MEL 8134: Introduction to Internal Medicine-Pediatrics 15-16

MEL 8134: Introduction to Internal Medicine-Pediatrics 15-16

Though this rotation will require a TGH badge and parking, students are not required to have access to EPIC as the EHR system. Students will use Allscripts until it is replaced by EPIC in August 2015.

This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the specialty of Internal Medicine-Pediatrics. Under the supervision of faculty, students will care for adults and children in an ambulatory primary care setting. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in rounds on inpatients at Tampa General Hospital. In addition to clinical experiences, didactic sessions will include participation in the weekly resident clinic curriculum, as well as department conferences (i.e. Grand Rounds, noon conferences). This elective will provide students with a robust clinical experience in primary care as well as a better understanding of Med-Peds as a career.


  1. Evaluate and treat common acute problems encountered in adults and children in a primary care setting
  2. Evaluate and treat chronic conditions in adults and children in a primary care setting
  3. Perform appropriate preventative health maintenance measures in adults and children including well child care, vaccinations, anticipatory guidance, and screening tests
  4. Gain familiarity with procedures common to the primary care setting including arthocentesis, joint injection, and circumcision
  5. Gain appreciation for the speciality of Internal Medicine-Pediatrics


Senior medical students will see patients in the Internal Medicine-Pediatrics combined clinic at the USF Health South Tampa Center for Advanced Health Care under direct supervision of faculty. Trainees will also attend didactic conferences and participate in the weekly resident clinic curriculum. Students will also have the opportunity to see patients in an inpatient setting.


Ongoing as well as summative final assessment will be provided by supervising faculty. Students will also be required to prepare and present a primary care topic during their rotation.

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