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the College Accountability




Maintained by Student Success Research and Analytics





The College Scorecards

College Scorecards provides are part of the College Accountability Framework. They offer a consolidated view presenting the performance of each individual metric against the goal.

It consists of 12 metrics with different timespans: academic, calendar and fiscal year 

Data Sources:  Goals from colleges, Goals from Accountability Plan, FTIC Cohort List (Cohort Dependency), SIDORI Research Reporting Database, Research & Innovation Unit and Faculty Data

Refresh Schedule:  The data for each scorecard is automatically refreshed when the underlying metric is refreshed. colleges on 12 distinct metrics against annual goals established by the respective colleges. The 12 metrics are each measured over different timespans, including academic, calendar, and fiscal year. 

The OneUSF Scorecard offers a consolidated view presenting performance at one USF level across the 12 distinct metrics against annual goals established in the Accountability Plans. 

The College Scorecards are available for Academic Affairs colleges only. The OneUSF scorecard accounts for data for all colleges (including Health) 

Data Sources:  

The data utilized in generating the College Scorecards is sourced from multiple repositories:

  • Goals: Inputs from the colleges regarding their specific objectives and targets.
  • Accountability Plan Goals: Annual goals outlined within the institution's Accountability Plan.
  • FTIC Cohort list: First-Time-in-College (FTIC) Cohorts generated using benchmark data in SID 
  • SID: Benchmark data sourced from the Reporting database SID
  • ORI Research Reporting Database: Research-related data obtained from the ORI (Operational Research and Innovation) Research Reporting Database.
  • Faculty Data: Information pertaining to faculty, contributing to certain metrics.

Refresh Schedule:

  • The Scorecards are refreshed within 3-7 days of the specified benchmark dates below, aligning with the availability of data in the Reporting database. The dates may be subject to change based on BOG and USF calendar.

titleReport pagesMetrics

Retention Scorecards:

1. FTIC Freshmen Retention Rate Full

Time This scorecard .


2. Academic Progress Rate Full

Time  This scorecard .

FTIC 4 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time → This scorecard .

FTIC Pell 4 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time → This scorecard .

FTIC 6 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time & Part Time →  This scorecard .

FTIC Pell 6 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time & Part Time →  This scorecard .

FCS AA Transfer 3 Yr Grad Rate Full Time & Part Time → This scorecard .

Faculty Awards → This scorecard

Total Research Expenditure → 

Total Research Expenditure Per Tenure Track FTE → 


Data Element

Data Source (underlying data field)


Report Pages

CollegeSID → SID_ENROLLMENTS → GLOBAL_COLLEGEThe Global College at the time of EnrollmentAll Tabs

Filter Panel

Filters are listed on the side panel of the report.


  • Click the down arrow to select from options in the filters and narrow down your results. 
  • To deselect an item, click on the option again. 
  • Some filters are radio buttons and you can select only one item. The items in these filters are indicated as round buttons Small 25mm Lapel Pin Button Badge Novelty Plain White Badge ...Image Removed .
  • Some filters allow multiple selections. To select multiple values in a filter, select the square boxes Image Removed.

Data Panel

This panel displays the filtered results. To work with data in this panel:

  • Select an individual row in the table to highlight the item/row. Select it again to return to the full table view.
  • You can sort the data by column values, if the sorting is available for that column. Hover your mouse over the last row item in the column header and if a small black triangle appears Black Triangle PNG, Free HD Black Triangle Transparent Image - PNGkitImage Removed ,  you can sort that column in ascending or descending order by clicking on your mouse. 

Options for the Data Panel

Export Data to Excel

To export the data results to Excel, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar Image Removed will pop up. Click the Image Removed in the top right corner . 

A drop down menu will appear with 'Export data' as one of the options.  Select Export Data to work with the data in Excel.

Note : The exported data in Excel may not look exactly like the screen. 

Image Removed

Focus Mode

To see the data in Focus Mode, hover your mouse over the upper right hand side corner of the data table and a horizontal menu bar Image Removed will pop up. Click the option for Focus Mode Image Removed  It allows the visual to take the entire space in the report canvas. Full screen mode will persist until you exit out or click on Image Removed  on the top left hand side.
When in Focus Mode, click the Image Removed in the top right corner and a drop down menu will appear with the following options:

Image Removed

You can export data, or see the data in a table by selecting the appropriate option.  


Spotlight causes all other visuals on the page to fade so the selected visual is highlighted. To highlight a visual, click on more action Image Removed and select Image Removed

Filters/Slicers on a visual

To find out what are the filters on any particular visual, select that visual and on the top right hand side, a menu bar of options will appear. There will be an option that looks like Filter on three horizonal bars, and if you select that, you can see what slicers are impacting that visual. Currently this menu bar is not available for Line Charts. 

Matrix Visual: Drill Up and Drill Down

If the visual has the hierarchy, the Image Removed menu will appear when you hover on the top left side of the visual.  Turn on drill down first by selecting the downward arrow. The grey background Image Removed lets you know that drill down is active. Selecting Image Removed will expand another level of hierarchy. Selecting the double arrow icon for drill all levels at onceImage Removeddrill-down icon takes you to the next level in the hierarchy.  Selecting Image Removed will take you one level up in hierarchy.  The arrows will be greyed out if the option is not available. 

Reset to Default

If you have made any changes, such as implementing filters or sorting the table, you have the ability to return the sorting and filtering to the report creator's default view. Click the Reset to Default image above the report in the Report Header: Image RemovedTime (APR) 

Refresh Schedule:  

  • Retention Rate metrics are refreshed four times in the academic year.
  • Data is refreshed in the Fall semester at the Preliminary benchmark to establish the initial cohort.
  • Fall Final benchmark refresh date is staggered to include cohort adjustments submitted with Retention file at the end of Jan. 
  • Progress to Goal dial will reflect an update at Spring Preliminary and Summer Preliminary
  • Fall to Fall Retention % will be reflected at the 2nd Fall Term at Drop/Add. 


The initial setting of the dial is calibrated to 100% at the beginning of the academic year (first fall semester). As the academic year progresses and we approach the spring semester, the displayed rate may reflect a figure lower than 100%. This dial update represents the progress toward our retention rate goal. 

Term Benchmark Refresh Date Notes
Fall (1st Fall) Preliminary Oct 27, 2023 This is the initial Cohort.
Progress to Goal dial is set at 100% in the first Fall term. 

Fall (1st Fall) 

Final, Retention (Cohort Adjustments)Jan 26, 2024 

Refresh reflects any cohort adjustments.

Progress to Goal dial is set at 100% in the first Fall term. 

Spring Preliminary Feb 23, 2024 Progress to Goal displays the % of students from the original cohort retained in the Spring term. (For APR with >=2.0 GPA at the beginning of the Spring term)
Summer Preliminary July 1, 2024Progress to Goal displays the % of students from the original cohort retained in the Summer term. (For APR with >=2.0 GPA at the beginning of the Summer term)
Fall (2nd Fall)Drop/Add Aug 30, 2024 Progress to Goal displays the % of students from the original cohort retained in the 2nd Fall (@Drop/Add bench)  (For APR with >=2.0 GPA at the beginning of the 2nd Fall term)

Graduation Rate Scorecards:

3. FTIC 4 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time

4. FTIC Pell 4 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time

5. FTIC 6 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time & Part Time

6. FTIC Pell 6 Yr Graduation Rate Full Time & Part Time

7. FCS AA Transfer 3 Yr Grad Rate Full Time & Part Time

Refresh Schedule: 

  • Graduation Rate metrics are refreshed thrice in the academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer), at the end of each semester when Degrees are reported to the BOG.
  • The Fall Degree benchmark refresh date is staggered to include cohort adjustments submitted with the Retention file at the end of Jan. 
Term BenchmarkRefresh Date Notes 
Fall Degrees, Retention (Cohort Adjustments)Jan 26, 2024Fall refresh includes Fall Degrees as well as any cohort adjustments submitted on the Retention File
Spring DegreesJune 21, 2024 
Summer Degrees Sept 27, 2024 

8. Faculty Awards

Refresh Schedule: 

  • The Faculty Awards metric is refreshed three times per Calendar Year, once each semester after the Final Benchmark.

Data Source: ORI Research Reporting Database

Term  BenchmarkRefresh Date Notes 
Fall FinalJan 12, 2024


FinalJun 7, 2024
Summer FinalSep 20, 2024

Research Scorecards:

 9. Sponsored Research Total Expenditures

10. Sponsored Research Total Expenditures Per Tenure Track FTE

Refresh Schedule: Research metrics are updated twelve times per Fiscal Year. Data is refreshed monthly, by the 20th day.

Data Source: Office of Research & Innovation

11. Total Fundraising 

Refresh Schedule: Total Fundraising metric is updated twelve times per Fiscal Year. Data is refreshed on the 10th of every month, except in July. The July update that includes the month of June will be the FINAL update for the Fiscal Year and the data will be refreshed by 21st of July.

Data Source: University of South Florida Foundation

12. Citation Impact (Coming soon)