MEL 8574: Pediatric Pulmonary Disease LVHN 15-16

MEL 8574: Pediatric Pulmonary Disease LVHN 15-16

Prior approval required


Kate Adams
Ph: 610-402-7712



  1. Obtaining a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease in the infant, child, and adolescent.
  2. Understand and interpret basic imaging of the respiratory system and lung function testing.
  3. Establish a level of competence in diagnosing and managing asthma in children utilizing the principles presented by the NIH Asthma Guidelines.
  4. Possess an understanding of pulmonary physiology as it relates to common pediatric respiratory disorders.
  5. Have a familiarity with common respiratory therapeutic agents employed in pediatrics including airway clearance techniques and asthma pharmacotherapy.

This elective will involve working with a multidisciplinary team that will provide experience in the evaluation and management of acute and chronic pediatric respiratory diseases. Some of these disorders will include: cystic fibrosis, stridor, chronic lung disease of infancy, congenital malformations of the respiratory system, sleep-related disorders of breathing, upper airway problems, and management of the medically-complex child with chronic respiratory problems such as having a tracheostomy tube or requiring supplemental oxygen at home.