MEL 8811: General Surgery Acting Internship Tampa 15-16
Students may choose to participate on the Gold Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, JAHVA or BPVAH services. On these services, the student is expected to function as an intern. Responsibility will vary with the ability of each student. The elective will afford the students an in depth experience in total patient management so that these responsibilities may be assumed with confidence in the internship year.
Attendance will be required at Grand Rounds, Morbidity, and Mortality Conference, and various other conferences. The student will perform histories and physical examinations, write all progress notes, and write orders for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention with supervision from house staff. Students will be encouraged to perform procedures such as CVP placement, invasive monitoring line placement, chest tube placement, etc with appropriate supervision. Operating room experience will also be extensive.
Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.