MDE 8056: Medical Humanities and Human Values

MDE 8056: Medical Humanities and Human Values

Sites & Slots
11noneno limit@USFMSFT, 44 hr wk2,4


Dr. Lois Nixon


Students may arrange for independent study on topics relevant to human values in medicine. The faculty member who will supervise the study must approve a plan for such study. The plan will indicate the objectives of the study, the activities to be undertaken in pursuit of the objectives, and the means of evaluating the study.


Relevant topics include religion in medicine, medical ethics, legal aspects of medical ethics, clinical ethics research, communication in medicine, medicine and literature, the history and/or philosophy of science, medicine and social problems, creative writing, the impact of culture on medicine and health, and cross culture experience.


Faculty will assist students in locating appropriate faculty members to supervise their independent study.