MEL 8671: Elective in Inpatient General Neurology LVHN 15-16

MEL 8671: Elective in Inpatient General Neurology LVHN 15-16

Prior approval of Dr. Varrato is required before scheduling this elective.

The elective is under the supervision of a Neurology attending. Students become an integral part of a team that cares of patients with various neurological diseases. There are opportunities for participating in research projects.

  1. Master skills in obtaining neurological history and examination 
  2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis 
  3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan
  4. Become familiar with Neurology beyond the core requirements
  5. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients 
  6. Develop readiness for transition into residency
  7. Learn to perform lumbar punctures
  8. Learn basics of EEG and EMG/NCS

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of general neurological disorders.


Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course, based largely on clinical evaluations completed by all residents and faculty who work with them.

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