Strategic Metrics

USF’s Strategic Plan has associated metrics that measure our success. The university’s strategic plan as well as the strategic metrics and are clearly defined on the Provost’s web page.

These pages here contain multiple sources of information regarding Strategic Metrics.

  • Strategic Plan Metric Definitions and Sources - contains definitions, sources of data, accountable areas and accountable officers as well as links to the Strategic Metrics Scorecard, dashboards and sign-off documents.

  • Strategic Plan Metrics Project Charter Phase 2 - Contains the scope and outline of phase 2 of the Strategic Plan Metrics project.

  • Strategic Metrics Project Updates (ODS Portion of the project) - contains the latest updates regarding the collection/creation, documentation and presentation of the Strategic Metrics

  • Strategic Plan Cross Reference - is a spreadsheet within Box that has cross-references for a wide variety of metrics across multiple areas include College Accountability, Performance Based Funding, Key Performance Indicators, Accountability Plans as well as Strategic Metrics and other notable groups of indicators.

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