BMS 7666: Clinical Cytopathology TVAH 15-16

BMS 7666: Clinical Cytopathology TVAH 15-16


Sally Lamar

Report to:

James A. Haley VA Hospital, 1D-191
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day


The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the principles used by the cytopathologist to recognize normal and abnormal biologic processes (hormonal states, infectious diseases, neoplasia) through the examination of cellular specimens obtained from a variety of body sites. Major emphasis will be placed on clinical cytologic correlations. Students will review selected cytologic specimens during regular "sign out" sessions. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and technologists as they prepare cytologic specimens. There may be opportunities to observe procedures as well.


The staff cytopathologist will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.