USF Fact Book
USF Fact Book
Kevin Meleedy
Mary Kuka-Marchese
Tina Gainer
Glendalis Gonzalez
Owned by Kevin Meleedy
The University of South Florida Fact Book outlines notable statistics regarding enrollment demographics, degrees awarded, operating budgets, research funding and staffing numbers. The University Office of Decision Support (ODS) provides the data supporting these annual publications. There are internal and external data supporting the Fact Book. The ODS internal data is available after fall drop/add. The external data is collected from other Departments within USF.
Data Source: SID/BOG/USF Financial Aid Office/USF Office or Research/USF Foundation/USF Health
Refresh schedule: Data is collected prior to the annual publication
University of South Florida Fact Book Glossary
Data Element | Section | Before Drop/Add At Drop/Add | Data Source | Description |
Undergraduate | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | The number of students enrolled in, or taking courses credible toward, a 4-year bachelor's degree program. Only degree seeking's students are included in this category, unclassified students (e.g., dual enrolled) are not included. The student type of undergraduate student is determined on the basis of the "Type of Student at Most Recent Admission". |
Graduate | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | The number of students enrolled in, or taking courses credible toward, a post baccalaureate degree. Only degree seeking students are included in this category, unclassified students (e.g., dual enrolled) are not included. The student type for graduate students is determined on the basis of the "Type of Student at Most Recent Admission". |
Doctor of Medicine | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | The number of students enrolled in a degree leading direct to a doctoral degree. Only degree seeking students are included in this category–unclassified students (e.g., dual enrolled) are not included. The student type for Doctor of Medicine is based on the "Type of Student at Most Recent Admission". |
Non-Degree Seeking | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | The number of students enrolled in a course that are not credible toward any degree program. Students enroll under this category to take courses for enrichment, certification, degree completion, or to meet pre-admission requirement for entry into graduate programs. Unclassified students (e.g., dual enrolled) are not included in this category. The student type for non-degree seeking is based on the "Type of Student at Most Recent Admission". |
Number of new FTICs | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | The number of new students enrolled under the category of First-Time-In-College. FTIC includes ‘early admits’ students who were admitted as a degree-seeking student prior to high school graduation. This identification is based on the students' most recent admit type. |
Average high school GPA | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | An average of students' high school cumulative grade point average calculated on an unweighted 4.0 scale. The data population includes incoming freshmen of the fall semester. Average High School GPA is reported annually in the admissions data that university submits to Board of Governors. |
Average SAT | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | An average of students' SAT score. Average SAT score is 1200 or higher. The data population includes incoming freshmen of the fall semester. Average SAT is reported annually in the admissions data that university submits to Board of Governors. |
Mid-range SAT | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | A mid-range of SAT score is 1200 -1360. The data population includes incoming freshmen of the fall semester. Mid-range SAT score is reported annually in the admissions data that university submits to Board of Governors |
Average ACT | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | An average of students' ACT score. An average ACT score is 26 or higher. The data population includes incoming freshmen of the fall semester. Average SAT is reported annually in the admissions data that university submits to Board of Governors. |
Mid-range ACT | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | A mid-range ACT score is 26 -30. The data population includes incoming freshmen of the fall semester. Mid-range ACT score is reported annually in the admissions data that university submits to Board of Governors. |
top 10% of high school classes | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | Percent of all degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school class rank within the top 10% of their graduating high school class. |
National Merit Scholars | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | It represents the number of students receiving National Merit Scholarship in the current year. The National Merit Scholarship Program is a United States academic scholarship competition for recognition and university scholarships administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) |
National Achievement Scholars | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | It represents the number of students receiving National Achievement Scholarship in the current year. The National Merit Scholarship Program is a United States academic scholarship competition for recognition and university scholarships administered by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). |
National Hispanic Scholars | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | E-Profile | It represents number of students receiving the National Hispanic Scholars recognition by current year. National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) identifies outstanding Hispanic high school students and shares the information about their academically well-preparedness with subscribing colleges and universities. |
Florida residents receiving Bright Futures Scholarship | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | It represents a percentage of the student residents of Florida receiving Bright Futures Scholarship. |
Non-white | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents non-white population. The percentage of non-white students is calculated by subtracting the non-resident aliens, not reported and white population from the total student population. |
Reside in on-campus housing (fall) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | Housing Department | It represents the number of students registered to live in on-campus or campus affiliated housing. |
Florida residents | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the students domiciled in the State of Florida. The residency status is verified for the purpose of assessing fees at the institution. The term 'Instate residents' is used to identify students domiciled in the State of Florida. |
Out of state students | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the students domiciled out of the State of Florida. The residency status is verified for the purpose of assessing fees at the institution. The term 'Out of State residents' is used to identify students domiciled not in the State of Florida. |
Florida counties represented | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents students' county of residence within Florida. |
States represented | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents students' State of residence within their country of nationality. |
Countries represented | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents students' country of nationality |
Florida high schools represented | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the High schools attended by the students within the State of Florida |
Number of new transfer students | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the number of new students enrolled as transfer students from other institutions. They are considered transfer students because some or all of their credits from the previous institutions are transferred. The students are categorized as college system transfers or other transfers depending on the type of institution they are transferring from. |
New Transfer students from Florida College System | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents new students enrolled as transfer students from other institutions. Students are categorized as New Transfers from Florida College System because some or all of their credits are transferred from Florida College System. |
Other new transfer students | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents new students enrolled as transfer students from other institutions. All student transfers that are not transferring from Florida College System are categorized as Other New Transfer Students because some or all of their credits are transferred from an institution that is not a Florida College. |
All new transfer students who are non-white | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the percentage of Race/Ethnicity for all new students who are non-white. Data excludes non-resident alien, not-report and white. |
Highest number of transfer students are from (institution name) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the name of institution in each county, from where most of the transfers are coming from. |
New Graduate Students | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the type of new student admissions. New Graduate Students category includes students admitted under the admission type of: Masters/Ed.S., Doctoral Research, and Doctoral Professional. |
Master's & Education Specialist | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | it represents the students admitted under the Masters/Ed.S admission type. |
Doctoral Research | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | it represents the students admitted under the Doctoral Research admission type. |
Doctoral Professional | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | it represents the students admitted under the Doctoral Professional admission type. |
African American | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as African American. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
American Indian | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as American Indian. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Asian | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as Asian. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Hispanic | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as Hispanic. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
White | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as White. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Two or More Races | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported Race/Ethnicity of students as Two or More Races. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Race not reported | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It represents the self-reported non-disclosure of their race. Race/Ethnicity of non-resident aliens is not included in the given type of data. |
Undergraduate | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It indicates if a person is counted as an international, based on the State and Federal definition that uses ethnicity code of non-resident alien by student type. The student type is undergraduate. |
Graduate | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It Indicates if a person is counted as an international, based on the State and Federal definition that uses ethnicity code of non-resident alien by student type. The student type is graduate. |
Non-Degree Seeking | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It Indicates if a person is counted as an international, based on the State and Federal definition that uses ethnicity code of non-resident alien by student type. The student type is Non-Degree Seeking. |
Total International Students | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | It is the Total number of international students, based on the State and Federal definition that uses ethnicity code of non-resident alien by student type. |
College of Arts and Sciences | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Behavioral and Community Sciences | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Education | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Engineering | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Marine Science | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Nursing | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of Public Health | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
College of The Arts | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Morsani College of Medicine | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Muma College of Business | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Office of Graduate Studies | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Office of Undergraduate Studies | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Patel College of Global Sustainability | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Taneja College of Pharmacy | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total headcount for Undergraduate and Graduate by college. Honors College student headcount is included in college or degree major. |
Degrees Offered |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | Degree offered include Bachelors, Masters, Ed Specialists (Ed.S), Research Doctoral and Professional Doctoral. |
Degrees Awarded (2020/21) Break down all 4 | Enrollment | Before Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Total Degrees Awarded in the given academic year. Degrees include Bachelors, Masters, Ed Specialists (Ed.S), Research Doctoral and Professional Doctoral. |
Accreditation paragraph |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | The University of South Florida (USF) is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master's, specialist, and doctorate degrees. |
Student: Faculty Ratio |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (PPA) | The ratio of FTE students to FTE instructional staff (i.e., students divided by staff as defined by IPEDS. Each FTE value is equal to the number of full-time students/staff plus 1/3 the number of part-time students/staff. |
Freshman Retention Rate (IPEDS Methodology) (full-time students, summer/fall 19 to fall 20)* |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | Freshman Retention Rate (Full-time, FTIC) cohorts are based on first-year undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall term (or summer term and continue into the Fall term). Percent retained is based on those who are enrolled during the second fall term. Source: State University Database System (SUDS) and data submitted by the institutions to Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). |
Academic Progress Rate (Performance Based Funding metric) (full-time students, 2.0 GPA +, summer/fall 19 to fall 20)* |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | This metric is based on the percentage of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students who started in the Fall (or summer continuing to Fall) term and were enrolled full-time in their first semester and were still enrolled in the same institution during the next Fall term with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 at the end of their first year (Fall, Spring, Summer). Source: State University Database System (SUDS). |
4-year Graduation Rate, FTIC (Performance Based Funding metric) (2016 FTIC cohort, full-time only) |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | This metric is based on the percentage of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students who started in the Fall (or summer continuing to Fall) term and were enrolled full-time in their first semester and had graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their fourth year. FTIC includes ‘early admit’ students who were admitted as a degree-seeking student prior to high school graduation. Students who were enrolled in advanced graduate programs during their 4th year were excluded. Source: State University Database System (SUDS). |
4-year Graduation Rate, Pell Recipient (2016 FTIC cohort, full-time only) |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | This metric is based on the percentage of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students who started in the Fall (or summer continuing to Fall) term and were enrolled full-time in their first semester and who received a Pell grant during their first year and who graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their fourth year. FTIC includes ‘early admit’ students who were admitted as a degree-seeking student prior to high school graduation. Students who were flagged as enrolled in advanced graduate programs that would not earn a bachelor’s degree were excluded. Source: State University Database System (SUDS). |
6-year graduation Rate (IPEDS Methodology) (2014 FTIC Cohort)* |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | The First-time-in-college (FTIC) cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in fall term (or summer continuing to fall) with fewer than 12 hours earned since high school graduation. The rate is the percentage of the initial cohort that has either graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their sixth academic year. Both full-time and part-time students are used in the calculation. FTIC includes ‘early admits’ students who were admitted as a degree-seeking student prior to high school graduation. Source: State University Database System (SUDS). |
3-year Graduation Rate, AA Transfers (2017 FCS AA Transfer cohort) |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | This transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in fall term (or summer continuing to fall) from the Florida College System with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree. The rate is the percentage of the initial cohort that has either graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their third academic year. Both full-time and part-time students are used in the calculation. Students who were flagged as enrolled in advanced graduate programs that would not earn a bachelor’s degree are excluded. (BOG) |
Endowed Chairs |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | An endowed chairs are personnel supported by payout from an endowed fund, a fund functioning as an endowment, a gift, or an annual allocation. Payout from such income is to be made available to the chair holder in support of his/her teaching, research, and/or service activities. |
Endowed Professorships |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | An endowed professorship (or endowed chair) is a position that is permanently paid for with the revenue from an endowment fund specifically set up for that purpose. |
Distinguished University Professors |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | The Distinguished Professor title is a campus-level distinction. It is reserved for Above Scale faculty who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship over the course of their careers. |
Library |
| Before Drop/Add | Library | Data includes volumes held, serials, databases, and collections' expenditures. The USF Libraries are comprised of the Tampa campus library, St. Petersburg campus library (Nelson Poynter Memorial Library), Libraries Services at the Sarasota-Manatee campus, and USF Health Libraries (Hinks and Elaine Shimberg Health Sciences Library and Florida Blue Health Knowledge Exchange). |
Endowment |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS | It represents the data from the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and Common fund Institute's annual report of Market Value of Endowment Assets. |
Total Gifts & Commitments |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS | It represents contributions (in current dollars) given to the institution. The annual giving data include all contributions actually received during the institution’s fiscal year in the form of cash, securities, company products, and other property from alumni, non-alumni individuals, corporations, foundations, religious organizations, and other groups. However, public funds, earnings on investments held by the institution, and unfulfilled pledges are not included. The amount shown is provided in thousands. |
Licensing Revenue |
| Before Drop/Add | Technology Transfer Office | It represents the revenue generated through several fees, payments and royalties as reported and specified by universities on the Association of University Technology Managers Annual (AUTM) annual Licensing Survey |
Total Operating Budget |
| Before Drop/Add | Budget and Policy Analysis (RMA) | It represents the Operating Budget excluding USF Health expenditures for Self-Insurance and the Faculty Practice Plan. Operating Budget also excludes Non-Operating Transfers pertaining to all funding sources. |
Education & General |
| Before Drop/Add | Budget and Policy Analysis (RMA) | It the sum of General Revenue, Lottery, Tuition/Differential Tuition |
Auxiliary Enterprises |
| Before Drop/Add | Budget and Policy Analysis (RMA) | It represents the sum of Student Fees and Educational Business Activities |
Contracts & Grants |
| Before Drop/Add | Budget and Policy Analysis (RMA) | It represents the Contracts and Grants including Concessions |
Local Funds |
| Before Drop/Add | Budget and Policy Analysis (RMA) | It represents Local Funds including Financial Aid, Student Activity & Service Fees, Technology Fees, Green Fees, Intercollegiate Athletics, and Concessions. |
Total Research Expenditures |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | It represents Total expenditures (in millions of dollars) for all research activities (including non-science and engineering activities). Source: As reported by each institution to the National Science Foundation annual survey of Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) based on the NSF rules and definitions. |
Federal Research Expenditures |
| Before Drop/Add | Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (IE&P) | It represents Federal expenditures for all research activities (including non-science and engineering activities) as reported in the National Science Foundation annual survey of Higher Education Research and Development (HERD). |
Post Doctoral Appointees |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | It represents the number of post-doctoral appointees at the beginning of the academic year. A postdoctoral researcher has recently earned a doctoral (or foreign equivalent) degree and has a temporary paid appointment to focus on specialized research/scholarship under the supervision of a senior scholar. Source: National Science Foundation/National Institutes of Health annual Survey of Graduate Students and Post doctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS). |
Utility Patents Awarded |
| Before Drop/Add | ODS-SSRA (Accountability plan) | It represents the Total utility patents awarded by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the most recent three calendar year period. Based on legislative staff guidance, Board staff query the USPTO database. |
Undergraduate FTE Federal (Gross) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Full-time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment is a measure of all instructional activity (regardless of fundability) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll. This FTE calculation is based on the standard national definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 30 and graduate credit hours by 24. Pursuant to section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, Board facilities staff use this data as a key factor in the calculation of facility space needs for institution educational plant surveys. |
Graduate FTE Federal (Gross) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | Full-time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment is a measure of all instructional activity (regardless of fundability) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll. This FTE calculation is based on the standard national definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 30 and graduate credit hours by 24. Pursuant to section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, Board facilities staff use this data as a key factor in the calculation of facility space needs for institution educational plant surveys. |
Undergraduate FTE Federal (Fundable) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | This table reports Full-time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment i.e., is a measure of all instructional activity (regardless of fundability) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll. This FTE calculation is based on the standard national definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 30 and graduate credit hours by 24. Pursuant to section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, Board facilities staff use this data as a key factor in the calculation of facility space needs for institution educational plant surveys. |
Graduate FTE Federal (Fundable) | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | EIS Student Cube | This table reports Full-time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment i.e., is a measure of all instructional activity (regardless of fundability) that is based on the number of credit hours that students enroll. This FTE calculation is based on the standard national definition, which divides undergraduate credit hours by 30 and graduate credit hours by 24. Pursuant to section 1013.31, Florida Statutes, Board facilities staff use this data as a key factor in the calculation of facility space needs for institution educational plant surveys. |
Undergraduate Courses |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | It identifies level of student as undergraduate cost per credit hour. Based on 30 credit hours for undergraduate. |
Graduate Courses |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | It identifies level of student as graduate cost per credit hour. Based on 24 credit hours for graduates. |
Undergraduate Courses |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | Estimated Cost of Attendance for undergraduate includes: (1) Full-Time Tuition, (2) Housing/Meals, (3) Books and supplies and (4) Other Expenses. Based on 30 credit hours for undergraduates. |
Graduate Courses |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | Estimated Cost of Attendance for graduate includes: (1) Full-Time Tuition, (2) Housing/Meals, (3) Books and supplies and (4) Other Expenses. Based on 18 credit hours for graduates |
Scholarships | Enrollment | At Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Grants |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Waivers |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Loans |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Work Study |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Total |
| Before Drop/Add | Financial Aid Department | The total gift aid amount given to undergraduate student includes: Scholarships, Grants, Waivers, Loans, Work Study for academic year. |
Number of Buildings |
| Before Drop/Add | Space Utilization Planner: Planning | The total of number of buildings by campus (USFT Tampa, USF St. Petersburg, USF Sarasota/Manatee) |
Total Square Feet |
| Before Drop/Add | Space Utilization Planner: Planning | The total Square Feet by campus |
Acreage |
| Before Drop/Add | Space Utilization Planner: Planning | The total Acreage by campus |
Instructional Faculty |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of full-time and part-time Instructional Faculty. The instructional codes are (02, 22). |
Other Faculty |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of full-time and part-time Other Faculty. The instructional codes are (02, 22). |
Adjuncts |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of part-time Faculty as Adjuncts. The Adjuncts code is (06) |
Graduate Assistants |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of part-time Graduate Assistants. The Graduate Assistants code is (05) |
Administrative |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of full-time and part-time administrative staff. The Administrative codes are (21, 24) |
University Support Personnel |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of full-time and part-time University Support Personnel. The University Support Personnel code is (23) |
Other |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The number of full-time and part-time for faculty and staff categorized as Other. The Other codes are (00, 08, 96, 97, 98, 99). |
Student Assistants |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of part-time Student Assistants. The Student Assistants code is (09) |
Total number of all faculty and staff |
| Before Drop/Add | Faculty Data Compliance and Reporting | The total number of all faculty and staff |
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