MEL 8255: Family Medicine Residency Elective LVHN 15-16

MEL 8255: Family Medicine Residency Elective LVHN 15-16



Davida Leayman
Allentown, PA 18101
Ph: 484-862-3067

During this elective, students will spend each day seeing patients and working closely with the LVHN Family Medicine residency program faculty members and residents. The experience will take place in the office, hospital, and community and will demonstrate the meaning of a "community of healing." The skills and values of "Turtle Craft," the name of our relationship-centered approach to family medicine, will be taught. Come and see innovative education in action.


  1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
  2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
  3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
  4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
  5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident


The Family Medicine faculty will prepare a formal evaluation based on the following:

  • Fund of medical knowledge
  • Quality of assessment and presentation
  • Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
  • Attitude and rapport with patients and families
  • Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability


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