MEL 8954: Becoming the Physican Educator

MEL 8954: Becoming the Physican Educator

Please submit a brief email to one of the faculty prior to signing up for this elective indicating any specific block you would like to work in, and why.  Included in this email, describe your personal goals that you hope to achieve during this elective. Registration requires permission of the course director(s).

David Ecker: decker1@health.usf.edu
Danielle Gulick: dgulick@health.usf.edu
VInita Kiluk: vkiluk@health.usf.edu
Dawn Schocken: dschock1@health.usf.edu

This elective is designed to introduce senior medical students to the role of the physician educator, a clinical faculty member, who intentionally teaches the “why” of medicine. Students will work with the MCOM faculty to design active learning sessions, case study materials, and interdisciplinary labs.  Students will also learn the essentials of teaching in interprofessional educational sessions, at the bedside as well as in large and small groups.  


At the end of this elective the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of an academic physician in the pre-clerkship curriculum.  
  2. Analyze how to integrate basic science teaching in the clinical setting. 
  3. Examine and demonstrate the concepts of bedside teaching.
  4. Compare effective teaching methods/strategies, feedback/evaluation strategies, and approaches to dealing with difficult learners.
  5. Create a session incorporating measurable goals and objectives for a course.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of collaboration with pre-clerkship faculty to teach MS1 and MS2 students effectively in small group, and large group active learning settings.
  7. Deliver an effective basic science lecture, which integrates active learning principles into the sessions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this elective, the student will have a better understanding of the basic principles of teaching and be able to demonstrate effective teaching techniques.


  • Active participation in teaching seminars
  • Active collaboration with instructors to develop teaching materials.
  • Delivery of a well-researched lecture and well-researched small group session.


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