RN to BS Program (Service Learning Practicum)
Ashley Sanford
College of Nursing > RN to Bachelor's
Practicum Hours for NUR 4828C: Essentials of Nursing Healthcare Leadership & Management
Placement Request Forms must be submitted | Monday February 11th 2019 |
Students will be contacted by the Placement Coordinator to share facility-specific on-boarding assignments, instructions, course requirements, and Preceptor guidelines | Tuesday February 12th 2019 |
Students must have a COMPLETE status in Castle Branch indicating immunizations, background check, and professional licensures are active for the duration of the semester | Monday March 18th 2019 |
Summer 2019 Registration opens | Monday March 25th 2019 |
All facility-specific on-boarding assignments must be completed | Monday April 8th 2019 |
Students who miss any of these deadlines will be reassigned to take NUR 4828C in a future semester |
Here are your next steps:
- Step 1 - Navigate to the appropriate facility where your practicum for NUR4828C Essentials of Healthcare Leadership and Management will take place.
- Step 2 - Read through each step to ensure you fully understand the on-boarding process. These steps were decided by the facility and must be adhered.
- Step 3 - Get matched with your Preceptor (depending on the facility, this will happen by pre-assignment or the student will be responsible for securing a Preceptor; follow the facility's instructions)
Who is the best Preceptor for this experience?
The best Preceptor will be a BSN or higher prepared nurse in a leadership role and corresponding job title. S/he will introduce the student to members of the facility's leadership team and help the student coordinate one-on-one interviews, meeting observations, and job shadow experiences with clinical and non-clinical managers for a total of 10 verified hours of on-site learning.
The Preceptor will assist the student in shared and reflective discussion on observed behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs. Please note, sites have varied processes related to matching an employee/student with a Preceptor. Some sites match students directly, others require students to initiate and coordinate a Preceptor match. Also, being an employee does not differentiate nor expedite the student on-boarding process due to overarching facility policies. Ultimately, it is the student's job to ensure the selected Preceptor is adequate to meet course requirements.
NUR 4828C requires the following special assignments, which your Preceptor will help you to coordinate and achieve, as part of the 10 hours of on-site experiential learning:
- Organization assessment
- 3 Interviews with managers/directors
- Nursing leader/manager
- Non-Nursing leader/manager
- Non-Clinical director/manager
- 2 Meetings/Committees related to quality and patient safety, leadership, or demonstrate the style of communication in the organization
- Other experiences to meet the 10 hour requirement, i.e. job shadowing (2 hours maximum), other related interviews, meetings, etc.
- Hours are suggested to be completed through the duration of the semester, but can also be completed based upon the needs of the student and site/Preceptor
- Full details on class requirements found here: (Practicum Guidelines)
Sample activities during this 10-hour practicum experience:
- Interview with the Director of Social Services
- Interview with the Chief Nurse Officer (CNO)
- Observing a meeting of the hospital’s leadership team
- Observing a meeting of the Quality and Patient Safety Committee at the hospital
Important Notes about student-Preceptor matching:
- Should be a BSN or higher prepared nurse in a leadership role such as a Nurse Manager, House Supervisor, Advanced Practice Nurse, Director of Nursing Service
- Generally CANNOT be your direct supervisor on your floor/unit.
Why? Because facilities sometimes view this as a conflict of interest and/or perceived favoritism within the existing team/unit. The advantage here is that you can truly take advantage of being a student in this experience and secure a Preceptor who would not normally be available or accessible to you. Be your own self-advocate. If you do not feel the Preceptor match is adequate to meet course requirements, please contact Ms. Jyoti Rao to discuss your concerns. - Generally CANNOT be a charge nurse, staff nurse, or bedside nurse.
Why? Because these roles are typically rotating positions not involving heavy managerial duties which cannot provide the best learning experience for students. - Some sites will not pre-arrange Preceptor matches and will require students to find and secure a Preceptor. If this is the case with your facility, see below for suggested steps to secure an adequate Preceptor match:
Suggested Steps to Secure a Preceptor if the STUDENT is Responsible for Preceptor Matching:
- Step 1: Reach out to your facility's Education Department. If your facility doesn't have a department that does this function, your Human Resources Department can provide you with the typical recommended process.
- Step 2: Identify a BSN or higher prepared individual who functions in a leadership role and has a leadership/management related title.
Example Preceptor titles are: Nurse Manager, House Supervisor, Advanced Practice Nurse, Unit/Floor Directors. - Step 3: Reach out to the individual you identified with an introductory phone call or email with the following: Your current program enrollment (RN to BS at USF); share the Course and Preceptor Information; and ask if s/he would be willing to be your Preceptor.
Make your request personal and include as much detail about the requirements as possible.
A typical time frame to reach out to a possible Preceptor with your request is 2 months before the semester begins in order to allow the Preceptor adequate time to get necessary training from the facility's Education Department/HR department on being a Preceptor. - Follow up as needed with your outreach attempts to ensure you meet posted deadlines. If you have any problems please reach jyotirao@health.usf.edu for assistance.
Course and Preceptor Information Castle Branch Student Handbook Find My Advisor
Select the appropriate hospital and location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator:
The following information is for AdventHealth Orlando sites only which include: Altamonte Springs, Apopka, Celebration, East Orlando, for Children, for Women, Kissimmee, Lake Mary ER, Orlando, Winter Garden, and Winter Park
Step 1: At this facility, it is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate Preceptor. If you are unsure of how to reach the appropriate contact/office at your facility, please contact jyotirao@health.usf.edu.
Step 2: Student will share the following information with the USF Practicum Coordinator by email:
- Campus/Location
- Unit
- Name of Preceptor Assigned & Title
- Encrypted Badge Request Form (highlighted sections only)
(Encrypted Excel files will allow your social security number to remain protected when transmitting by email.)
- Step 3: AdventHealth regional coordinator, Ms. Jennifer McKinney, will be in touch with each student(s) with onboarding confirmation and/or follow-up steps needed.
The following information is for AdventHealth Carrollwood only:
Step 1: At this facility, Clinical Specialist Christine M. Reeves, MSN, Ed., RN, RN-BC will be your Preceptor.
Step 2: Student will complete two forms needed and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator by email:
- OPID Form
- Confidentiality of Information Agreement
- Step 3: Student will attend an on-site orientation with Ms. Reeves to discuss the assignments and activities
The following information is for AdventHealth Wesley Chapel sites only which include: Central Pasco ER, Wesley Chapel
- Step 1: At this facility, it is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate Preceptor. Once secured, students should contact the Manager of Education and Clinical Informatics (Ms. Laura Dorner, RN-BC) to complete a Preceptor Form. Ms. Dorner is also able to assist students with Preceptor recommendations if needed.
The following information is for AdventHealth Hospital North Pinellas:
- Step 1: At this facility, it is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate Preceptor. If you are unsure of how to reach the appropriate contact/office at your facility, please contact jyotirao@health.usf.edu.
Step 2: Student will share the following information with the USF Practicum Coordinator by email:
- Name of Preceptor and Title
- Confidentiality Agreement and Student Observer Agreement
The following information is for AdventHealth Tampa:
- Step 1: At this facility, it is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate Preceptor. Once secured, students should contact the Education Manager (Ms. Marva Green) to complete required forms. Ms. Green is also able to assist students with Preceptor recommendations if needed.
** Note: Students at this facility are allowed to be matched with a Preceptor who is on the same floor with the title of Nurse Manager, Clinical Nurse Specialist, or other managerial title.
The following information is for AdventHealth Zephyrhills:
- Step 1: At this facility, it is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate Preceptor. Once secured, students should contact the Education Coordinators Ms. Kimberly Elderkin-Troost and Ms. Kimberly Friedmeyer to complete required forms.
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours in the Jacksonville facility without an affiliation agreement.
Step 1: Students are responsible for securing their own preceptor at this facility and notifying the USF Undergraduate Practicum Coordinator, Jyoti Rao at jyotirao@health.usf.edu
Step 2: It is required that all students register with the management and compliance system: myClinical Exchange. The annual cost is $36.50 and is paid by the student. Go to this website to create your account and complete your registration: https://register.myclinicalexchange.com/MainPage.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Enter your email address and receive a validation code to continue filling out the form which requires standard name/address/ school/program/emergency contact information. Only information with a red asterisk is required.
Important: All BayCare sites require the following documentation for any student or student-employee completing learning on-site:
1 | Hep B vaccination series documentation or declination form |
2 | Hep B antigen and Hep C antibody testing |
3 | Rubella, Rubeola, Mumps, and Varicella testing/immunications |
4 | Physical exam documentation |
5 | 2 step TB test or CXR, if past history of +TB test (Serum TB test is acceptable) |
6 | Negative 5 panel urine drug screen |
7 | Flu vaccination documentation (observed Dec 1-March 31) or declination form with student wearing mask |
8 | State Background Check |
9 | School's liability insurance |
10 | Complete BayCare Annual Online Student Orientation Program |
Complete Online Training Modules:
- Visit the online system by searching/launching ‘OLC’ on Team BayCare or through off-site use iconnect.baycare.org and login there- complete all training under their employee # by typing in the search area “Team Member Student” and clicking on the “Team Member Student Coursework” module and complete all the following
Annual | Team Member Doing the Right Thing 2019 |
Annual | Team Member Essentials 2019 |
Annual | Team Member Medicare Compliance 2019 |
Annual | BayCare Online Confidentiality Agreement 2019 |
Annual for Polk Region Hospitals Only | Cerner Inpatient Training (24 modules so plan several days to complete) |
If you have issues with the OLC please contact BayCare IS help desk 727-467-4700 |
All Employees Must also Obtain an NE Number :
If you ever completed clinicals at a BayCare site it’s the same number so please see if you can locate those old documents OR reactivate your NE number. You should not create a new NE number.
How to Reactivate Your NE Number:
- Visit: https://baycare.org/careers/nonteam-member-training
- Click "Need to reactivate (enable) your account again? Log on here.”
- It asks for a User ID which if you forgot, you will need to have access to the same email you first registered with BayCare
- If you don’t remember that email, call the Information Services Help Desk at 727-467-4700
How to get an NE Number (*again if you’ve been assigned an NE number and just forgot it, use steps above):
- Visit https://baycare.org/onlinetraining
- Click "If you have NOT registered for an OLC username and password please register here"
- Click "Click here to register" . Do NOT click the current team member link
- Once you’ve registered you’ll get your NE number emailed to you- send that to jyotirao@health.usf.edu
- Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will send a list of student names who are seeking placement at these hospitals to Ms. Sheila Hartigan and Ms. Andrea Coppage.
- Step 2: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- Log into BayCare's Online Learning Center as an employee, click on Curricula and type in student and it will bring up the required student coursework bundle.
If you have trouble with the training, please contact IS Service Desk at 727-476-4700
- Log into BayCare's Online Learning Center as an employee, click on Curricula and type in student and it will bring up the required student coursework bundle.
(Non employees must follow these instructions: https://usf.app.box.com/file/303339334743)
- Step 3: Students must submit the following items by email to jyotirao@health.usf.edu: BayCare Employee ID number (EI), and completed OLC transcript.
- Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide completed BayCare Request for Student Hospital Access form on your behalf at least two weeks prior to your experiential hours starting.
- Step 5: Ms. Sheila Hartigan will assign you a preceptor at your hospital affiliation. She or Andrea Coppage will email you the preceptor's name and contact information.
- Step 6: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
- Step 7: ALL employees of at Morton Plant Mease, Countryside, Dunedin, and Northbay MUST pick up their flu vaccination stickers
at the Employee Health building on Tampa Rd, on a Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Students must bring proof of their vaccination and student ID. You must have your sticker on your student badge as well as your employee badge in order to be cleared to do your Service Learning Hours on site.
Important: Students may not enter a facility until all mandatory training and onboarding requirements are complete. Failure to follow procedure will result in the entire group being delayed in beginning their rotation or being asked to leave the facility until requirements are verified as being met.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- Log into BayCare's Online Learning Center as an employee, click on Curricula and type in student and it will bring up the required student coursework bundle.
If you have trouble with the training, please contact IS Service Desk at 727-476-4700
- Log into BayCare's Online Learning Center as an employee, click on Curricula and type in student and it will bring up the required student coursework bundle.
Step 2: Students must submit their NE number, BayCare Employee ID number, and OLC transcript of the completed training via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide completed BayCare Request for Student Hospital Access form on your behalf at least two weeks prior to your experiential hours starting.
Step 4: Students should email Ms. Wendy Sutyak (wendy.sutyak@baycare.org) directly to get set up with a nurse manager for their experiential (service learning) hours.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- All students, including BayCare employees, must register for an Non-Employee (NE) number to be used when in the clinical setting as a student and complete all the same requirements as non-employees. If a student is an employee, he or she must have both an NE number and employee ID number listed on the form in the designated fields. Instructions are here: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCBayCareNEinstructions (Please note: there is a new link that will replace baycare.org/onlinetraining, please use this link moving foward: https://baycare.org/careers/nonteam-member-training.)
- Students may not enter a facility until all mandatory training and onboarding requirements are complete. Failure to follow procedure will result in the entire group being delayed in beginning their clinical rotation or being asked to leave the facility until requirements are verified as being met.
Step 2: Students must submit their NE number, BayCare Employee ID number, and OLC transcript of the completed training via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide completed BayCare Request for Student Hospital Access form on your behalf at least two weeks prior to your experiential hours starting.
Step 4: Ms. Tammy Barna (tammy.barna@baycare.org) will assist in assigning your preceptor for your hours.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Identify a SJH/SJCH/SJWH Preceptor for Experiential Learning Practicum (Service Learning Practicum).
- RN-BSN Students may solicit their own BayCare preceptor at SJH/SJCH/SJWH
- Students may not work with a preceptor within the department where the student is a BayCare Team Member (TM)
- Students are encouraged to seek out preceptors outside of the hospital where they are employed (e.g., a SJWH TM should seek a preceptor at SJCH or SJH; a SJCH TM should seek a preceptor at SJH or SJWH, etc.)
- Students who need assistance identifying a preceptor at SJH/SJWH/SJCH should email Megan.Calton@baycare.org for assistance. Please specify in your email that you are USF RN-BS student looking for a preceptor for your Service Learning Practicum. If you are a TM, please specify what department you currently work in.
Step 2: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- Review the following requirements: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentEducationRequirement
- All BayCare employees must register for an Non-Employee (NE) number to be used when in the clinical setting as a student and complete all the same requirements as non-employees. If a student is an employee, he or she must have both an NE number and employee ID number listed on the form in the designated fields. Instructions are here: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCBayCareNEinstructions (Please note: there is a new link that will replace baycare.org/onlinetraining, please use this link moving foward: https://baycare.org/careers/nonteam-member-training.)
- Students may not enter a facility until all mandatory training and onboarding requirements are complete. Failure to follow procedure will result in the entire group being delayed in beginning their clinical rotation or being asked to leave the facility until requirements are verified as being met.
- Follow instructions on the SJH-SJCH-SJWH Student Training Requirements document to ensure you have met all requirements. If you are a BayCare TM, please make sure to reference the “SJH-SJCH-SJWH Student Training Requirements for TMs”: https://usf.box.com/v/SJH-SJCH-SJWHStudentTraining.
Step 3: Students must submit their NE number, BayCare Employee ID number, and OLC transcript of the completed training via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide completed BayCare Request for Student Hospital Access form on your behalf at least two weeks prior to your experiential hours starting.
Step 5: Students must email Megan Calton with your preceptor's information at least 2 weeks prior to your start date.
- Once you have identified a preceptor, you must e-mail Megan.Calton@baycare.org, Academic Liaison, to notify her that you have completed your training requirements and have identified a preceptor prior to beginning hours
- You must e-mail using your USF school e-mail address
- In your e-mail:
- Specify that you are USF RN-BS student
- Provide your preceptor’s name and unit
- Attach your complete Service Learning Request form
- Indicate that you have completed training requirements
- Include your BayCare NE (nonemployee) number; Also include your BayCare TM ID if you are a BayCare employee
- Request permission to begin completing your hours
Step 6: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Step 7: Wait for confirmation e-mail stating you are cleared to begin your hours
- Megan Calton, Academic Liaison, will email you notifying you that you are cleared to begin your hours
- You may not begin hours until you receive this e-mail
- Ms. Calton will verify that your training requirements are complete and confirm your arrangement with your preceptor
- If you are missing any requirements, Ms. Calton will let you know what is outstanding
- When you have received your e-mail clearance, you may begin your hours.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- All students, including BayCare employees, must register for an Non-Employee (NE) number to be used when in the clinical setting as a student and complete all the same requirements as non-employees. If a student is an employee, he or she must have both an NE number and employee ID number listed on the form in the designated fields. Instructions are here: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCBayCareNEinstructions (Please note: there is a new link that will replace baycare.org/onlinetraining, please use this link moving foward: https://baycare.org/careers/nonteam-member-training.)
- Confidentiality Agreement 2018
- NTM or TM Essentials 2018
- Doing the Right Things
- NTM or TM Medicare Compliance 2018
- Students may not enter a facility until all mandatory training and onboarding requirements are complete. Failure to follow procedure will result in the entire group being delayed in beginning their clinical rotation or being asked to leave the facility until requirements are verified as being met.
- Please review the following additional documentation that would be helpful.
- NTM & TM Login Access: https://usf.box.com/v/NTMTMLoginAccess
- OLC Learner Functions NTM: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCLearnerFunction
- Flu shots WHH.BRMC: https://usf.box.com/v/FlushotWHH
- Student Guidelines Polk Region 2018: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentGuidelines2018
Step 2: Students must submit their NE number, BayCare Employee ID number, OLC transcript of completed training, and Flu vaccination documentation via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide completed BayCare Request for Student Hospital Access form on your behalf at least two weeks prior to your experiential hours starting.
Step 4: Students must identify what nurse leader you are interested in following and Ms. Tamara King (Tamara.King@baycare.org) will verify their availability. Once a nurse leader is secured, Ms. King can send a clearance email to everyone involved.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Step 6: Students are required to wear their school-issued photo ID badge while on premise in the capacity of a student. You may not wear your BayCare badge during that time.
Step 7: At the close of your experience, the nurse leader must sign the Student Clinical Hours Application form and return the form to WHH Education: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentClinicalHourApp.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 2 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: USF representative emails the BayCare student liaison, Tamara King, a request for student hours. Email should contain number of students with names, number of hours needed, date range to obtain these requested hours and what the clinical hours are for (i.e. leadership, EBP, etc.) and possible chosen BayCare team members to follow.
Step 2: The BayCare Student Liaison contacts the department/manager to see if they are able to accommodate the request. If approval is obtained, the Student Liaison will notify the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will ensure the below items are on SCHOOL FILE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students must provide evidence of meeting the following requirements to the USF Practicum Coordinator, housed in your Castle Branch account.
1 | Hepatitis B vaccination series documentation or declination form |
2 | Hepatitis B antigen and Hepatitis C antibody testing |
3 | Rubella, Rubeola, Mumps, and Varicella immunizations/testing |
4 | Physical exam documentation indicating physically able to perform duties of the position, with or without reasonable accommodations and are free of communicable disease |
5 | 2 step TB test- (1 step TB if 2 step was completed in the prior year) or CXR if past history of +TB test (Serum TB test is acceptable) |
6 | Negative 5 panel urine drug screen |
7 | Flu vaccination documentation (observed Dec 1-March 31) or declination form with student wearing mask |
8 | State Background check (this can be obtained from your CastleBranch account ) |
9 | School’s liability Insurance (school would have on file) |
10 | Complete Annual Online Student Orientation and Training Program |
Step 4: Students must complete the following training and documentation:
- All students, including BayCare employees, must register for an Non-Employee (NE) number to be used when in the clinical setting as a student and complete all the same requirements as non-employees. If a student is an employee, he or she must have both an NE number and employee ID number listed on the form in the designated fields. Instructions are here: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCBayCareNEinstructions (Please note: there is a new link that will replace baycare.org/onlinetraining, please use this link moving foward: https://baycare.org/careers/nonteam-member-training.)
- Confidentiality Agreement 2018
- NTM or TM Essentials 2018
- Doing the Right Things
- NTM or TM Medicare Compliance 2018
- Students may not enter a facility until all mandatory training and onboarding requirements are complete. Failure to follow procedure will result in the entire group being delayed in beginning their clinical rotation or being asked to leave the facility until requirements are verified as being met.
- Please review the following additional documentation that would be helpful.
- NTM & TM Login Access: https://usf.box.com/v/NTMTMLoginAccess
- OLC Learner Functions NTM: https://usf.box.com/v/OLCLearnerFunction
- Flu shots WHH.BRMC: https://usf.box.com/v/FlushotWHH
- Student Guidelines Polk Region 2018: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentGuidelines2018
Step 5: Students must submit their NE number, BayCare Employee ID number, OLC transcript of completed training, and Flu vaccination documentation via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 6: The USF Practicum Coordinator will then send an email to the Student Liaison, at least 2 weeks before student would be on premise for practicum hours, stating all affiliation required documents are on school file, and send
A) A completed BayCare student hospital access form along with
B) A completed Flu verification form (for Dec1- March31).
Step 7: The Student Liaison will send a clearance email to the USF Practicum Coordinator and BayCare preceptors once requirements are verified as met.
Step 8: Students must review the attached BayCare Form 4 -Polk Regional Clinical Instructor-Student Guidelines. The USF Practicum Coordinator will ensure all students have received a copy of the guidelines and have reviewed/understood them.
Step 9: Once approved, students can then make arrangements with the BayCare team member they are shadowing for their practicum hours. Students must wear a school-issues photo ID badge when on premise and they must park in the back row of BRMC parking lot. Designated student parking at WHH is beyond the ED down by Lake Martha.
Step 10: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Note: USF faculty and instructors cannot be on premises unless they have completed all required instructor onboarding and attended a mandatory BayCare instructor orientation class.
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must submit the following completed documentation and email it to the USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
- Required 6 documents: https://usf.box.com/v/BayfrontSH-Requireddocs
- List your preference for a department that would interest you for your observation hours, areas to choose from: Emergency Room, Women’s Services, Tele/ICU, House Supervisor or Education
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will complete the Rotation Request form, Student Orientation Checklist, and the Student Checklist form and submit all completed documents to Ms. Tonya Powell (Tonya.Powell@BayfrontHealth.com and Ms. Jerrilynn Kelso (Jerrilynn.Kelso@BayfrontHealth.com).
Step 3: Once all above forms and documentation are reviewed and cleared, Ms. Powell and Ms. Kelso will notify the USF Practicum Coordinator if students are cleared.
Step 4: The facility will arrange an appropriate preceptor for you.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must submit the following completed documentation and email it to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
- Statement of Responsibility 2018: https://usf.box.com/v/StatementofResponsibility
- Student Confidentiality: https://usf.box.com/v/StatementofConfidentiality
- Student-Instructor Orientation Checklist-Bayfront St. Petersburg: https://usf.box.com/v/OrientationChecklist
Step 2: Students are responsible for providing the name, unit and contact information of their preceptor to their USF Practicum Coordinator via email.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide your documentation and preceptor information to Ms. Sunita Mejia (sunita.mejia@bayfronthealth.com).
This facility/organization accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
For Team Members (TM):
Step 1: Current TM (USF RN-BS student) will secure their own nurse leader as their preceptor. Ms. Debra French has indicated it is fine for current employees to ask a director to be their preceptor.
Step 2: Once a student has secured a preceptor, please provide the preceptor's name and contact information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide the student's preceptor information to Ms. Debra French (debra.french@bayfronthealth.com).
For Non-Team Members (NTM):
Step 1: Students that are NTMs should email Ms. Debra French (debra.french@bayfronthealth.com).
Step 2: Students will need to complete the following:
- BLS-must be American Heart
- NATIONAL Criminal Background Check–this means ALL 50 states, can't be more than a year old
- NATIONAL Sex Offender check–ALL 50 states
- Titers for MMR, Varicella, Hep B series, FLU-this season FLU Vaccine-PPD-PPD, cannot be more than 12 months old
- Copy of personal health insurance card
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization accepts their employees for student placement. Temporarily on hold, no active Agreement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your name and contact information to Ms. Kimberly "Kim" Farmer (kimberly.farmer@brooksrehab.org).
Step 2: Ms. Farmer will secure the student's preceptor and will email you the information to your student (USF Health) email.
Step 3: Ms. Farmer will have the student complete the Brooks paperwork on their first day at Brooks, which includes but not limited to the confidentiality agreement, security agreement, and the student orientation handout.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement. No active Affiliation Agreement at this time.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility without an affiliation agreement, but documentation must be completed in it's place:
Step 1: Students are responsible for finding a preceptor at this facility.
Step 2: Ms. Winsome Smith (wsmith@browardhealth.org) should provide you the following link: https://www.browardhealth.org/orientation/orientation-pages/students-interns-and-instructors-orientation. Students should complete the following and any other items requested by Ms. Smith. All forms can be found on the link, but are also provided below. Please check both to make sure you have the most up to date form.
- Student and Faculty responsibility form: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentObservationForm
- Complete onboarding process, including responsibility: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentResponsibility
- Exhibit A form, which will need to be signed by either the USF Practicum Coordinator or the USF Compliance Officer
Step 3: Submit your forms to Ms. Winsome Smith (wsmith@browardhealth.org) via email.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
*Currently transitioning and might take students starting after Spring 2019
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your name and contact information on your behalf to secure placement at this facility.
Step 2: Children's Medical Services Tampa (CMST) generally pairs students with a nurse care coordinator or sometimes a supervisor.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
*Currently transitioning and might take students starting after Spring 2019
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will only accept employees for student placement.
*Currently transitioning and might take students starting after Spring 2019. In addition, Pinellas has limited space. Generally only 1-3 clinic morning sessions each month between August and December.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your name and contact information on your behalf to secure placement at this facility.
Step 2: Children's Medical Services Tampa (CMST) generally pairs students with a nurse care coordinator or sometimes a supervisor.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
*Currently transitioning and might take students starting after Spring 2019
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Dr. Maria Russ (maria.russ@sdhc.k21.fl.us) and Ms. K'Netra Hatch (knetra.hatch@sdhc.k12.fl.us) with all students information along with the number of hours and dates.
Step 2: The facility (Ms. Hatch) will place you with a nurse at a facility and should email you with your matched preceptor.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Kelley Huelle (khuelle@pasco.k12.fl.us) with all students information along with the number of hours and dates.
Step 2: Students will need to complete the Volunteer Application via https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MTU4OmVuLVVT.
Step 3: The facility will place you with a nurse at a facility and should email you with your matched preceptor.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Sara O'Toole (OTOOLES@pcsb.org) with all students information along with the number of hours and dates.
Step 2: Students will need to complete the Volunteer Application via https://usf.box.com/v/2018PCSVolunteerForm, and provide a copy of your driver's license to Ms. O'Toole via email: OTOOLES@pscb.org.
Step 3: The facility will place you with a nurse at a facility and should email you with your matched preceptor.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with Dr. Maria Stahl (maria.stahl@flhealth.gov) that there is space to accommodate students for the semester requested.
Step 2: Students will need to meet with the FDOH for Brevard County to discuss experience and complete volunteer packet. Email Dr. Stahl (maria.stahl@flhealth.gov) to arrange a day and time to meet.
Step 3: The facility will place you with a nurse leader at the facility and should email you with your matched preceptor.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Heidi C. Evans (Heidi.Evans@flhealth.gov) with all students information along with the number of hours and dates.
Step 2: Students will need to complete the following forms and submit them via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
- Candidate Questionaire: https://usf.box.com/v/CandidateQuestionaire
- The USF Practicum Coordinator will work with the USF Compliance Officer to complete the Attestation on your behalf.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your completed paperwork on your behalf to Ms. Evans. At that time, Ms. Evans will assign all students who completed their paperwork to do some training required before starting practicum hours.
Step 4: The facility will place you with a nurse leader at the facility and should email you with your matched preceptor.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, and unit.
Step 2: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send all student preceptor information to Ms. McKinney for their record.
Step 4: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 5: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement. Time sensitive, must be submitted 3-4 weeks before the semester starts! With the holiday, it will need to be more.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Christine Reeves (christine.reeves@ahss.org) all students names and contact information.
Step 2: Students will need to complete the following forms and submit them via email to the USF Practicum Coordinator. Be advised that some elements are "N/A" due to exclusion of direct patient care activities.
Note: Incomplete and/or illegible documents will delay processing and rotation start.
Current employees should already have these forms up to date in the FH-Carrollwood system.
- Non-Employee OPID Form: https://usf.box.com/v/FHCarrolOPID19
- Form Request for Student Placement FHCW: https://usf.box.com/v/FHCarrolRequestStudPlacement
- Student Confidentiality of Information Agreement: https://usf.box.com/v/FHCarrolConfidentiality
- Student Orientation Checklist: https://usf.box.com/v/FHCarrolStudOrient
Step 3: Students must schedule a time to briefly meet with Ms. Reeves for your orientation to Carrollwood, regardless if you are already an employee. Email her at christine.reeves@ahss.org.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your completed paperwork on your behalf to Ms. Reeves.
Step 5: It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit. Ms. Reeves can clarify for you.
Step 6: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will contact Ms. Elizabeth Celeste (elizabeth.celeste@ahss.org) to see if their facility can accommodate students for the semester requested.
Step 2: Students must identify a preceptor for their experience. The hospital mandates that the preceptor cannot be a student's direct supervisor and the student must receive consent from the preceptor that they are willing and available to complete the hours with them.
Step 3: Students must email Ms. Edna Thomas (edna.thomas@ahss.org) for preceptor approval and next steps in the hospital's process for onboarding students.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student must email the USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu) with the following information:
- Preference of learning experience, departments, etc.
Step 2: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Kate Dorminy (katherine.dorminy@flhosp.org) all student's information, number of hours, deadline to complete hours, and student preferences.
Step 3: Ms. Dorminy will assign you a preceptor at the facility. Please watch for an email from her, she will send the information to your USF Health email.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Per Ms. Marva Green, employees that enroll in the RN to BS Program with USF should contact her directly. Email her at Marva.Green@ahss.org as soon as possible, and she will provide you with the required documents needed to secure your placement.
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. The hospital mandates that a student's preceptor cannot be their direct supervisor. If you need assistance in choosing a preceptor, you can contact Marva Green.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student is required to email Ms. Laura Dorner (laura.dorner@ahss.org) directly to receive the forms required to secure placement for the semester requested.
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. The hospital mandates that a student's preceptor cannot e their direct supervisor.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will verify with the facility if they are able to accommodate the placement request. USF Practicum Coordinator will share the following information with the facility: Student name(s), whether they are an FH employee, school, degree, expected start and end dates, hours, FH campus, unit and student's preceptor assigned.
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will send an email to student(s) approved for placement at this facility. Students are then required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 4: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to send the following information to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu):
- Your Campus (which facility, not USF)
- Your unit
- Your preceptor's name and contact information
- It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. It cannot be your immediate supervisor, and generally cannot be on your unit.
Step 2: Students are required to complete the following yellow portions on this form and return to Ms. McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) directly. Do not send sensitive SSN information to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jennifer McKinney (jennifer.mckinney@flhosp.org) with related information such as date, hours, campus, unit, and preceptor assigned.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor for your experiential learning (service learning) practicum hours. The hospital mandates that a student's preceptor cannot be their direct supervisor.
Step 2: Once a preceptor is secured, the student will need to email Ms. Nancy Grande (nancy.grande@fhmmc.org) for the appropriate paperwork needed to secure placement with the facility and next steps.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to review the following information before beginning in any of Florida Medical Clinic's sites:
- Student HIPAA Training Packet: https://usf.box.com/v/FMCHIPAA
- Student Orientation Handbook: https://usf.box.com/v/FMCHandbook
Step 2: Students are required to complete, sign electronically, and return the following packet to Ami Haberle at ahaberle@floridamedicalclinic.com before starting their clinical hours:
- Student Training Packet: https://usf.box.com/v/FMCTrainingPkt
Step 3: Student are required to provide the following to the HR office for Florida Medical Clinic, representative (Ami Haberle, ahaberle@floridamedicalclinic.com):
- Current PPD results or chest x-ray (within 1 year or less)
- Proof of Hepatitis B Titer or signed Declination form
- Photo ID
- Background Check
- CPR or BLS
Step 4: Student are required to get their own preceptor at the facility who must have a position of Nurse manager (or higher).
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator via email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
- Health and Background screening attestation–will be completed on your behalf by the USF Practicum Coordinator and USF Compliance Officer
- Certificates of Completion of Student orientation and HIPPA quizzes (must obtain 100%): http://hcsstudentsfl.org. Information: https://usf.box.com/v/OrientationHIPPAQuizzes
- Signed Statement of responsibility and Statement of Confidentiality: https://usf.box.com/v/ResponsibilityConfidentiality
- Signed parking attestation: https://usf.box.com/v/parking
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will submit student's completed documentation to Ms. Ronela Arandela (ronela.arendela@tenethealth.com) on their behalf.
Step 3: Ms. Arandela will assist you in securing a preceptor at the facility. A short orientation might be required.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
Select the appropriate location within the HCA North Florida Division.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation/orientation and return to Ms. Judy Ingram (judy.ingram2@hcahealthcare.com) to secure your placement for the semester requested. The items in blue indicate what needs to be submitted to Ms. Ingram.
- HIPPA and HITECH form: https://usf.box.com/v/HIPPAHITECH
- Hospital General Guidelines: https://usf.box.com/v/HospGenGuidelines
- Mission and Vision Guiding Principles: https://usf.box.com/v/MissionVision
- Safety Handbook: https://usf.box.com/v/Safetyhandbook
- Social Media Guidelines: https://usf.box.com/v/SocialMediaGuidelines
- Confidentiality and Security Agreement: https://usf.box.com/v/ConfidentiatlityAgreement
- Student Orientation Attestation Form: https://usf.box.com/v/OrientationAttestation
- Student Computer Access Information: https://usf.box.com/v/ComputerAccess
- The USF Practicum Coordinator and USF Compliance Officer will complete the USF Exhibit C form on your behalf.
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor. See guidelines at the top of this form.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student must read: NFRMC – 1 Student Orientation Learning Packet-- https://usf.box.com/v/NFRMC1 - in its entirety.
Step 2: Upon completion of reading the NFRMC – 1 Student Orientation Learning Packet Students must sign and complete the NFRMC-2 Student Orientation Packet Signature Page-- https://usf.box.com/v/NFRMC2. The signed/dated form with each box completed by the student should be copied and returned to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com
Step 3: The student must submit evidence of full compliance with the form NFRMC -3 EXHIBIT C Attestation of Satisfactory Background Investigation and Drug Report-- https://usf.box.com/v/NFRMC3 to the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator. Upon successful completion of the NFRMC -3 EXHIBIT C Attestation of Satisfactory Background Investigation and Drug Report form by the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator, a copy signed by the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator who is authorized to attest to its contents on behalf of the student, should be sent to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com
Step 4: The Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator must also complete both tabs of the NFRMC -4 Regulatory Student/Instructor Form for NFRMC 2018-- https://usf.box.com/v/NFRMC4 even if the student does not need EMR access. Once completed, this form must also be returned to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com no later than 2 weeks prior to the clinical activity.
Step 5: Students must read the information provided on parking and shuttle services: NFRMC - 5 Student Shuttle Flyer-- https://usf.box.com/v/NFRMC5. For all shifts beginning after 0530 & ending before 2330, students will park in the free shuttle lot as shown.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Note: All documents listed above in bold will have links provided to the student and USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at these locations, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at these facilities if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location(s), you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Vicky Murphy (victoria.murphy@hcahealthcare.com) with all student information for students who are employed by the following facilities:
Blake Medical Center
Brandon Regional Hospital
Citrus Memorial Hospital
Doctor's Hospital of Sarasota
Englewood Community Hospital
Fawcett Memorial Hospital
Largo Medical Center
Medical Center of Trinity
Memorial Hospital of Tampa
Northside Hospital–St. Petersburg
Oak Hill Hospital
Palms of Pasadena
Regional Medical Center of Bayonet Point
Southbay Hospital
St. Petersburg General Hospital
Tampa Community Hospital
Step 2: Ms. Murphy will assign you your preceptor for the semester at your facility.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return completed documents to the USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
- Attestation: https://usf.box.com/v/Health1stAttestation
- Confidentiality form: https://usf.box.com/v/Health1stConfidentiality
- Single Student Badge form: https://usf.box.com/v/Health1stStudBadge
- Updated Release of Responsibility form: https://usf.box.com/v/Health1stResponsibility
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will submit all completed documents to Ms. Ginger Kreigh (studentexperience@health-first.org) on the student's behalf.
Step 3: It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor and clear it with Ms. Kreigh.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The following items must be provided to Georgia Huston: georgia.morton@heartofflorida.com
- a signed Attestation indicating when the student will be completing their clinical rotations,
- a flu vaccination approval/refusal form
- the completion of our online student orientation: https://form.jotform.com/61217902661149
Step 2: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Elyce Bishop (elyce.bishop@holy-cross.com) with all student information and hours.
Step 2: Ms. Elyce Bishop will provide the USF Practicum Coordinator with names of willing preceptors at the facility.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must submit the following documentation and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator to secure placement at this facility: Time sensitive, must be submitted 6 weeks before the semester starts!
- Trainee Qualification Credential Verification Letter which will be completed by the USF Practicum Coordinator on the student's behalf
Step 2: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email the appropriate paperwork to Ms. Sonji Blanks (Sonji.Blanks@va.gov), six weeks before the semester starts.
Step 3: Students are required to email Ms. Blanks directly regarding preceptor placement. Once you have reached out to her, she will have you complete the Student Observation Request (https://usf.box.com/v/StudObservationRequest) and have the student's preceptor sign.
Step 4: The signed agreement will need to be returned to Ms. Blanks for the hospital's records.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Margaret Nedimyer (margaret.Nedimyer@jhmi.edu) with all current employee/student information to initiate the placement process.
Step 2: Ms. Nedimyer will determine placement and a preceptor for each student. Either her or the USF Practicum Coordinator will notify students and the student must complete the following documentation and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
- Confidentiality Statement: https://usf.box.com/v/JHACHConfidStatement
- Confidentiality Pledge: https://usf.box.com/v/JHACHConfidPledge
- Nursing Management Leadership Student application: https://usf.box.com/v/JHACHapplication
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email all completed documentation to Ms. Nedimyer for the hospital's records.
Step 4: The student and the preceptor should meet, and negotiate a schedule. Ms. Nedimyer requires a copy of the agreed upon schedule for her records.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Christina Fielders (Christina.Fielders@myLRH.org) with a list of students and their information.
Step 2: Ms. Fielders will contact the leadership and set up preceptors for all students submitted by the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: Ms. Fielders will email all students individually and copy the USF Practicum Coordinator on the email with each student's assigned preceptor.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Jacki Guy (jacqueline.guy@lwrmc.com) with a list of student's, their information, the start/end date, prefer BSN or MSN for Leader Preceptor and any specific role or department for this particular course.
Step 2: Ms. Guy will contact the leadership and set up preceptor for all students submitted by the USF Practicum Coordinator.
Step 3: Ms. Guy or the USF Practicum Coordinator will email all student individually with each student's assigned preceptor.
Step 4: Once that is complete, students will be responsible to complete the following when prompted by LRMC:
- LRMC representative need to meet with each student
- LRMC representative will initiate a URL Link for orientation
- Students will need to complete necessary paperwork/facility and unit orientation
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return them to Ms. Marge Massaro (margaret.massaro@leehealth.org) in the Department of Academics to secure placement and approval:
- Observation documentation request form: https://usf.box.com/v/NonClincStudForm
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a sponsor (preceptor) that is a Nurse Manager.
Step 3: Once a student's preceptor is cleared with the facility, students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return them to Ms. Marge Massaro (margaret.massaro@leehealth.org) in the Department of Academics to secure placement and approval:
- Observation documentation request form: https://usf.box.com/v/Golisanoobservationform
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor. If a student needs assistance, Ms. Debbie Fleming (debbie.fleming@leehealth.org) could possibly help guide students.
Step 3: Once a student's preceptor is cleared with the facility, students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return them to Ms. Marge Massaro (margaret.massaro@leehealth.org) in the Department of Academics to secure placement and approval:
- Observation documentation request form: https://usf.box.com/v/ObservationForm18
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a sponsor (preceptor) that is a Nurse Manager.
Step 3: Once a student's preceptor is cleared with the facility, students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return them to Ms. Marge Massaro (margaret.massaro@leehealth.org) in the Department of Academics to secure placement and approval:
- Observation documentation request form: https://usf.box.com/v/Healthparkobservationform
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a sponsor (preceptor) that is a Nurse Manager.
Step 3: Once a student's preceptor is cleared with the facility, students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return them to Ms. Marge Massaro (margaret.massaro@leehealth.org) in the Department of Academics to secure placement and approval:
- Observation documentation request form: https://usf.box.com/v/ObservationForm18
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure a sponsor (preceptor) that is a Nurse Manager.
Step 3: Once a student's preceptor is cleared with the facility, students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation to secure their placement at this facility:
- It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor. If you do not have a preceptor, you can work with Ms. Sandi Letourneau for guidance or direction. Once you have secured a preceptor, you will complete the survey in its entirety.
- Complete information on link: https://www.brainshark.com/uhsinc/GME_Midlevel-StudentOrient
Step 2: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Shirley Adames to establish willing preceptors.
Step 2: Student is required to complete the following documentation to secure placement and return to Ms. Shirley Adames (shirley.adames@martinhealth.org) prior to the semester's start date. Be advised that you must "complete the packet to its entirety together with all the required forms."
- Online Orientation Packet: https://usf.box.com/v/OnlineOrientationPacket
- Online Assessment, mentioned on cover page of Orientation packet, to obtain internship approval.
- The USF Practicum Coordinator and the USF Compliance Officer will complete the USF Martin Attestation on your behalf. Be sure your Castle Branch is up to date.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement. Affiliation Agreement in process
If you are a current employee/team member at these locations, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at these facilities if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student must note that all USF RN-BS students/current employees at this site must keep all Health, Safety and Security requirements in a student file via an account with Complio from American Databank. MHS employees have the ability to upload a copy of their employee badge in lieu of paying the $150 cost (only $10 remaining for remaining responsibilities in online system). Non-Employees will have to pay the additional $150 to start an account on Complio.
Note: MHS employees' badge helps satisfy most of the requirements in Complio. These students can on-board themselves one month before the start of the rotation. Non-Employees are recommended to start 2 months in advance from the start of their rotation.
Step 2: Students must satisfy the required immunizations:
- MMR (2) or titers
- Hep B (3) or titers (for healthcare worker only). MHS Hep B declination form will be accepted.
- TDap or Td within the last 10 years
- Varicella or titers or documentation of disease
Step 3: Students must complete a health screening including negative PPD OR proof of a positive PPD along with negative chest X-Ray dated after the positive PPD on file and an MHS signs and symptoms attestation form dated within the last 365 days. No quantiferon gold.
Step 4: Student must complete an 8 panel drug test or higher
Step 5: Students must satisfy the required background check information:
- Tri county (Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach) background check
- State/FDLE background check
- National background check
- Sexual Predator background check
- OIG Sanctions & Exclusions Check
- Employment verification – the last year
- Fingerprinting (depending on the type of student)
Step 6: Student must satisfy the Flu Shot requirement (seasonal November 1 to March 31). Declination form will be accepted but must wear a mask at all times.
Step 7: Student must satisfy the BLS for Healthcare providers requirement (if working in an area with patients).
Step 8: It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor. See guidelines above for details. Note: preceptors cannot be the student's direct reports, nor can it be on the student's floor/unit/department.
Step 9: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
No student can on-board until the Affiliation Agreement is completed.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Valerie Burke (Valerie.Burke@moffitt.org) with the completed Preceptor Student Affiliation form completed for each student/employee of this facility.
Step 2: Student will receive an email from MCC HR (students@moffitt.org) with onboarding information via their USF Health email. Students must complete all on-boarding items requested of them from MCC HR in order to start their practicum hours. Please respond promptly to ensure no or minimal delays.
Step 3: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return it to Ms. Thressa Maier (thressa.maier@muroeregional.com) in order to secure placement:
- Compliance with Student Orientation: https://usf.box.com/v/ComplianceStudOrientation
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor. Ms. Maier will need to know the preceptor's name, where they work, and what date you will start (beginning of the semester).
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: USF Practicum Coordinator verifies with Naples Community Hospital (NCH) Education Department if they have space to accommodate students at their facility.
Step 2: Student will complete the following paperwork and submit to Ms. Carol Johnson, Support Staff Educator-Education Department (carol.johnson@nchmd.org)
- Verification of Readiness for Clinical Training
- Confidentiality agreement:
- Demographic form:
Step 3: It is the ___________ responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor for your experience.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student must read: NFRMC – 1 Student Orientation Learning Packet in its entirety.
Step 2: Upon completion of reading the NFRMC – 1 Student Orientation Learning Packet Students must sign and complete the NFRMC-2 Student Orientation Packet Signature Page. The signed/dated form with each box completed by the student should be copied and returned to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com
Step 3: The student must submit evidence of full compliance with the form NFRMC -3 EXHIBIT C Attestation of Satisfactory Background Investigation and Drug Report to the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator. Upon successful completion of the NFRMC -3 EXHIBIT C Attestation of Satisfactory Background Investigation and Drug Report form by the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator, a copy signed by the USF Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator who is authorized to attest to its contents on behalf of the student, should be sent to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com
Step 4: The Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator must also complete both tabs of the NFRMC -4 Regulatory Student/Instructor Form for NFRMC 2018 even if the student does not need EMR access. Once completed, this form must also be returned to arwynn.collins@hcahealthcare.com no later than 2 weeks prior to the clinical activity.
Step 5: Students must read the information provided on parking and shuttle services: NFRMC - 5 Student Shuttle Flyer. For all shifts beginning after 0530 & ending before 2330, students will park in the free shuttle lot as shown.
Step 6: It is the student's responsibility to secure an appropriate preceptor. Generally a preceptor cannot be your direct supervisor or on your floor/unit. Your preceptor should be a nurse in a leadership role such as a manager, assistant manager or your facility's equivalent.
Step 7: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
Select the appropriate location confirmed by your USF Practicum Coordinator.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will provide all student information to Bobbie Bishop (bobbie.bishop@va.gov) including each student's USF Health email address.
Step 2: Ms. Bishop will provide all students with the required forms to be completed as well as instructions for completion. She will also include swearing-in and fingerprinting requirement information.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
If you are NOT a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
You may meet with Bobbie Bishop in Lake City, Florida or her colleague Jose Perez in Gainesville, Florida when ready to complete this process and be sworn-in. You’ll need to bring the required forms of ID detailed on the I-9 List of Acceptable ID.
Step 1: USF Practicum Coordinator will email Ms. Bishop to see if they can accommodate an external employee.
Step 2: Ms. Bishop will confirm and provide documentation for student to complete.
Student Responsibility:
Step 3: Identifying preceptor
Step 4: Complete WOC form by:
- Sign/Date
- Circle Veteran Status in Box
Step 5: Print/provide a copy of your most recent Privacy & HIPAA training and Information Security & Rules of Behavior training certificates from TMS.
Step 6: Complete the Application for Health Care Professions Trainees, Declaration for Federal Employees, and I-9 Form (I-9 only page one to first signature line): https://usf.box.com/v/MalcomTraineesETC.
- No PO Box, use complete legal name, be legible & consistent with information, if you have any question leave blank and you'll complete together with Ms. Bishop.
Step 7: USF Practicum Coordinator will send the TQCVL Form to University of South Florida Dean of the College of Nursing for completion.
- The TQCVL Form requires:
- Addition of University of South Florida Letterhead & Date on top of Pg. 1.
- Review & Endorsement at bottom of Pg. 2.
- Addition of Date of top of Pg. 3.
Step 8: Academic Program Coordinator/Student Collaboration: Student should complete the Request for Clinical Facilities template with desired clinical information (sample provided for guidance).
- Cover-Reg Form: https://usf.box.com/v/MalcomRegform1
- Request: https://usf.box.com/v/MalcomRequestform
- Sample: https://usf.box.com/v/MalcomSample
- Provide precise dates/times of actual rotation
- Template MUST be signed by school faculty verifying Rotation, Site, and Preceptor have been approved by the Academic Affiliate.
Step 9: Complete the Trainee Satisfaction Survey (TSS) on-line after all clinicals are complete.
- TSS Flyer VA https://usf.box.com/v/MalcomFlyer3
Note: VA Employees are NOT Permitted to perform school work on VA duty time. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange clinical hours on days off or take appropriate leave to accommodate their academic needs.
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the pre-recorded online orientation video/webinar, which can be found here.
Step 2: After the student completes the video/webinar, you must complete the following documents and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
- Attestation of Completion for the video: https://usf.box.com/v/GrouporientationPDF
- Student confidentiality form: https://usf.box.com/v/opisconfidentiality
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will submit each student's documents to Pam Carrube (pamela.carrube@opismr.com).
Step 4: Opis Senior Service Group will assign each student an appropriate preceptor.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the pre-recorded online orientation video/webinar, which can be found here.
Step 2: After the student completes the video/webinar, you must complete the following documents and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
- Attestation of Completion for the video: https://usf.box.com/v/GrouporientationPDF
- Student confidentiality form: https://usf.box.com/v/opisconfidentiality
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will submit each student's documents to Pam Carrube (pamela.carrube@opismr.com).
Step 4: Opis Senior Service Group will assign each student an appropriate preceptor.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the pre-recorded online orientation video/webinar, which can be found here.
Step 2: After the student completes the video/webinar, you must complete the following documents and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
- Attestation of Completion for the video: https://usf.box.com/v/GrouporientationPDF
- Student confidentiality form: https://usf.box.com/v/opisconfidentiality
Step 3: USF Practicum Coordinator will submit each student's documents to Pam Carrube (pamela.carrube@opismr.com).
Step 4: Opis Senior Service Group will assign each student an appropriate preceptor.
Step 5: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit your name and contact information on your behalf to secure placement at this facility (kterry@orangeblossomgroup.com).
Step 2: Orange Blossom Women's Group will coordinate the remainder of your on-boarding.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must review the following documents/orientation packet in order to complete the student on-boarding process. You will submit all completed documentation to USF Practicum Coordinator via email.
- It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor. This will need to be done before submitting your packet to the USF Practicum Coordinator.
- Student Application: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentApplicationOHS
- Student Orientation Packet (initial, sign and return page 8): https://usf.box.com/v/OHCStudentOrientationPkt
- SLP Regulatory packet: https://usf.box.com/v/SLCRegulatoyPacket
- SLP Regulatory answer sheet: https://usf.box.com/v/RegPacketAnswerSheet
- The USF Practicum Coordinator will complete the Requirement form on your behalf.
Step 2: The USF Practicum Coordinator will verify all student's information and grade each student's quiz to ensure each student passed with at least an 84% or better. If not, each student that did not reach 84% will need to retake the quiz.
Step 3: The USF Practicum Coordinator will send the remaining forms to Mr. Ronald "Ron" Cottman (ronald.cottman@orlandohealth.com) so he can clear each student for shadow observations. This facility does not accept paperwork directly from students.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students must complete the following documentation and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator to secure placement:
- Student Placement Form: https://usf.box.com/v/StudentPlacementForm
- The USF Practicum Coordinator and the USF Compliance officer will draft an Attestation for the following requirements. Each student should make sure their Castle Branch account is up to date.
- Level II Background Check
- Immunization Records
- TB Test (no later than 1 year)
- Influenza Vaccine (only required Dec-April)
Step 2: The USF Practicum Coordinator will submit each student's paperwork on their behalf to Ms. Alisha Terborg (alisha.terborg@orlandohealth.com).
Step 3: Once students have completed all requirements, Ms. Alisha Terborg (alisha.terborg@orlandohealth.com) will email all students information about their online orientation.
Step 4: Once a student has completed the online orientation, the student will be given an appointment to come in to HR for a badge.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Currently not accepting RN-BS students per Affiliation Agreement.
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students are required to complete the following documentation and return it to Ms. Maribeth Desiongco (maribeth-desiongco@smh.com) in order to secure placement:
- Student Clearance Form: https://usf.box.com/v/ClearanceForm
- Medical Information Statement of Confidentiality: https://usf.box.com/v/MedicalConfidentiality
- Commitment to Standards of Behavior: https://usf.box.com/v/standardsofbehavior
- The USF Practicum Coordinator and the USF Compliance Officer will complete the SMHCS Student Roster and Information Sheet on each student's behalf. We will need to know when you are done with the Standards of Behavior form as well as the Confidentiality form.
Step 2: It is the student's responsibility to secure their own preceptor.
Step 3: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization will accept non-employees for student placement.
If your USF Practicum Coordinator has placed you at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Information to come.
This facility/organization only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Student Badges--All TGH employees doing clinical hours in the hospital must obtain and wear a student badge during those hours. Once requested, the badge will take about 2-3 days for processing, and can be picked up at HR on the 2nd Floor. In order to obtain a student badge, the USF Practicum Coordinator must register each student with ISIM, and will need each of student to email (jyotirao@health.usf.edu) with the following information:
- The name of the city you were born in
- Manager's name
- The last four digits of your SS#
- Date of birth
- TGH employee badge # (so the student badge can be cross-referenced)
**If you have a student badge that has expired, please provide the number of your student badge instead**
Step 2: Finding a Preceptor--Tampa General Hospital requires students to secure their own preceptor, this means the facility does not provide their preceptor. If you need assistance in choosing a preceptor, you can contact Terri Ford. Her email is tlford@tgh.org and her number is 813-844-8533.
Step 3: Additional Requirements
- Per TGH procedures, you will need to complete student assignments in MindLab, even if your hours are only observational.
- There is a MindLab account assigned to all students which should have general on-boarding e-Learning’s. The RN-BS students do not need epic training as their role will not require that type of access. If anyone in the RN-BS program was assigned Epic e-Learning's and/or class they can be ignored.
- Do not use employee codes or log-ons, including EPIC, while on site for student hours
- Professional/ business casual with a lab coat is the preferred attire while completing student hours. TGH scrubs should not be worn during this time.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).
This facility/organization mainly only accepts their employees for student placement.
If you are a current employee/team member at this location, you are eligible to complete your experiential hours (service learning) at this facility if you complete the following and return to the USF Practicum Coordinator:
Step 1: Students will need to complete the following documentation and return the completed documentation to Ms. Jean Bulmer (bulmej@shands.ufl.edu):
- Exhibit A, as an employee, you should already been meeting these requirements; student at this facility must get the Flu vaccination: https://usf.box.com/v/UFShandsExhibitA
- Student Guide: https://usf.box.com/v/UFShandsStudGuide
- Confidentiality: https://usf.box.com/v/UFShandsConfidentiality
Step 2: USF Practicum Coordinator will complete the IT Access Clinical Education Agreement and submit to Ms. Bulmer.
Step 3: It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor, this means the facility does not provide a preceptor for a student. Ms. Bulmer will need to know the preceptor's name and dates of each student's practicum.
Step 4: Students must communicate their preceptor's name and contact information via email to your USF Practicum Coordinator (jyotirao@health.usf.edu).