Strategic Metrics Definitions and Sources
Sarah Thomas
These tables describe the information associated with each metric. The first table contains the detailed information about all of the Strategic Metrics, including source, accountable officer, definition, etc. The tables listed under each goal contain a definition of the metric and links to the scorecard and dashboards.
Strategic Metrics Details (spreadsheet stored in Box)
Goal 1: Student success at USF and beyond
Metric Name | Average High School GPA |
Metric Type | PRE-A |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | An average weighted grade point average of 4.0 for fall semester incoming freshmen, as reported annually in the admissions data that universities submit to the Board of Governors. This data includes registered FTIC (student type='B’, ‘E') with an admission action of admitted or provisionally admitted ('A', 'P', 'X'). |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Average GPA and Average SAT scores. |
Metric Name | Average High School SAT Score |
Metric Type | PRE-A |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | An average SAT score of 1200 or higher for fall semester incoming freshmen, as reported annually in the admissions data that universities submit to the Board of Governors. This data includes registered FTIC (student type='B’, ‘E') with an admission action of admitted or provisionally admitted ('A', 'P', 'X'). |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Average GPA and Average SAT scores. |
Metric Name | FTIC Retention Rate (Full Time) |
Metric Type | PRE-C |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Freshman Retention Rate (full-time, FTIC) cohorts are based on first-year undergraduate students who enter the institution in the Fall term (or Summer term and continue into the Fall term). Percent retained is based on those who are enrolled during the second fall term. |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Freshman Retention Rate. |
Metric Name | 6-Year FTIC Graduation Rate (FT and PT) |
Metric Type | KPI-5 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | The first-time-in-college (FTIC) cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in fall term (or summer continuing to fall) with fewer than 12 hours earned since high school graduation. The rate is the percentage of the initial cohort that has either graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their sixth academic year. Both full-time and part-time students are used in the calculation. FTIC includes ‘early admits’ students who were admitted as a degree-seeking student prior to high school graduation. |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Six-Year FTIC Graduation Rates [full-& part-time students]. |
Metric Name | 3-Year FCS AA Transfer Graduation Rate |
Metric Type | KPI-6 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | This transfer cohort is defined as undergraduates entering in fall term (or summer continuing to fall) from the Florida College System with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree. The rate is the percentage of the initial cohort that has either graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their third academic year. Both full-time and part-time students are used in the calculation. Students who were flagged as enrolled in advanced graduate programs that would not earn a bachelor’s degree are excluded. |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of 3-Year FCS AA Transfer Graduation Rates |
Metric Name | Percent of bachelor's graduates continuing education or employed ($30,000+), one-year out |
Metrics Type | PBF 1 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | This metric is based on the percentage of a graduating class of bachelor’s degree recipients who are enrolled or employed (earning at least $30,000) somewhere in the United States. Students who do not have valid social security numbers and are not found enrolled are excluded. This data now includes: non-Florida data from all states and districts, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico; and military enlistment as reported by the institutions. Sources: State University Database System (SUDS), Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) analysis of State Wage Interchange System (SWIS), and National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Percent of bachelor's graduates continuing education or employed ($30,000+), one-year out |
Metric Name | Percent of Bachelor Graduates Completing HIPS |
Metric Type | TBD?? |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | The percentage of graduating seniors who started as FTIC students and who complete three or more high-impact practices as defined by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Association of American Colleges & Universities. High-impact practices include: (1) capstone project or thesis, (2) internships, (3) study abroad, (4) writing-intensive courses, (5) living-learning communities, (6) undergraduate research, (7) first-year experience, (8) learning communities, (9) service-learning, and (10) collaborative projects. Multiple activities within the same category only count once (e.g., a student completing three internships has completed one high impact practice) |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Percent of FTIC Graduates Completing 3 or more High Impact Practices. |
Metric Name | Total enrollment in study abroad |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Total enrollment in service learning courses |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Number of students participating in experiential learning programs (e.g., co-ops, internships) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Is this the same as SUS AP “Percent of Bachelor’s Graduates with 2 or more Workforce Experiences“?? |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Percent of undergraduates engaged in research |
Metric Type | KPI-17 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | Goal One: Student success at USF and beyond | Strategic Plan | University of South Florida |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Numerator includes graduating seniors who completed an honors thesis, worked on their own research and/or creative activity topic with the guidance of a faculty member (individually or jointly), submitted an article or research for publication or exhibited research at a professional/academic conference (individually or jointly). The denominator includes graduating seniors who complete the survey. |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Percent of Undergraduates Engaged in Research. |
Goal 2: Faculty excellence in research and innovation
Metric Name | Percent of Tenured/Tenure track faculty |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Number of postdoctoral appointees |
Metric Type | PRE-K |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | The number of postdoctoral appointees awarded annually |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Number of Post-Doctoral Appointees. |
Metric Name | Total R&D expenditures |
Metric Type | KPI-18 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Total expenditures (in millions of dollars) for all research activities (including non-science and engineering activities). |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Total Research Expenditures. |
Metric Name | Federal R&D expenditures |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Number of faculty awards |
Metric Type | KPI-16 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Awards include: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellows, Beckman Young Investigators, Burroughs Welcome Fund Career Awards, Cottrell Scholars, Fulbright American Scholars, Getty Scholars in Residence, Guggenheim Fellows, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators, Lasker Medical Research Awards, MacArthur Foundation Fellows, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Awards, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellows, National Humanities Center Fellows, National Institutes of Health (NIH)MERIT, National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology, NSF CAREER awards (excluding those who are also PECASE winners), Newberry Library Long-term Fellows, Pew Scholars in Biomedicine, Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), Robert Wood Johnson Policy Fellows, Searle Scholars, Sloan Research Fellows, and Woodrow Wilson Fellows. |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Faculty Awards. |
Metric Name | Normalized citation impact |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified. |
Goal 3: Partnerships and engagement with local, national, and global impact
Metric Name | Number of new and continuous corporate and community partnerships per year |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Number of new national and global partnerships per year |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Number of Fulbright Scholars and student research projects |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Percent of publications with international coauthors from outside USF |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Percent of publications with national coauthors from outside USF |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Goal 4: A Diverse and inclusive community for learning and discovery
Metric Name | Increased employee diversity profile (diverse staff and faculty distributuion) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Employee satisfaction |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Increased student diversity profile (diverse undergraduate and graduate student enrollment) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Graduation rate for Pell students (6-year) |
Metric Type | PBF-9b |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | This metric is based on the percentage of students who started in the Fall (or summer continuing to Fall) term and were enrolled full-or parttimein their first semester and who received a Pell Grant during their first year and who graduated from the same institution by the summer term of their sixth year. Students who were flagged as enrolled in advanced graduate programs that would not earn a bachelor’s degree were excluded. |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Pell Recipient Six-Year Graduation Rate [Full- and Part-time students]. |
Metric Name | Graduation rate for Male students (6-year) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Graduation rate for Female students (6-year) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Graduation rate for Non-White students (6-year) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Goal 5: A Strong, sustainable, and adaptable financial base
Metric Name | Average spending per student |
Metric Type | PBF-3 |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | This metric compares the average sticker price and the average gift aid amount. The sticker price includes: (1) tuition and fees for resident undergraduates; (2) books and supplies (we use a proxy as calculated by the College Board); and (3) the average number of credit hours attempted by students who were admitted as an FTIC student who graduated with a bachelor’s degree from a program that requires only 120 credit hours. The gift aid amount includes: (1) financial aid (grants, scholarships, waivers and third-party payments) provided to resident undergraduate students during the most recent academic year; (2) the total number of credit hours for those resident undergraduates. The average gift aid award per credit hour was multiplied by 120 and compared to the sticker price. Sources: State University Database System (SUDS), the Legislature’s annual General Appropriations Act, and university required fees as approved by the Florida Board of Governors. |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Comments | Is this the same as “PBF-3. Cost to the Student Net Tuition & Fees for Resident Undergraduates per 120 Credit Hours“? If not, then delete definition and metric type????? |
Metric Name | Percent of revenue from the state compared to other revenue sources |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Endowment |
Metric Type | PRE-L |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | Assets invested by an institution to support its educational mission |
Link to Sign-off Document | N/A |
Comments | The defintion was taken from the SUS Accountability Plans definitions of Endowment Size (M). |
Metric Name | Alumni Giving Rate |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |
Metric Name | Average time to complete key processes vital to the mission of USF (e.g., hiring, MOU approval, research content approval, etc.) |
Metric Type | TBD |
Link to Summary Scorecard | |
Link to Detail Dashboard (if available) | TBD |
Definition | TBD |
Link to Sign-off Document | TBD |
Comments | This metric table has not yet been verified |