years Hourly
Cohort graduated at USF > 6 year rate

Computed (Graduated@USF/ Total Count)*100


SID_Honors_ActiveDegreeStudents_Vw->studentstatus ='Degree'

This includes students who were a part of the Honors Program and graduated from USF in greater than 6 years irrespective of whether they completed the requirements or not.Latest Benchmark

Attrition Breakdown



((Students who left+students who were dismmised)/(All Students who were a part of the Honors Program in the Honors program))*100

This provides the attrition percentage of Honors College students broken down by College and Department.

Latest Benchmark

Length of time Taken Courses


SID ->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->termid

This provides the time taken (in years) by the students (who left/dismissed from the honors program ) for completing the honors courses before they left.This is computed by calculating the time between their first IDH course and last IDH course. Each term is considered as a third of a year.Latest Benchmark

Student Count by Courses Taken


SID ->SID_Honors_Courses_Vw->CourseInfo

The number of Honors classes taken by the students (who left/dismissed from the honors program )is calculated and grouped under course count.Latest Benchmark
Reason for Leaving


Honors_College ->Exit ->ReasonCodes

Students can pick one or more of the 7 reasons for leaving this program in the exit form

  1. I do not see benefit to staying
  2. There are too many requirements
  3. I don't want to can't complete cultural experienced (Foreign language or study abtoad)
  4. I don't want to or can't complete thesis
  5. I do not anticipate being able to meet the 3.25 GPA requirement to graduate with Honors distinction.
  6. I currently have below a 3.25 GPA and am not receiving scholarship money


Latest Benchmark
Date Refreshed on  Date that the report data was refreshed overall. 




































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