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Transfer Student Flow 

The transfer student flow dashboards provide a series of reports to track and identify degree progression measures such as retention, persistence and graduation performance of undergraduate transfer student cohorts. The dashboards include student profile/demographics, term-by-term retention, persistence and  graduation numbers, term-by-term enrolled and not-enrolled numbers and access to underlying student data. Students are tracked starting from the term of entry up until the current term. There are 8 different cohorts available through the dashboards. 

The dashboards may be utilized to review our Performance and Accountability metrics for transfer students. 

Related Performance and Accountability metrics: 

 PBF 9a. BOG Choice: FCS AA Transfer Two-Year Graduation Rate [Full-Time students]:This transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in fall term (or summer continuing to fall) from the Florida College System with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree. The rate is the percentage of the initial cohort that has either graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their third academic year. Only full-time students are used in the calculation. Students who were flagged as enrolled in advanced graduate programs that would not earn a bachelor’s degree were not excluded. Source: State University Database System (SUDS).

KPI-5: FCS AA Transfer Three-Year Graduation Rate [full-& part-time students]: Same definition as above except both full-time and part-time students are used in the calculation.

Data Source: SID

Refresh schedule:  Each Benchmark. The “Last Refreshed” timestamp on each page indicates the date/time when the data was last refreshed.

titleReport pages

  • Transfer Cohort Student Profile →Depicts  the number of students in the transfer cohort by cohort term, type and group (summer/fall or spring). Also shows student profile by gender, ethnicity, full-time/part-time status, campus, college. department and major. 
  • Transfer Cohort Trends Depicts  trends in numbers for 8 different cohorts by cohort term, type, group, gender, ethnicity, full-time/part-time status, campus, college. department and major. 
  • Transfer Student Flow by Term → Depicts cohort-wise tracking of progress displaying term-by-term numbers for students retained, persisted or graduated. Students are tracked starting their term of entry up until the current term. 8 cohort years are available through the dashboard.  
  • Graduation Rate → Depicts cohort numbers, total graduated numbers and graduation rate by cohort type, cohort group, graduation year, full/part-time status, gender, ethnicity, initial college, campus, department and major.  
  • Graduation Rate Trends → Depicts graduation rate trends by cohort type, cohort group, graduation year, full/part-time status, gender, ethnicity, initial college, campus, department and major.  
  • Graduation Rate College Summary→ Depicts cohort numbers, total graduated numbers and graduation rate in a summary view by student college. 
  • Student Progression → Depicts the numbers and percentage of transfer students for the selected cohort that enrolled, did not enroll or graduated by term.
  • 2-Year Graduation Flow by College → Depicts 2-year graduation flow for the selected transfer cohort by initial college and degreed college. 
  • 4-Year Graduation Flow by College → Depicts 3-year graduation flow for the selected transfer cohort by initial college and degreed college. 

All of the cross-tables within the dashboards provide drill throughs to student level details. Double-clicking into a data cell in the data table displays the "Drill through" page.

The ability to view the underlying "Drill through" pages is based on individual access to the report. 


Data ElementData SourceDescriptionReport Pages

Cohort Term

The term of entry of the incoming transfer cohort

Cohort Type

Calculated field

Transfer cohorts with are put into four different categories. Below are the definitions: 

  1. FCSTAA – All identified transfer types with an earned Associate in Arts (AA) from the Florida College System (FCS) with start date of fall, spring, and summer.  For example:  Fall 19, Spring 20, and Summer 20.
  2. FCSTWO – FCS w/o AA - All identified transfer types without an earned Associate in Arts (AA) from the Florida College System (FCS) with start date of fall, spring, and summer.
  3. OTHRAA – Other AA - All identified transfer types with an earned AA from the FCS with start date of fall, spring, and summer.
  4. OTHRWO – Other w/o AA - All identified transfer types without an earned AA from the FCS with start date of fall, spring, and summer.


Cohort GroupCohort Groups: Calculated field

The Transfer cohorts fall into two cohort groups - Summer/Fall and Spring.

  1. Summer/Fall - For undergraduate transfer student entering in the Summer or Fall term 
  2. Spring - For undergraduate transfer students entering in the Spring term 

Students in Cohort Calculated fieldSum total of the number of students in the cohort selected based on the slicers 

Full-Time Indicator

Calculated based on student level and credit hours enrolled 

For Fall term, UG students enrolled in >= 12 credits are considered full-time


SID→ SID_Enrollments_All_vw→ HomeCampus 

Student home campus


SID→ SID_Title_GlobalDepartments_All_Vw

College is based on Global College crosswalk post consolidation in 2020


SID→ SID_Title_GlobalDepartments_All_Vw

Department is based on Global College crosswalk post consolidation in 2020


SID→ SID_Major_Titles

The primary Major of the student 



Transfer Year 

TermCohort N

Retained/Persisted (Fall)

Retention/Persistence Rate (Fall)

Total Graduated Graduation Rate Graduation Year Initial CollegeDegreed College DegreedN



Number of course sections a student is enrolled in for the term. COUNT(SFRSTCR_CRN) for current term and COUNT(SFRSTCA_CRN) for point in time previous year. Drill-through pages 



Sum of credit hours a student is enrolled in for the term. SUM(SFRSTCR_CREDIT_HR) for current term and SUM(SFRSTCA_CREDIT_HR) for point in time previous year. Drill-through pages 
Last Name BANNER->SPRIDEN→ SPRIDEN_LAST_NAMEStudent's last name Drill-through pages 
First Name BANNER->SPRIDEN→ SPRIDEN_FIRST_NAMEStudent's first name Drill-through pages 
Degree 1BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_DEGC_CODE_1Degree 1 from the student's primary curriculum Drill-through pages
Major1BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1Major 1 from student's primary curriculum Drill-through pages 
Major1_2BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_1_2Major 2 from student's first curriculum Drill-through pages 
Conc1BANNER->SGBSTDN->SGBSTDN_MAJR_CODE_CONC_1Student's concentration code Active Students Not Registered -Drill-through page
Last Term Enrolled Calculated based on the max term the student was enrolled Last term the student enrolled MAX(SFRSTCR_TERM_CODE)Active Students Not Registered -Drill-through page
AppliedToGraduateBANNER→ SHRDGMR → SHRDGMR_DEGS_CODE IN ('AP','SO', 'AW')Student has any of the following degree status: Applied, Sought or Awarded Active Students Not Registered -Drill-through page 
Reg Hold Y/NBANNER→SWRHOLD , SWRFCHD Yes/No flag to indicate whether a 'Registration' hold exists on the student account (SWRFCHD_FNCT_CODE = 'R')Active Students Not Registered -Drill-through page
USF Email BANNER->GOREMALStudent's USF email Active Students Not Registered -Drill-through pageSID→ SID_Enrollments_All_vw→ Gender

The gender of the student.

Values: Male, Female, Unknown 


SID→ SID_Enrollments_All_vw→ Ethnic 

The ethnicity of the student   

Description of ethnic code:

          when E.ethnic = 'A' then 'Asian'
          when E.ethnic = 'B' then 'Black'
          when E.ethnic = 'H' then 'Hispanic'
          when E.ethnic = 'W' then 'White'
          when E.ethnic = 'I' then 'American Indian'
          when E.ethnic = 'M' then 'Two or More Race'
          when E.ethnic = 'O' then 'Non-Resident Alien'
          when E.ethnic = 'P' then 'Native Hawaiin or Other Pacific Islander'
          when E.ethnic = 'X' then 'Not-Reported'

Transfer Year 

Calculated field

Tracking the academic year of the transfer student. Students are followed through the end of summer so that each year begins with fall (for summer/fall cohort) or  spring semester (for spring cohort) and ends with the summer semester. 

TermSID→ SID_Enrollments_All_vw→ TERMID Enrollment Term

Cohort NCalculated field

Total number of students in the selected cohort 

Retained/Persisted (Fall)

Calculated field

Retention includes the number of  students that re-enrolled in the 2nd fall semester.

Persistence (for the purpose of this report) is defined as the number of students that re-enrolled in the corresponding fall semester plus the graduates of previous years. 

Retention/Persistence Rate (Fall)

Calculated field

Retained or Persisted /Cohort N

Total Graduated Calculated fieldThe total number of students that graduated. This is a cumulative total

Graduation Rate Calculated field

Total Graduated /Cohort ​​N

Graduation Year Calculated fieldThe academic year in which the student graduates. 

Initial CollegeSID→ SID_Enrollments_All_vw→ Global_College

The starting college of the student 

Degreed College SID→ SID_Degrees_Awarded_All_VW→ Global_College

The college from which the student graduates. For the purpose of this report, the list of values also includes ***Active***NotGraduated*** and ***Inactive***NotGraduated***

  1. ***Active***NotGraduated*** → These are students 
  2. ***Inactive***NotGraduated***

DegreedNCalculated field The number of students that have received a degree. 


Filter Panel

If filters are available, filter panel will be on top or left of data panel. All pages may not have filter panel. 


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • Some filters are radio buttons and you can select only one item. The items in these filters are indicated as round buttons Small 25mm Lapel Pin Button Badge Novelty Plain White Badge ... .
  • Some filters allow multiple selections. To select multiples in a filter, hold the Ctrl key as you check the square boxes .
  • Filters for the report may not have Blank as an option. 

Data Panel

Data panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
  • You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears Black Triangle PNG, Free HD Black Triangle Transparent Image - PNGkit ,  you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse. 

   Select a column header to sort by that value, such as Campus.  


Drill through

To 'Drill through', right click on a data cell in the data table. A menu will pop up with 'Drill Through" as one of the options.  Selecting drill-though option will open another window with the details. 

 Note : All data tables may not have 'Drill through' functionality. 

 Reset to Default

If you have made any changes, such as implementing filters or sorting the table, you have the ability to return the sorting and filtering to the report creator's default view. Click the Reset to Default image in the Report Header: 

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