MEL 8264: Family Medicine Elective - USF Med Clinics

MEL 8264: Family Medicine Elective - USF Med Clinics

Sites & Slots
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Year 4 status2@USFMCFT, 44 hr wk2,4


Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez and Family Medicine Faculty

The aim of this elective is to reintroduce students to primary care in a Family Medicine clinic. Students will be assigned to the USF Family Medicine clinic where they will be responsible for evaluating patients under the guidance of a faculty member. Emphasis will be on the patient as a person, and the application of knowledge of the effects of disease, lifestyle, family setting, and personality on the development and management of the patient’s problems. Experience will be gained in the management of the wide range of problems present in family medicine. Students may also be assigned to work at JCHC and BORC in some rotations and precepting first and/or second year students.


  1. Identify and manage problems which present commonly in family medicine, emphasizing the importance of continuing care and follow up
  2. dentify the biological, psychological, and social factors that are relevant in the etiology of patients' problems and integrate these factors in a treatment plan
  3. Improve problem solving skills
  4. Study the role of other health professionals in a patient's care (consultants, social workers, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, etc.) and the relationship between them and the family physician
  5. Improve skills in patient education and communication


Based on competence, consideration of patients, and practical approach to problems.

Final arrangements concerning course location/preceptor will be made by the Department of Family Medicine after the student receives his/her elective choice. Students are required to meet with Dr. Gonzalez one month prior to the start of the rotation to discuss this elective.


Education Coordinator – (813) 974-2445 or lgiordan@health.usf.edu