05 - Enter the Appointment Type Prompt

05 - Enter the Appointment Type

Ranked includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS.

  1. Job codes:
    1. 9001       Professor       
    2. 9002       Assoc Professor
    3. 9003       Assistant Professor
    4. 9006       Graduate Research Professor 
    5. 9007       Distinguished Professor
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

Instructor includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS.

  1. Job code: 9004 
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

Mid-Level Provider includes employees who meet all of these requirements for an appointment in GEMS or Cyborg.

  1. Job code:
    1. 9464       Physician's Assistant
    2. 9499       Advanced Registered Nurse Prac
    3. 2550 (CYBORG) mid-level provider
  2. Excluding Employment Class H (Faculty Courtesy)
  3. Excluding Admin plans 98 and 99 (non-compensated positions)

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