MEL 8308: Ambulatory Hematology Oncology

MEL 8308: Ambulatory Hematology Oncology

Sites & Slots
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11BCC 7110
BCC 7184
2@MCCFT, 44 hr wk2,4


Dr. Kenneth Zuckerman and Faculty


The objective of this elective is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the principles of medical management evaluation and management of hematologic and cancer related problems in the outpatient setting. Students will participate with hematology/oncology fellows and faculty members in the care of patients seen at the H. L. Moffitt Cancer Center James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa General Hospital and/or University of South Florida. There will be scheduled conference activities in which the student will participate. The student will see approximately 10 -12 established and 3-5 new patients per week. The student will be required to present and discuss, in depth, patient evaluation and management issues The student will be evaluated on the basis of the adequacy of patient evaluation and case presentations.