MPH Epidemiology

College of Public Health Guidebooks

MPH Epidemiology

Important Catalog Information for Summer 2020 Matriculants

Due to the planned consolidation during the summer of 2020, of the University of South Florida, the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, into a single university with a fully aligned and integrated curriculum and a single set of academic policies and procedures, any undergraduate or graduate student who matriculates at one of the three USF institutions on or after May 18, 2020, will adhere to the curricula, policies, and procedures described in the 2020-21 USF undergraduate or graduate catalog, respectively.

Concentration: Epidemiology (Code: EPY)
Delivery: Traditional or fully online (effective summer 2020)

The Epidemiology concentration is a professional degree, intended for individuals who wish to obtain a broad understanding of public health, with an emphasis on epidemiologic principles and methods. The knowledge and skills obtained through the concentration will enable graduates to characterize the health status of communities, critically evaluate research on determinants of health-related events, formulate strategies to evaluate the impact of health related interventions and foster the application of epidemiologic methods for health promotion/disease prevention activities at the community level. The concentration can be offered in traditional format as well as online.

Master's Progression Policy

Review the progression policy for the MPH, MHA and MSPH.

Program of Study

If you have questions on your program, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Current students may access their Degree Works planner (Degree Works may also be accessed from my.usf.edu or OASIS). Students may view their current progress in Archivum at usf.appiancloud.com/. (See Archivum instructions.). If you are not a current student, or want to view program requirements from a different catalog year please use these sources: 

There may be circumstances in which a student may need to change their catalog year. This must be initiated through a discussion with your academic advisor. Details regarding USF policy on changing catalog year can be found at https://catalog.usf.edu/content.php?catoid=15&navoid=2107#students-major-degree-requirements



APE Guidelines for Epidemiology Students

ILE Guidelines for Epidemiology Students

Current Competencies (beginning fall 2017)

MPH Competencies
Epidemiology Competencies

2011 - 2016 Competencies

Graduate Advising

Please refer to the full list of graduate advisors available on the MPH Graduate Advising page.

Graduate Advisor/Mentor Use Only:

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