MEL 8306: Gastroenterology Elective Tampa 15-16

MEL 8306: Gastroenterology Elective Tampa 15-16

Upon successful completion of this elective, the student may expect to achieve an acceptable level of competence in the management of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This will be achieved by the interpretation of symptoms and physical findings, utilization of appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies, knowledge of the basic therapeutic approaches, and interpretation of the gastrointestinal radiographs and other imaging techniques. There will be a combination of direct patient contact and personal instruction. Observation of a variety of procedures including diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI panendoscopy, capsule endoscopy, (colonoscopy, polypectomy, diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP, flexible sigmoidoscopy, esophageal dilation and manometry studies will be afforded. Hands-on experience in capsule endoscopy is available. Attendance at ward and teaching rounds, outpatient clinics and teaching conferences will provide a further source of learning. Emphasis will be placed on pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy. Emphasis will also be placed on the techniques of clinical nutrition. Students can participate in a short research project during the rotation or may elect to begin participation in a long term research project. Students will participate in a regularly scheduled conferences and clinics.


The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

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