MEL 8570: Genetics Elective 15-16

MEL 8570: Genetics Elective 15-16

Physician Contact:

Dr. Pope
Ph: 813-259-8772


The goal of this elective is to acquaint the student with genetic and metabolic disorders in pediatrics: diagnostic evaluation, differential diagnosis, inheritance, management and counseling. Students will typically attend Genetics/Metabolic Clinics Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at CMS on campus andoccasional outreach CMS clinics. Students will also participate in inpatient consultations. During the month, students may also have the opportunity for exposure to prenatal and cancer genetics cases. Students will be responsible for either the extensive work up of 1-2 new patients per clinic or see re-visits as scheduled. They will also be expected to give a 10-15 minute presentation at the end of the rotation on a selected topic.