College of Public Health Guidebooks

PhD Proposal and Dissertation

Within the College of Public Health, each concentration has a specific process for dissertation. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss with his/her doctoral committee the style and format required within the student’s concentration. 

 PhD Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Proposal and Defense – General Information

  • Some concentrations require students to write a dissertation proposal and present a defense of the proposal. The dissertation proposal consists of Chapters 1-3 of the dissertation.
  • For concentrations that require a dissertation proposal defense, students must be admitted to candidacy prior to the defense and be registered for dissertation credits.
  • The following forms must be submitted at least three weeks prior to the dissertation proposal defense:
  • The Proposal Defense Chair is not required, but may be selected from within the student’s concentration area.
  • Students should meet with their (Co-) Major Professor(s) to discuss the requirements of their specific concentration regarding the dissertation proposal and defense. It is recommended that students schedule their defense several weeks or months in advance.
 PhD Dissertation Defense

For the USF policy on Dissertations please refer to the USF Catalog.

Dissertation Defense – General Information

  • Students must submit the dissertation draft to their committee for feedback at least 4 weeks prior to their defense date. Committee members should return feedback to the student within 2 weeks. The revised draft must be sent out to committee members at least 7 days before the defense. No changes should be made to the dissertation until after the defense.
  • The following forms must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the dissertation proposal defense:
  • Students should meet with their doctoral committee to discuss the requirements of their specific concentration regarding the dissertation defense. It is recommended that students schedule their defense several weeks or months in advance.
 Graduation Checklist

For the USF policy on doctoral degree requirements please refer to the USF Catalog.

  • USF Requirements

Complete the COPH exit survey. Link will be emailed to the student.

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