MEL 7819: Surgical Transplant Elective Tampa 15-16

MEL 7819: Surgical Transplant Elective Tampa 15-16

Students will work under the direct supervision of the Director of Transplant Surgery, LifeLink Transplantation Institute, Inc. They will gain insight and experience in the area of transplantation immunology tissue typing and the concepts of histocompatibility antigens.

This elective is designed to offer students active participation in organ procurement, the harvesting and preservation of kidneys and livers, and an understanding of the role of the organ sharing networks.

Students will be directly involved with the evaluation and work up of possible renal and liver transplant recipients, observe surgery, and play an active role in the postoperative management of transplant patients, which includes the identification, management and treatment of infections, and rejection complications.

Students will receive an overview of all aspects involved in liver and renal transplantation, from donor identification through clinical transplantation and long term follow up.


Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance. 

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