MEL 8313: Clinical Nephrology LVHN 15-16
The objective of this elective is to expose the fourth year medical student to the broad general principles of Clinical Nephrology. In essence, the student will be an acting intern who will, in collaboration with the renal house staff and clinical fellows, participate in the care of patients with a variety of renal and hypertensive problems. Adequate exposure to renal patients is achieved through inpatient consultations in the affiliated institutions and outpatient consultations and follow-up in the renal clinics and dialysis centers. The performance of the history and physical examination, formulation of plans for diagnosis and management, and the writing of orders for care of the patient will be the responsibility of the student who will function under supervision of the Nephrology attendings and fellows. The student will be exposed to the practice of medicine on a broad interdisciplinary service that involves dietitians, social workers, clinical nurse specialists, as well as the attending staff.