Undergraduate Program Progression Policies

Undergraduate Program Progression Policies

College of Nursing  > Student Affairs

Pre-Nursing Major Progression Policy

Approved by the College of Nursing Faculty Council 12.2016 / Supported by the USF Degree Progression Policy (2017-18 Undergraduate Catalog)

If a student receives a grade of less than C in any two prerequisite courses while declared as pre-nursing, the student will be required to select another major at the University of South Florida. Grade forgiveness will not apply to the mandated requirement of changing major.

In addition, if a student does not meet the minimum GPA to be eligible to apply for admission following 60 completed hours and all prerequisite courses attempted, the student will be required to select another major at the University of South Florida.

Admission to the nursing major is highly competitive. This process ensures that a student not meeting pre-nursing progression standards meets with an academic advisor who specializes in major re-selection, and this policy was approved to keep students on a path to timely degree completion at USF.


Baccalaureate Program Progression Policy

As published in the Baccalaureate Student Handbook

In addition to the university policies on progression, the College of Nursing holds the following for progression within the undergraduate nursing program.

  • The minimum acceptable grade in the nursing curriculum is a “C” in didactic courses and “S” in clinical courses. If a student’s academic performance (which includes performance in the classroom or in the clinical, simulation or laboratory setting) is so deficient that it is clear that the student will not meet this minimum grade requirement, the faculty may advise the student and dismiss the student immediately.  If no change in status is granted after all appropriate processes of notice and appeal are exhausted, the student may be immediately dismissed from the course or College.


  • At the time it is clear that a student will earn or has earned a grade below “C” or an unsatisfactory grade (“U”) in any nursing course, the student will be notified of their potential dismissal from the College of Nursing. The student must petition the Baccalaureate Progression Committee (formerly known as the Student Affairs Committee) to request approval to continue progression in the program.
    • If the petition is approved by the Committee, the student will be provided with a revised program plan for progression and any other conditions stipulated for progression. The student’s progression will be dependent upon class availability and clinical placement availability.
    • If the petition is denied by the Committee, the Dean of the College of Nursing or the Dean’s designee will notify the student, in writing, of his/her dismissal from the college. The student can submit a second petition providing he/she has additional substantive information or documentation. Dismissed pre-licensure students are not eligible to apply for future pre-licensure application cycles; however, they may initiate the process to apply for or transfer to another major at the university.  
    • Accelerated/Second Degree pre-licensure students who earn a grade below “C” or “S” in any nursing course will not be permitted to continue on the accelerated track if approved to continue progression. If approved, the student will transition to an Upper Division program plan.


  • At the time it is clear that a student will earn or has earned a grade below “C” or an unsatisfactory grade (“U”) in more than one nursing course, the student will be dismissed from the College of Nursing. The Dean of the College of Nursing or the Dean’s designee will notify the student, in writing, of his/her dismissal from the college. The student may request consideration before the Baccalaureate Progression Committee by writing to the Dean and demonstrating that the academic performance was a result of extreme hardships and/or extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control. If the Dean determines the student’s request has set forth verifiable hardship circumstances, the Dean will move the student’s petition through the Baccalaureate Progression Committee.
    • If approved by the Committee, the student will be provided with a revised program plan for progression and any other conditions stipulated for progression. The student’s progression will be dependent upon class availability and clinical placement availability.
    • If denied by the Committee, the Dean of the College of Nursing or the Dean’s designee will notify the student, in writing, of his/her dismissal from the college. The student can submit a second petition providing he/she has additional substantive information or documentation. Dismissed students are not eligible to apply for future pre-licensure application cycles; however, they may initiate the process to apply for or transfer to another major at the university. 


  • If the faculty determine that a student has not met the requirements of a clinical assignment that is part of a course or program, the student will be assigned a “U” grade for the clinical and the related course or program at the time the deficiency is recognized.  If the grade of “U” is earned prior to end of semester, the student will not be permitted to participate in the remainder of the clinical experiences. Depending on the circumstances resulting in the “U” grade, the student may be removed from all clinical experiences in which he/she is enrolled that semester. If the unsatisfactory grade is assigned for clinical performance or any behavior that actually or potentially places a person in jeopardy, the student will be immediately dismissed from the program and will not be permitted to continue in any nursing coursework or clinical experiences. The student can follow the academic grievance process (if applicable), but will not be permitted to continue enrollment in the course, academic term or program until conclusion of the grievance.  


  • Withdrawal Policy (approved by Faculty Council 12/15/06; revised 1/19/07): Voluntary academic withdrawals are limited to 1 per course, with a limit of 2 per undergraduate or graduate program. Withdrawals are defined as officially withdrawing from any class after the Drop/Add period and before the final withdrawal date as outlined in the academic calendar. Any student withdrawing in excess of stated policy may be dismissed from the College of Nursing unless the College of Nursing has pre-approved a documented medical and/or emergent situation.


  • All course requirements must be completed as scheduled so that the earned grade can be assigned. An incomplete (“I”) grade may be awarded only when a small portion of the student’s work is incomplete and must be resolved by the start of the next semester to progress. Please review the Undergraduate Catalog for the Incomplete Grade Policy.


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