MDE 8280: Hematology and Oncology LVHN 15-16

MDE 8280: Hematology and Oncology LVHN 15-16

This course will expose the medical student to a wide range of hematologic and oncologic disease processes. In the outpatient setting, an emphasis will be made on the proper screening, pathophysiology, staging, natural history and treatment of cancer. The inpatient service will both have a primary management role and consultative aspect. The student will be exposed to both common and uncommon hematologic problems with emphasis on recognition, treatment and natural history of these disorders. Students will also spend time in multidisciplinary clinics.


  1. Identify key points in a patient's case and use them to make management decisions
  2. Recall the important aspects of the history and physical in evaluating a patient with cancer or a hematologic disorder
  3. Identify detailed aspects of the CBC, coagulation studies, and peripheral blood smear
  4. Will demonstrate the ability to accurately interpret CT scans and MRI imaging of oncology patients
  5. Strengthen skills to develop a differential diagnosis and be able to justify studies ordered and rational behind treatment recommendations
  6. Be able to compare and contrast mechanism of action and side effects of traditional chemotherapy and new targeted therapy.
  7. Differentiate between palliative care and hospice care and decide when to transition patient to hospice
  8. Appreciation for  the importance of clinical trails and the process of screening patients
  9. Appreciation for multidisciplinary care of oncology patients


  1. Students will be evaluated in the office/clinic by the faculty hematology/oncology attending. In the hospital setting students will be evaluated by the rounding attending and APC (advanced practice clinician).
  2. Students will be given a brief multiple choice test at the start of the rotation and again at the completion to gauge progress. Test will cover basic concepts in hematology/oncology.
  3. Students will be given assignments. For example: Students will be given a interesting case by the attending to review. The case will be presented and reviewed with the attending. Students will be asked to complete a clinic question based on a case they were involved in. They will answer the question with support from the medical literature

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