MEL 8704: Diagnostic Radiology Tampa 15-16

MEL 8704: Diagnostic Radiology Tampa 15-16

This elective is designed to provide an introduction to diagnostic radiology for medical students to develop basic imaging interpretation skills for clinically important pathology and to provide a foundational knowledge of imaging algorithms for common clinical presentations.


  1. Students will develop a basic understanding of radiation safety and the risks of radiation exposure to patients, become familiar with relative radiation doses of commonly ordered examinations, and become familiar with methods used to reduce radiation exposure.
  2. Students should be able to choose the radiologic test that is most appropriate for the most common clinical presentations encountered in medical practice.
  3. Regardless of their planned specialty, students should be able to recognize the following conditions on appropriate diagnostic imaging studies: pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, small bowel obstruction, cecal and sigmoid volvulus, ascites, malpositioned lines and tubes, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, space occupying lesions, bone, fracture, elbow joint effusion, and shoulder dislocation.


The trainee will rotate through the following subspecialty areas of diagnostic radiology: body imaging, cardiopulmonary radiology, fluoroscopy, musculoskeletal radiology, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, neuroradiology, and ultrasound. On these rotations, the student will review diagnostic imaging studies with radiology faculty and housestaff at Tampa General Hospital and at the USF Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare. Didactic lectures covering major topics in diagnostic radiology will be provided. Through assigned readings, students will gain knowledge of basic radiology imaging strategies for common clinical presentations. A PowerPoint presentation by the student on a topic in diagnostic radiology will be required. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in medical diagnosis and have a basic understanding of the imaging diagnosis of pathology on radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.


The trainee will work closely with attending diagnostic radiologists and housestaff who will provide assessment of performance. A final examination consisting of both written questions and images will cover the reading assignments, didactic lectures, and important imaging diagnoses. 

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