MEL 7267: International Health Elective 15-16

MEL 7267: International Health Elective 15-16


There are a wide variety of opportunities available for students with an interest in international health care. This elective is designed to provide support for USF students to obtain an international medical experience during their fourth year.


Experiences may include:

  • Foreign travel and provision of medical services
  • Academic study abroad (readings and lectures) on the health problems of a particular area
  • Preparation and/or presentation of a report on the student's experience


  1. Identify the general and specific health care needs of a particular foreign country
  2. Identify the role of the primary care physician in international health care
  3. Gain additional clinical skills in the provision of primary health care


The student’s evaluation will be individualized based on the format of his/her particular elective. The specific evaluation criteria will be decided in consultation with Dr. Gonzalez and/or Dr. Callegari prior to scheduling the elective.

Course Requirements

Any interested student MUST meet with Dr. Gonzalez and/or Dr. Callegari to plan the elective. Ideally, this should be done prior to the start of the academic year but MUST OCCUR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE ELECTIVE. An international travel packet must be completed at least 3 months prior to the start of the rotation and submitted to the USF Medicine International Office. A copy must also be provided to the educational coordinator.


Emergency medical insurance is required for all electives abroad.


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