MDE 8950: SELECT Capstone

MDE 8950: SELECT Capstone

Sites & Slots
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11Year 4 status
No Limit@LVHNFT, 40 hr wk4, Yearlong


Dr. Amy Smith

This is a required course for all SELECT students. It will consist of a customized project or experience that results in a scholarly product. This course will support the educational development of the SELECT medical students by providing an opportunity for in-depth learning in one of the domains of the SELECT program. Students will be given the equivalent of four-weeks of credit for this course. It may be taken longitudinally or as a 4 week block. 


The overriding goal of this course is to provide an academic opportunity for students to explore a SELECT competency that is both interesting to them and critical to their future practice of medicine.  The specific objectives are  to:

  1. Further develop self-directed learning, evaluative and critical reasoning skills
  2. Integrate an in-depth understanding of one or more SELECT domains into medical care
  3. Create a scholarly legacy for our academic, medical and/or general communities


At the end of this course, students will be expected to have an in-depth knowledge and expertise in an areas of leadership, patient centered care, or health systems and health policy.