MDE 8942 Clinical Enrichment Elective 15-16
(Provisional Number to be confirmed by SCNS)
Any student who wishes to complete this elective will need to meet with either Dr. Vinita Kiluk or Dawn Schocken to confirm elective availability and so that they can match student needs to the available resources.
Faculty will work with each student to design a curriculum to develop advanced proficiency in the various clinical competencies based on self-reflection of the student and the assessment of the faculty. The elective is tailored to the need of the individual student. Faculty will specifically identify, and use simulated learning, real clinical settings, study aides, and professional expertise to allow students to work on competency based clinical skills.
- Demonstrate proficiency with presentations based upon a validated assessment tool
- Discuss the process to efficiently conduct a chart review
- Display confidence and assertiveness when developing a management plan for the patients with whom the student is involved
Analyze their improvements in their communication skills
Document an improvement in the flow of their history taking
Document an improvement in the flow of their physical exam.
Students will participate in this elective in the CACL and CACL II, seeing standardized patients, observing videos, participating in simulation activities and developing experience in electronic charting. Occasionally students will practice in the clinical outpatient setting.