MEL 8340: Pulmonary Disease Tampa 15-16
MEL 8340: Pulmonary Disease Tampa 15-16
Owned by mcook
Feb 06, 2015
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- Be able to perform a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease
- Know how to order and interpret basic laboratory tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans, arterial blood gases, and pulmonary function tests
- Have an understanding of the common pulmonary disorders, including their diagnosis and treatment
- Have a working knowledge of pulmonary physiology, especially as it relates to respiratory failure and the use of respiratory therapy (ventilators, oxygen, etc.)
- Have a familiarity with a number of emergent conditions seen in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (Moffitt; not at T-VAH or TGH for this course)
The student will receive training at one of our clinical institutions by evaluating patients, rounding with the consultation team, and participation in conferences. A didactic lecture series may also be given.
The student will be evaluated on a daily and ongoing basis by the consult attending.
At TGH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team at TGH so critical care medicine will not be a component of the TGH experience for this course.
At TVAH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team staffed by students participating in the senior clerkship. This site is therefore unavailable for a critical care rotation.