MCOM created Learning Communities to support students through their educational journey. All entering students are randomly assigned to one of our nine learning communities, called Collegia. Each collegium has a faculty member that will serve as a Career Advisor to each student / Collegium Director.
The key goals for the program are:
- Professional role models and long-term personal relationships among peers
- A sense of community
- Career planning guidance
- Robust strategies for taking care of their physical and emotional health
Every student is provided with the guidance needed to successfully build a career in medicine. At times, one’s personal journey in medicine can be complex. The collegia program has been structured to ensure exceptional student outcomes through a trustworthy and reliable faculty advisor relationship. The collegia will serve as a home away from home, supporting students along the way, and celebrating each milestone. Members of a collegium are here to help build a web of solid connections to many faculty throughout MCOM, the University and the community. Additionally, each of collegium have a suite designated to the group to use for social purposes as well as study. Inside each suite are appliances and furniture to facilitate a place of community. Guidelines have been established to ensure the suites stay in good condition and the property is respected. If any of the guidelines are not followed within a collegium or by a student, the Associate Dean has the authority to restrict access to the suites.
MD Career Advising
The MCOM Career Advising program aligns itself with the AAMC Careers in Medicine program. Students can contact the Career Advising office for assistance at any time. The Career Advising Director is James Mayer, MD (813-974-7865). Students entering MCOM are assigned to one of nine Collegia which are led by one or more faculty members (Collegium Directors/Career Advisors). Students are expected to meet individually or as a collegium at least twice annually with their Collegium Director/Career Advisor. Meetings are documented within Archivum. The Career Advising program progresses through focused steps and self-assessments: MS1-Understanding Yourself, MS2-Exploring Options, MS3-Choosing a Specialty, MS4-Preparing for Residency.
The Career Advising office provides a sequence of programs for the MS3 and MS4 students in preparation for residency. These include a Specialty Career Day, Introducing Students to Specialty Advisors, Residency Workshop, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement Sessions and Mock Interviews.
Students maintain their longitudinal career advisor with the addition of specialty advisors. Specialty advisors provide specific help on requirements for residency and program selection for application to the residency match in specific disciplines. This additional specialty advisor may or may not be the same faculty member originally assigned as the student Career Advisor. Specialty advisors have no responsibility relative to the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), unless they are also the Collegium Director/ Career Advisor.
The Career Advisors will ultimately write the summary portion of the MSPE and will meet with students to review it. The MSPE describes a student’s performance in the first- through third-years of medical school and part of the fourth-year. The MSPE is then transmitted to residency programs to which a student applies during the senior year. SELECT students are assigned a second Collegium Director/Career Advisor who will advise the student while at the USF-Lehigh Valley campus and will write the SELECT student’s MSPE.
Academic Assistance
Academic, Study Skills and Test Taking Assistance
Any student seeking to improve his/her study skills, exam taking, or overall academic performance may request assistance through the MCOM Academic Support Center (ASC), directed by Pamela O’Callaghan, PhD (813-974-5815). Services include tutoring, learning skills consultation, and exam skills coaching. These services are available to medical students without charge.
Peer Tutoring
Students who are experiencing academic difficulties and are in need of tutoring may seek assistance through the Academic Support Center. There is no cost to the student for this assistance. Student tutors are selected by the ASC Director based on academic and personal qualities.