2021-2022 Electives Catalog

2021-2022 Electives Catalog

It is the students' responsibility to verify where and to whom they report before the start of each course no later than the Friday before the start of the rotation.

Tampa Instructions

Students in the SELECT (LVHN) program who rotate at one of the Tampa campus sites must email the onboarding coordinator 8 weeks before the start of the Tampa elective (with the following information) to ensure that all appropriate hospital credentials are in place.

  • Name of elective
  • Site of elective
  • Dates of elective

LVHN Instructions

Students in the Core (Tampa) program who rotate at one of the LVHN campus sites should do the following:

  1. For housing requests, visit https://secure.jotformpro.com/form/40904101972953
  2. Complete the State of Pennsylvania Criminal Clearances in CERTIPHI.
  3. Orientation Modules https://www.lvhn.org/network-wide-orientation-modules#
    Please sign and email copies of the following forms to: medicalstudents@lvhn.org
  4. Acknowledgement of Confidentiality form: https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/Acknowledgement_of_Confidentiality.pdf
  5. CPSL Affidavit: https://www.lvhn.org/sites/default/files/2019-03/affidavit%20-%20student%20cpsl.pdf
  6. Copy of your current Immunization Record (including proof of current TB test and seasonal flu vaccination (Mandatory for all rotations occurring between Oct 1 – May 1.)

Drop/Add open 5/10/2021

  1. Drop/add requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of the rotation.
  2. Log into Archivum at https://usf.appiancloud.com.
    • Click My Actions & Tasks
    • Click Submit Drop Add Request
    • Select your track 
    • Scroll down to view your Eligible Courses to Drop. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the course. If you make a mistake, you can click the red (x) to the right of the course.
    • Scroll down to Eligible Courses to Add
    • Select the Period
    • Begin typing the desired course in the Course field
    • (Optional) Select a Site
    • Find your course and click the plus sign (+) to the left
    • Click Submit
  3. To view your completed requests in Archivum

    • Click Academic Profile
    • Click 4th Year Scheduling
    • Scroll down to view and click the magnifying glass for more information on individual requests.
  4. Even though you have submitted a request, it is not approved until you receive an email from the Office of Registrar. Your schedule will not be changed until then. Your advisor and the course coordinator must both approve your request, then I will review your schedule and make changes as appropriate. Please make sure to review the requirements for the fourth year (Graduation and Track Requirements) to make sure your new schedule will be in compliance. When reviewing drop/add requests, I will take your entire schedule into consideration. For example, you will not be permitted to drop a required course unless you have submitted a request to add it in a different period. You may also view the Fourth Year Academic Calendar to determine the dates for each period.
    Drop/add closes 01/31/22.

  5. Electives Open/Closed Report - Please refer to this report when looking for courses that might have availability. This report will be updated on a weekly basis and does not reflect any pending requests still in the system. This report is meant to serve as a guideline.  

    Electives_OpenClosed_Report 1.28.22.pdf

     Instructions for Reading Report

    Please note: Changes are not automatic. There are three levels of approval (coordinator, advisor, registrar). Requests are typically processed within a 2-3 day window, but may be a little longer at the beginning of the year when many students make changes.

    The Electives Open/Closed Report lists each elective in each period, how many slots are offered, and how many have already been taken. For example:





















    Elective Y














    Elective Y is offered in periods 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. (Period 12 is an extra month for remediation purposes.) There are a total of 8 slots available in each of those periods. 3 students are enrolled in period 1, so there are 5 slots available. Period 10 is full.

    For courses offered as a two-week rotation, the total number of spots in one period cannot exceed the number of slots. For example:





















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z

















    Elective Z














    Period A is the first half of the period, and Period B is the second half. In Period 5, the enrollment adds up to 2 people for the four weeks, one four week person, one two week person in A, and one two week person in B. For this course, there cannot be more than 2 students enrolled at any one time. Based on the report, in period 10, either one more student could register for the full four weeks, or one more student could be in both Period A and Period B

Course Key

See Course Key for a definition of sites.

Max Enroll
Min Enroll
Instructor of Record

 BMS 8187 Advanced Human Anatomy
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Srinivas Bharadwaj
Report to:
Contact Dr. Bharadwaj  at sribharadwaj@usf.edu
Advanced anatomy is an elective course designed to provide prospective students with an opportunity to review anatomical sciences and revisit systems that relate to future residency interests. It is formulated in a manner to enhance student’s knowledge of the fundamental of anatomy applicable to the anatomical basis of diseases that pertain to surgical as well as non-surgical fields.
  1. Perform an in-depth study of anatomy as it relates to surgical and other clinically relevant disciplines
  2. List the major pathologic processes that has a distinct gross anatomic correlate
  3. Outline the anatomic basis of procedures and associated complications
  4. Understand the structural organization of the human body to the interpretation of disease processes
  5. Develop experience and demonstrate competence in dissection/prosection techniques
  6. Develop in depth understanding of three-dimensional presentations of anatomy through prosection
  7. Develop the ability to work independently and responsibly, and interact with peers and Faculty
  8. Self-assess and communicate to peers and faculty their understanding of Anatomy
  9. Engage in teaching through interactive laboratory settings.
Rotation Activities:
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation is based on completion of the assignments. Please see the syllabus. 
2021-2022 Electives Catalog
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
SonoSim modules can be completed online. Periods 8-10 are offered as hands-on rotations only.
 2, 4 - 11
No Limit
Bharadwaj, Srinivas
Basic Science 

 MDE 8521 Applied Head and Neck Anatomy
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Hector Lopez-Cardona
Report to:
Contact Dr. Lopez-Cardona  at lopezh@usf.edu
Applied Head and Neck Anatomy is an elective course designed to provide prospective students with an opportunity to review relevant anatomical sciences and revisit systems that relate to future residency interests. It is formulated in a manner to enhance student’s knowledge of the fundamental of anatomy applicable to the anatomical basis of diseases that pertain to surgical as well as non-surgical fields.
  1. Perform an in-depth study of anatomy as it relates to surgical and other clinically relevant disciplines
  2. List the major pathologic processes that has a distinct gross anatomic correlate
  3. Outline the anatomic basis of procedures and associated complications
  4. Understand the structural organization of the human body to the interpretation of disease processes
  5. Develop experience and demonstrate competence in dissection/prosection techniques
  6. Develop in depth understanding of three-dimensional presentations of anatomy through prosection
  7. Develop the ability to work independently and responsibly, and interact with peers and Faculty
  8. Self-assess and communicate to peers and faculty their understanding of Anatomy
  9. Engage in teaching through interactive laboratory settings.
Rotation Activities:
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation is based on completion of the assignments. Please see the syllabus. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
SonoSim modules can be completed online. Periods 8-10 are offered as hands-on rotations only.
 1, 3 - 11
No Limit
Lopez Cardona, Hector
Basic Science 

 MDE 8522 Applied Anat of the MSK System
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Hector Lopez-Cardona
Report to:
Contact Dr. Lopez-Cardona  at lopezh@usf.edu
Applied Anatomy of Musculoskeletal System is an elective course designed to provide prospective students with an opportunity to review relevant anatomical sciences and revisit systems that relate to future residency interests. It is formulated in a manner to enhance student’s knowledge of the fundamental of anatomy applicable to the anatomical basis of diseases that pertain to surgical as well as non-surgical fields.
  1. Perform an in-depth study of anatomy as it relates to surgical and other clinically relevant disciplines
  2. List the major pathologic processes that has a distinct gross anatomic correlate
  3. Outline the anatomic basis of procedures and associated complications
  4. Understand the structural organization of the human body to the interpretation of disease processes
  5. Develop experience and demonstrate competence in dissection/prosection techniques
  6. Develop in depth understanding of three-dimensional presentations of anatomy through prosection
  7. Develop the ability to work independently and responsibly, and interact with peers and Faculty
  8. Self-assess and communicate to peers and faculty their understanding of Anatomy
  9. Engage in teaching through interactive laboratory settings.
Rotation Activities:
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation is based on completion of the assignments. Please see the syllabus. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
SonoSim modules can be completed online. Periods 8-10 are offered as hands-on rotations only.
 1, 3 - 11
No Limit
Lopez Cardona, Hector
Basic Science 

MEL 9999A Indep Study - Anatomy
 1 - 11
No Limit
Bharadwaj, Srinivas
Indep Study

 MDE 8700 Anesthesiology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
(484) 866-9581
Report to:
CC OR – Anesthesia work room
The course is directed towards medical students who plan to enter Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, or Emergency Medicine. The course emphasis will be tailored to the medical specialty the extern expects to enter and the skill set of the student. Excellent hand-eye coordination is a must for this course, since students are expected to perform procedures on patients.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the student(s) to the practical/hands on approach to anesthesiology with emphasis on airway management, respiratory physiology, cardiovascular physiology, perioperative management, and invasive procedures. 
Rotation Activities:
Medical students are expected to make preoperative rounds with the anesthesiology staff on patients scheduled for surgery. Preoperative examinations and assessments of patients are expected. Participation in the decisions of anesthetic drugs and anesthesia choice are required. Students will assist in the preparation of the patients for surgery which include starting IV’s, connecting monitoring equipment, learning the pharmacology of various anesthestic agents, and learn to problem solve basic anesthetic situations. Emphasis on airway management include placement of LMAs, LTDs, masking patients, and intubation via direct laryngoscopy and video laryngosocpy. Invasive procedures include arterial line insertions and central line placement. An introduction to peripheral regional blocks will be included for those students that express an interest. Students will follow their patients throughout the anesthetic care into the postoperative recovery for continuity of care. 
Patient Encounters:
Preoperative / Intraoperative Patients - Multiple
Oral, practical, and/or written evaluations of medical students will include clinical performance, medical knowledge, professionalism, motivation, and ability to problem solve.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Schwann, Nan

 MDE 8700 Anesthesiology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Thomas Finney
Dr. Raymond Evans
Report to:
Second Floor MCB Anesthesia Department
12902 Magnolia Dr., Tampa, FL 33612
The course is directed towards medical students who plan to enter Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, or Emergency Medicine. The course emphasis will be tailored to the medical specialty the extern expects to enter and the skill set of the student.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the student(s) to the practical/hands on approach to anesthesiology with emphasis on airway management, respiratory physiology, cardiovascular physiology, perioperative management, and invasive procedures. 
Rotation Activities:
Medical students are expected to make preoperative rounds with the anesthesiology staff on patients scheduled for surgery. Preoperative examinations and assessments of patients are expected. Participation in the decisions of anesthetic drugs and anesthesia choice are required. Students will assist in the preparation of the patients for surgery which include starting IV’s, connecting monitoring equipment, learning the pharmacology of various anesthestic agents, and learn to problem solve basic anesthetic situations. Emphasis on airway management include placement of LMAs, LTDs, masking patients, and intubation via direct laryngoscopy and video laryngosocpy. Invasive procedures include arterial line insertions and central line placement. An introduction to peripheral regional blocks will be included for those students that express an interest.
Patient Encounters:

Oral, practical, and/or written evaluations of medical students will include clinical performance, medical knowledge, professionalism, motivation, and ability to problem solve.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Evans, Raymond

 MDE 8700 Anesthesiology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Heather Kimrey 
(813) 972-2000, ext. 5946
(813) 808-3713 (cell phone)
Report to:
James A. Haley VA Medical Center
Room 2C-211 (second floor)
Monday at 8:00 AM (except for holidays)
The course is directed towards medical students who plan to enter Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, or Emergency Medicine.  The course emphasis will be tailored to the medical specialty the extern expects to enter and skill set of the student.  Excellent hand-eye coordination is a must for this course, since students are expected to perform procedures on patients.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the student(s) to the practical/hands on approach to anesthesiology with emphasis on airway management, respiratory physiology, cardiovascular physiology, perioperative management, and invasive procedures. 
Rotation Activities:
Medical students are expected to make preoperative rounds with the anesthesiology staff on patients scheduled for surgery.  Preoperative examinations and assessments of patients are expected.  Participation in the decisions of anesthetic drugs and anesthesia choice are required.  Students will assist in the preparation of the patients for surgery which include starting IV’s, connecting monitoring equipment, learning the pharmacology of various anesthetic agents, and learn to problem solve basic anesthetic situations.  Emphasis on airway management include placement of laryngeal mask airways, esophageal airway devices, bag masking patients, and intubation via both direct laryngoscopy and video laryngoscopy.   Invasive procedures include arterial line insertions and central line placement.  An introduction to peripheral regional blocks will be included for those students that express an interest.  Students will follow their patients throughout the anesthetic care into the postoperative recovery for continuity of care. An introduction to Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE) and/or Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) would be presented to students interested.
Patient Encounters:
The patient case types will depend on the medical specialty the student plans to enter.
Oral, practical, and/or written evaluations of the medical students will include clinical performance, medical knowledge, professionalism, motivation, and ability to problem solve.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
2, 3 , 4
Yr 4 Status
Lee, Leland

MEL 7320Z Externship - Anesthesiology
 1 - 10
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

 MDE 8251 Clinical Dermatology
 Click here for additional course information
Ashley Sanford
(813) 974-4381
Report to:
Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare
13330 USF Laurel Drive
Tampa, FL 33612
Dermatology, 6th Floor
Upon completion of this elective, the student will be able to conduct a full dermatologic examination and will be able to recognize and offer reasonable management for common dermatologic disorders, including those primary in the integument and those associated with systemic disease. Students will rotate throughout the elective at the USF Morsani Center, the James A. Haley VA Hospital, Moffitt Cancer Center, and other ancillary clinics. The student will attend various weekly conferences with the Dermatology residents. Periods 2, 3 and 4 are reserved for students applying to dermatology residency programs.
1. Accurately describe primary and secondary dermatologic lesions as well as patterns of distribution.
2. Conduct a total body skin exam and detect suspicious and abnormal findings.
3. Identify the most common inflammatory skin diseases.
4. Identify the major types of skin cancers.
5. Recognize skin manifestations of internal disease.
6. Perform shave and punch biopsies.
7. Understand the concepts of skin patch testing.
8. Understand the appropriate management for common dermatologic disorders including neoplasms
Rotation Activities:
The students will rotate through the following clinics in dermatology:
  • General dermatology clinics at Morsani Center, VA, 17 Davis
  • Pigmented lesion clinics at Moffitt Cancer Center
  • Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma clinic at Moffitt Cancer Center
  • High Risk Solid-Organ Transplant Dermatology Clinic at TGH
  • Mohs/surgical dermatology at Morsani Center
  • Inpatient consult service at Tampa General Hospital
Additionally, the students will be provided didactics on the fundamentals of dermatology and be involved in a hands-on wet lab session where they will learn basic dermatologic procedures including shave biopsies, scallop biopsies, punch biopsies, surgical excisions. 
Patient Encounters:

10-minute Case Presentation to be made at a morning Resident Conference.  Student progress and performance in the clinical setting will be evaluated by the faculty and residents.
Handbook with general information about clinic duties and expectations (i.e., dress code, conduct, etc.) will be provided on the first day of the rotation.  Dermatology reading for students is also described in the handbook, along with references for textbooks, online and other pertinent dermatology information.
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Patel, Nishit

 MDE 8536 Elective in Dermatopathology
 Click here for additional course information
Ashley Sanford
(813) 974-4381
Report to:
Paul Rodriguez-Waitkus, MD, PhD
Director, Dermatopathology Lab, 4th Floor
Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare
13330 USF Laurel Drive
Tampa, FL  33612
This course is designed for students interested in expanding their knowledge of dermatopathology. Students will receive didactic and case-based instruction in dermatopathology using daily microscope, sign-out with attending faculty, and attending weekly dermatopathology teaching conferences. Students may have the opportunity to participate in research in the form of co-authoring a case report, meeting abstract, or assisting with a portion of a larger departmental research project with a resident or faculty member, if one is available during the rotation.
1.  Understand how to accurately describe and identify primary and secondary dermatologic lesions by microscopic examination
2.  Learn to identify the most common inflammatory skin diseases by microscopic examination.
3.  Ascertain how to identify the major types of skin cancers by microscopic examination
4.  Participate in research by co-authoring a case report, meeting abstract or assisting with a portion of a larger departmental research project with a resident or faculty member depending on availability of such a project
Rotation Activities:
Attend dermatopathology conferences twice a week
Invited to attend the “Dermatopathology Consenus Meeting” with all dermatopathologists from USF, MCC & VA Medical Center to review and discuss unusual, challenging cases, in order to gain different perspectives to confirm a diagnosis.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated by the faculty & residents in dermatopathology.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 8 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Rodriguez-Waitkus, Paul


 MDT 8250 Special Topics in Dermatology
 Click here for additional course information
Ashley Sanford
(813) 974-4381
Report to:
Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare
13330 USF Laurel Drive
Tampa, FL 33612
Dermatology, 6th Floor
This course allows third year students to gain exposure to various topics in Dermatology by special arrangement with the Dermatology department director, Dr. Nishit Patel.
Our goal is to provide you with a 2-week precursor to your 4th year elective in dermatology. 
1. Gain general understanding of the variety of diseases managed by dermatologists
2. Gain general understanding of the variety of procedures performed by dermatologists
3. Accurately describe primary and secondary dermatologic lesions as well as patterns of distribution.
4. Identify the most common inflammatory skin diseases.
5. Identify the major types of skin cancers.
Rotation Activities:
The students will be assigned a mix of clinical experiences from the list below:
  • General dermatology clinics at Morsani Center, VA, 17 Davis
  • Pigmented lesion clinics at Moffitt Cancer Center
  • Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma clinic at Moffitt Cancer Center
  • High Risk Solid-Organ Transplant Dermatology Clinic at TGH
  • Mohs/surgical dermatology at Morsani Center
The student will attend various weekly conferences with the Dermatology residents.
Patient Encounters:

Student progress and performance in the clinical setting will be evaluated by the faculty and residents.
Handbook with general information about clinic duties and expectations (i.e., dress code, conduct, etc.) will be provided on the first day of the rotation.  Dermatology reading for students is also described in the handbook, along with references for textbooks, online and other pertinent dermatology information.
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 12
None, Yr 3 only
Patel, Nishit


MEL 7320L Externship in Dermatology
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Patel, Nishit

MEL 9999L Indep Study in Dermatology
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Patel, Nishit
Indep Study
Emerg Med

 MDE 8714 Intro to Medical Toxicology
 Click here for additional course information
Dawn Yenser
(484) 884-2489
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
Medical Toxicology is best described broadly as the field of medicine with expertise in the health effects caused by pharmaceuticals, occupational exposures and environmental agents. Toxicologists assist in the management of medication overdoses, addiction and withdrawal states, envenomations, hazardous materials exposures and workplace hazards. Toxicologists oversee the clinical operations of a Poison Center.
1. Become familiar with fundamental concepts underpinning the clinical management of Toxicological patients. Participation in the diagnosis and treatment of selected acute and chronic exposures in adults and children is expected. Elements of competency include reliable history-taking, physical examination aimed at the detection of toxidromes, formulation of differential diagnoses, implementation of treatment, and development of safe disposition plans.
2. Understand the principles, methods and controversies related to limiting toxic exposures by decontamination including gastric lavage, activated charcoal administration, renal replacement therapy, ion trapping, and hyperbaric oxygen.
3. Review knowledge of basic kinetic principles of drug absorption, redistribution, metabolism, and elimination.
 4. Study poisoning epidemiology specifically within populations ‘at risk’ such as toddlers, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, migrants and immigrants.
 5. Complete case studies from approximately 20 classes of drugs and poisons commonly encountered in clinical practice.  Emphasis will be placed on assessing severity and initiating timely, appropriate treatment.
 6. Learn guiding principles of the management of acute intoxication in the Emergency Department. Commonly abused drugs for specific socioeconomic groups will be reviewed. Withdrawal states will also be discussed.
 7. Become familiar with selected antidotes, their uses, doses, side effects and limitations.
 8. Develop awareness for important agents of toxinology (naturally occurring toxins). These include plants and animals toxins, especially focusing on native venomous arthropods, reptiles and marine creatures.
 9. Understand diagnostic toxicology laboratory techniques, limitations and costs of both qualitative and quantitative analyses.
  10. Observe the clinical operation of a Poison Center. Understand the public health role of the Poison Centers in gathering and disseminating data including protected health information (PHI).
Rotation Activities:
1. A mandatory orientation is to be attended by the student in the first few days of the rotation.
2. Observation and participation in telephone consultations at LVHN Poison Information is expected. Students will review cases referred for medical treatment and other cases of interest.
3. A series of standard cases accompanies independent reading assignments. Expect about 20-24 hours of small group discussion.
4. Attendance at a variety of teaching rounds and meetings will be required.
5. Participation in inpatient consultations is expected. Volumes of patients are variable month to month. Students should keep a record of all patients encountered.
6. Students will be expected to prepare two 10 minute presentations on a pre-approved topic of their choice to be shared with toxicology rotators and poison center staff. It should be of narrow scope and of sufficient quality to be included in the rotators teaching files for future students to use.
7. Guided tours of the toxicology laboratory and other field trips may be available.
8.  The opportunity to conduct clinical or laboratory research, construct toxicology teaching materials, or to write a review paper for publication is encouraged and is available by arrangement in advance of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

1. Case study preparation will be assessed during discussions with the medical toxicologist.
2. Attendance at conferences and assigned poison center shifts will be counted in the evaluation.
3. A written test is administered at the end of the month.
4. For special arrangements involving research, writing or teaching, quality and completion of the project will contribute to the grade.
5. Input on professionalism and participation will be solicited from the Poison Center staff.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 2 - 5, 7 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Cook, Matthew
Emerg Med

 MDE 8714 Intro to Medical Toxicology
 Click here for additional course information
Pamela Bhowanidin
(813) 844-7044
Dr. Justin Arnold
Report to:
One Davis Blvd, Suite 203 (Second Floor) at 9 am on the first weekday of the rotation
Medical Toxicology is best described broadly as the field of medicine with expertise in the health effects caused by pharmaceuticals, occupational exposures and environmental agents. Toxicologists assist in the management of medication overdoses, addiction and withdrawal states, envenomations, hazardous materials exposures and workplace hazards. Toxicologists oversee the clinical operations of a Poison Center.
1. Become familiar with fundamental concepts underpinning the clinical management of Toxicological patients. Participation in the diagnosis and treatment of selected acute and chronic exposures in adults and children is expected. Elements of competency include reliable history-taking, physical examination aimed at the detection of toxidromes, formulation of differential diagnoses, implementation of treatment, and development of safe disposition plans.
2. Understand the principles, methods and controversies related to limiting toxic exposures by decontamination including gastric lavage, activated charcoal administration, renal replacement therapy, ion trapping, and hyperbaric oxygen.
3. Review knowledge of basic kinetic principles of drug absorption, redistribution, metabolism, and elimination.
 4. Learn guiding principles of the management of acute intoxication in the Emergency Department.  Commonly abused drugs for specific socioeconomic groups, occupational toxins and hazards, as well as withdrawal syndrome will be reviewed. 
 5. Become familiar with selected antidotes, their uses, doses, side effects and limitations.
 6. Observe the clinical operation of a Poison Center. Understand the public health role of the Poison Centers in gathering and disseminating data including protected health information (PHI).
 7. Understand basic management and response principles related to hazardous materials (HAZMAT) incidents.
 8. Manage a variety of poisoned patients through daily case-based learning, case review, and consultations.
Rotation Activities:
1. A mandatory orientation is to be attended by the student in the first few days of the rotation.
2. Observation and participation in telephone consultations at the Florida Poison Information – Tampa is expected. Students will review cases referred for medical treatment and other cases of interest.
3. Participation in daily case review of active poison center paints is required.  
4. Participation in a variety of teaching activities, including but not limited to in person lectures, webinars, statewide journal club, off-site visits to local zoos and toxicology-related public health meetings and events, and regional training and conferences (when possible).
5. Asynchronous learning through the assignment of selected journal articles relevant to the practical application of toxicology in the acute care setting.  Approximately 10 articles are routinely assigned, and ample time is provided to review the assigned articles.
6. Optional preparation of an abstract suitable for submission to a regional, national, or international conference on an interesting patient presentation encountered during the rotation.
7. Students will be expected to prepare a 15-minute presentation on a pre-approved topic of their choice to be shared with toxicology rotators and poison center staff.
Patient Encounters:

1. Individual case presentations and management will be assessed during discussion with the medical toxicologist.
2. Attendance at daily case discussion, lectures, webinars, and other poison center activities will be counted in the evaluation.
3. Reading of assigned journal activities will be assessed through two quizzes throughout the rotation.  One quiz will occur halfway through the rotation while the second quick will occur at the end of the rotation.
4. The quality of the prepared abstract will be counted in the evaluation.
5. Input on professionalism and participation will be solicited from the Poison Center staff.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
Yr 4 Status
Arnold, Justin
Emerg Med

 MDI 8710 AI in Emergency Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dawn Yenser
(484) 884-2489
LVH-M 5th Fl South Building
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
This acting internship integrates clinical skills and evidence-based medicine through didactic lectures, performance of clinical procedures, hands-on clinical experiences, observation and direct interaction with faculty, individual patients, and families. Students will manage the patient using the "team approach," which involves EMTs, nurses, physicians, and students. Students are expected to evaluate patients, address their presenting complaints, initiate workups, and provide definitive therapies.
This rotation will enrich students' knowledge, help them develop history-taking ability, physical skill assessment, diagnostic and management skills, as well as help them develop a caring, compassionate and empathetic attitude in dealing with patients and their families.
Rotation Activities:
Suture lab, splint lab, journal club, EBM lecture, ultrasound didactic and hands-on, trauma simulation, critical care simulation, grand rounds, EMS ride-along, autopsy, spend a day with a nurse (procedures) and toxicology lectures
Patient Encounters:

Students will be graded based on clinical evaluations from their preceptors. Additionally, students will be required to take a series of online open book quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 8
Yr 4 Status
Worrilow, Charles
Emerg Med

 MDI 8710 AI in Emergency Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Andrew Thomas
(407) 529-9061
Report to:
Emergency Department, second floor of TGH
First Monday of the rotation (unless otherwise instructed due to holiday)
Time and exact location will be sent via email several days before start of rotation
This acting internship integrates clinical skills and evidence-based medicine through didactic lectures, performance of clinical procedures, hands-on clinical experiences, observation and direct interaction with faculty, individual patients, and families. Students will manage the patient using the "team approach," which involves EMTs, nurses, physicians, and students. Students are expected to evaluate patients, address their presenting complaints, initiate workups, and provide definitive therapies.
This rotation will enrich students' knowledge, help them develop history-taking ability, physical skill assessment, diagnostic and management skills, as well as help them develop a caring, compassionate and empathetic attitude in dealing with patients and their families.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the following activities:
1. Attendance & participation at weekly grand rounds (Wednesday mornings - virtual or in-person)
2. Obtain history and perform physical evaluation of patients in the emergency department
3. Presentation of patient cases to attending physicians and/or senior residents, including differential diagnosis and management plans
4. Performance of available procedures including but not limited to laceration repair, incision & drainage, endotracheal intubation, ultrasound, central line placement, and other procedures deemed appropriate
5. Gain experience with ED point-of-care ultrasound
6. Additional events such as disaster drills, simulation, EMS rides,  or special conference events may occur
Patient Encounters:
There are not required quotas for the number and types of patients seen, however it is expected that students will attempt to see a high volume of patients (consistent with their comfort level) without compromising patient care. Students should attempt to see a variety of chief complaints.
Student grades are based on daily attending evaluations and attendance at emergency medicine conferences. There is an end of rotation exam.  Students will give a 3-5 minute presentation of an interesting case during an end of rotation meeting and this also is used for grading purposes.
Will be provided in orientation email
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Intro to EM
Thomas, Andrew
Emerg Med

MDR 8710 Research in Emergency Medicine

 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Jason Wilson
Report to:
Dr. Jason Wilson
Students participating in the elective should be interested in pursuing a career in emergency medicine. 
1. Obtain human subjects research certification and understand the principles and history of human subjects research. During this process, student will obtain CITI certification.
2. Understand the administrative infrastructure necessary to operationalize emergency medicine/acute care research
3. Develop the ability to design and evaluate testable scientific hypotheses for clinical research
4. Participate in monthly Journal Club
5. Become familiar with study protocols, FDA regulations for clinical research, patient consent process
Rotation Activities:
1. Obtain CITI certification
2. Attend Hospital Research Meetings
3. Attend EM Grand Rounds
4. Liaison with Research Assistant clinical Team
5. Develop scholarly project in conjunction with Research Director
Patient Encounters:

The student will be assessed during this rotation in four ways.
1. 25% participation at assigned meetings and research shifts
2. 25% observations of student motivation/achievement/abilities during patient and staff interactions
3. 25% participation and completion of Journal Club assignment (3 articles each with journal club worksheet)
4. 25% online, open-notes/open-resource quiz on the foundations of EBM

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Any interested student should contact Dr. Wilson to plan the elective. This should be done at least 3 months prior to the start of the elective. 
 1 - 11
Wilson, Jason
Emerg Med

 MDT 8710 Intro to Emergency Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Anish Zachariah, MD
Report to:
Dept. of Emergency Medicine
One Davis Blvd. Suite 502
Tampa, FL 33609
Because of the wide array or patients and pathology, the rotation is an excellent introduction to acute care and primary care medicine regardless of which ever field the student may be considering. It is required pre-requisite for those USF students considering Emergency Medicine as as career.
This rotation will enrich students' knowledge, help them develop history-taking ability, physical skill assessment, and diagnostic and management skills, procedural skills, as well as help them develop a caring, compassionate, and empathetic attitude in dealing with patients and their families.
Rotation Activities:
This introduction to Emergency Medicine integrates clinical skills and evidence-based medicine through didactic lectures, observation, performance of clinical procedures, hands-on clinical experiences, and direct interaction with faculty, individual patients, and families. Students will manage the patient using the "team approach," which involves EMTs, nurses, physicians, and students. They are expected to evaluate patients, address their presenting complaints, initiate workups, and provide definitive therapies. There is also interactive simulated skills sessions ranging from suturing, central lines, lumbar puncture, and intubations.
Patient Encounters:

The student's grade is primarily based on daily attending evaluations but will incorporate quality case presentations, clinical skills evaluation, required attendance at emergency medicine conferences, and written testing.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 9 (Yr 4) 1-12 (Yr 3)
Zachariah, Anish
Family Med

 MDE 8104 Complex Care in the Community
 Click here for additional course information
Crystal Walker
One City Center
707 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101
(484) 862-3066
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley (NHCLV) is a Federally Qualified Community Health Center serving the under-served community of Allentown. Understanding health in a broad context, we seek to partner with our patients and community to build skills for stronger families and a healthier community.  In January of 2017, NHCLV received a Pennsylvania Department of Health award as a Center of Excellence for Opiate Use Disorders to develop screening, medication assisted treatment with naltrexone or buprenorphine/naloxone, community partnerships and community based care management with an interdisciplinary team.  People with opiate use disorders, who often have tangled story of poverty, isolation and co-morbidity, frequently slip through the cracks of the usual fragmented systems of care.  Our care teams work intensively with people with opiate use disorders wherever they need us, whether that is in our office, in the community or in their homes, to develop the relationships and understanding they need to engage in care and meet their own goals for treatment.  This elective is designed to introduce senior students to comprehensive, relationship centered care for complex patients with opiate use disorders in community settings.  At the intersection of community health and primary care, students will work with our Outreach Teams as health coaches and story gatherers to partner with patients and learn from the patient's point of view what it takes to live a good life in the face of complex issues inherent in opiate use disorders. 
1. Develop empathy and deeper understanding by developing relationships with patients and hearing their stories
2. Identify social determinants of health across the lifespan that contribute to opiate use disorders
3. Walk with patients and describe how healthcare systems designed to help sometimes do harm
4. Develop skills in health coaching for self management of complex health issues using motivational interviewing techniques
5. Describe the roles in interdisciplinary team and progression to transformation for patients engaged in program
6. Understand treatment options for patients with opiate use disorders, including community based organizations and community building programs
7. Describe the health policy implications of learnings from personal experiences including service delivery redesign, payment reform, and outcomes at local, state and federal levels
8. Reflect on implications for relationship centered care in student's vision of personal practice
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in daily team rounds, initial assessments, primary care and medication assisted treatment,  home visits, and accompany patients to specialist visits and community organizations.  Students will also have opportunities to work closely with our community engagement including our Timebank service exchange and community organizing. Each student will identify individual learning goals and present either a topic or project to the team.
Patient Encounters:

Students will work in close contact with the interdisciplinary team and participate in daily huddles.  They will meet with the elective director at or before the beginning of the course to set learning goals, and at the midpoint and end of rotation to debrief experiences and offer feedback. Students will provide the course director with weekly reflections.  End of rotation assignments include a patient and a final presentation to the team and leadership group on the topic of their choice.  Grading for this elective will be S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory).  Students who complete all assignments and engage respectfully with the team and patients will be assessed as satisfactory by the elective director.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Any interested student must contact Dr. Letcher to plan specific goals and activities for the elective.
Yr 4 Status
Lecher, Abby
Family Med

 MEL 7258 Elect in Rural Med or Underserved
 Click here for additional course information
Mackenzie Mady, DO
200 Schuylkill Medical Plaza
Pottsville, PA 17901
Office: (570) 621-9270

Report to:
Students will be contacted by Dr. Mady and Diane Boris a week prior to the rotation to coordinate housing as well as to gather more information re: the student’s interests in an effort to tailor the experience. Reporting information will be discussed at this time.
This is a rural/underserved health elective in which a student will be matched with an attending physician in the Schuylkill County area.  Responsibilities will largely be assisting with out-patient clinical care in a rural primary care office, though students may be expected to participate in hospital rounds/ER call at a hospital local to the primary practice site (depending upon preceptor).   This clerkship WILL INCLUDE A DAILY COMMUTE OF UP TO 60 minutes each direction if driving from LVHN- Cedar Crest; though, housing within the local community is provided.  Students should also note that "rural/underserved" is a relative term.  Many areas within 60 minutes of LVHN-Cedar Crest fit the definition and are typical of rural Pennsylvania.  However, these are not REMOTE rural communities, which have a different flavor and feel.  Students interested in a remote experience should consider other options.     
1. Compare and contrast the health needs and problems encountered in rural or underserved practice to those encountered in prior urban practice rotations
2. Identify the unique opportunities and challenges to medical practice and life in a rural or underserved community
3. Introduce/sensitize the student to cross-cultural issues in health care
4. Understand the mechanisms and indications for consultation and referral in rural or underserved practice settings
5. Evaluate the business management of rural or underserved practice, including availability of organized funding for patient care, managed care, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Arrangements for a specific time commitment will be made through the Department of Family Medicine.
2. The student will accompany the clinic physician Monday through Friday at the designated clinic site, will see patients, and will perform procedures assigned by the preceptor under his/her supervision.
3. Opportunities are available for additional practice activities within the hospital (e.g. pediatric hospitalists and emergency department), local specialists (e.g. cardiology and pulmnology), and in the community.
4. Students may travel to LVPG Family Medicine Hamburg for additional procedures, as well as Allentown for residency-based activities/activities related to the students’ particular interests
Patient Encounters:

The assigned faculty preceptor will provide an individual evaluation addressing the student's adaptability and understanding as well as knowledge, judgment, and rapport.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Diane Boris, MBA coordinates housing:
700 East Norwegian Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
Phone: 570-621-4142
Email: Diane.Boris@lvhn.org
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Brohm, Veronica
Family Med

 MEL 7258 Elect in Rural Med or Underserved
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Victor Rodriguez Cruz
Coordinator of Clinical Training & Enrichment
Gulfcoast North AHEC
(813) 929-1000 ext. 209
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective rotation is designed to introduce the senior student to the unique characteristics of medical practice in a rural or underserved community. Students will be supervised by clinical family physician faculty and will gain a better understanding of providing care to a medically underserved population and the tremendous health needs that exist.
1. Compare and contrast the health needs and problems encountered in rural or underserved practice to those encountered in prior urban practice rotations
2. Identify the unique opportunities and challenges to medical practice and life in a rural or underserved community
3. Introduce/sensitize the student to cross-cultural issues in health care
4. Understand the mechanisms and indications for consultation and referral in rural or underserved practice settings
5. Evaluate the business management of rural or underserved practice, including availability of organized funding for patient care, managed care, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Arrangements for a specific time commitment will be made through the Department of Family Medicine in conjunction with Gulfcoast North AHEC.
2. The student will accompany the physician during the course of the preceptor’s schedule  (which may involve a Saturday clinic or extended evening hours ) at the designated clinic site, will see patients, and will perform procedures assigned by the preceptor under his/her supervision.
3. At certain locations opportunities are available for additional practice activities within the hospital, emergency department, and in the community.
Patient Encounters:

The assigned faculty preceptor will provide an individual evaluation addressing the student's adaptability and understanding as well as knowledge, judgment, and rapport.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
At certain sites this elective is available to USF students only. The Department of Family Medicine and Gulfcoast North AHEC will make the final arrangements. Availability at all clinic sites is per the preceptor’s approval.
Premier Community HealthCare Group (Dade City), Suncoast Community Health Care Centers (Ruskin, Dover, Plant City), Community Health Centers of Pinellas (Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs), or Citrus County Health Department (Lecanto) 
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at PCHG
Family Med

 MEL 7258 Elect in Rural Med or Underserved
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Victor Cruz
Coordinator of Clinical Training & Enrichment
Gulfcoast North AHEC
(813) 929-1000 ext. 209
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective rotation is designed to introduce the senior student to the unique characteristics of medical practice in a rural or underserved community. Students will be supervised by clinical family physician faculty and will gain a better understanding of providing care to a medically underserved population and the tremendous health needs that exist.
1. Compare and contrast the health needs and problems encountered in rural or underserved practice to those encountered in prior urban practice rotations
2. Identify the unique opportunities and challenges to medical practice and life in a rural or underserved community
3. Introduce/sensitize the student to cross-cultural issues in health care
4. Understand the mechanisms and indications for consultation and referral in rural or underserved practice settings
5. Evaluate the business management of rural or underserved practice, including availability of organized funding for patient care, managed care, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Arrangements for a specific time commitment will be made through the Department of Family Medicine in conjunction with Gulfcoast North AHEC.
2. The student will accompany the physician during the course of the preceptor’s schedule  (which may involve a Saturday clinic or extended evening hours ) at the designated clinic site, will see patients, and will perform procedures assigned by the preceptor under his/her supervision.
3. At certain locations opportunities are available for additional practice activities within the hospital, emergency department, and in the community.
Patient Encounters:

The assigned faculty preceptor will provide an individual evaluation addressing the student's adaptability and understanding as well as knowledge, judgment, and rapport.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
At certain sites this elective is available to USF students only. The Department of Family Medicine and Gulfcoast North AHEC will make the final arrangements. Availability at all clinic sites is per the preceptor’s approval.
Premier Community HealthCare Group (Dade City), Suncoast Community Health Care Centers (Ruskin, Dover, Plant City), Community Health Centers of Pinellas (Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs), or Citrus County Health Department (Lecanto) 
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at DMH
Family Med

 MEL 7258 Elect in Rural Med or Underserved
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Victor Rodriguez Cruz
Coordinator of Clinical Training & Enrichment
Gulfcoast North AHEC
(813) 929-1000 ext. 209
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective rotation is designed to introduce the senior student to the unique characteristics of medical practice in a rural or underserved community. Students will be supervised by clinical family physician faculty and will gain a better understanding of providing care to a medically underserved population and the tremendous health needs that exist.
1. Compare and contrast the health needs and problems encountered in rural or underserved practice to those encountered in prior urban practice rotations
2. Identify the unique opportunities and challenges to medical practice and life in a rural or underserved community
3. Introduce/sensitize the student to cross-cultural issues in health care
4. Understand the mechanisms and indications for consultation and referral in rural or underserved practice settings
5. Evaluate the business management of rural or underserved practice, including availability of organized funding for patient care, managed care, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Arrangements for a specific time commitment will be made through the Department of Family Medicine in conjunction with Gulfcoast North AHEC.
2. The student will accompany the physician during the course of the preceptor’s schedule  (which may involve a Saturday clinic or extended evening hours ) at the designated clinic site, will see patients, and will perform procedures assigned by the preceptor under his/her supervision.
3. At certain locations opportunities are available for additional practice activities within the hospital, emergency department, and in the community.
Patient Encounters:

The assigned faculty preceptor will provide an individual evaluation addressing the student's adaptability and understanding as well as knowledge, judgment, and rapport.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
At certain sites this elective is available to USF students only. The Department of Family Medicine and Gulfcoast North AHEC will make the final arrangements. Availability at all clinic sites is per the preceptor’s approval.
Premier Community HealthCare Group (Dade City), Suncoast Community Health Care Centers (Ruskin, Dover, Plant City), Community Health Centers of Pinellas (Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs), or Citrus County Health Department (Lecanto) 
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at SCHC
Family Med

 MEL 7258 Elect in Rural Med or Underserved
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Victor Rodriguez Cruz
Coordinator of Clinical Training & Enrichment
Gulfcoast North AHEC
(813) 929-1000 ext. 209
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective rotation is designed to introduce the senior student to the unique characteristics of medical practice in a rural or underserved community. Students will be supervised by clinical family physician faculty and will gain a better understanding of providing care to a medically underserved population and the tremendous health needs that exist.
1. Compare and contrast the health needs and problems encountered in rural or underserved practice to those encountered in prior urban practice rotations
2. Identify the unique opportunities and challenges to medical practice and life in a rural or underserved community
3. Introduce/sensitize the student to cross-cultural issues in health care
4. Understand the mechanisms and indications for consultation and referral in rural or underserved practice settings
5. Evaluate the business management of rural or underserved practice, including availability of organized funding for patient care, managed care, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Arrangements for a specific time commitment will be made through the Department of Family Medicine in conjunction with Gulfcoast North AHEC.
2. The student will accompany the physician during the course of the preceptor’s schedule  (which may involve a Saturday clinic or extended evening hours ) at the designated clinic site, will see patients, and will perform procedures assigned by the preceptor under his/her supervision.
3. At certain locations opportunities are available for additional practice activities within the hospital, emergency department, and in the community.
Patient Encounters:

The assigned faculty preceptor will provide an individual evaluation addressing the student's adaptability and understanding as well as knowledge, judgment, and rapport.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
At certain sites this elective is available to USF students only. The Department of Family Medicine and Gulfcoast North AHEC will make the final arrangements. Availability at all clinic sites is per the preceptor’s approval.
Premier Community HealthCare Group (Dade City), Suncoast Community Health Care Centers (Ruskin, Dover, Plant City), Community Health Centers of Pinellas (Clearwater, Largo, Pinellas Park, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs), or Citrus County Health Department (Lecanto) 
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at CHCP
Family Med

 MDE 8044 Int'l Medical Spanish/Culture
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
(813) 974-2201
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective is designed to provide USF Medical Students an opportunity to participate in an established international Medical Spanish program. Participation in these programs will allow students to learn and/or improve conversational Medical Spanish and to experience the culture of a Spanish speaking country. Depending on the program, students will normally have scheduled class hours to learn basic and intermediate Spanish skills as well as time to interact with the local community. During the 4-week elective, students will be exposed to various clinical scenarios and have an opportunity to experience local customs as well as visit local settings. Students wishing to participate will be required to fund their tuition, transportation, meals and other necessary items. The international institution’s program selected by the student has to be reviewed and approved by  the elective director at least six months in advance of the beginning of the rotation.  
1. Students will be able to establish communication in Spanish to the degree of:
     a. Understanding a patient’s needs for seeking health care and                     obtaining their reason for the encounter (chief compliant)   
     b. Conducting basic medical interviews and being able to                             characterize the signs and symptoms of the patient. Being able to           communicate requests when performing a general physical                       examination 
     c. Being able to communicate requests when performing a general               physical examination 
2. Students will compare medical problems and health needs from local population with the Hispanic and non-Hispanic USA population.
3. Students will understand and be sensitive to local, family, and cultural values and be able to compare them to the USA Hispanic and non-Hispanic population.
 Rotation Activities:
On this International Course,  students will be expected to learn and achieve  the educational goals and objectives at  an approved international site, through the following  methodologies and activities:
1. Students will assist formal Medical Spanish classes at the approved international institution

2. Under the supervision of a Spanish speaking  instructors, students will evaluate and take a detailed history of a Spanish speaking patient.

3. Students will immerse in social and cultural activities organized by the approved international institution to understand and engage better in the Latin cultural environment  

Patient Encounters:

1. A written report on the learner’s experience
2. Informal presentation to the course director on their experience as it relates to the cultural and medical Spanish aspects of the course

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Interested students should sign up no later than 6 months prior to the course. Students should also plan to schedule a meeting with Dr.  Gonzalez to review the requirements no later than 6 months prior to the course.
Emergency medical insurance is required for all electives abroad. For all International requirements, please contact the USF Health Office of International Affairs. 
 1 - 9
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

 MEL 7267 International Health Elective 
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
(813) 974-2201
Report to:
Any interested student MUST meet with Dr. Gonzalez prior to selecting the elective. Ideally, this should be done prior to the start of the academic year but MUST OCCUR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE ELECTIVE. An international travel packet must be completed at least 3 months prior to the start of the rotation and submitted to the USF Medicine International Office. A copy must also be provided to the educational coordinator. Any SELECT student interested in the elective will also need prior approval to coordinate having a faculty advisor at LVHN to help with the advising, planning, and evaluation of this elective. 
There are a wide variety of opportunities available for students with an interest in international health care. This elective is designed to provide support for USF students to obtain an international medical experience during their fourth year.
1. Identify the general and specific health care needs of a particular foreign country
2. Identify the role of the primary care physician in international health care
3. Gain additional clinical skills in the provision of primary health care
Rotation Activities:
Foreign travel and provision of medical services
Academic study abroad (readings and lectures) on the health problems of a particular area
Preparation and/or presentation of a report on the student's experience
Patient Encounters:

The student’s evaluation will be individualized based on the format of his/her particular elective. The specific evaluation criteria will be decided in consultation with Dr. Gonzalez  prior to scheduling the elective.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Emergency medical insurance is required for all electives abroad.
 1 - 9
Yr 4 Status
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

 MDI 8120 Acting Internship Family Med
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Bayfront Medical Center
This elective provides students with a Family Medicine residency experience at the intern level.
1. Integrate the student into the hospital teaching service such that the student functions at the level of an intern, managing their own patients under the supervision of a senior resident
2. Strengthen the student’s ability to develop an initial assessment and plan for patients requiring hospitalization, to succinctly present the admission to the team, and to effectively manage the patient’s medical problems throughout the hospital admission
3. Educate the student regarding common medical problems requiring hospital admission, indications for common in-patient procedures, discharge planning, and legal/ethical/cost considerations
Rotation Activities:
The student is expected to function as a Family Medicine intern under the direct supervision of the senior resident and attending. This includes pre-rounding on their patients, writing SOAP notes, attending morning report and teaching rounds, writing orders, following up on labs/consults/imaging, and doing discharge planning. Overnight call is to be determined by the site of the AI.
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessments, plans, and presentations
Clinical decision-making skills
Attitude, motivation, and rapport with patients and team members

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Final arrangements concerning the course location/preceptor will be made by the Department of Family Medicine after the student is scheduled for the elective.
 1, 3 - 6, 8 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

 MDI 8120 Acting Internship Family Med
 Click here for additional course information
Crystal Walker
One City Center
707 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101
(484) 862-3066
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
The Acting Internship in Family Medicine rotation provides students the opportunity to work closely with our residents and faculty members in order to get a first-hand look of intern year. You will be assigned to a variety of patients, from newborn to geriatrics, while learning about an array of medical illnesses and preventative management.
Hospital Based
1. Integrate the student into the hospital teaching service such that the student functions at the level of an intern, managing their own patients under the supervision of a senior resident
2. Strengthen the student’s ability to develop an initial assessment and plan for patients requiring hospitalization, to succinctly present the admission to the team, and to effectively manage the patient’s medical problems throughout the hospital admission
3. Educate the student regarding common medical problems requiring hospital admission, indications for common in-patient procedures, discharge planning, and legal/ethical/cost considerations
Office Based
1. Integrate the student into the office setting such that the student functions at the level of an intern, managing their own patients under the supervision of a senior resident or attending physician
2. Strengthen the student’s ability to take an appropriate history and physical exam with subsequent development of an accurate differential diagnosis and workup
3. Incorporate anticipatory guidance and health maintenance recommendations into routine office visits
4. Complete succinct and accurate SOAP notes to be reviewed with your supervising physician
Rotation Activities:
The student is expected to function as a Family Medicine intern under the direct supervision of the senior resident and attending. This includes patient encounters, writing SOAP notes, attending morning report and teaching rounds, writing orders, following up on labs/consults/imaging, and doing discharge planning.
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of presentations and clinical decision-making skills
Attitude, motivation, and rapport with patients and team members
Family Medicine Portfolio completion
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Hospital AI - Any interested student must contact Dr. Brohm to plan the elective.  This MUST OCCUR AT LEAST 3 MONTHS PRIOR to the start of the elective. In addition to adult hospital care, the service can include newborn and child care.. Students will follow their own patients on the hospital service while participating in treatment plans, aftercare plans and family systems plans.  They will also spend at least one week working on Family Medicine service night float. 
Office-based AI - No prior approval required.  Students will spend each day seeing patients and working closely with the LVHN Family Medicine residency program faculty members and residents. The experience will take place in one of the residency’s continuity care site offices, though the rotation can include one week on the inpatient service as well as residency didactic and reflection sessions.  Students will see patients, write prescriptions and document their care as if they are a Family Medicine intern.  The skills and values of "Turtle Craft," our relationship-centered approach to family medicine, will be taught.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Brohm, Veronica
Family Med

 MDI 8120 Acting Internship Family Med
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Morton Plant Hospital
This elective provides students with a Family Medicine residency experience at the intern level.
1. Integrate the student into the hospital teaching service such that the student functions at the level of an intern, managing their own patients under the supervision of a senior resident
2. Strengthen the student’s ability to develop an initial assessment and plan for patients requiring hospitalization, to succinctly present the admission to the team, and to effectively manage the patient’s medical problems throughout the hospital admission
3. Educate the student regarding common medical problems requiring hospital admission, indications for common in-patient procedures, discharge planning, and legal/ethical/cost considerations
Rotation Activities:
The student is expected to function as a Family Medicine intern under the direct supervision of the senior resident and attending. This includes pre-rounding on their patients, writing SOAP notes, attending morning report and teaching rounds, writing orders, following up on labs/consults/imaging, and doing discharge planning. Overnight call is to be determined by the site of the AI.
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessments, plans, and presentations
Clinical decision-making skills
Attitude, motivation, and rapport with patients and team members

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Final arrangements concerning the course location/preceptor will be made by the Department of Family Medicine after the student is scheduled for the elective.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

 MDE 8585 Elective in Sports Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation
This elective will provide students an opportunity to learn sports medicine from a primary care/family medicine and orthopaedic standpoint.
This elective will provide students an opportunity to learn sports medicine from a primary care/family medicine and orthopaedic standpoint. Senior students will have the opportunity to work in the sports medicine clinic in the USF Family Medicine and Sports Medicine Clinics. They will also work with orthopedic surgeons in the community who are actively involved in sports medicine and the care of athletes. Students will learn the basics of the examination and assessment of musculoskeletal injuries in athletes as well as non-orthopedic medical problems of the athlete.
Rotation Activities:
There will be an opportunity to work with athletic trainers, physical therapists and chiropractors and learn the basics of musculoskeletal radiology. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in game coverage for USF athletic events as well as other professional teams in the Tampa Bay area. Students will also be expected to present a project in the area of sports medicine.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on patient care, knowledge, practice-based learning, communication and professionalism in the field of primary care/sports medicine.  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Last day to drop/add is end of Period 3, 4.
Interested students must contact the Education Coordinator from the Department of Family Medicine at (813) 974-1996 or by E-mail at lindag@usf.edu prior to enrolling.
Intro to Derm, Ortho, and Rheum
Coris, Eric
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg; Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 1, 3 - 6, 8 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg; Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 1 - 8
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg;
Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 3 - 7
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg; Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 2 - 8
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg; Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 1, 6 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Assigned site
This elective for senior students may be served at any of the affiliated Family Medicine Residencies (Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg; Advent Health, Orlando (formerly Florida Hospital, Orlando); Halifax Medical Center, Daytona Beach; Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Inc., Tallahassee; St. Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville; or Morton Plant Mease Health Care, Clearwater) and may include outpatient, inpatient, and nursing home care, or other activities.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine to the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessment and presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
ective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability  

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students must check with the Department of Family Medicine before scheduling this elective through the Registrar's Office. Students are then required to contact the residency site for final approval and any arrangements that need to be made. Students should not expect that living accommodations will be provided. Contact information can be obtained through the Family Medicine Education Coordinator at 974-1996 or lindag@usf.edu.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Faculty at Res Program
Family Med

 MEL 8255 Family Medicine Residency Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Crystal Walker
One City Center
707 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18101
(484) 862-3066
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
During this elective, students will spend each day seeing patients and working closely with the LVHN Family Medicine residency program faculty members and residents. The experience will take place in the office, hospital, and community and will demonstrate the meaning of a "community of healing." The skills and values of "Turtle Craft," the name of our relationship-centered approach to family medicine, will be taught. Come and see innovative education in action.
1. Introduce the student to the relationship of Family Medicine and the medical community
2. Demonstrate the relationship of ambulatory care to hospital care and the effective utilization of other specialty consultations
3. Improve the student's skills and clinical judgment by a defined and supervised patient care experience
4. Demonstrate the organizational structure of a family medicine residency including office management, medical records, patient education, and preventive medicine
5. Demonstrate the various responsibilities and activities of the Family Medicine Resident
Rotation Activities:
The student will have primary responsibility for care of assigned patients while in the clinic and in the hospital setting. In addition to patient encounters, the students will also participate in residency didactic sessions, journal club/Evidence Based Medicine sessions, behavioral medicine clinic, nursing home experiences, and residency reflective activities. There is no call or nightfloat for this rotation unless requested by the student. 
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge and quality of presentation
Clinical judgment as indicated by the rationale of diagnostic and management plans
Attitude and rapport with patients and families
Subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability
Family Medicine Portfolio completion
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Brohm, Veronica
Family Med

 MEL 8263 Public Sector Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective is designed to introduce the student to unique characteristics of medical practice in an underserved community.  Students will be supervised by clinical family physician faculty and will gain a better understanding of providing care to a medically underserved population and the tremendous health needs that exist. 
Provide a learning experience for students who have a demonstrated interest in the health care of the under-served and other community health issues
Rotation Activities:
Students will attend all PSMP clinics and post conferences at Judeo Christian Health Clinic, the Outreach Clinic and BRIDGE Clinic. When more junior students are present, the elective students will assume peer teaching roles. Students are also encouraged to attend similar free clinic sessions at other community sites pending approval of the course director. Other activities include: participation in the monthly Health Disparities Scholarly Concentration Journal club; and a written report of a topic or project related to public sector medicine. Students will be encouraged to develop projects worthy of publication or presentation at a scholarly meeting.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on clinical skills, self-education/independent learning, understanding and implementing new knowledge and techniques including acknowledging social determinants of health, completing and writing requirements/projects and professionalism.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Woodard, Laurie
Family Med

 MEL 8264 Fam Med Elect-USF Med Clinics
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
The aim of this elective is to reintroduce students to primary care in a Family Medicine clinic. Students will be assigned to the USF Family Medicine clinic where they will be responsible for evaluating patients under the guidance of a faculty member. Emphasis will be on the patient as a person, and the application of knowledge of the effects of disease, lifestyle, family setting, and personality on the development and management of the patient’s problems. Experience will be gained in the management of the wide range of problems present in family medicine. Students may also be assigned to work at JCHC, BORC, and BRIDGE Clinic in some rotations and precepting first and/or second year students
1. Identify and manage problems which present commonly in family medicine, emphasizing the importance of continuing care and follow up
2. Identify the biological, psychological, and social factors that are relevant in the etiology of patients' problems and integrate these factors in a treatment plan
3. Improve problem solving skills
4. Study the role of other health professionals in a patient's care (consultants, social workers, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, etc.) and the relationship between them and the family physician
5. Improve skills in patient education and communication
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Based on competence, consideration of patients, and practical approach to problems.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Final arrangements concerning course location/preceptor will be made by the Department of Family Medicine after the student receives his/her elective choice. Students are required to meet with Dr. Gonzalez one month prior to the start of the rotation to discuss this elective.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

 MEL 8265 Family Medicine Preceptorship
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the rotation.
During this elective students will accompany faculty members who are in private clinical practice. This experience will be primarily in the office but will include involvement in the care of the preceptor's patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and at home. Emphasis will be on the patient as a person and the application of knowledge of the effects of disease, lifestyle, family setting, and personality on the development and management of the patient's problems. Experience will be gained in the management of the wide range of problems that are present in family practice.
1. Identify and manage problems which present commonly in family practice, emphasizing the importance of continuing care and follow up
2. Identify the biological, psychological, and social factors that are relevant to the etiology of patients’ problems and integrate these factors in a treatment plan
3. Improve problem-solving skills
4. Study the role of other health professionals in the patient's health care (consultants, social workers, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, etc.) and the relationship between them and the family physician
Rotation Activities:
Included in Objectives
Patient Encounters:

Based on competence, consideration of patients, and practical approach to problems

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
In order to determine availability, students are required to select and receive permission from a community preceptor prior to registering for this elective. Final arrangements concerning course location/preceptor will be made by the Department of Family Medicine after the student receives his/her elective choice.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Community Faculty
Family Med

 MEL 8272 Women's Health Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the elective.
The elective provides students with an opportunity to strengthen their experience in caring for women in a Women’s Center of Excellence.
1. Familiarize the student with the practice of gender-specific medicine, women’s preventive health, and obstetrics and gynecology in a Women’s Center of Excellence
2. Strengthen the student’s ability to take a thorough obstetric/gynecologic and women’s preventive health history and perform routine preventive gynecologic and perinatal exams
3. Expose the student to common gynecologic/obstetric procedures such as colposcopy, endometrial biopsy, IUD placement/removal, ultrasound, C-section, fetal scalp electrode placement, etc. 
Rotation Activities:
Take an active role in the assessment and management of patients in the hospital and office setting.
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessments, plans, and presentations
Clinical decision-making skills
Attitude, motivation, and rapport with patients and team members

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 5, 10 - 11
Pri Care
Faculty at MPMHC
Family Med

 MEL 8273 Fam Med Flexible Elect
 Click here for additional course information
Linda Giordano
(813) 974-1996
Report to:
Will be provided prior to the start of the elective.
This elective provides students an opportunity to create an elective that that will provide an experience into the broad clinical opportunities  in Family Medicine. 
1. Encourage the student to design and complete his or her own ideal elective within the realm of Family Medicine. This may include but is not limited to: office procedures, Family Medicine out-patient, FM in-patient acting internship, women’s health, pediatrics, geriatrics, nursing home, research, Ob/Gyn, acute care, etc.
2. Provide the student with housing when available
3. Introduce the student to the breadth of Family Medicine
4. Specific objectives to be determined based on elective scheduled
Rotation Activities:
The student is expected to design their elective in advance with Family Medicine faculty and to take an active role in the assessment and management of patients.
Patient Encounters:

Fund of medical knowledge
Quality of assessments, plans, and presentations
Clinical decision-making skills
Attitude, motivation, and rapport with patients and team members

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
For elective design assistance please contact Lee Blomberg at (727) 467-2517.
 1 - 11
Faculty at MPMHC
Family Med

MDT 8010 EPA Course in Family Med
 Click here for additional course information

Report to:

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are units of professional practice, defined as tasks or responsibilities that trainees are entrusted to perform unsupervised once they have attained sufficient specific competence. EPAs are independently executable, observable, and measurable in their process and outcome, and, therefore, suitable for entrustment decisions.
In this elective, 4th year students who plan to join a Family Medicine residency program will be exposed to, and assessed in, activities that all entering residents should be expected to perform on day 1 of Family Medicine residency.
The goal is to provide a smooth transition for the graduating student into their expected performance as an intern in Family Medicine.
This elective will take advantage of faculty expertise in key clinical skills, inpatient/outpatient exposure to a varied patient population, and simulated and didactic activities to fulfil this goal.
  1. Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency, A Curriculum Developers Guide https://icollaborative.aamc.org/resource/887/
  2. Ten Cate O. Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities. J Grad Med Educ. 2013;5(1):157-158.
By the end of this 2 week clinical rotation, 4th year medical students will be entrustable to:
  1. Demonstrate mastery in clinical reasoning skills and differential diagnoses
  2. Apply high value care principles in managing common outpatient cases for managing evidence-based preventive screenings and chronic disease management
  3. Collaborate with an interprofessional team
  4. Safely & effectively admit/transition/discharge a family medicine patient with oral presentation & written documentation
  5. Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation and management
  6. Demonstrate expertise in managing difficult conversations, including obtaining informed consent and disclosing errors
  7. Perform general procedures of a family medicine intern physician 
Rotation Activities:
Students in this rotation will be expected to participate in the following activities to meet goals and objectives stated above:
  1. Attend a series of preparatory workshops on:
    1. Teaching clinical reasoning
    2. Chronic disease management
    3. Managing difficult conversations
    4. Patient care orders & documentation management 
  2. Review and have teach-back sessions on the following topics:
    1. Chest xray interpretation
    2. ECG interpretation/ABG interpretation
    3. Electrolytes
    4. Antibiotics
  3. Answer mock calls from nursing staff to identify and initiate management of medical emergencies
  4. Observe and participate in difficult conversations with patients
  5. In a simulated environment, teach management of difficult conversations, including getting informed consent, disclosure of medical errors, discussing resuscitation status
Patient Encounters:
Students on this rotation will be expected to work up and/or follow patients as directed in the Acting Internship in Family Medicine. They will see a mix of pediatric and adult patients, with a range of acuity, and clinical settings.
Students will be evaluated through the following method:
  1. Self-evaluation of “entrust-ability” to be completed by student and requested for “sign-off” by the supervising attending throughout the rotation.
    1. Tasks will be assigned at start of the rotation
  2. Clinical reasoning mastery will be evaluated by faculty
  3. Students will be evaluated by “nursing staff” that lead the mock calls on their communication skills, professionalism and ability to initiate appropriate management of medical cross-cover urgent and emergent issues
  4. Students will be evaluated by supervising attendings on their ability to transfer care and have appropriate documentation
  5. Students will be evaluated by supervising attendings and/or residents on their ability to manage difficult conversations
  6. Students will participate in simulation exercises to demonstrate competence in performing common procedures 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Hanna, Karim
Family Med

MEL 7320F Externship in Family Medicine
 1 - 9
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Gonzalez, Eduardo
Family Med

MEL 9999F Indep Study - Family Medicine
 1 - 11
No Limit
Indep Study
Int Med
 MEL 8315 Clinical Allergy/Immunology
 Click here for additional course information
Earle Trott, Administrator
Report to:
Dr. Mark Glaum
Allergic and immunologic problems affect up to 20% of adults and children in the United States, therefore, students rotating in Allergy and Immunology are exposed to a variety of common allergic conditions  important to physicians regardless of their specialty interests. Both children and adults are seen in the clinics as is common in most Allergy practices 
The objective of the Allergy/Immunology experience is to familiarize the student with the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of various allergic and immunologic diseases.
Rotation Activities:
The student will primarily be involved in out-patient care at the VA Hospital Specialty Clinics,  All Children's Hospital, USF Morsani  Allergy/Immunology and Immunodeficiency Clinics, and the USF-affiliated clinic of Drs. Lockey, Glaum, Cho and Pepper.  Rotators   will attend four weekly conferences on clinical allergy and immunology given by residents, fellows and faculty from USF Morsani College of Medicine.
Patient Encounters:
The student will examine patients with commonly seen conditions such as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, various forms of asthma, otitis media with effusion, hyper-sensitivity pneumonitis, atopic eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria and/or angioedema, drug allergy, insect hypersensitivity, and food allergy. The student will also examine patients with immunodeficiency diseases , eosinophilia, eosinophilic syndromes, and various other immunologic problems.
Evaluations will be completed by the faculty members who assess the level of clinical competence attained.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Lockey, Richard
Int Med
 MEL 8315 Clinical Allergy/Immunology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Robert Zemble
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the elective
Allergic and immunologic problems affect up to 20% of adults and children in the United States, therefore, students rotating in Allergy and Immunology are exposed to a variety of common problems important to physicians regardless of their specialty interests. Both children and adults are seen in the clinics.
1. Evaluate an allergy patient with history and physical, formulate an appropriate laboratory and radiologic work up, and create a suitable treatment plan
2. Become familiar with the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of various allergic and immunologic diseases
Rotation Activities:
Students will primarily be involved in out-patient care in private doctor's offices.
Patient Encounters:
Students will examine patients with common medical diseases such as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, various forms of asthma, otitis media with effusion, hyper-sensitivity pneumonitis, atopic eczema, contact dermatitis, urticaria and/or angioedema, drug allergy, insect hypersensitivity, and food allergy  and also. immuno-deficiency diseases.
Evaluations will be completed by the faculty members who assess the level of clinical competence attained.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Zemble, Robert
Int Med
 MDR 8245 Respiratory Disease Research
 Click here for additional course information
Barbara Pearce
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
Contact Dr. Narasaiah Kolliputi at nkollipu@usf.edu for information on where to report.
Allergic and immunologic problems affect up to 20% of adults and children in the United States. Therefore students rotating in Allergy and Immunology are exposed to a variety of common problems important to physicians regardless of their specialty interests. Both children and adults are cared for in the Division of Allergy and Immunology.
The objectives of the respiratory disease research experience at the Joy McCann Culverhouse Airway Disease Center are to familiarize the student with some of the contemporary research methods relating to pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of various allergic and immunologic diseases. The student will participate in hands-on research as it relates to respiratory syncytial virus induced respiratory diseases and the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis and asthma. Many other projects by the faculty are underway and the students can participate in research projects in which they have an interest. The student will also have the opportunity to participate in the asthma, allergy and immunology clinical research unit, where up to 30 clinical research projects are ongoing at any one time. Diseases targeted for research include asthma, COPD, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, nasal polyposis, atopic eczema, urticaria and or angioedema, food allergy, hereditary angioedema and others. The student will learn the accepted methods used in clinical research in this state-of-the-art program.
Rotation Activities:
The student will attend four weekly conferences on basic immunology and clinical allergy and immunology given by residents, fellows and faculty from USF College of Medicine. The student will present a synopsis of his/her work in the last week of his training.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty members and staff associated with the training program will assess the level of competence and will complete evaluations.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Kolliputi, Narasaiah
Int Med 
 MDE 8224 Consultative Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Kelly Neff
(610) 402-3212
Report to:
Cardiology Cath Lab office on 3C at Cedar Crest
Call the Cardiology Fellow on Cardiology Teaching Service at (610) 402-2044 on first day of rotation.
This elective offers an opportunity to develop skills in the evaluation of patients referred for cardiology teaching service including primary cardiology patients and cardiac consults on the cardiology step down unit.
1. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain a proper cardiac history. The student will pay special attention to and record medications, medication compliance, diet compliance, and risk factors for various cardiac diseases
2. Demonstrate proficiency in proper bedside physical examination
3. Be able to accurately assess the presence or absence of congestive heart failure, cardiac tamponade, basic murmurs of valvular heart disease such as mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation, and the presence or absence of peripheral vascular disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms
4. Demonstrate basic electrocardiographic skills including an understanding of basic arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, multi-focal atrial tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and a basic diagnosis on the 12 lead ECG such as right and left bundle branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy, acute myocardial infarction, ischemia, WPW, and hyperkalemia
5. Infer heart size, presence of cephalization, infiltrate, pleural effusions, and pneumothorax by looking at a chest X-ray
6. Identify medical, interventional, and surgical therapies for basic cardiac syndromes such as myocardial infarction, unstable angina, chronic angina, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and arrhythmia
7. Name and utilize a variety of clinical pathways and practice guidelines
8. Access and critically evaluate current medical information and scientific evidence
9. Use information technology or other available methodologies to access and manage information, support patient care decisions and enhance both patient and physician education
10. Explain the principles of primary, secondary prevention and risk modification
11. Summarize the indications and diagnostic yield of various cardiac studies and therapeutics
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the evaluation of patients and will assist with the integration of the general medical data base with data gathered by both noninvasive (electrocardiography, ambulatory electrocardiography, stress testing) and invasive hemodynamic techniques, where indicated.
Students will participate in daily teaching rounds with intern, medical resident, cardiology fellow and teaching cardiologist.  
Attendance at various other weekly Cardiology Department teaching conferences is required.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be performed using the USF 4th year medical student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Vyas, Apurva
Int Med 
 MDE 8224 Consultative Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Twyla Sumpter
Report to:
Contact Twyla Sumpter at least one week prior to the start of the rotation to determine your Cardiology Fellow.
The Cardiology Consultative elective rotation is an experiential patient based rotation with integrative didactics that exist, in part, from the ongoing curriculum designed for the education and training of fellows in Cardiovascular Diseases. The learner on rotation shall be a full participant on the Cardiology Consultative Service as directed by the supervising Fellow and Attending Physician.  Attendance and participation at Fellow’s Block Didactics, Heart Team Multidisciplinary Revascularization and Valve Conferences (each on a weekly basis) will provide for the organization, literature correlation and understanding of knowledge that is relevant to concurrent patient management. Team science will be a coincidently experienced and learned.
At the completion of the rotation it shall be expected that a face to face “360” between learner and teacher(s) will be provided to assure the learners goals and objectives have been realized and deficiencies identified, so that future learner plans may be derived. 
Learners shall:
1. Understand the question(s) framed from the originators of the consultative request and the answers to be provided for best outcomes of multidisciplinary care
2. Develop and perform the focused cardiovascular interview question(s) and review of cardiovascular systems that are relevant to the consultative request
3. Practice and refine the 5-point cardiovascular exam physical findings- general physical findings, interpretation of jugular venous pulse waveforms and pressure estimates, assessment of carotid pulse contour and dynamics, inspection and palpation of the precordium, and auscultation of normal heart sounds, abnormalities of heart sounds, and distinguishment of heart murmurs associated with valvular heart disease
4. Integrate the history and physical exam into efficient, appropriate, and cost effective test ordering for new diagnosis and ongoing management of prior or contemporarily defined cardiovascular problems
5. Interpret, with supervision, the objective testing performed including ECG, imaging modalities including chest X ray, echocardiography, cardiac CT and MRI scanning, and invasive testing including cardiac catheterization with associated hemodynamic and angiographic findings.
6. Provide differential diagnosis and understand the classification of disease states that pertain to the major burden of encountered diseases in an inpatient cardiovascular consultative service.  This would include, but not be limited to etiology, as well as Stages and Functional Class of Heart Failure(HF), Symptomatic Ischemic heart disease(SIHD), and therapies to be applied including pharmacologic, interventional, and surgical solutions for best patient outcomes.
7. Recognition and interpretation of ECG rhythms (heart blocks, tachyarrhythmias) and appropriate use of telemetry will be developed given the contemporary high utilization of inpatient telemetry. This will, when necessary, provide for collaboration with advanced electrophysiologic services.
8. Participate in an environment of inquiry (including psychological safety) for the development of research questions and projects that may provide for future professional training and research endeavors in cardiovascular diseases
9. Develop the communication and cooperation skills for collaborative care with the requesting service and other sub-specialty services (Critical Care Medicine, Infectious Diseases, etc.)
10. Recognize the need for ongoing management of patients with multiple co-morbidities and the timeliness of continuity of care and/or withdrawal from the care path of individual patients. 
Rotation Activities:
Students will perform all cardiology patient care activities as associated with the consultative service under the tutelage of the fellows.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will make performance evaluations from data derived from clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Prida, Xavier
Int Med 
 MDE 8224 Consultative Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Twyla Sumpter
Report to:
Contact Twyla Sumpter at least one week prior to the start of the rotation to determine your Cardiology Fellow.
The Cardiology Consultative elective rotation is an experiential patient based rotation with integrative didactics that exist, in part, from the ongoing curriculum designed for the education and training of fellows in Cardiovascular Diseases. The learner on rotation shall be a full participant on the Cardiology Consultative Service as directed by the supervising Fellow and Attending Physician.  Attendance and participation at Fellow’s Block Didactics, Heart Team Multidisciplinary Revascularization and Valve Conferences (each on a weekly basis) will provide for the organization, literature correlation and understanding of knowledge that is relevant to concurrent patient management. Team science will be a coincidently experienced and learned.
At the completion of the rotation it shall be expected that a face to face “360” between learner and teacher(s) will be provided to assure the learners goals and objectives have been realized and deficiencies identified, so that future learner plans may be derived. 
Learners shall:
1. Understand the question(s) framed from the originators of the consultative request and the answers to be provided for best outcomes of multidisciplinary care
2. Develop and perform the focused cardiovascular interview question(s) and review of cardiovascular systems that are relevant to the consultative request
3. Practice and refine the 5-point cardiovascular exam physical findings- general physical findings, interpretation of jugular venous pulse waveforms and pressure estimates, assessment of carotid pulse contour and dynamics, inspection and palpation of the precordium, and auscultation of normal heart sounds, abnormalities of heart sounds, and distinguishment of heart murmurs associated with valvular heart disease
4. Integrate the history and physical exam into efficient, appropriate, and cost effective test ordering for new diagnosis and ongoing management of prior or contemporarily defined cardiovascular problems
5. Interpret, with supervision, the objective testing performed including ECG, imaging modalities including chest X ray, echocardiography, cardiac CT and MRI scanning, and invasive testing including cardiac catheterization with associated hemodynamic and angiographic findings.
6. Provide differential diagnosis and understand the classification of disease states that pertain to the major burden of encountered diseases in an inpatient cardiovascular consultative service.  This would include, but not be limited to etiology, as well as Stages and Functional Class of Heart Failure(HF), Symptomatic Ischemic heart disease(SIHD), and therapies to be applied including pharmacologic, interventional, and surgical solutions for best patient outcomes.
7. Recognition and interpretation of ECG rhythms (heart blocks, tachyarrhythmias) and appropriate use of telemetry will be developed given the contemporary high utilization of inpatient telemetry. This will, when necessary, provide for collaboration with advanced electrophysiologic services.
8. Participate in an environment of inquiry (including psychological safety) for the development of research questions and projects that may provide for future professional training and research endeavors in cardiovascular diseases
9. Develop the communication and cooperation skills for collaborative care with the requesting service and other sub-specialty services (Critical Care Medicine, Infectious Diseases, etc.)
10. Recognize the need for ongoing management of patients with multiple co-morbidities and the timeliness of continuity of care and/or withdrawal from the care path of individual patients. 
Rotation Activities:
Students will perform all cardiology patient care activities as associated with the consultative service under the tutelage of the fellows.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will make performance evaluations from data derived from clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Leonelli, Fabio
Int Med
 MDE 8226 Cardiology Acute Coronary Care
 Click here for additional course information
Kelly Neff
(610) 402-3212
Report to:
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit on 3B in Cedar Crest  Call cardiology fellow in the unit at (610) 402-6590 on arrival.
The students will participate in the evaluation of patients and will assist with the integration of the general medical data base with data gathered by both noninvasive (electrocardiography, ambulatory electrocardiography, stress testing) and invasive hemodynamic techniques, where indicated. Students will participate in daily teaching rounds in the cardiac intensive care unit with intern, medical resident, cardiology fellow and teaching cardiologist.  Attendance at various other weekly Cardiology Department teaching conferences is required.
1. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain a proper cardiac history. The student will pay special attention to and record medications, medication compliance, diet compliance, and risk factors for various cardiac diseases
2. Demonstrate proficiency in proper bedside physical examination
3. Be able to accurately assess the presence or absence of congestive heart failure, cardiac tamponade, basic murmurs of valvular heart disease such as mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation, and the presence or absence of peripheral vascular disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms
4. Demonstrate basic electrocardiographic skills including an understanding of basic arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, multi-focal atrial tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and a basic diagnosis on the 12 lead ECG such as right and left bundle branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy, acute myocardial infarction, ischemia, WPW, and hyperkalemia
5. Infer heart size, presence of cephalization, infiltrate, pleural effusions, and pneumothorax by looking at a chest X-ray
6. Identify medical, interventional, and surgical therapies for basic cardiac syndromes such as myocardial infarction, unstable angina, chronic angina, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and arrhythmia
7. Name and utilize a variety of clinical pathways and practice guidelines
8. Access and critically evaluate current medical information and scientific evidence
9. Use information technology or other available methodologies to access and manage information, support patient care decisions and enhance both patient and physician education
10. Explain the principles of primary, secondary prevention and risk modification
11. Summarize the indications and diagnostic yield of various cardiac studies and therapeutics
Rotation Activities:
The students will participate in the evaluation of patients and will assist with the integration of the general medical data base with data gathered by both noninvasive (electrocardiography, ambulatory electrocardiography, stress testing) and invasive hemodynamic techniques, where indicated. Students will participate in daily teaching rounds in the cardiac intensive care unit with intern, medical resident, cardiology fellow and teaching cardiologist.  Attendance at various other weekly Cardiology Department teaching conferences is required.
Patient Encounters:

The attending physician will complete a written USF 4th year rotation evaluation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Vyas, Apurva
Int Med
 MEL 8351 Harvey Elective in Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Dawn Schocken
Report to:
Dawn Schocken
Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation (CAMLS) CSEC
The Harvey Elective is in part, the University of Miami Harvey Course Curriculum, and additional lectures and discussions with cardiologists and cardiology fellows.  The curriculum has the students study a series of power points focusing on the 27 most common heart conditions and their physical findings, integrating basic sciences and clinical sciences in cardiovascular disease. The clinical sounds are reproduced for the learner on the Harvey Cardiovascular Simulator. 
The students have on site practice on the Harvey manikin, clinical sites to practice on the skills they are learning, which are then reinforced at home, to learn how to accurately interpret jugular venous waves, arterial pulse waves, palpation of the apical impulse and additional heaves, lifts or thrills as well as the auscultation of the heart with various murmurs, rubs and gallops found in the various disease states. 
The curriculum assists the students in the identification and interpretation of the assigned heart conditions.  The students are expected to review their assigned curriculum and attend all of the scheduled discussions that provide an opportunity to explore their findings on the Harvey Manikin.
At the end of this elective, the students will be able to:
1. Identify and perform comprehensive cardiac assessments, emphasizing the physical examination.
2. Demonstrate acumen in identifying various murmur sounds related to specific cardiovascular disease.
3. Discuss their findings relative to the basic science and anatomy of the heart.
4. Analyze the complexity of linking the ECG findings, the ECHO and the clinical presentation to the patient’s chief complaint through robust modules.
Rotation Activities:
The students will have on site activities that include, but are not limited to, lectures from cardiologists, discussions on curriculum modules, orientation and practice of ultrasound of the heart, interpretation of complex ECGs, Cardiology Fellows weekly discussions, attendance at ECG Interpretations at JAH VA Hospital, attendance at ECHO interpretations at TGH. 
Patient Encounters:
Course objectives will be assessed by the documentation of individual’s practice on the manikin as well as by the three in-class aural quizzes, the three online quizzes, and a comprehensive written examination at its conclusion.
Posted to Canvas
Visiting Students:
With permission from Course Director
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Schocken, Dawn
Basic Science
Int Med
 MDT 8200C Adv Concepts-Gastroenterology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patrick Brady
Sarah McCauley
Report to:
Dr. Brady at the Morsani Center at 8 AM on the first day of the rotation.
This course is designed to give students an appreciation for the relationship between basic science and clinical gastroenterology. It will focus on four major areas: inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, viral hepatitis, and gastroesophageal reflux. The basic science basis for diagnosis and therapy will be given in a series of lectures by faculty. Students will then have the opportunity to see patients with these disorders in the Gastroenterology Clinics, the Swallowing Center, and the Endoscopy Center at the Morsani Center for Advanced Health Care. Students will participate in GI Journal Club, Basic Science Conference, Research Conference, Clinical Conferences, and gastroenterology seminars. Students will be given the option of participation in a research project if they desire to do so.
This course will address the relationship of innate and acquired immunity to the disordered immune response in inflammatory bowel disease, the brain/gut interaction in irritable syndrome, the viral genome and the immune system in viral hepatitis, and the pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reflux and Barrett's esophagus.
Rotation Activities:
Participation in gastroenterology outpatient clinics, lectures illustrating application of basic science principles to clinical practice, four hours of conferences weekly, observation of selected endoscopic procedures, opportunity to do endoscopic simulation training, opportunity to learn interpretation of capsule endoscopy, 48 hour pH recordings, and high resolution esophageal manometry.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on direct faculty observation and feedback from patients and families during patient interactions, participation in conferences and seminars, questions by the faculty to determine base knowledge, and the ability to formulate differential diagnoses and propose solutions.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Brady, Patrick
Basic Science   
Int Med
 MEL 8306 Gastroenterology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Paola G Blanco
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This course will expose the medical student to a wide range of gastroenterology disease processes. The inpatient service will have a consultative aspect. The student will be exposed to both common and uncommon GI problems with emphasis on recognition, treatment and natural history of these disorders. 
Upon successful completion of this elective, the student may expect to achieve an acceptable level of competence in the management of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This will be achieved by the interpretation of symptoms and physical findings, utilization of appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies, knowledge of the basic therapeutic approaches, and interpretation of the gastrointestinal radiographs and other imaging techniques.
Rotation Activities:
There will be a combination of direct patient contact and personal instruction.
Observation of a variety of procedures including diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI panendoscopy, capsule endoscopy, (colonoscopy, polypectomy, diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP, flexible sigmoidoscopy, esophageal dilation and manometry studies will be afforded.
Hands-on experience in capsule endoscopy is available.
Attendance at ward and teaching rounds, outpatient clinics and teaching conferences will provide a further source of learning.
Emphasis will be placed on pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapy.
Emphasis will also be placed on the techniques of clinical nutrition.
Students can participate in a short research project during the rotation or may elect to begin participation in a long term research project.
Students will participate in a regularly scheduled conferences and clinics.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Blanco, Paola
Int Med
 MEL 8306 Gastroenterology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patrick Brady
Sarah McCauley
Report to:
Dr. Brady at the Morsani Center  at 8 AM on the first day of the rotation. 
This course is designed to give students a broad exposure to gastrointestinal and liver disease through participation in the activities of the gastroenterology outpatient clinic at the Morsani Center. Students will see new outpatient consultations daily, observe selected gastrointestinal endoscopies and be exposed to high resolution esophageal manometry and capsule endoscopy. There are two required conferences weekly, GI Surgery X-ray Conference and GI Lecture Series being held virtually. The GI Basic Science/Research Conference is held at the virtually at 7:15 AM on Friday morning and is optional.
Upon successful completion of this elective, the student may expect to achieve an acceptable level of competence in the management of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This will be achieved by the interpretation of symptoms and physical findings, utilization of appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies, knowledge of the basic therapeutic approaches, and interpretation of the gastrointestinal radiographs and other imaging techniques.
Rotation Activities:
Daily work and teaching rounds, participation in gastroenterology consultations, two hours of conferences weekly, observation of selected endoscopic procedures, opportunity to do endoscopic simulation training, opportunity to learn interpretation of capsule endoscopy, 48 hour pH recordings, and high resolution esophageal manometry.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Brady, Patrick
Int Med
 MEL 8306 Gastroenterology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patrick Brady
Sarah McCauley
Report to:
The gastroenterology attending at 8 AM of the first day of the rotation in the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center at TGH.
This course is designed to give students a broad exposure to gastrointestinal and liver disease through participation in the activities of the gastroenterology outpatient clinic at the Morsani Center. Students will see new outpatient consultations daily, observe selected gastrointestinal endoscopies and be exposed to high resolution esophageal manometry and capsule endoscopy. There are two required conferences weekly, GI Surgery X-ray Conference and GI Lecture Series being held virtually. The GI Basic Science/Research Conference is held at the virtually at 7:15 AM on Friday morning and is optional.
Upon successful completion of this elective, the student may expect to achieve an acceptable level of competence in the management of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This will be achieved by the interpretation of symptoms and physical findings, utilization of appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies, knowledge of the basic therapeutic approaches, and interpretation of the gastrointestinal radiographs and other imaging techniques.
Rotation Activities:
Daily work and teaching rounds, participation in gastroenterology consultations, two hours of conferences weekly, observation of selected endoscopic procedures, opportunity to do endoscopic simulation training, opportunity to learn interpretation of capsule endoscopy, 48 hour pH recordings, and high-resolution esophageal manometry.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Brady, Patrick
Int Med
 MEL 8306 Gastroenterology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patrick Brady
Sarah McCauley
Report to:
Dr. Prasad Kulkarni or Dr. Donald Amodeo at 8 AM on the first day of the rotation in the Endoscopy center at the VA Hospital.
This course is designed to give students a broad exposure to gastrointestinal and liver disease through participation in the activities of the gastroenterology consultation service at VA Hospital.  Students will see new outpatient consultations daily, observe selected gastrointestinal endoscopies and be exposed to high resolution esophageal manometry and capsule endoscopy. There are two required conferences weekly, GI Surgery X-ray Conference and GI Lecture Series both at TGH. All conferences are being held virtually on the TEAMS App until further notice. 
Upon successful completion of this elective, the student may expect to achieve an acceptable level of competence in the management of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. This will be achieved by the interpretation of symptoms and physical findings, utilization of appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic studies, knowledge of the basic therapeutic approaches, and interpretation of the gastrointestinal radiographs and other imaging techniques.
Rotation Activities:
Daily work and teaching rounds, participation in gastroenterology consultatons, two hours of conferences weekly, observation of selected endoscopic procedures, opportunity to do endoscopic simulation training, opportunity to learn interpretation of capsule endoscopy, 48 hour pH recordings, and high resolution esophageal manometry.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Brady, Patrick
Int Med
Emerg Med
 MEL 8368 Emerg Med Outside the Hospital
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Dr. Rachel Semmons
Report to:
The student must contact the following personnel:
1. Kathleen Koch in order to schedule the ride along time with Aeromed (this is optional; you may choose to do all your ride along time with Tampa Fire). You'll need to fill out a waiver that she will send you. Her email address is kkoch@tgh.org
2. Barbara Tripp, our Rescue Division Supervisor at Tampa Fire Rescue to sign their waiver and set up ride-alongs at the different stations. Her email address is Barbara.Tripp@tampagov.net
3. Dr. Angus Jameson (ajamesonmd@gmail.com, medical director Pinellas County) and Dr. Stephanie Tershakovec (stephanietershakovec@gmail.com, our EMS fellow) to see whether there are additional EMS activities that would be useful for you for the rest of the month. 
The purpose of this elective is to give the student a broad exposure to the scope of pre-hospital emergency medical services.
1. Gain an understanding of pre-hospital patient care by rotation with the Tampa Fire Rescue Department and Aeromed at Tampa General Hospital
2. Learn to manage common toxicological problems by rotation in the Florida Poison Control Center at Tampa General Hospital
3. Be exposed to EMS Administration by accompanying the medical director of Tampa Fire and Aeromed during administrative duties
4. Gain an understanding of resource allocation and pre-arrival instruction initiatives by rotation at Signal One Fire and Rescue Dispatch
Time spent in these various areas will depend on the interests and experience of the student participating. 
Rotation Activities:
1. Specific monthly meetings with Dr. Semmons
2. Regular standing meeting: Aeromed Case Presentation every Tuesday, 9am-10am
3. Tampa Fire Meetings - Tuesday mornings
4. Aeromed’s Safety and Staff - the last Thursday morning of the month
5. Emergency medicine grand rounds are on Wednesday 7am-12pm.
6. Approximately every 6 weeks - Grand Rounds at CAMLS.
7. Pinellas County does Capstone testing for new medics on the last Thursday and Friday of each month
8. Monthly Journal Club for the EMS fellowship - articles will be made available one week before the scheduled meeting, which the student will be asked to review and be prepared to discuss.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their preceptors at the completion of the first half of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation. Likewise, this formative feedback may serve as a springboard to the summative feedback that is given at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Semmons, Rachel
Int Med
Emerg Med
MEL 7320Q Extern-Emergency Medicine
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Int Med
Emerg Med
MEL 9999Q Indep Study in Emergency Med
 1 - 11
Intro to EM, Adult Med, Pri Care
No Limit
Indep Study
Int Med
 MEL 8305 Clinical Endo & Metabolism
 Click here for additional course information
Haley Palmer
Dr. Joaquin Gomez-Daspet
Report to:
Dr. Joaquin Gomez-Daspet

Upon the completion of this elective, students will feel comfortable treating all aspects of diabetes care as well as thyroid diseases.  An understanding of general endocrinologic testing will be acquired.  Outpatient diagnosis and management will be stressed. 
Rotation Activities:
Students will see in-house consultations at the VA, Tampa General, and H. Lee Moffitt hospitals; attend daily work rounds; endocrine teaching rounds; weekly endocrine conferences; and outpatient endocrine metabolic clinics at the VA Hospital, Tampa General Hospital, and USF Medical Clinics. The student will directly participate in the performance of detailed endocrine tests to better understand their application and interpretation. The student will participate in seminar discussions of clinically important subjects. Informal meetings between students and senior staff members will be conducted on a regular basis to assure that the student fully understands the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of endocrine metabolic disorders (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, gonadal, diabetic, etc.).
Patient Encounters:



Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Gomez-Daspet, Joaquin
Int Med
 MEL 8305 Clinical Endo & Metabolism
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Gretchen Perilli
(610) 402-6790
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The rotation on the Endocrinology services involves exposure to inpatient consultations and the outpatient clinic with a senior resident and the attending endocrinology staff. The main emphasis is on clinical teaching of the pathophysiology of endocrine disorders including appropriate diagnostic tests and modes of therapy. This course will prepare students to use acquired knowledge gained in the rotation to evaluate and treat common endocrine disorders via evidenced based medicine. The student will learn how to interact with patients & their families, colleagues, and staff regarding patient care and treatment.
1.  Evaluate an endocrine patient with history and physical, formulate an appropriate laboratory and radiologic work up, and create a suitable treatment plan
2. Demonstrate the ability to manage diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2
3. Demonstrate the ability to manage oral and insulin diabetes treatments as well as prevent and manage diabetic complications
4. Discuss, evaluate and treat routine endocrine conditions including thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and gonadal disorders
Rotation Activities:
This course will include a rotation with the endocrine consult service with responsibility and activites in care of patients.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated in the office/clinic by the faculty attending. In the hospital setting students will be evaluated by the rounding attending.
Students will be given assignments. For example: Students will be given a interesting case by the attending to review. The case will be presented and reviewed with the attending. Students will be asked to complete a clinic question based on a case they were involved in. They will answer the question with support from the medical literature.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Perilli, Gretchen
Int Med
 MDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and Hospice
 Click here for additional course information
(610) 402-0100
Report to:
1255 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite 3500
This elective is designed to introduce the basic philosophy of palliative care and how these principles are applied to patients with advanced complex diseases. A three-week OACIS inpatient rotation will consist of full participation on the inpatient consulting service, including daily rounds, weekly interdisciplinary team meetings (IDT), weekly staff meeting, and participation in regular interdisciplinary education sessions and case presentations. Students will assist with inpatient consultations with precepting and support from the full inpatient team as well as a designated supervising physician. Focus will be on assessment and treatment of pain and non-pain symptoms, fundamental skill development in patient and relationship centered care, and coordination of care including family meetings, goals of care discussions, conflict resolution, and withdrawal of life sustaining therapies. The fourth week will be focused on understanding the process of offering palliative care in the home setting and under the hospice medical benefit in the inpatient hospice unit (IPU). Students will participate in home visits with OACIS Nurse Practitioners, and also be in the IPU under the supervision of the hospice medical director, with guidance from the RN case manager, and other members of the hospice team.  For home-based OACIS services, focus will be on assessment and treatment of pain and non-pain symptoms, fundamental skill development in patient and relationship centered care, and coordination of care with goals of care discussions.  For the IPU, focus will be on recognition of the dying process, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects of medication commonly used to treat symptoms in dying patients, and an introduction to the regulatory requirements for hospice.
1. Initiate palliative care consults on patients in the hospital to include a comprehensive medical history, physical examination and assessment of patient and family understanding of illness and prognosis. Gather a psychosocial, coping history, and spiritual and values history
2. Provide a comprehensive assessment of patients with pain identifying physical, psychosocial and spiritual components of distress
3. Explain the relevant basic science, pathophysiology, associated symptoms and signs, and diagnostic options useful in differentiating among different etiologies of pain and non-pain syndromes
4. In patient encounters, identify and address common patient, family, health care provider, and health care system barriers to effective symptom treatment
5. List indications, clinical pharmacology, alternate routes, equianalgesic conversions, appropriate titration, toxicities, and management of common side effects in opioid administration
6. Initiate informed relationship-centered dialogues about care
7. Demonstrate empathy
8. Communicate effectively with patients and families across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
9. Communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals, and health related agencies
10. Define patient requirements to qualify for the hospice medical benefit and describe how these benefits are delivered in through an interdisciplinary team
Rotation Activities:
During the entire month, students will attend palliative care journal club, and weekly hospice and palliative medicine fellow education sessions. Additionally, students will be required to read the UNIPAC series, landmark journal articles regarding key palliative care topics, and also to complete relevant CAPC modules.
Patient Encounters:

For the inpatient educational experience, the trainee will see patients at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest and on the consultation services of the OACIS/Palliative Care Consult Service. They will actively participate in daily team rounds and weekly Inter-Disciplinary Rounds (IDT). Trainees will be assigned patients by the supervising faculty and will be integrally involved in the assessment of the patient's medical history, physical exam, and evaluation of patient and family understanding of illness and prognosis. They will actively participate in family meetings regarding goals of care and treatment plans. In addition, students will complete daily journal entries using a standardized question template to process their emotional/spiritual reaction to the work that is being done. Communication skills will be taught through didactic sessions, role play scenarios, and direct observations.
For the hospice experience, the student will see patients primarily at the inpatient hospice unit at 17th and Chew St. Additionally, if desired, trainees will see patients who are enrolled in LVH Hospice Services at home with a member of the hospice team including pastoral care, social worker, nurse case manager, and medical director. They will participate in either one inpatient or home-based IDT during the week.
Knowledge will be assessed through a pre-post knowledge survey and exam, in addition to an oral presentation given at one of the IDT rounds on a palliative care topic of interest. Finally, an overall evaluation will be completed by each member of the IDT using a competency-based assessment tool.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Gibbons, David
Int Med
 MDE 8037 Occupational Medicine Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Rachel Williams
Report to:
Students should report to the James A. Haley Occupational Health Clinic at 8:00 am on the first day of the elective, as the preceptor, Dr. Williams will be expecting you.
The Employee Occupational Health clinic is in the Community Living Center (AKA CLC or Haley’s Cove).  The main entrance to the CLC is right across from the main hospital entrance and you enter on the “B” floor from the outside.  If you come in through the SCI entrance on the ground floor, you come in on the “A” floor and will have to take the elevator up to the “B” floor. The clinic is on “B” floor at the end of the first hallway to the left after the elevators, check in in Rm 125.

The phone number to the clinic and Dr. Rachel Williams is (813) 972-2000 ext. 7628.
The goals of this rotation are for the student to be exposed to the workplace, work exposures, and relevant statutes, such as workers’ compensation. The goal is to return the injured worker back to work while maximizing the patient’s functional recovery. In addition, the student will learn to identify workplace and environmental hazards to reduce the risk of future injury or illness to the patient.
1. Gain exposure to complete patient histories, with an emphasis on occupation and exposure
2. Gain exposure to the selection of appropriate diagnostic studies in relation to the occupational injury or exposure
3. Review relevant occupational IT, databases, guidelines or other resources when providing a summary to the clinical preceptor
4. Gain exposure to legal and regulatory authority relating to protection and promotion of the public’s health
5. Assess individual risk for occupational/environmental disorders using an occupational history
Rotation Activities:
The student will see patients at the James A. Haley Occupational Health Clinic. The teaching methods used include patient based care, didactic instruction by the preceptor, coordinators or staff, self-directed study and topic assignment.
Patient Encounters:

The methods used for evaluation include, 360 evaluations (nursing/clinic/administrative staff) and preceptor evaluations with an emphasis on the goals of the rotation. Students will be exposed to medical surveillance programs, blood borne pathogen exposure and protocol, patient safety, infection control and be expected to attend the morbidity and mortality meetings and meeting associated with each of the programs listed above.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Williams, Rachel
Int Med
 MDE 8140 Geriatric Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Neti Vora
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The geriatric rotation will offer experience to observe and manage elderly patients with a wide variety of medical conditions on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Students function as members of a team with a resident and attending physicians, offering care for patients in acute, ambulatory, community and long-term care settings, in order to understand the interaction of natural aging and disease as well as the techniques of assessment, therapy and chronic and acute disease management.
1. Understand the normal anatomical and physiologic changes associated with aging and the concepts of homeostenosis and frailty
2. Recognize the atypical presentations of illness in the geriatric patient
3. Evaluate and manage the common geriatric conditions including:  delirium, dementia, depression, gait disorder and falls, syncope, unintentional weight loss, pain syndromes, urinary incontinence, and constipation
4. Assess for and prevent the hazards of hospitalization of the geriatric patient including:  'polypharmacy', delirium,deconditioning and functional decline, malnutrition and pain syndromes
5. Recognize the prevalence of complex and chronic disease in the elderly and its impact on functionality and quality of life
6. Understand and utilize the AGS Beer’s Criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in the older adult
7. Administer and interpret the various standardized instruments used for assessment of cognitive function, psychological affect and physical function in the geriatric population
8. Understand the various post-acute rehabilitation and long-term care settings, including the duties of the interdisciplinary team members and Medicare/Medicaid and other insurance payment options
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients on the hospital geriatric consultation service, the ambulatory primary care and out patient consultation service and in several post-acute care rehabilitation and long-term care settings under the direct observation of the geriatric attendings with focus on addressing all the above listed objectives. They will participate in monthly geriatric journal club and geriatric trauma meetings. Students will be given hard copy reading booklets they are expected to review, and will be expected to informally present a geriatric journal article at the end of the rotation. Students will choose one acute hospital patient from the consultation service for continuty follow through to the post-acute rehabilitation setting and provide a written summary about the experience including:  a summary of the patients course in hospital through rehabilitation,  interviews and examinations done with the patient, transitions of care concerns, care plan formulations for post-rehab and their own recommendations for improvement of the system.
Patient Encounters:

The students will be evaluated based on the ACGME competencies. Students will receive a short pre-test and post-test of geriatric cases with multiple choice answers they are expected to complete at the beginning and again at the end of the rotation with expectation of a post-test score >/=80% correct .  Grades are determined by:  50%  clinical evaluation, 25% continuity patient summary writeup, 15% post-test score, 10% journal article presentation.  

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Vora, Neti
Int Med
 MDE 8774 Bedside Ultrasonography
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Jorge Lamarche
James Burrola
(813) 978-5947
Report to:
Second Floor Dialysis Unit
Monday at 8:00 am
Monday through Friday 0800 to 1630
This elective will introduce medical students to the practice and theory of bedside ultrasonography. Bedside ultrasonography is a very useful tool for diagnosis of a variety of clinical conditions.  The elective will provide medical students the essentials of FAST and modified FAST exam for the diagnosis of hypotension, and BLUE protocol for the diagnosis of lung diseases.  The student will round with the preceptors daily and will interact with patients actively.
1. Understand the principles and limitations of bedside ultrasonography
2. Be familiar with the use and interpretation of the technical capabilities of bedside ultrasound sonography
3. Understand, execute and interpret   the FAST and FAST modified ultrasonographic protocols in the diagnosis of hypotension
4. Understand, execute and interpret the Blue and BLUE modified protocols in the diagnosis of dyspnea
5. Be able to articulate quality improvement needs and outcomes relevant to the bedside ultrasonography field and/or present a clinical pertinent bedside ultrasound article
Rotation Activities:
During the course of the clinical rotations, participants will be encouraged to pursue the following:
Required Visual videos provided to the students:
1. Advance lung ultrasound applications
2. Rapid ultrasound for shock and hypotension
3. Cases in emergency ultrasound 
4. Introduction to adult echocardiography
Required Reading for all participants:
1. AIUM practice guideline for the performance of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination) J Ultrasound Med. 2014 feb 27 (2);313-8         
2. Relevance of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure The BLUE Protocol. Chest 2008 134; 117-125
Suggested additional ultrasound literature journals and books:
Sign up for Athens access at VA Medical Library (2nd floor) for full access
Patient Encounters:
1. Oral feedback will be provided at the mid-point, and both oral and written evaluation will be reviewed with the participant at the end of the elective period.
2. Evaluation will consist of clinical performance (timeliness, interest, punctuality, % of sessions attended).
3. Clinical knowledge and competency pattern ultrasonographic recognition post-test scoring.


Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Lamarche, Jorge
Int Med
 MEL 8121 Hospital Med & Patient Safety
 Click here for additional course information
Alexander Reiss, MD
Report to:
Room 7b723 or 7b724 on the 7th floor near the patient elevators
This rotation is designed to further the fourth year medical student’s education in internal medicine and examine the topics of patient safety and preventable medical errors. During the month, the student will provide hospitalist care for a limited number of inpatients admitted to the general medical wards under the direct mentorship of medicine attendings, simulating the role of private hospitalist physicians. There is no call or weekend work. Integrated into the clinical duties is a curriculum focused on medical errors and patient safety. It includes didactic sessions, practical exercises in identifying engineering hazards, and safety workshops. In 1999, The Institute of Medicine published To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System asserting a sobering statistic: tens of thousands of patients die each year in the U.S. from medical errors. Since that landmark publication, the concepts of medical errors and patient safety have surged into the spotlight of the media, the public, and policymakers. This rotation creates a new framework for students/physicians to consider patient safety and prevention of medical errors while advancing the internal medicine skills of the student, preparing them for internship.
1. Further the student’s education of internal medicine
2. Expose the student to the concepts of patient safety and preventable medical errors
3. Introduce the student to hospitalist medicine 
4. Explore the "systems" approach to medical errors
5. Understand human factor engineering in the medical environment
6. Become familiar with QI and PS Tools, such as root cause analysis, DMAIC, etc.
Rotation Activities:
1. Gain understanding of Hospitalist medicine concepts
2. Understand patient safety principles, such as human factors engineering, and cite specific patient care examples
3. Manage patients in the capacity of an acting intern during business hours, writing order and notes, and admitting and charging them.
4. Participate in quality improvement projects as available
5. Attend learning conferences with the house staff
6. Present a morning report or noon conference on patient safety/quality improvement
7. Understand the "system" approach to medical errors and contrast that with the "blame" system
Patient Encounters:

Supervising attending evaluations, completion of skills modules, quiz scores, presentation evaluations, etc.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Reiss, Alexander 
Int Med
 MDI 8200 Acting Medicine Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Darryl Gaines
(484) 661-4650
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams at Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest Hospital. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences.
1. Introduce the student to hospital based care and management
2. Learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on short call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement if available
6. Transition patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will be required to give a 15-20 minute case presentation halfway through the rotation. The presentation will be powerpoint based and should include the patient’s HPI, PMH, medications, family/social history, vitals, physical exam and relevant imaging. Students should also be prepared to discuss their thought process and differential.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation is based solely on clinical evaluations from your preceptors.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Gaines, Darryl
Int Med
 MDI 8200 Acting Medicine Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Olga Klinkova
Course Director
Aaron Dulaney
Management Assistant: Internal Hospital Medicine
Moffitt Cancer Center
(813) 745-3134
Report to:
The Moffit Cancer Center Attendings/Residents schedule changes every month. The students receive their assignment schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings/Residents contact information, so that they may set up a time and place for their initial meeting. 
This rotation allows the medical student to learn how to diagnose and treat common medical conditions and exposes the student to medical emergencies that are more common in cancer patients. During this rotation, the student will be required to attend morning report, noon conferences and Grand rounds. The student will perform history and physical examinations with the supervision of attending physicians and resident, write daily progress notes and assist in discharge planning. No overnight call or weekend responsibilities however students will be expected to stay late during certain days of the week to assist with admissions. Students will round with IHM A inpatient service
1. Introduce the student to hospital based care and management
2. Learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams at Moffitt Cancer Center. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1-2, 4-11
Yr 4 Status
Klinkova, Olga
Int Med
 MDI 8200 Acting Medicine Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
The TGH Attendings/Residents schedule changes every month. The students receive their schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings/Residents contact information, so that they may set up a time and place for their initial meeting.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on a general ward team. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The senior house officer and the attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year clerkship rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth inpatient experience in total patient management so that he/she may confidently assume such care in the first postgraduate year regardless of the career choice.
The only mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are AM report, noon conference, and Grand Rounds. There are no other weekly didactic sessions to attend. There are no weekly quizzes. There are no end of course examinations. 
1. Introduce the student to hospital-based care and management
2. Student will learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system-based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences. Note that due to COVID, all lectures are held virtually until further notice.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1-2, 4-11
Yr 4 Status
O'Brien, Kevin
Int Med
 MDI 8200 Acting Medicine Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
The VAH Attendings/Residents schedule change every month. The students receive their schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings/Residents contact information, so that they may set up a time and place for their initial meeting.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on a general ward team. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The senior house officer and the attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year clerkship rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth inpatient experience in total patient management so that he/she may confidently assume such care in the first postgraduate year regardless of the career choice.
The only mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are AM report, noon conference, and Grand Rounds. There are no other weekly didactic sessions to attend. There are no weekly quizzes. There are no end of course examinations. 
1. Introduce the student to hospital-based care and management
2. Student will learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system-based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences. Note that due to COVID, all lectures are held virtually until further notice.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1-2, 4-11
Yr 4 Status
O'Brien, Kevin
Int Med
 MEL 8335 General Internal Medicine Consult Service
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Olga Klinkova
(813) 745-8565
Report to:
Dr. Klinkova at Moffitt Cancer Center on the first day of the rotation
The Attendings at Moffitt schedule change every week. The students receive their schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings.
This course is a 4-week experience for the 4th year medical student at one of our major inpatient teaching hospital site, Moffitt Cancer Center.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on an internal medicine consult service. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year consult rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth consultative experience in total patient management.
The only mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are AM report, noon conference, and Grand Rounds. There are no other weekly didactic sessions to attend. There are no weekly quizzes. There are no end of course examinations.
1. Conduct a preoperative evaluation
2. Evaluate and treat postoperative complications such as Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Hypertension Urgencies/Emergencies
3. Approach for diagnosis and treatment of VTE in a cancer patient
4. Attend Morning Report, Noon conference, Grand Rounds and Internal Medicine Board Review
Rotation Activities:
Students will work directly with the Medicine attending on the Internal Medicine Consultation Service at Moffitt Cancer Center. The student will be exposed to a variety of different medical issues in the setting of an oncological diagnosis. This will include preoperative evaluations, as well as management of postoperative complications such as Atrial Fibrillation, Pulmonary Embolism, Hypertension Urgencies/Emergencies. This experience will prepare and enhance the student’s critical thinking skills needed to think as an Internal Medicine Consultant. Morning report, noon conferences, Grand Rounds, and board review will also be a required portion of this rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their preceptors at the completion of the first half of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation. Likewise, this formative feedback may serve as a springboard to the summative feedback that is given at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Klinkova, Olga
Int Med
 MEL 8335 General Int Med Consult Srvc
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
Contact the resident and attending assigned to the consult service one week prior to the start of the rotation.
This course is a 2-week experience for the 4th year medical student at one of our major inpatient teaching hospital site, Tampa General Hospital.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on an internal medicine consult service. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year consult rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth consultative experience in total patient management.
The only mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are morning report, noon conference, and Grand Rounds. 
1. Conduct a preoperative evaluation
2. Evaluate and treat postoperative complications such as Atrial Fibrillation, Diabetes, Hypertension Urgencies/Emergencies
3. Approach for diagnosis and treatment of VTE in surgical patients
4. Evaluate and treat common medical problems in both the pre- and post-operative patient
Rotation Activities:
Students will work directly with the Medicine attending on the Internal Medicine Consultation Service at Tampa General Hospital. The student will be exposed to a variety of different medical issues perioperatively and postoperatively.  This will include preoperative evaluations, as well as management of postoperative complications such as Atrial Fibrillation, Pulmonary Embolism, Hypertension Urgencies/Emergencies. This experience will prepare and enhance the student’s critical thinking skills needed to think as an Internal Medicine Consultant. Morning report, noon conferences, Grand Rounds, and board review will also be a required portion of this rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
O'Brien, Kevin
Int Med
 MEL 8953 Integrative Clinical Skills
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Nikesh Kapadia
Report to:
Contact nrkapadi@usf.edu one week prior to the start of the rotation for rotation schedule.
This elective offers the fourth year medical student a review of pertinent skills for a smoother transition to internship.
1. Diagnose and treat common overnight call issues
2. Practice and learn common bedside medical procedures
3. Improve teaching skills to be a better educator
4. Improve communication skills specifically delivering bad news
5. Familiarize yourself with ancillary medical services in the hospital/community and how these services can improve patient care
6. Learn skills to improve balancing the rigors of residency with personal/social endeavors
At the end of the month, students should feel more comfortable with the skills that will make their transition to residency smoother and to maximize the learning environment in residency.
Rotation Activities:
The course will predominantly consist of case based conferences which will be a review such topics as writing orders, common overnight call issues, common procedures, reading EKG, CXR, and ABGs, electrolyte abnormalities, ACLS protocol, the role of the resident as an educator and evaluator, tips for improving patient and family communication, review of advance directives and the utilization of other resources. Students will be required to shadow the cross cover resident during the work week twice during the month. Attendance to various internal medicine conferences (morning report and noon conference) is optional.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated on attendance, participation in case based conferences, involvement in cross cover calls, and an end of the month presentation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Kapadia, Nikesh
Int Med
 MDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Olga Klinkova
Course Director
Aaron Dulaney
Management Assistant: Internal Hospital Medicine
Moffitt Cancer Center
(813) 745-3134
Report to:
Round with IHM A inpatient service
This rotation allows the medical student to learn how to diagnose and treat common medical conditions and exposes the student to medical emergencies that are more common in cancer patients. During this rotation, the student will be required to attend morning report, noon conferences and Grand rounds. The student will perform history and physical examinations with the supervision of attending physicians and resident, write daily progress notes and assist in discharge planning. No overnight call or weekend responsibilities however students will be expected to stay late during certain days of the week to assist with admissions. Students will round with IHM A inpatient service
1. Introduce the student to hospital based care and management
2. Students will learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system-based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences.
As part of the Honors Medicine Acting Internship, students must either complete a research project (i.e. submit an abstract to a regional or national meeting), attend a Florida ACP meeting, or make an advocacy trip with the ACP.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Available only to students in the Internal Medicine track
Yr 4 Status
Klinkova, Olga
Int Med
 MDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
The TGH Attendings/Residents schedule changes every month. The students receive their schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings/Residents contact information, so that they may set up a time and place for their initial meeting.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on a general ward team. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The senior house officer and the attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year clerkship rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth inpatient experience in total patient management so that he/she may confidently assume such care in the first postgraduate year regardless of the career choice.
The mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are AM report, noon conference, Grand Rounds and the Friday Conferences. There are no other weekly didactic sessions to attend. There are no weekly quizzes. There are no end of course examinations.
1. Introduce the student to hospital based care and management
2. Students will learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences.
As part of the Honors Medicine Acting Internship, students must either complete a research project (i.e. submit an abstract to a regional or national meeting), attend a Florida ACP meeting, or make an advocacy trip with the ACP.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Available only to students in the Internal Medicine track
Yr 4 Status
O'Brien, Kevin
Int Med
 MDI 9202 Honors AI in Internal Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Lourdes Rodriguez
Academic Services Administrator
Internal Medicine 4th Year Electives Program
Report to:
The VAH Attendings/Residents schedule changes every month. The students receive their schedules a week before the start of the rotation with the Attendings/Residents contact information, so that they may set up a time and place for their initial meeting.
The student will function as acting or "early" intern on a general ward team. He/She will be given the full range of clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to a first year house officer. The senior house officer and the attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of responsibility is distinctly above that of the third year clerkship rotation. The elective will afford the participating student an in-depth inpatient experience in total patient management so that he/she may confidently assume such care in the first postgraduate year regardless of the career choice.
The mandatory conferences that students are required to attend are AM report, noon conference, Grand Rounds and the Friday Conferences. There are no other weekly didactic sessions to attend. There are no weekly quizzes. There are no end of course examinations.
1. Introduce the student to hospital based care and management
2. Students will learn how to perform adequate and thorough history and physical examinations
3. Write appropriate progress notes and all orders for therapeutic and diagnostic intervention with appropriate counter signature
4. Participate on night call every fifth night as scheduled with the assigned team
5. Learn and participate in internal medicine procedures including: paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement
6. Transition of patients from the Medical Intensive Care Unit
7. Communicate inpatient management and outcomes with patient’s primary care physician
8. Participate and learn appropriate discharge planning, utilization of system based care in the management of their patients and how to do discharge summaries
9. Learn to interpret EKG’s, radiographic studies, PFT’s and appropriate lab diagnostic studies
Rotation Activities:
Students will function as acting interns on the general ward teams. They will be given direct patient care clinical duties and responsibilities usually assigned to the first year house officer. The medical team residents and attending will closely supervise these clinical responsibilities. The level of clinical responsibilities will be distinctly above that of a third year clerkship rotation in internal medicine. Participating students will have an in depth autonomous inpatient experience so they may confidently assume such care in their PGY1 year regardless of their career choice. Mandatory attendance, excluding patient emergencies, is expected at morning report, noon conference, and grand rounds. Students are also encouraged to participate in the monthly journal club and the M&M conferences.
As part of the Honors Medicine Acting Internship, students must either complete a research project (i.e. submit an abstract to a regional or national meeting), attend a Florida ACP meeting, or make an advocacy trip with the ACP.
Patient Encounters:

The student’s final grade is determined solely by his/her clinical faculty evaluation which is completed at the end of the 4-week experience. Students should solicit mid-rotation feedback from their resident and attending at the completion of the first 2 weeks of the experience. No feedback form is required; however, this will facilitate discussion of competencies met or issues that need to be addressed prior to the completion of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Available only to students in the Internal Medicine track
Yr 4 Status
O'Brien, Kevin
Int Med
MDT 8010 EPA Course in Int Med
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Shanu Gupta
Report to:
Tampa General Hospital HMT 750 (or Teams)
Monday at 8 am
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are units of professional practice, defined as tasks or responsibilities that trainees are entrusted to perform unsupervised once they have attained sufficient specific competence. EPAs are independently executable, observable, and measurable in their process and outcome, and, therefore, suitable for entrustment decisions.
In this elective, 4th year students who plan to join an Internal Medicine residency program will be exposed to, and assessed in, activities that all entering residents should be expected to perform on day 1 of the Internal Medicine residency without direct supervision. This two-week period will serve as the culmination of the longitudinal experiential EPA curriculum. The goal is to provide a smooth transition for the graduating student into their expected performance as an intern in Internal Medicine.
This elective will take advantage of faculty expertise in key clinical skills, inpatient exposure to a varied patient population, and simulated and didactic activities to fulfil this goal.
  1. Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency, A Curriculum Developers Guide https://icollaborative.aamc.org/resource/887/
  2. Ten Cate O. Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities. J Grad Med Educ. 2013;5(1):157-158.
By the end of this clinical rotation, fourth year medical students will be entrustable to:
  1. Demonstrate mastery in clinical reasoning skills
  2. Apply high value care principles in managing common infectious diseases, with a view to enhance antibiotic stewardship  
  3. Collaborate with an interprofessional team to safely and effectively discharge an internal medicine patient
  4. Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation and management
  5. Demonstrate expertise in managing difficult conversations, including obtaining informed consent and disclosing errors
Perform general procedures of an internal medicine intern physician
Rotation Activities:
Students in this rotation will be expected to participate in the following activities to meet goals and objectives stated above:
  1. Attend a series of preparatory workshops on:
    1. Teaching clinical reasoning
    2. Identifying and remediating clinical reasoning deficits
    3. Providing effective feedback
    4. Developing individual learning plans
    5. Managing difficult conversations
    6. Evaluating discharge summaries
  2. Complete a preparatory, asynchronous multimodality curriculum for the following topics:
    1. Chest x-ray interpretation
    2. ECG interpretation
    3. ABG interpretation
    4. Electrolytes
    5. Antibiotics
    6. Effective communication skills in managing difficult conversations
  3. Work with a junior learner to identify clinical reasoning deficit(s), provide effective feedback and devise an individual learning plan to remediate the deficit
  4. Apply bacteriology to patient care by ordering appropriate antibiotics based on patient presentation, likelihood of infectious agent, guidelines for therapy
  5. Answer mock calls from nursing staff to identify and initiate management of medical emergencies
  6. Observe and participate in difficult conversations with patients
  7. In a simulated environment, teach management of difficult conversations, including getting informed consent, disclosure of medical errors, discussing resuscitation status
  8. Participate in a one week night medicine experience on the wards
  9. In a simulated environment, practice procedures pertinent to internal medicine on manikins
Patient Encounters:
Students on this rotation will be expected to work up and/or follow patients as directed in the 4th year Acting Internship in Internal Medicine.
Students will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical reasoning mastery will be evaluated by faculty during a cognitive biopsy case presentation.
2. Students will submit reflective narratives on high value care in caring for a patient with infectious disease, and feedback will be provided by elective faculty leads.
3. Students will be evaluated by “nursing staff” that lead the mock calls on their communication skills, professionalism and ability to initiate appropriate management of medical cross-cover urgent and emergent issues.
4. Students will be evaluated by supervising attendings on their ability to facilitate a safe and effective discharge, including discharge documentation
5. Students will also receive feedback from interprofessional team members on facilitation skills and professionalism in preparing a discharge
6. Students will be evaluated by supervising attendings and/or residents on their ability to manage difficult conversations
7. Students will also participate in simulation exercises to demonstrate competence in managing difficult conversations
Students will participate in simulation exercises to demonstrate competence in performing common procedures – lumbar puncture, thoracentesis, paracentesis, central line placement and point-of-care ultrasound
Available via Canvas
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Gupta, Shanu
Int Med
MEL 7320M Extern-Internal Medicine
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Int Med
MEL 9999M Indep Study-Internal Med
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
No Limit
Indep Study
Int Med
 MDE 8280 Hematology and Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. William Scialla
(484) 884-5733
Rose Laudenslager
Administrative Assistant
(610) 402-0512
(610) 402-2554
Report to:
1240 S. Cedar Crest Boulevard Suite 411
Allentown, PA 18103
Visit the LVHN.org website and fill out the tab: research and education.
Medical student will be provided the schedule with planned elective 
This course will expose the medical student to a wide range of hematologic and oncologic disease processes. In the outpatient setting, an emphasis will be made on the proper screening, pathophysiology, staging, natural history and treatment of cancer. The inpatient service will both have a primary management role and consultative aspect. The student will be exposed to both common and uncommon hematologic problems with emphasis on recognition, treatment and natural history of these disorders. Students will also spend time in multidisciplinary clinics.
1. Identify key points in a patient's case and use them to make management decisions
2. Recall the important aspects of the history and physical in evaluating a patient with cancer or a hematologic disorder
3. Identify detailed aspects of the CBC, coagulation studies, and peripheral blood smear
4. Will demonstrate the ability to accurately interpret CT scans and MRI imaging of oncology patients
5. Strengthen skills to develop a differential diagnosis and be able to justify studies ordered and rational behind treatment recommendations
6. Be able to compare and contrast mechanism of action and side effects of traditional chemotherapy and new targeted therapy
7. Differentiate between palliative care and hospice care and decide when to transition patient to hospice
8. Appreciation for  the importance of clinical trails and the process of screening patients
9. Appreciation for multidisciplinary care of oncology patients
Rotation Activities:
The student will be exposed to a broad variety of Hematologic and Oncologic cases. They will spend time on the oncology floor and with the consult service. They will follow patients and round with team memners including attendings, APC, fellows and residents.
The students also spend time in the office setting with a attending. Thhey accompany the attending during office visits and spend time discussing the case.
Attend tumor board, journal club, feelow lectures. Opportunity to spend time with hematopathology and blood bank
Patient Encounters:

1. Students will be evaluated in the office/clinic by the faculty hematology/oncology attending. In the hospital setting students will be evaluated by the rounding attending and APC (advanced practice clinician).
2. Students will be given a brief multiple choice test at the start of the rotation and again at the completion to gauge progress. Test will cover basic concepts in hematology/oncology.
3. Students will be given assignments. For example: Students will be given a interesting case by the attending to review. The case will be presented and reviewed with the attending. Students will be asked to complete a clinic question based on a case they were involved in. They will answer the question with support from the medical literature.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Scialla, William
Int Med
ID, International
 MDE 8320 Infectious Disease Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Melissa Keyser
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The primary focus of this rotation is the inpatient consultative service. Students will be expected to round collaboratively with a team including rotating residents, physician assistants, our ID pharmacist, as well as the attending physician. To complement this focus, the student will participate in ID journal club, case management series, and medical grand rounds. The student will also be exposed to other ID-related services, including microbiology and laboratory medicine, infection control, travel medicine, HIV, wound management, and antibiotic stewardship.
1. Apply the principles of comprehensive history taking and physical examination to generate a differential diagnosis and to select advanced testing modalities
2. Improve their assessment and management of disease processes using evidence-based literature and interdisciplinary communication
3. Apply principles of empiricism and stewardship to antibiotic selection and management
4. Improve familiarity with antimicrobial therapies, including antibiotic classes, adverse drug reactions and interactions
5. Understand various states of immunosuppression (hereditary, drug-induced, acquired, organ transplant-related) and infections related to these
6. Summarize Infection Control protocol to minimize spread of disease
7. Deduce the appropriate method for treating microbial infections
8. Identify the correct type of antibiotic to treat bacterial Infections
Rotation Activities:
This course will include a rotation with the infectious disease consult service with  responsibility and activities in care of patients.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the faculty attending.
Students will be given assignments. For example: Students will be given a interesting case by the attending to review. The case will be presented and reviewed with the attending. Students will be asked to complete a clinic question based on a case they were involved in. They will answer the question with support from the medical literature.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Friel, Brian
Int Med
ID, International
 MEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl Med
 Click here for additional course information
John Greene, MD
(813) 426-5668
Report to:
John Greene, MD
(813) 426-5668
Facilities include patient populations with bacteremias, urinary tract infections, pneumonias and HIV related issues.  (If there is an interest specifically in Bone Marrow Transplant Infectious Diseases, see MEL 8362.)  All of the sites for ID are run utilizing a team approach directed by an Infectious Diseases attending on service and a variety of potential team members including but not limited to an Infectious Diseases fellow and other trainees.  In addition to participating in bedside consultative rounds evaluating patients, there are regular didactic teachings.  Traditionally students participate in teaching their peers by researching and presenting a mini topic to the group during one of the teaching sessions.  The student’s progress during the elective rotation will be assessed during bedside and teaching rounds by the attending.  Monthly microbiology interdisciplinary rounds are shared by James A. Haley and Moffitt Cancer Center’s ID services. Moffitt Cancer Center's specialty population consists of oncology and hematological units and an orthopedic oncology unit.
1. Provide fundamental information concerning techniques employed in diagnosing infectious diseases
2. Obtain an appreciation for the natural history of infectious disease so as to better understand whether therapy is affecting the course of disease in a given patient
3. Comprehend the process of selection of appropriate antimicrobial therapy
Rotation Activities:
1. Seeing patients assigned to the student from 9:00-12:00, Monday – Friday
2. ID didactic Lecture from 12:00-1:00, Monday-Friday
3. Rounds with ID attending and team from 1:00-5:00, Monday-Friday
4. Optional – Research project on ID related diagnosis
Patient Encounters:

Midway through the elective a formal evaluation process results in generation of written comments that are communicated to the student so that he/she can appreciate how his/her performance has been to that point. Daily, critical review of presentation of patient data will be incorporated in teaching rounds to provide guidance for the student to strengthen skills in those areas.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Greene, John
Int Med
ID, International
 MEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl Med
 Click here for additional course information
Tammy Grice
Report to:
Tammy Grice
TGH Room G323
This course is a 2 or 4 week experience for our medical students at Tampa General Hospital.
Students will be assigned to see clinical patients in which a request to receive an infectious diseases consultation has been made. Typically these patients have common community and hospital acquired infections in hosts who are immunocompetent.   Student member will interact and train with other members of the team including an Infectious Disease fellow and an Infectious Disease attending.
1. Provide fundamental information concerning techniques employed in diagnosing infectious diseases
2. Obtain an appreciation for the natural history of infectious disease so as to better understand whether therapy is affecting the course of disease in a given patient
3. Comprehend the process of selection of appropriate antimicrobial therapy
Rotation Activities:
The clinical rotations conducted are structured to permit students to function, with guidance by advanced subspecialty residents and attending physicians, as consultants in infectious disease. In addition to participation in bedside consultative evaluation of patients and the presentation of findings on daily teaching rounds, students are required to employ standard textbooks, contemporary literature and laboratory data in an organized fashion to arrive at "best fit" diagnoses. Progress of patients will be assessed and recorded daily. Fellows and attendings will provide regular didactic teaching, and students will participate in the teaching activity by preparing and presenting a comprehensive review of an important clinical topic in infectious diseases for a Division Conference. The student's progress during the elective will be monitored during daily teaching rounds by the attending faculty.
Patient Encounters:

Midway through the elective a formal evaluation process results in generation of written comments that are communicated to the student so that he/she can appreciate how his/her performance has been to that point. Daily, critical review of presentation of patient data will be incorporated in teaching rounds to provide guidance for the student to strengthen skills in those areas.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Sinnott, John
Int Med
ID, International
 MEL 8310 Infect Disease & Interntl Med
 Click here for additional course information
Karla Terry Crumbly
Report to:
Dr. Sandra Gompf

1. Provide fundamental information concerning techniques employed in diagnosing infectious diseases
2. Obtain an appreciation for the natural history of infectious disease so as to better understand whether therapy is affecting the course of disease in a given patient
3. Comprehend the process of selection of appropriate antimicrobial therapy
Rotation Activities:
The clinical rotations conducted are structured to permit students to function, with guidance by advanced subspecialty residents and attending physicians, as consultants in infectious disease. In addition to participation in bedside consultative evaluation of patients and the presentation of findings on daily teaching rounds, students are required to employ standard textbooks, contemporary literature and laboratory data in an organized fashion to arrive at "best fit" diagnoses. Progress of patients will be assessed and recorded daily. Fellows and attendings will provide regular didactic teaching, and students will participate in the teaching activity by preparing and presenting a comprehensive review of an important clinical topic in infectious diseases for a Division Conference. The student's progress during the elective will be monitored during daily teaching rounds by the attending faculty.
Patient Encounters:

Midway through the elective a formal evaluation process results in generation of written comments that are communicated to the student so that he/she can appreciate how his/her performance has been to that point. Daily, critical review of presentation of patient data will be incorporated in teaching rounds to provide guidance for the student to strengthen skills in those areas.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Gompf, Sandra
Int Med
ID, International
 MEL 8357 Infects Trnsplnt Med/Immunocom
 Click here for additional course information
Tammy Grice
Report to:
Tammy Grice
TGH Room G323
This course is a 2 or 4 week experience for our 4th year medical students at Tampa General Hospital.
Students will be assigned to see clinical patients who are immunocompromised in which a request to receive an infectious diseases consultation has been made. Typically these patients are immunocompromised due to prior solid organ transplantation or HIV infection, although other immunocompromised patients may be occasionally encountered. Student member will interact and train with other members of the team including an Infectious Disease fellow and an Infectious Disease attending. 
The goal of this rotation is to introduce the senior students to transplant medicine and its major complications, specifically infections. The student will be able to see viral, bacterial, fungal, and mycobacterial infections in various immunocompromised hosts and apply his/her basic knowledge of the immune system and its function to clinical practice. The student will develop skills in recognizing and diagnosing unique infections. Appropriate use of antimicrobial agents including knowledge of drug interactions between antimicrobials and immunosuppressive drugs will be demonstrated.
Rotation Activities:
Students will be part of a team which includes an Infectious Disease fellow and Infectious Disease attending who will closely supervise the students.  They will be given direct patient care clinical duties commensurate of a consultation service including the initial history and evaluation of infectious disease issues regarding these immunocompromised patients as well as their inpatient follow up.  Students are encouraged to participate in the weekly ID fellow lecture series as well as the ID case presentations.
Patient Encounters:

The evaluation process will be ongoing on daily basis through constructive criticism to help students’ perfect history taking, physical exam and guide them to use tests appropriately and formulate appropriate differential diagnosis. At the end of the rotation the attending physician will give an overall evaluation to the students as well students will be given the opportunity to give suggestions to help incorporate students’ needs into future rotations through this service.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Montero, Jose
Int Med
ID, International
 MEL 8363 Infections in ICU
 Click here for additional course information
Tammy Grice
(813) 844-4187
Report to:
Tammy Grice
Clinical ID Elective
The goal of the course is to learn to recognize, treat, and prevent infectious complications in the critically ill patient. The student will participate in the initial consultative evaluation and will follow-up patients in the various ICU's at Tampa General Hospital. This will include trauma, postoperative, medically ill, and burn patients. The student will attend weekly lectures and participate in daily critical care rounds. A practical approach to antibiotic choices and effective use of diagnostic studies will be stressed.
Rotation Activities:
1. Perform ID consultation and follow-up
2. Write patient progress/consult notes using EPIC
3. Round with ID team 
Patient Encounters:

The attending physicians will evaluate the student on a daily basis.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Montero, Jose
Int Med
 MEL 8313 Clinical Nephrology
 Click here for additional course information
Haley Palmer, Administrator
Dr. Jacques Durr
Report to:
Dr. Jacques Durr

The objective of this elective is to expose medical students to the broad general principles of Clinical Nephrology. In essence, the student will be an acting intern who will, in collaboration with the renal house staff and clinical fellows, participate in the care of patients with a variety of renal and hypertensive problems.
Rotation Activities:
Adequate exposure to renal patients is achieved through inpatient consultations in the affiliated institutions and outpatient consultations and follow-up in the renal clinics and dialysis centers. The performance of the history and physical examination, formulation of plans for diagnosis and management, and the writing of orders for care of the patient will be the responsibility of the student who will function under supervision of the Nephrology attendings and fellows. The student will be exposed to the practice of medicine on a broad interdisciplinary service that involves dietitians, social workers, clinical nurse specialists, as well as the attending staff.
Patient Encounters:



Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Durr, Jacques
Int Med
 MEL 8313 Clinical Nephrology
 Click here for additional course information
Haley Palmer, Administrator
Dr. James Burrola
Report to:
Dr. Jorge Lamarche

The objective of this elective is to expose medical students to the broad general principles of Clinical Nephrology. In essence, the student will be an acting intern who will, in collaboration with the renal house staff and clinical fellows, participate in the care of patients with a variety of renal and hypertensive problems.
Rotation Activities:
Adequate exposure to renal patients is achieved through inpatient consultations in the affiliated institutions and outpatient consultations and follow-up in the renal clinics and dialysis centers. The performance of the history and physical examination, formulation of plans for diagnosis and management, and the writing of orders for care of the patient will be the responsibility of the student who will function under supervision of the Nephrology attendings and fellows. The student will be exposed to the practice of medicine on a broad interdisciplinary service that involves dietitians, social workers, clinical nurse specialists, as well as the attending staff.
Patient Encounters:



Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Lamarche, Jorge
Int Med
 MEL 8313 Clinical Nephrology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Mohammad Saqib
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation by Angeline Carney, Angeline.Carney@lvhn.org
The geriatric rotation will offer experience to observe and manage with a variety of renal conditions on an inpatient consult service. Students function as members of a team with a resident and attending physicians, in order to understand the techniques of assessment, therapy and chronic and acute disease management
The objective of this elective is to expose medical students to the broad general principles of Clinical Nephrology. In essence, the student will be an acting intern who will, in collaboration with the renal house staff and clinical fellows, participate in the care of patients with a variety of renal and hypertensive problems. The student will be exposed to the practice of medicine on a broad interdisciplinary service that involves dietitians, social workers, clinical nurse specialists, as well as the attending staff.
Rotation Activities:
Adequate exposure to renal patients is achieved through inpatient consultations in the affiliated institutions and outpatient consultations and follow-up in the renal clinics and dialysis centers.
The performance of the history and physical examination, formulation of plans for diagnosis and management, and the writing of orders for care of the patient will be the responsibility of the student who will function under supervision of the Nephrology attendings and fellows.
Patient Encounters:

The faculty will base their performance evaluations upon clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Saqib, Mohammad
Int Med
 MDE 8150 Intro to Palliative Med and Hospice

 Click here for additional course information
Haley Palmer
Report to:
Dr. Amanda Wilson
This elective is designed to introduce the basic principles and practice of palliative care. A 2-4 week inpatient rotation will consist of full participation on the inpatient consulting service, including daily rounds, interdisciplinary team meetings (IDT) and participation in regular education sessions and case presentations. Students will assist with inpatient consultations with precepting and supervision from the full inpatient team as well as supervising physicians. Focus will be on the assessment and treatment of pain and non-pain symptoms, coordination of care including family meetings, goals of care discussions, conflict resolution, and withdraw of life sustaining therapies.  Focus will be on the recognition of the dying process, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects of medication commonly used to treat symptoms in dying patients. 
1. Initiate palliative care consults on patients in the hospital to include a comprehensive medical history, physical examination and assessment of patient and family understanding of illness and prognosis. Gather a psychosocial, spiritual and values history.
2. Provide a comprehensive assessment of patients with pain identifying physical, psychosocial and spiritual components of distress
3. Explain the relevant basic science, pathophysiology, associated symptoms and signs, and diagnostic options useful in differentiating among different etiologies of pain and non-pain syndromes
4. In patient encounters, identify and address common patient, family, health care provider and health care system barriers to effective end of life care, hospice and palliative care
5. List indications, clinical pharmacology, alternate routes, equip analgesic conversions, appropriate titration, toxicities, and management of common side effects in opioid administration
6. Communicate effectively with patients and families across a broad range of socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds
7. Communicate effectively with physicians, other health professionals, and health related agencies
8. Define patient requirements to qualify for the hospice medical benefit and other community-based options for patients with serious illnesses
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients at Tampa General Hospital on the Palliative Care Consult Service.  The student will actively participate in daily team rounds and scheduled didactic sessions.  
Students will be assigned patients by the supervising faculty and will be integrally involved in the assessment of the patient's medical history, physical exam, and evaluation of patient and family understanding of illness and prognosis.  They will actively participate in family meetings regarding goals of care and treatment plans. 
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of student will be based on performance of responsibilities listed in Rotation Activities above.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:

 1-6, 9-11
Wilson, Amanda

Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
 MDT 8200E Adv Respiratory Pathophysiology
 Click here for additional course information
Kendall Morris, MD
Report to:
Kendall Morris, MD
This course is specifically designed to enhance student competency in Respiratory Pathophysiology. It will provide an overview of key concepts and present the clinical significance of principles of pulmonary physiology. Particular emphasis will be placed on recent advances in the understanding of pulmonary physiology. The course consists of in-depth reading, didactic sessions and case scenario experience. Students will prepare and present a case report.
The goal of the course is to provide a review of pulmonary physiology as applied to clinical scenarios. Topics will include but are not limited to Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), asthma, hyperbaric medicine and airway inflammation.
Rotation Activities:
1.  Clinical experiences
2. Advanced basic science review
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated on oral presentations, application of the principles of pulmonary physiology to clinical scenarios, the incorporation of historical and recent basic science discovery in oral case reports, and the use of references and judgment of evidence in case reports.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Morris, Kendall
Basic Science   
Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
 MEL 7388 Intro to Sleep Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. William Anderson
Report to:
Dr. William Anderson
This elective is designed to introduce students to the practice of sleep medicine in an outpatient and inpatient setting. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to practice in a university or hospital clinic setting. Students will also round with the preceptors in the hospital. The student will have exposure to interpretation of sleep studies and observation of the overnight recordings.
1. List the clinical findings that are associated with a high pre-test probability of obstructive sleep apnea  and understand how to score and interpret sleep studies
2. Compare and contrast central from obstructive sleep apnea
3. Evaluate the business systems that are necessary for successful outcomes in the treatment of patients in #1 & #2 above
4. Describe the various presentations of a patient that may be referred for the clinal evaluation of insomnia
5. Compare and contrast behavioral versus medication treatment for insomnia
6. List the most common abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep (parasomnias)
7. Compare and contrast jet lag and shift work sleep disorder with advanced and delayed sleep phase syndromes (circadian rhythm disorders) in adults and children
8. Understand the differences between CPAP, BiPAP, BiPAP ST, servoventilation and volume assured pressure suppor
9. Use Auto CPAP and compliance data to manage sleep disordered breathing
Rotation Activities:
The trainee will see patients at the USF, VA and TGH Sleep clinics as well as in-patient consults. Trainees will participate in the Sleep Medicine conferences during their rotations. Trainees will be provided with the introduction to scoring of a sleep study as well as direct observation of a nocturnal recording. Upon completion of this elective, the trainee will have an understanding of the various things that can go wrong with patient's sleep in the middle the night. Furthermore, they will have a plan developed as to the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to each of these disorders.
Patient Encounters:
The student will have the opportunity to rotate with a variety of rheumatology faculty at sites including; USF Morsani Medical clinic, the James A. Haley VA Hospital Outpatient rheumatology clinic and inpatient rheumatology consult service, Tampa General Hospital rheumatology consult service, and 30th Street clinic. The students will be assigned to sites and faculty members in order to maximize the breadth of their clinical experience. The faculty will mentor the student during clinic sessions providing clinical teaching of rheumatologic differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management, and giving feedback on clinical skills. There are additional opportunities to have exposure to musculoskeletal ultrasound in the clinical setting.
Students will be evaluated by the course director or his designee, at the end of the course, based on the clinical evaluations completed by all fellows and faculty who work with them. An in-service exam will assess some of the ACGME six core competencies.
Grades are determined by: 75% clinical evaluations and 25% by final examination.
The student will receive a final evaluation from the faculty preceptor with which they were assigned for the majority of their clinical experience. The student will also be evaluated on their PowerPoint presentation to faculty and trainees during the weekly rheumatology conference on a topic relevant to a patient seen in the clinical setting.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Anderson, William
Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
 MEL 7388 Intro to Sleep Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. William Anderson
Report to:
Dr. William Anderson
This elective is designed to introduce students to the practice of sleep medicine in an outpatient and inpatient setting. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to practice in a university or hospital clinic setting. Students will also round with the preceptors in the hospital. The student will have exposure to interpretation of sleep studies and observation of the overnight recordings.
1. List the clinical findings that are associated with a high pre-test probability of obstructive sleep apnea  and understand how to score and interpret sleep studies
2. Compare and contrast central from obstructive sleep apnea
3. Evaluate the business systems that are necessary for successful outcomes in the treatment of patients in #1 & #2 above
4. Describe the various presentations of a patient that may be referred for the clinal evaluation of insomnia
5. Compare and contrast behavioral versus medication treatment for insomnia
6. List the most common abnormal behaviors that occur during sleep (parasomnias)
7. Compare and contrast jet lag and shift work sleep disorder with advanced and delayed sleep phase syndromes (circadian rhythm disorders) in adults and children 
8. Understand the differences between CPAP, BiPAP, BiPAP ST, servoventilation, and volume assured pressure support
9. Use Auto CPAP and compliance data to manage sleep disordered breathing
Rotation Activities:
The trainee will see patients at the USF, VA and TGH Sleep clinics as well as in-patient consults. Trainees will participate in the Sleep Medicine conferences during their rotations. Trainees will be provided with the introduction to scoring of a sleep study as well as direct observation of a nocturnal recording. Upon completion of this elective, the trainee will have an understanding of the various things that can go wrong with patient's sleep in the middle the night. Furthermore, they will have a plan developed as to the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to each of these disorders.
Patient Encounters:
The student will have the opportunity to rotate with a variety of rheumatology faculty at sites including; USF Morsani Medical clinic, the James A. Haley VA Hospital Outpatient rheumatology clinic and inpatient rheumatology consult service, Tampa General Hospital rheumatology consult service, and 30th Street clinic. The students will be assigned to sites and faculty members in order to maximize the breadth of their clinical experience. The faculty will mentor the student during clinic sessions providing clinical teaching of rheumatologic differential diagnosis, evaluation, and management, and giving feedback on clinical skills. There are additional opportunities to have exposure to musculoskeletal ultrasound in the clinical setting.
Students will be evaluated by the course director or his designee, at the end of the course, based on the clinical evaluations completed by all fellows and faculty who work with them. An in-service exam will assess some of the ACGME six core competencies.
Grades are determined by: 75% clinical evaluations and 25% by final examination.
The student will receive a final evaluation from the faculty preceptor with which they were assigned for the majority of their clinical experience. The student will also be evaluated on their PowerPoint presentation to faculty and trainees during the weekly rheumatology conference on a topic relevant to a patient seen in the clinical setting.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Anderson, William
Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
MEL 8340 Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Emilie Foltz
Report to:
Dr. Amit Tandon

1. Be able to perform a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease
2. Know how to order and interpret basic laboratory tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans, arterial blood gases, and pulmonary function tests
3. Have an understanding of the common pulmonary disorders, including their diagnosis and treatment
4. Have a working knowledge of pulmonary physiology, especially as it relates to respiratory failure and the use of respiratory therapy (ventilators, oxygen, etc.)
5. Have a familiarity with a number of emergent conditions seen in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (Moffitt; not at T-VAH or TGH for this course)
Rotation Activities:
The student will receive training at one of our clinical institutions by evaluating patients, rounding with the consultation team, and participation in conferences. A didactic lecture series may also be given.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated on a daily and ongoing basis by the consult attending.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Calero, Karel 
Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
 MEL 8340 Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Emilie Foltz
Report to:
Dr. Karel Calero

1. Be able to perform a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease
2. Know how to order and interpret basic laboratory tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans, arterial blood gases, and pulmonary function tests
3. Have an understanding of the common pulmonary disorders, including their diagnosis and treatment
4. Have a working knowledge of pulmonary physiology, especially as it relates to respiratory failure and the use of respiratory therapy (ventilators, oxygen, etc.)
5. Have a familiarity with a number of emergent conditions seen in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (Moffitt; not at T-VAH or TGH for this course)
Rotation Activities:
The student will receive training at one of our clinical institutions by evaluating patients, rounding with the consultation team, and participation in conferences. A didactic lecture series may also be given.
At TGH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team at TGH so critical care medicine will not be a component of the TGH experience for this course.
At TVAH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team staffed by students participating in the senior clerkship. This site is therefore unavailable for a critical care rotation.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated on a daily and ongoing basis by the consult attending.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Calero, Karel 
Int Med
Pulm/Sleep Med
 MEL 8340 Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Ana Negron
Report to:
Dr. Ana Negron

1. Be able to perform a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease
2. Know how to order and interpret basic laboratory tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans, arterial blood gases, and pulmonary function tests
3. Have an understanding of the common pulmonary disorders, including their diagnosis and treatment
4. Have a working knowledge of pulmonary physiology, especially as it relates to respiratory failure and the use of respiratory therapy (ventilators, oxygen, etc.)
5. Have a familiarity with a number of emergent conditions seen in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (Moffitt; not at T-VAH or TGH for this course)
Rotation Activities:
The student will receive training at one of our clinical institutions by evaluating patients, rounding with the consultation team, and participation in conferences. A didactic lecture series may also be given.
At TGH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team at TGH so critical care medicine will not be a component of the TGH experience for this course.
At TVAH: The student will work as part of the pulmonary consult team. There is a separate MICU team staffed by students participating in the senior clerkship. This site is therefore unavailable for a critical care rotation.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated on a daily and ongoing basis by the consult attending.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Negron, Ana
Int Med
 MEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Kimberly Harding
(813) 974-2681
Report to:
Joanne Valeriano-Marcet, MD
Rheumatology is a specialty in internal medicine devoted to the diagnosis and management of over 100 complex and interesting diseases, including musculoskeletal, and autoimmune processes. Physicians are frequently consulted for musculoskeletal complaints.  Exposure to the field of rheumatology will help the student to develop an approach to evaluate these complaints, and appreciate when a patient may have an underlying systemic rheumatic disease. Some of the diseases seen include; Scleroderma, Systemic Lupus, Inflammatory myopathies, Systemic Vasculitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic  Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Gout,Osteoporosis, and Osteoarthritis.
1. Perform a history, and musculoskeletal examination on patients presenting to the rheumatology clinic
2. Generate a differential diagnosis in the evaluation of patients presenting with common musculoskeletal complaints
3. Interpret relevant laboratory tests, and x-rays 
4. List the indications for arthrocentesis in general and interpret synovial fluid analysis
5. Recognize common rheumatologic syndromes and the general principles of their management
Rotation Activities:
Participate in outpatient rheumatology clinic
Optional to participate in rheumatology inpatient consults
Attend weekly rheumatology conferences
Joint injection simulation
Opportunity for M5K ultrasound
Patient Encounters:

During this elective, the student will actively participate on the rheumatology service in the outpatient setting, and will work closely with the rheumatology faculty, and fellows. In addition, the student is expected to attend and participate in the weekly educational conference, which include journal club, case presentation, and radiology-rheumatology sessions. The student’s contribution in the educational activities will be used, in conjunction with the clinical performance, for the final evaluation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Valeriano, Joanne
Int Med
 MEL 8339 Rheumatology Clinical Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. James Ross
Melissa Keyser
Report to:
Dr. James Ross
The rheumatology c rotation will offer experience to observe and manage patients with a wide variety of rheumatic conditions on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Students function as members of a team with a resident and attending physicians, offering care for patients in acute, ambulatory, and community care settings, in order to understand rheumatic disorders well as the techniques of assessment, therapy and chronic and acute disease management.
At the successful completion of this course students will be able to: 
Perform an appropriate history and physical examination on patients with common systemic rheumatologic disease and other musculoskeletal conditions
Recognize the clinical, laboratory, and radiographic features of the more common rheumatologic and musculoskeletal diseases 
Understand the pathophysiology of the common rheumatologic, and musculoskeletal diagnoses
Construct an appropriate differential diagnosis when evaluating  patients with systemic  rheumatic disease,  and other musculoskeletal conditions
Apply the skills and medical knowledge learned during the didactic sessions to evaluate patients in rheumatology clinics and design an appropriate differential diagnosis, and diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the more common conditions
Develop skills of professionalism, interpersonal communication, systems based practice, and practice based improvement in the clinical setting
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients on the hospital geriatric consultation service, the ambulatory primary care and outpatient consultation service under the direct observation of the rheumatology attendings with focus on addressing all the above listed objectives. They will participate in monthly rheumatology journal club and clinical case reviews. Students will be given hard copy reading booklets they are expected to review, and will be expected to informally present, interviews and examinations done with the patient, transitions of care concerns, care plan and their own recommendations for improvement of the system.
Patient Encounters:
Ambulatory visits and inpatient consults
The students will be evaluated based on the ACGME competencies. Grades are determined by:  75%  clinical evaluation, 25% journal article presentation.  

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1B, 2A, 3B, 4 - 5, 7- 11
Yr 4 Status
Ross, James

 MDC 8250 Intro to Derm, Ortho, and Rheum
 Click here for additional course information
Davida Leayman
Dr. James Ross
Report to:
Dr. Ross, Rheumatology
3080 Hamilton Blvd
Allentown, PA   
10 am
This elective is a multi-disciplinary four-week course designed to enhance the student’s competence in the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal, rheumatologic and dermatologic disorders. The clinical experience, designed to gain exposure to rheumatology, sports medicine, orthopedics (outpatient injury assessment and management) and dermatology, is tailored to the student’s specialty track. Unlike the third year clerkship rotations, these clinical experiences are primarily outpatient –based. Students are given instruction followed by hands-on experience in various procedures used in each of these specialties.
1. Apply the skills and medical knowledge learned during the didactic sessions to evaluate patients in rheumatology, dermatology, orthopedics, and sports medicine clinics and perform an appropriate history and physical examination, design an appropriate differential diagnosis, and diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the more common systemic rheumatic disease, dermatologic, orthopedic/sports medicine, and musculoskeletal diseases
2. Recognize the clinical, laboratory, and radiographic features of the more common rheumatologic, dermatologic, orthopedic and musculoskeletal diseases
3. Understand the pathophysiology of the common rheumatologic, dermatologic, orthopaedic, and musculoskeletal diagnoses
Rotation Activities:
Skin biopsy and suturing workshop providing hands on experience
Injection and aspiration workshop utilizing injection models, followed by clinical experiences to learn to perform joint injections and aspirations on patients with direct supervision
Opportunity to become familiar with hands-on musculoskeletal ultrasound in a clinical setting
Didactics and clinical exposure to musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging
Online and live didactics and knowledge self-checks aimed at providing a basis for increasing knowledge in these specialties serving as a great preparation for USMLE
Patient Encounters:
Based on presentation score and faculty evaluations
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
4-5, 7-11
Yr 4 Status
Ross, James

MDC 8250 Intro to Derm, Ortho, and Rheum
 Click here for additional course information
Tamar Cassagnol
(813) 974-2718
Report to:
Clinical sites include: Morsani, USF South, Tampa General Hospital, Health Park, and the James A. Haley VA Hospital
This elective is a multi-disciplinary four-week course designed to enhance the student’s competence in the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal, rheumatologic and dermatologic disorders. The clinical experience is designed to provide the student with exposure to rheumatology, sports medicine, orthopedics (outpatient injury assessment and management) and dermatology. Unlike the third year clerkship rotations, these clinical experiences are primarily outpatient-based. Students are given instruction and hands-on experience in various procedures used in each of these specialties.
1. Apply the skills and medical knowledge learned during the didactic sessions to evaluate patients in rheumatology, dermatology, orthopedics, and sports medicine clinics and perform an appropriate history and physical examination, design an appropriate differential diagnosis, and diagnostic and therapeutic plans for the more common systemic rheumatic disease, dermatologic, orthopedic/sports medicine, and musculoskeletal diseases
2. Recognize the clinical, laboratory, and radiographic features of the more common rheumatologic, dermatologic, orthopedic and musculoskeletal diseases
3. Understand the pathophysiology of the common rheumatologic, dermatologic, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal diagnoses
Rotation Activities:
1. Skin biopsy and suturing workshop providing hands on experience
2. Injection and aspiration workshop utilizing injection models, followed by clinical experiences to learn to perform joint injections and aspirations on patients with direct supervision
3. Opportunity to become familiar with hands-on musculoskeletal ultrasound in a clinical setting
4. Didactics and clinical exposure to musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging
5. Online and live didactics and knowledge self-checks aimed at providing a basis for increasing knowledge in these specialties serving as a great preparation for USMLE
Patient Encounters:
Preceptor competency based evaluations, workshop participation, Case presentation
Intro to Derm Ortho Rheum Syllabus AY 20_21.pdf
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Valeriano, Joanne

 MDC 8340 Critical Care Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Daniel Schwed-Lustgarten Daniel.Schwed@lvhn.org
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce students to the practice of medicine in an intensive care unit. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to practice in a large medical - surgical ICU LVHN – CC (40 beds), LVHN – Muhl (20 beds). Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of the critically ill patient with specific emphasis in shock and respiratory failure. The goals of this clerkship are to develop an approach to the care of patients with complex, critical illnesses; to understand the physiologic and pathologic abnormalities that occur in ICU patients; and to apply science principles basic to the practice of medicine in the clinical management of complex illness. 
1.  Obtain a clinical history and physical exam on a non-verbal, critically ill patient based on limited available information from pre-hospital medical personnel (i.e. EMS), ER physicians, available hospital records, and interviews with the patient’s family members
2. Compare and contrast the health needs of the critically ill patient to those encountered in the general medical ward and outpatient settings
3. Recognize critically ill patients with shock as well as trends in vital signs and key laboratory data that identify patients with a rapidly declining, life threatening condition or a worsening disease state that threatens a vital organ function
4. Recognize patients with acute respiratory failure based on clinical laboratory data (i.e blood gases) and become familiar with the basics of mechanical ventilation (invasive and non-invasive)
5. Analyze and become sensitized to end of life discussions with patients and/or family members
6. Identify and describe the proper administration and use of the intensive care unit as a scarce and limited health care resource
After being exposed to critical care patients in a variety of disciplines, the student will demonstrate specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to critical care practice. The student will have an understanding of critical care guidelines and practices so that the student will recognize patients with immediate life threatening conditions, institute appropriate initial therapy, and outline an initial course of management for patients with serious conditions requiring critical care. 
Rotation Activities:
This course will include a rotation either through a Medical ICU, Pulmonary/Critical Care Consult ICU, Anesthesia Critical Care, Coronary Critical Care Unit, Surgical/Trauma ICU, NICU, or PICU at Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest Hospital. The rotation assignment will be made based upon the student’s chosen career path. Students will be evaluated by written, oral, and/or practical methods which include direct patient contact and simulation training. In addition, the students will evaluate electro-cardiograph (ECG) tracings through weekly quizzes to enhance interpretation skills.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by written, oral, and/or practical methods which include direct patient contact and simulation training. In addition, the students will evaluate electro-cardiograph (ECG) tracings through weekly quizzes to enhance interpretation skills.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Schwed-Lustgarten, Daniel

 MDC 8340 Critical Care Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Daniel Schwed-Lustgarten Daniel.Schwed@lvhn.org
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce students to the practice of medicine in an intensive care unit. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to practice in a large medical - surgical ICU LVHN – CC (40 beds), LVHN – Muhl (20 beds). Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of the critically ill patient with specific emphasis in shock and respiratory failure. The goals of this clerkship are to develop an approach to the care of patients with complex, critical illnesses; to understand the physiologic and pathologic abnormalities that occur in ICU patients; and to apply science principles basic to the practice of medicine in the clinical management of complex illness. 
1.  Obtain a clinical history and physical exam on a non-verbal, critically ill patient based on limited available information from pre-hospital medical personnel (i.e. EMS), ER physicians, available hospital records, and interviews with the patient’s family members
2. Compare and contrast the health needs of the critically ill patient to those encountered in the general medical ward and outpatient settings
3. Recognize critically ill patients with shock as well as trends in vital signs and key laboratory data that identify patients with a rapidly declining, life threatening condition or a worsening disease state that threatens a vital organ function
4. Recognize patients with acute respiratory failure based on clinical laboratory data (i.e blood gases) and become familiar with the basics of mechanical ventilation (invasive and non-invasive)
5. Analyze and become sensitized to end of life discussions with patients and/or family members
6. Identify and describe the proper administration and use of the intensive care unit as a scarce and limited health care resource
After being exposed to critical care patients in a variety of disciplines, the student will demonstrate specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to critical care practice. The student will have an understanding of critical care guidelines and practices so that the student will recognize patients with immediate life threatening conditions, institute appropriate initial therapy, and outline an initial course of management for patients with serious conditions requiring critical care. 
Rotation Activities:
This course will include a rotation either through a Medical ICU, Pulmonary/Critical Care Consult ICU, Anesthesia Critical Care, Coronary Critical Care Unit, Surgical/Trauma ICU, NICU, or PICU at Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest Hospital. The rotation assignment will be made based upon the student’s chosen career path. Students will be evaluated by written, oral, and/or practical methods which include direct patient contact and simulation training. In addition, the students will evaluate electro-cardiograph (ECG) tracings through weekly quizzes to enhance interpretation skills.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by written, oral, and/or practical methods which include direct patient contact and simulation training. In addition, the students will evaluate electro-cardiograph (ECG) tracings through weekly quizzes to enhance interpretation skills.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Schwed-Lustgarten, Daniel

 MDC 8340 Critical Care Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Tamar Cassagnol
(813) 974-2718
Report to:
Class Orientation to be held on Day 1. The location will be located on Canvas. 
This course is a selective for USF senior medical students and will include a rotation either through a Medical ICU, Pulmonary/Critical Care Consult ICU, Anesthesia Critical Care or Surgical/Trauma ICU at Tampa General Hospital or the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. Rotations are based upon availability. The rotation assignment will be made based upon the student’s chosen career path. Students will be evaluated by written, oral, and/or practical methods which include direct patient contact and simulation training. In addition, the students will evaluate electro-cardiograph (ECG) tracings through weekly quizzes to enhance interpretation skills.
Students will rotate on both days and nights during this rotation, with adequate rest between shift changes. 
The goals of this fourth year elective are to develop an approach to the care of patients with complex, critical illnesses; to understand the physiologic and pathologic abnormalities that occur in ICU patients; and to apply science principles basic to the practice of medicine in the clinical management of complex illness. 
After being exposed to critical care patients in a variety of disciplines, the student will demonstrate specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to critical care practice. The student will have an understanding of critical care guidelines and practices so that the student will recognize patients with immediate life threatening conditions, institute appropriate initial therapy, and outline an initial course of management for patients with serious conditions requiring critical care. 
Rotation Activities:
Simulations take a critically ill patient through the ER, a code blue, and 4-5 days in the hospital covering ventilator management, ABGs, Swan Ganz catheters, and vasoactive drips. Topics may include cardiogenic shock and/or septic shock. Clinical activities allow students to follow 2-3 ICU patients as part of a team. Didactics include basics of mechanical ventilator, weaning from mechanical vent, and sedation/analgesia.
Students to complete SCCM Modules online during the first week of rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

Hospital rotations with patient encounters, simulation activities, didactics, and EKG interpretation

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Maximum of three excused absences. Excess absences above the three excused will require make-up time and/or change of rotation block. Make-up time will utilize weekends. Absences-including for Step exam and interviews, will not be excused on days 1 or 2. If missing day 1 and/or 2, these days will need to be made up in subsequent period or change rotation block. 
1-5, 8-11
Yr 4 Status
Cox, Jennifer

BMS 6994B Schol Conc Elective-Business
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994D ScholConcElec-Hlth Disparities
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994G ScholConcElect-Med Gender
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994H ScholConcElect-Med Humanities
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994I ScholConcElect-Internat'l Med
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994L Schol Conc Elect-Law/Medicine
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994N Schol Conc Elect-Nutrition
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994P Schol Conc Elect-Public Health
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994R Schol Conc Elective-Research
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


BMS 6994S ScholConcElect-Hlth Syst Engin
 1 - 8
No Limit
Pross, Susan


 MDE 8030 BRIDGE Clinic Elective (Directors)
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
Report to:
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
 This longitudinal elective would reinforce and teach the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to direct a multidisciplinary healthcare clinic. Students will be required to lead and attend monthly BRIDGE clinic meetings, meet with medical advisors regularly, attend and lead BRIDGE clinics over the year, develop a presentation/poster to present at a national meeting, organize and coordinate other specialties and organizations with in BRIDGE. In all, it is expected that each student will have completed a minimum of 150 hours over the academic year. The course is longitudinal, as the responsibilities of these students will continue throughout the academic year.
1. Develop skills to properly manage a multidisciplinary healthcare clinic
2. To form and nurture professional relationships with Moffitt, Hillsborough Health Department, Quest Diagnostics, Security Personnel, Morsani
3. Understand the Business/Finance aspect of Medicine through collaboration with Dr. Marshall and the Business Scholarly Concentration
4. Update and renew documents for Clinic Operations including the constitution, employee contracts, fundraising documents, and banking/trust fund documents
5. Provide access to healthcare for patients of many different backgrounds with limited access
6. Collaborate effectively with Social Work, Public Health, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Pharmacy, and the College of Medicine to provide optimum care and services in a healthcare setting
7. Integrate meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, encourage lifelong civic engagement, and strengthen communities for the common good
Rotation Activities:

Patient Encounters:

By the end of the elective, students should feel competent managing a multidisciplinary healthcare clinic. They will understand how to collaborate with various organizations and groups and have a sense of the business and financial needs of such a clinic. Their progress will be assessed by direct observation by the faculty medical directors, and successful completion of assigned responsibilities and projects which will include poster/presentation that will be presented at a national meeting.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Only students elected to be the student medical directors for BRIDGE will be eligible for this elective. Students must agree to hour requirements and need to inform concurrent senior course directors of their involvement in this longitudinal course. Students should notify and obtain permission from Drs. Lucy Guerra (guerral@usf.edu) or Eduardo Gonzalez (egonzale@usf.edu) prior to scheduling.
Yr 4 Status, BRIDGE Director
Gonzalez, Eduardo

 MDE 8030 BRIDGE Mentor Longitudinal
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
Report to:
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez
This elective is designed to strengthen the clinical and mentorship skills of senior medical students by involving them in the care of an under-served patient population. Students will join the volunteer medical staff at BRIDGE Clinic in caring for the university area community, and will be expected to attend a minimum of 15 clinics. They will also mentor lower classmen under the supervision of USF and community preceptors during clinic hours. They will prepare and lead at least three teaching sessions designed to prepare lower classmen for clinical encounters. Finally, they will have the opportunity to participate in a research project benefiting either the clinic or the surrounding community.
1. Identify the special challenges in working with under-served populations, cultural differences, and barriers to access of care
2. Understand the unique constraints encountered by a free clinic
3. Attain competency in formulating lesson plans and leading group sessions
4. Improve clinical body of knowledge and gain proficiency in diagnosis, management, and physical exam skills in a primary care setting
5. Collaborate with an inter-professional team in the management of patients
6. Become familiar with community resources and their contributions to patient well-being
Rotation Activities:
1. Weekly Clinics: The clinical mentors are expected to attend a minimum of 15 clinic nights. During clinic they will lead a medical team and will be expected to teach their lowerclassmen appropriate physical exam and diagnosis skills.
2. Clinical Teaching Sessions: The clinical mentors will be expected to formulate and prepare small groups sessions focusing on preparing underclassmen for clinic nights at BRIDGE. This will include clinic flow, interview tactics, physical exam skills, and discussion of common complaints seen in clinic.
3. Research Project: The clinical mentors will have the option to collaborate with directors and staff on an ongoing or new project. The project should be appropriately developed to allow for submission of an abstract to the Society of Student-Run Free Clinics’ Annual Conference.
Patient Encounters:

Clinical mentors will be evaluated based on punctuality, professionalism, respectfulness and engagement in teaching. Their performance will also be evaluated based on feedback from clinical preceptors.
BRIDGE Clinical Mentor Longitudinal Elective Syllabus RVSD222016.pdf
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Any student interested in taking the longitudinal BRIDGE Clinic elective will need to apply prior to registering.  A maximum of four students can participate in the elective, so we ask that you complete the application as soon as possible. For applications contact Dr. Gonzalez.
Yr 4 Status
Gonzalez, Eduardo

 MDE 8080 Medical Informatics
 Click here for additional course information
Matthew M. Miller, DO, MBA, MS
Chief Health Information Officer, Office of CMO
Judy Wuchter
(610) 402-9460
Administrative Support to the Office of the CMIO
Report to:
Matthew M. Miller, DO, MBA, MS
1251 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 204
Allentown, PA
This elective will be an introduction to Medical Informatics. The elective will include a combination of didactic lectures (both real-time and on-line) covering basics of Clinical Informatics, shadowing experiences with appropriate clinical technical staff (based on the students’ rotation goals), and individualized project work. Examples of projects may include: participating in ongoing research projects for potential publication/presentation; work on data warehouse projects and business intelligence tools (dashboards, etc.); development of EHR templates/workflows; participation in development/rollout of clinical information systems (including HIE and Epic systems); evaluation of new clinical information devices and technologies. The student activities will be coordinated through the CMIO (or his/her designee).
1. State and understand how the discipline of clinical informatics intersects with and influences the three domains of clinical care, local and national healthcare systems, and information and communications technologies
2. Understand the role of informatics in population health and value-based care
3. Describe the various roles of a clinical informatician in the healthcare setting
4. Recognize the specific tasks involved in the design, implementation and support of clinical information systems
5. Assess the clinical content of CIS and apply change management techniques to develop evidence based improvements
6. Participate in simple projects with faculty mentors in health informatics, optimization of electronic health record systems, using data analysis techniques for research/quality improvement 
7. Recognize database structures and translate data into useful business intelligence tools
Rotation Activities:
Students will be expected to:
1. Meet with scheduled personnel based on mutually agreed upon schedule and locations
2. Attend and participate in various meetings both internal and external to Information Services and the CMIO Group
3. Perform self-study activities as outlined in syllabus
4. Complete a mutually agreed upon research or development project (4 week elective only)
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will consist of ongoing appraisal of the student’s ability to assimilate the knowledge presented (both through didactic and practical channels) and apply it to the projects and tasks as assigned. Specific project related deliverables will be determined at the beginning of the rotation; and assessment of those deliverables will be used in the evaluation.   

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Any interested student must meet with Dr. Levick to discuss goals of the elective and determine if appropriate, and the expected length of the elective. This should occur prior to start of elective.
 3 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Miller, Matthew

 MDE 8107 Street Medicine Elective 
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Lucy Guerra
Dr. Asa Oxner
Dr. Oxner will be responsible for the evaluations and mentorship of quality improvement project
Report to:
This elective allows third and fourth year medical students to gain experience in delivering medical care to marginalized populations who are experiencing homelessness, including those who are sheltered, unsheltered, refugee status, and those in transient housing. The location of medical services will be at Tampa Bay Street Medicine (TBSM) service events. Medical students will rotate through three unique clinical settings: Street runs, clinics, and a mobile clinic, all of which provide free primary care to homeless patients. The mobile clinic also provides comprehensive harm reduction program for patients suffering from addiction including syringe exchange services, HIV/HCV testing, linkage to care for opiate use disorder and chronic illnesses, and peer counseling. Students will participate in mentorship and teaching of junior medical students, under the supervision of preceptors from USF and the community. Clinical duties for this elective include serving as volunteer medical staff on the mobile medical clinic from Monday through Friday, as well as participating in one evening street run or weekend clinic per week. Students will have opportunities to contribute to ongoing rapid cycle quality improvement of the mobile clinic or other research projects related to healthcare for the homeless. Students are expected to submit one evaluation from each of TBSM’s three clinical contexts, completed by an attending or resident physician.
1. Work as medical staff at TBSM service events, including street runs, clinics, and the mobile medical clinic
2. Mentor underclassmen during clinic hours
3. Participate in ongoing rapid cycle quality improvement related to the mobile medical clinic, or a research project related to TBSM or the homeless
Rotation Activities:
 1. Mobile Clinic: Students are expected to volunteer on the mobile clinic Monday through Friday, both morning and afternoon, for the duration of the rotation. During clinic they will assist the supervising provider in all aspects of patient care, including triage, measuring vitals, history and physical examination, and development of an assessment and plan. These visits may be in person or via telemedicine and include primary care concerns, addiction and harm reduction services, and diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. If lowerclassmen are present, the student is expected to teach them history and physical exam skills, as well as formation of a differential diagnosis and treatment plan. Students must provide their own transportation to each clinic location.
2. Weekly Service Events: TBSM holds a free clinic at the First Presbyterian Church (412 E Zack St, Tampa, FL 33602) on the first and third Saturday morning of each month, as well as street runs in downtown Tampa (1602 N Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602) on the second and fourth Friday evening of each month. Students are expected to attend each weekly service event during the rotation. At clinics, students will be paired with a lowerclassman and will be responsible for leading patient encounters, helping the lowerclassman learn clinical skills, and writing a clinical note for each patient encounter. At street runs, students will lead a medical team of 2-3 lowerclassmen in providing primary care services to homeless individuals directly on the streets of downtown Tampa along a set route, under the guidance of a supervising provider. Students will be responsible for leading patient encounters, helping guide lowerclassmen through each step of the patient encounter, and ensuring completion of paperwork and documentation for each patient.
3. Research Project: Students will contribute to an ongoing research project that is directly related to the TBSM mission or a rapid cycle quality improvement project for the mobile clinic. Course directors will provide a list of the ongoing projects at the start of each rotation. Current research projects that students can assist with include a project to increase HIV testing and awareness in our population at all 3 clinical contexts: a project to determine if we are able to reduce ER utilization in our population accessing the medical van, adding subspecialty days to the medical van for orthopedics and GI, and implementing the syringe exchange services and addiction medicine. Examples of ongoing quality improvement cycles in the medical van include analyzing and optimizing the triage workflow, and improving the process of inventory for stock of supplies and medications including keeping the expiration dates and lot numbers.  Students are encouraged to submit their research for presentation or publication.
Patient Encounters:
Patient encounters will occur with the medical van, see attached sample calendar.
 Students will be evaluated based on punctuality, professionalism, participation in all scheduled service events, effort towards teaching lowerclassmen, and execution of a research project. Preceptor feedback will also be used in evaluation. The student is responsible for collecting evaluations from at least one preceptor from each type of service event in which the student participates, including street runs, clinics, and the mobile clinic. Third year medical students must provide the attached evaluation form to each evaluating preceptor. Fourth year medical students must provide the course coordinator with the names of evaluating preceptors no later than the Wednesday of the final week of the rotation, and evaluations will be completed through E*Value.
A PASS grade will be given to students who attend and participate at all scheduled clinical duties and perform a quality improvement or research project related to the mobile clinic or healthcare for the homeless. An HONORS grade will be given to students who meet criteria for a PASS grade and also demonstrate outstanding performance in clinical duties and research.
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:

8 - 12
Oxner, Asa

 MDE 8581 Inpatient Physical Med and Rehab
 Click here for additional course information
Beth Stepanczuk, MD
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior student to the practice of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in the inpatient and consultative environment. Under the supervision of clinical faculty students will have the opportunity to see the continuum of care that physiatrists provide.
1. Become familiar with how a physiatry consultation can add to the care of an acute care patient
2.Observe how acute care patients are evaluated during a physiatry consult
3. Understand treatment and disposition recommendations that are made during a consult
4. Practice a comprehensive neurological and musculoskeletal exam
5. Learn how to describe a person's impairments and functional ability
6. Identify barriers to recovery and return to community setting during the rehabilitation process
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in Patient Care within the Inpatient Rehab Centers at Cedar Crest and Muhlenberg campuses. 
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by course director at the end of the course. The grade will be based on evaluations of the faculty who worked with them.
I. Rationale:  Introduce medical students to postacute care.
II. Course Aims and Outcomes: 
Understand which patients are appropriate for acute rehab vs. LTACH vs. SNF. Understand treatment plans and interventions for patient on rehab. Work as a team to improve patient quality of life. Discharge patient to appropriate level of care.
III.  My Assumptions
Students should have basic physical exam skills and basic knowledge of the diagnoses seen on acute rehab.
IV. Course Requirements: 
1. Students are expected to be present at agreed upon time at agreed upon location.  
2. Students are expected to respect colleagues and patients. 
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
  1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Stepanczuk, Beth

 MDE 8920 SELECT 4
 Click here for additional course information
Davida Leayman
(610) 402-2554
Report to:
SELECT 4 will occur throughout the year and will consist of two formal teaching blocks called Prologue at the beginning of Year 4 and Epilogue near the end of the year. There will also be longitudinal components throughout the year.  The duration of Prologue and Epilogue will total three weeks.  Epilogue includes a summative assessment. The longitudinal portions (which total one week's worth of contact hours across the course) include 1:1 coaching between students and their respective faculty coaches, peer coaching, small group meetings, reflective essay assignments (based on the domains of leadership, values based care, and health systems) and formative assessments of students' clinical skills. This longitudinal portion can be taken concurrently with other electives. Students will be given four-weeks of credit for the course. Required learning assignments include IHI web-based modules and these three domain-associated activities with their concomitant written reflections.
1. Apply knowledge and skills fundamental to health systems process change and engineering
2. Provide examples of the connections between healthcare policy, the legislative process, and healthcare regulation
3. Self-assess gaps and areas of improvement. Use this knowledge to set goals
4. Demonstrate the elements and skills of advanced social awareness and relationship building
5. Demonstrate knowledge of the public health infrastructure and the ability to access resources of the Center for Disease Control
6. Analyze guideline recommendations for communication with patient and family members when breaking bad news
7. Develop communication skills, integrating principles from emotional intelligence, patient-centered care and crucial conversations
8. Demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to care for patients who are members of vulnerable populations such as: LGBTQ community; the homeless or those with housing insecurity, veterans, victims of or at risk for domestic violence. Apply ethical concepts to patient care
9. Apply feedback from coaching sessions toward self-improvement goals
10. Provide examples which demonstrate an understanding of the factors related to the integration of scientific knowledge and technology into patient care
11. Discuss the role of organized medicine and healthcare
Rotation Activities:
Refer to Syllabus
Patient Encounters:
Students will be evaluated by the course director throughout the course including participation, simulations, reflections, and a comprehensive assessment including multiple-choice questions, simulation and an oral assessment.
 SELECT Y4 20-21 Syllabus (Course AB).pdf
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1A, 10B
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Greenberg, Marna

 MDE 8942 Clinical Enrichment Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Vinita Kiluk
Dawn Schocken
Report to:
CAMLS after having received the schedule from the course director
Faculty will work with each student to design a personalized curriculum to develop advanced proficiency in the various clinical competencies based on self-reflection of the student and the assessment of the faculty. The elective is tailored to the need of the individual student. Faculty will specifically identify, and use simulated learning, real clinical settings, study aides, and professional expertise to allow students to work on competency based clinical skills.
At the end of this elective the student will (depending on the initial goals of the students from the course):
1. Demonstrate proficiency with presentations based upon a validated assessment tool  
2. Discuss the process to efficiently conduct a chart review
3. Display confidence and assertiveness when developing a management plan for the patients with whom the student is involved
4. Analyze their improvements in their communication skills
5. Document an improvement in the flow of their history taking
6. Document an improvement in the flow of their physical exam
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in this elective at CAMLS, seeing standardized patients, observing videos, participating in simulation activities and developing experience in electronic charting.  Occasionally students will practice in the clinical outpatient setting. 
Patient Encounters:
 Students will have the opportunity to practice in the clinical outpatient setting.
Students will be evaluated using checklists to provide a 360 review of their performance - the student will complete self-checklists, SPs will complete a review of the student's performance of communications skills, and the elective faculty will complete checklists on student performance.  A queue of faculty not in this elective will be trained by the elective faculty to review video-taped performances of the student to document proficiency in areas under contract.  Grades will be determined from the combination of self-checklists and faculty checklists as well as a final self-assessment by the student on what they have accomplished during the elective and what they plan to continue to work on as life long learners.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Any student who wishes to complete this elective will need to meet with either Dr. Vinita Kiluk or Dawn Schocken to confirm elective availability and so that they can match student needs to the available resources.
 1 - 11
No Limit
Kiluk, Vinita

 MDE 8950 SELECT Capstone
 Click here for additional course information
Angela Davis
(610) 402-2602
Bryan Kane, MD
Report to:
This is a required course for all SELECT students. It will consist of a Project  that results in scholarly output. This course will support the educational development of the SELECT medical students by providing an opportunity for in-depth learning in one of the domains of the SELECT program. Students will be given the equivalent of four-weeks of credit for this course. Students must be enrolled by day one of their fourth year.
1. Develop and integrate in-depth knowledge of one or more SELECT domains into medical care
2. Develop self-directed learning, project management, evaluative and critical reasoning skills
3. Through the outcomes of your project, create a scholarly legacy for our academic, medical and/or general communities
4. Demonstrate your growth as a visionary, change agent, or ability to effectively influence others within different levels of system, promoting a culture of relationship-building and/or integrating emotional intelligence
5. Demonstrate the ability to identify subject experts who can add value to your project
6. Demonstrate the application of project management skills, implementation, and resources needed to be successful
7. Demonstrate professionalism via communication, managing yourself and your team, and last, but not least, meeting timelines and deadlines
8. Demonstrate appropriate presentation skills for your scholarly project
Rotation Activities:
1. Mentor Contract
2. Proposal
3. Check Ins
4. Abstract
5. Poster
6. Oral Presentation
7. Final Paper
Patient Encounters:
At the end of this course, students will be expected to have an in-depth knowledge and expertise in an areas of leadership, patient centered care, or health systems and health policy.
Provided via email and Canvas. Contains important information, dates, and grading rubrics.
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Semester 1 (1 - 6)
Semester 2 (7-11)
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Kane, Bryan

 MDE 8720 Outdoor Medicine Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Nicole Elliott
Report to:
This course has unique locations for each activity.
This senior medical student elective is intended to teach the practical and theoretical medical skills necessary to identify, treat and prevent medical problems unique to the outdoor environment. The course is directed towards the outdoor or travel enthusiast who may find themselves in situations outside of the traditional clinical setting where they may be called upon to provide medical assistance. There will also be ample opportunities for students to present outdoor medicine topics to peers and other learners. 
1. Practice medical skills to be used in situations outside of the hospital setting
2. Gain knowledge of medical conditions related to various outdoor environments and activities
3. Develop understanding of emergency and disaster response systems
4. Increase students' ability to present medical information to peers 
5. Gain practical outdoor recreational skills and exposure to local resources
Rotation Activities:
Examples of Activities: 
Wilderness medicine simulation for example “Survive for 3 days” taught be Emergency medicine faculty.
"Pocono Raceway" providing First Aid and Medical Support to race attendants.
"Adirondack Adventure" held on Lake George - practice water, climbing and hiking safety and preparation.  Learn about prevention and treatment of common injuries.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course based on attendance and participation of course meetings (50%), as well as assigned outdoor medicine topic presentations (50%). Students will be required to attend 120 hours of meetings/activities over the 4-week period. There will be opportunities for at least 160 hours of meetings/activities. Students may expect to be given specific topics or scenarios to present at each meeting they plan to attend. Presentations will be evaluated by course directors and contribute to the presentation portion of the final grade.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
This is a 4 week elective.  Activities may be held on weekdays or weekends, during lunch meetings, with some overnight activities. There will be a required 120 hours of attendance at activities and there will be at least 140 hours available to attend to accommodate senior students on exam and interview schedules. Part of the course is to attend an Outdoor Medicine Conference. There may be other activities that require travel to places such as to the Adirondacks or New Jersey shore. Students should also budget at least $250 for admission fees and equipment rental throughout the year and approximately $500 for an annual Wilderness or Outdoor medical conference.
Yr 4 Status
Elliott, Nicole

 MDE 8720 Outdoor Medicine Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Ryan Naughtin
Report to:
This course has unique locations for each activity.
This senior medical student elective is intended to teach the practical and theoretical medical skills necessary to identify, treat and prevent medical problems unique to the outdoor environment. The course is directed towards the outdoor or travel enthusiast who may find themselves in situations outside of the traditional clinical setting where they may be called upon to provide medical assistance. There will also be ample opportunities for students to present outdoor medicine topics to peers and junior medical students. 
1. Practice medical skills to be used in situations outside of the hospital setting
2. Gain knowledge of medical conditions related to various outdoor environments and activities
3. Develop understanding of emergency and disaster response systems
4. Increase students' ability to present medical information to peers 
5. Gain practical outdoor recreational skills and exposure to local resources
Rotation Activities:
Examples of Activities: 
"No Lifeguard on Duty" held at Ben T. Davis Beach and learn about Basic Water Rescue and Submersion Incidents 
“Hillsborough River Half Marathon” providing First Aid to race participants
"A 3-Hour Tour" held on an island in the Tampa Bay and learn about Seafood Toxidromes while catching Pufferfish
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course based on attendance and participation of course meetings (50%), as well as assigned outdoor medicine topic presentations (50%). Students will be required to attend 120 hours of meetings/activities over the 11 month period. There will be opportunities for at least 160 hours of meetings/activities. Students may expect to be given specific topics or scenarios to present at each meeting they plan to attend. Presentations will be evaluated by course directors and contribute to the presentation portion of the final grade.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
This is a year long elective from April through May.  Activities are usually held on Saturdays, but may be held on weekday evenings, during lunch meetings, with some overnight activities. There will be a required 120 hours of attendance at activities and there will be at least 160 hours available to attend to accommodate senior students on externships. The culmination of the course is the Annual Outdoor Medicine Conference usually held during the last month of the academic year in the Florida Keys (students are encouraged register for an interview block (MEL INT) this month). There may be other activities that require travel to places such as Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Everglades National Park, or other distant locations. Students should also budget at least $250 for admission fees and equipment rental throughout the year and approximately $500 for the Annual Florida Outdoor Medicine Conference. 
Semester 1 (1 - 6)
Semester 2 (7-11)
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Naughtin, Ryan

MDE 8040 Medical Spanish 1
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Hector Lopez-Cardona
Report to:
This online (Canopy learn) course is designed to help students reduce their communication and cultural gaps with Medical Spanish-speaking patients with limited English language proficiency (LELP). Students are expected to increase their skillset of the Spanish language domain, cultural knowledge and communication strategies to work effectively with Spanish speaking patients in the clinical setting. 
1. Increase cultural awareness and sensitivity to improve and facilitate more successful bi-cultural interactions with Spanish speaking patients with LELP
2. Increase medical Spanish vocabulary for a variety of common clinical scenarios
3. Develop an initial rapport to initiate communication with Spanish speaking patients with LELP
4. Take a basic medical history and provide the appropriate basic instructions for performing a physical examination on Spanish speaking patients with LELP
Rotation Activities:
Online and face-to-face pre-assessment test, Online and interactive learning modules
Patient Encounters:
Online Canopy Course Final Assessment of Levels I and II - 60%
Faculty Supervisor Evaluation (on overall improvement, commitment, and verbal skills) - 40%
Provided before the course
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval and online course log-in required. Students must be accepted into the course, should complete an independent study style learning contract, participate in supervised clinical activities before completing a  face to face final assessment (in-person or Skype), that may include  OSCEs or other educational strategies.
Semester 1 (Periods 1-6)
Yr 4 Status
Lopez Cardona, Hector


MDE 8040 Medical Spanish 2
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Hector Lopez-Cardona
Report to:
This online (Canopy learn) course is designed to help students reduce their communication and cultural gaps with Medical Spanish-speaking patients with limited English language proficiency (LELP). Students are expected to increase their skillset of the Spanish language domain, cultural knowledge and communication strategies to work effectively with Spanish speaking patients in the clinical setting. 
1. Increase cultural awareness and sensitivity to improve and facilitate more successful bi-cultural interactions with Spanish speaking patients with LELP
2. Increase medical Spanish vocabulary for a variety of common clinical scenarios
3. Develop an initial rapport to initiate communication with Spanish speaking patients with LELP
4. Take a basic medical history and provide the appropriate basic instructions for performing a physical examination on Spanish speaking patients with LELP
Rotation Activities:
Online and face-to-face pre-assessment test, Online and interactive learning modules
Patient Encounters:
Online Canopy Course Final Assessment of Level III - 60%
Faculty Supervisor Evaluation (on overall improvement, commitment, and verbal skills) - 40%
Provided before the course
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval and online course log-in required. Students must be accepted into the course, should complete an independent study style learning contract, participate in supervised clinical activities before completing a  face to face final assessment (in-person or Skype), that may include  OSCEs or other educational strategies.

Semester 2 (Periods 7-11)
Yr 4 Status
Lopez Cardona, Hector


 MEL 8939 Clinical Science Review
 Click here for additional course information

Report to:



Rotation Activities:

Patient Encounters:



Visiting Students:

Special Instructions:

 1 - 12
Prior Approval, Remedial Course

 MEL 8954 Becoming the Physician Educator
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Vinita Kiluk
Dawn Schocken
Report to:
CAMLS after schedule has been created by the course director.  
This elective is designed to introduce senior medical students to the role of the physician educator, a clinical faculty member, who intentionally teaches the “why” of medicine. Students will work with the MCOM faculty to design active learning sessions, case study materials, and interdisciplinary labs.  Students will also learn the essentials of teaching in interprofessional educational sessions, at the bedside as well as in large and small groups. 
At the end of this elective the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of an academic physician in the pre-clerkship curriculum
2. Analyze how to integrate basic science teaching in the clinical setting
3. Examine and demonstrate the concepts of bedside teaching
4. Compare effective teaching methods/strategies, feedback/evaluation strategies, and approaches to dealing with difficult learners
5. Create a session incorporating measurable goals and objectives for a course
6. Demonstrate an understanding of collaboration with pre-clerkship faculty to teach MS1 and MS2 students effectively in small group, and large group active learning settings
7. Deliver an effective basic science lecture, which integrates active learning principles into the sessions
By the end of this elective, the student will have a better understanding of the basic principles of teaching and be able to demonstrate effective teaching techniques. 
Rotation Activities:
We will work together to create a curriculum/teaching module that will be used during our sessions with undergraduate learners interested in medical school.  We will walk through the process of creating the module from creating objective to creating an effective assessment tool.  
Patient Encounters:

Active participation in teaching seminars
Active collaboration with instructors to develop teaching materials
Delivery of a well-researched lecture and well-researched small group session

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Please submit a brief email to one of the faculty prior to signing up for this elective indicating any specific block you would like to work in, and why.  Included in this email, describe your personal goals that you hope to achieve during this elective. Registration requires permission of the course director(s).
Yr 4 Status
Kiluk, Vinita


Interview Month
 1 - 11
No Limit

Med Education

MDE 8090 Doctoring IV (Core Section)
 Click here for additional course information
John Keeter
(813) 974-3915
Report to:
This required longitudinal course is designed to provide the fourth-year medical student with the tools they need to successfully navigate their fourth year, setting them up with the various courses that will provide a successful transition from medical student to resident over the course of the year.   It will enable the learner to choose when they will complete their various assigned courses and teaching them to become residents as teachers prior to their graduation. 
Medical Education Course:
  1. Demonstrate the ability to deliver expectations to learners
  2. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and give feedback to learners
  3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate clinical reasoning skills and develop an improvement plan
  4. Demonstrate the ability to facilitate small group and/or 1:1 sessions
  5. Demonstrate the ability to teach in the ambulatory/inpatient clinical setting
  6. Illustrate the ability to interact with and manage the difficult learner
Leadership Course:
  1. Demonstrate confidence in interprofessional interactions
  2. Demonstrate authentic, honest, sincere expressions to others
  3. Demonstrate the ability to self-assess interpersonal strengths and weaknesses without judgment
  4. Demonstrate the ability to respond instead of reacting to perceived negative occurrences
  5. Demonstrate adaptability when encountering perceived obstacles
  6. Demonstrate integrity, trustworthiness in all relationships including with patients, colleagues, and self
  7. Demonstrate appropriate perspective taking and situational awareness
  8. Demonstrate organizational awareness
  9. Demonstrate ability to build collaborative relationships and find common ground.
Opioids, Pain Management, and Substance Use Disorder Course:
  1. Develop a comprehensive integrative approach for pain management with modalities that disrupt sensory afferent conduction at different phases of pain transmission
  2. Develop a multi-modal pain management plan which includes optimization, administration, and modification of analgesic therapy for patients with pain
  3. Distinguish the key components of the pain focused physical examination to include general physical examination, and a detailed neurologic and musculoskeletal examination as it relates to a patient with pain as the primary complaint
  4. Apply the best available clinical and diagnostic evidence and select an appropriate ultrasound guided interventional procedure that could be performed in an office setting
  5. Apply measures to properly screen, diagnose, and evaluate patients with substance use disorder and subsequent expansion into the specifics of opioid use disorder
  6. Apply measures for various treatment strategies for substance use disorder and subsequent expansion into opioid use disorder.
Patient Safety Course:
  1. Actively participate in clinical experiences to identify high-risk situations, develop and implement solutions, and measure their impact.
  2. Demonstrate the utility of quality/safety tools to brain-storm clinical situations (Nominal Group Process and Delphi), prioritize high-risk situations (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis-FEMA), and analyze adverse events (Root Cause Analysis-RCA including flow charts, cause and effect diagrams).
  3. Analyze effective process improvement projects that are submitted by the teams during the workshop utilizing PDSA evaluative tools to assure project feasibility.
Life Support and Disaster Management:
  1. Demonstrate the methods of performing the “Stop the Bleed” during a disaster event.
  2. Describe appropriate methods of containing and controlling for a pandemic infectious event.
  3. Analyze the effectiveness of AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
  4. Demonstrate how to provide life-saving basic life support through CPR.
Capstone Tips:
  1. Demonstrate an effective method to give and receive a patient sign out.
  2. Evaluate and initiate management of common cross cover problems and medical issues appropriate to their planned specialties.
  3. Write appropriate orders for fluid and electrolyte replacement.
  4. Describe the indications for and the steps in performing procedures appropriate to their planned specialties.
  5. Order and interpret common radiographic studies appropriate to their planned specialty.
  6. Analyze essential roles and responsibilities for interns during residency training.
  7. Demonstrate an effective informed consent for a patient receiving a procedure. 
Financial Wellness:
  1. Demonstrate their completion of their five chosen modules by uploading the certificates of completions onto canvas and earning a Financial Wellness Badge.
  2. Analyze their own personal financial health through a series of assessment tools offered in this module.
  3. Synthesize the knowledge learned in this course to assure financial success in their personal portfolio.
Climate Change:
  1. Describe the measurement and evidence for climate drivers.
  2. Describe all of the major health effects of climate change, including both director and indirect impacts.
  3. Identify medical diagnoses and other health determinants that make patients more vulnerable to climate change related health threats.
  4. Identify opportunities for information-sharing, collegial cooperation and collective action with other healthcare professionals.
Basic Science Course:
  1. Relate the basic virology of SARS-CoV-2 to evolving COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention approach
  2. Translate knowledge of the host immune response against SARS-CoV-2 to COVID-19 risk stratification, treatment, and vaccine strategies
  3. Build a differential diagnosis for COVID-19 using its typical clinical manifestations, laboratory, and imaging findings
  4. Evaluate current triage and treatment recommendations for COVID-19, stratified by disease severity
  5. Appreciate how COVID-19 pathophysiology underlies ongoing research into investigational therapeutics and vaccines
Provide location for fourth–year medical students to understand and document Service Learning and Teaching Experience, Student Affairs graduation requirements, Career Advising fourth-year requirements, and Scholarly Concentration requirements
Rotation Activities:
1. Students will attend I2D4, Capstone tips, and all required seminars and activities associated with the different courses.
2. Students will complete all required assignments. 
3. Students will also teach for a minimum of 80 hours in the Morsani College of Medicine co-facilitating Doctoring I, II, and III small groups, or the CAMLS experience with senior faculty. 
4. Students will reflect and write on their teaching experience.
Patient Encounters:
  1. A minimum score of 75% on the final Observed Structured Teaching Encounter exam
  2. Evaluation by their small group faculty “at” or “above” expected level
  3. Demonstrate professional behavior at all times
  4. Complete all assignments on time and with grading as outlined
  5. Attend all scheduled activities
  6. Adhere to the honor code
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
This section of the longitudinal course is required and reserved for all Core fourth-year medical students.
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Spoto-Cannons, Antoinette

Med Education

MDE 8090 Doctoring IV (SELECT section)
 Click here for additional course information
John Keeter
(813) 974-3915
Report to:
This required longitudinal course is designed to provide the fourth-year medical student with the tools they need to successfully navigate their fourth year, setting them up with the various courses that will provide a successful transition from medical student to resident over the course of the year.  It will enable the learner to choose when they will complete their various assigned courses and teaching them to become residents as teachers prior to their graduation. 
Opioids, Pain Management, and Substance Use Disorder Course:
  1. Develop a comprehensive integrative approach for pain management with modalities that disrupt sensory afferent conduction at different phases of pain transmission
  2. Develop a multi-modal pain management plan which includes optimization, administration, and modification of analgesic therapy for patients with pain
  3. Distinguish the key components of the pain focused physical examination to include general physical examination, and a detailed neurologic and musculoskeletal examination as it relates to a patient with pain as the primary complaint
  4. Apply the best available clinical and diagnostic evidence and select an appropriate ultrasound guided interventional procedure that could be performed in an office setting
  5. Apply measures to properly screen, diagnose, and evaluate patients with substance use disorder and subsequent expansion into the specifics of opioid use disorder
  6. Apply measures for various treatment strategies for substance use disorder and subsequent expansion into opioid use disorder.
Patient Safety Course:
  1. Actively participate in clinical experiences to identify high-risk situations, develop and implement solutions, and measure their impact.
  2. Demonstrate the utility of quality/safety tools to brain-storm clinical situations (Nominal Group Process and Delphi), prioritize high-risk situations (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis-FEMA), and analyze adverse events (Root Cause Analysis-RCA including flow charts, cause and effect diagrams).
  3. Analyze effective process improvement projects that are submitted by the teams during the workshop utilizing PDSA evaluative tools to assure project feasibility.
Life Support and Disaster Management:
  1. Demonstrate the methods of performing the “Stop the Bleed” during a disaster event.
  2. Describe appropriate methods of containing and controlling for a pandemic infectious event.
  3. Analyze the effectiveness of AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
  4. Demonstrate how to provide life-saving basic life support through CPR.
Capstone Tips:
  1. Demonstrate an effective method to give and receive a patient sign out.
  2. Evaluate and initiate management of common cross cover problems and medical issues appropriate to their planned specialties.
  3. Write appropriate orders for fluid and electrolyte replacement.
  4. Describe the indications for and the steps in performing procedures appropriate to their planned specialties.
  5. Order and interpret common radiographic studies appropriate to their planned specialty.
  6. Analyze essential roles and responsibilities for interns during residency training.
  7. Demonstrate an effective informed consent for a patient receiving a procedure. 
  8. Demonstrate the ability to deliver expectations to learners
  9. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and give feedback to learners
  10. Demonstrate the ability to teach utilizing the One Minute Preceptor
  11. Illustrate the ability to interact with and manage the difficult learner
Financial Wellness:
  1. Demonstrate their completion of their five chosen modules by uploading the certificates of completions onto canvas and earning a Financial Wellness Badge.
  2. Analyze their own personal financial health through a series of assessment tools offered in this module.
  3. Synthesize the knowledge learned in this course to assure financial success in their personal portfolio.
Climate Change:
  1. Describe the measurement and evidence for climate drivers.
  2. Describe all of the major health effects of climate change, including both director and indirect impacts.
  3. Identify medical diagnoses and other health determinants that make patients more vulnerable to climate change related health threats.
  4. Identify opportunities for information-sharing, collegial cooperation and collective action with other healthcare professionals.
Basic Science Course:
  1. Relate the basic virology of SARS-CoV-2 to evolving COVID-19 diagnosis and prevention approach
  2. Translate knowledge of the host immune response against SARS-CoV-2 to COVID-19 risk stratification, treatment, and vaccine strategies
  3. Build a differential diagnosis for COVID-19 using its typical clinical manifestations, laboratory, and imaging findings
  4. Evaluate current triage and treatment recommendations for COVID-19, stratified by disease severity
  5. Appreciate how COVID-19 pathophysiology underlies ongoing research into investigational therapeutics and vaccines
Provide location for fourth–year medical students to understand and document Service Learning and Teaching Experience, Student Affairs graduation requirements, Career Advising fourth-year requirements, and Scholarly Concentration requirements
Rotation Activities:
1. Students will attend Capstone tips and all required seminars and activities associated with the different courses.
2. Students will complete all required assignments. 
Patient Encounters:
  1. A minimum score of 75% on the final Observed Structured Teaching Encounter exam
  2. Demonstrate professional behavior at all times
  3. Complete all assignments on time and with grading as outlined
  4. Attend all scheduled activities
  5. Adhere to the honor code
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
This section of the longitudinal course is required and reserved for all SELECT fourth-year medical students.
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Spoto-Cannons, Antoinette

Molec Med

 BMS 7260 Research in Molecular Med
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Burt Anderson
(813) 974-2608
Report to:
Michael Ramsamooj
(813) 974-9573
The student will undertake a specific research project in collaboration with one of the faculty and will participate in research conferences and seminars. Current research areas include studies of the molecular basis for various disease states, such as cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, neurodegenerative disease; molecular virology; host-parasite interactions; molecular immunology; metabolic regulation; and molecular and cellular biology.
The objective of this course is to introduce the student to modern methods and concepts of biomedical research.
Rotation Activities:
Work with a PI in the Department of Molecular Medicine to:
1. Identify a research  project that is agreed upon by the student and the PI
2. Design the study
3. Perform the necessary studies
4. Analyze the data
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation of the student will be based on the mastery of a set of research techniques, the utilization of these to investigate a re¬search problem and the collection, evaluation, and interpretation of these experimental findings.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Molec Med

Indep Study-Molecular Med
 1 - 11
No Limit
Indep Study
Molec Pharm Physio
 BMS 7464 Research in Pharmacology
 Click here for additional course information
Javier Cuevas, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Chair
(813) 974-1545
Report to:
Faculty supervisor
This elective will provide experiential learning in pharmacology research.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the student to the research environment. The focus is directed to current research techniques, including methods of data acquisition and analysis, and critical reading of the literature pertinent to the research problem. The student will work as part of the research team on one of the projects currently underway in the department as determined by the student's interest and the concurrence of the faculty. Enrollment, dates, and duration of the course are by arrangement.
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Develop hypothesis-driven research plan
2. Master specific research methodologies, such as biochemical assays, fluorescent imaging techniques, behavioral testing, molecular biology techniques, required for successful completion of project
3. Compile and analyze data
4. Develop tables and figures based on data
5. Derive conclusions and present data via verbal and/or written communication
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation will be based on a short paper or oral exam to be determined by arrangement with the instructor.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Approval, dates, and duration of course must be arranged with a faculty mentor prior to registering.
 1 - 11
Cuevas, Javier
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999D Indep Study - Pharmacology
 1 - 11
No Limit
Indep Study
Molec Pharm Physio
 BMS 7560 Research in Physiology
 Click here for additional course information
Jessica Dominguez Rieg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
(813) 974-4542
Report to:
Faculty Supervisor
This elective will provide experiential learning in physiology research.
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the student to the research environment. The student will learn current research techniques and the methods of data collection and reduction. The student will be expected to take an active part in the problem solving aspects of research including in depth reading of the literature pertinent to the research project and participation in conferences and seminars. The student will work as part of the research team on one of the projects current in the department. 
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Develop hypothesis-driven research plan
2. Master specific research methodologies, such as biochemical assays, fluorescent imaging techniques, behavioral testing, molecular biology techniques, required for successful completion of project
3. Compile and analyze data
4. Develop tables and figures based on data
5. Derive conclusions and present data via verbal and/or written communication
Patient Encounters:
A written report will be required.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Approval, dates, and duration of course must be arranged with a faculty mentor prior to registering.
 1 - 11
Dominguez Rieg, Jessica
Molec Pharm Physio
MEL 9999H Indep Study - Pharmacology
 1 - 11
No Limit
Indep Study

MDT 8010 EPA Course in Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Dr. Rebecca Hurst
Report to:
TGH, 9th Floor
Room 941-A
Monday at 7:00 AM
During this rotation, students will take part in a variety of activities from didactics to interactive vignettes, simulations and direct patient care. During their patient care they will be expected to function at the sub-intern level. The Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)  will be interwoven into the curriculum. The EPAs are a defined as tasks or responsibilities that trainees are entrusted to perform unsupervised once they have attained sufficient specific competence. In this elective, 4th year students who plan to join an Neurology residency program will be exposed to, and assessed in, activities that all entering residents should be expected to perform on day 1 of residency without direct supervision. The goal is to provide a smooth transition for the graduating student into their expected performance as an intern in Neurology.
This elective will take advantage of faculty expertise in key clinical skills, inpatient exposure to a varied patient population, and simulated activities and either virtual or in-person didactics to fulfill this goal.
1. Master skills in obtaining a neurological history and examination 
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis with appropriate clinical reasoning 
3. Create a comprehensive management plan for patients presenting with common neurological conditions seen in the inpatient setting.
4. Recognize and learn how to manage patients presenting with common neurological emergencies
5. Communicate and collaborate effectively with the Neurology team and ancillary staff
6. Demonstrate the ability to have difficult conversations and discuss plan of care and results
7. Interpret basic CT head and evaluate CSF studies
8. Document patient encounters completely and efficiently
9. Perform handovers effectively
10 . Perform general procedures of an neurology intern including informed consent and lumbar puncture
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Students will evaluate patients in the emergency room and in the hospital setting under 
Attending and Resident supervision. They will take a detailed history and examine the patients and will be responsible for following and managing the patient they pick up.  
2. Students will participate in neuroimaging, EEG, and EMG/NCS interpretation and lumbar punctures as applicable to their patients.
3. Students will attend and participate in didactics including pre-work or associated online learning, teaching vignettes and simulation scenarios
4. Students will observe and participate in delivering diagnosis and plan of care as well as difficult conversations with patients
5. Students will participate in patient handoffs
6. Students will complete informed consent and learn lumbar puncture both in a simulated environment as well as on the wards
7. Student will participate in night and weekend call
Patient Encounters:
Students will see a variety of common and uncommon neurological conditions with emphasis on neurologic  triage and initial management or urgent and emergent scenarios.
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through
1. Direct observation of clinical encounters including taking clinical history and examination that will be evaluated by the senior residents and supervising attending in a variety of settings
2.  Presentation of clinical vignettes  
3. Review of documentation of patient encounters
4.  Simulation exercises
5. Interpretation of common diagnostic testing (CT head, CSF labs)
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Hurst, Rebecca

MDT 8800 Neuroimmuno in Neuro Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
Dr. Marzenna Wiranowska’s office
Contact Dr. Wiranowska prior to start of rotation at mwiranow@usf.edu.
This is a 2-week elective for fourth year medical students under the supervision of Dr. Marzenna Wiranowska.  This course is designed to demonstrate that most of the neurological diseases have an immune/inflammatory component, and the list of neurologic diseases in which the immune system plays an important role continues to grow. Because of the critical correlation between the nervous system and immune system, physicians should be aware of neuroimmunologic principles, especially as immunologic therapeutic strategies are currently being tested in many neurologic disorders. The course will be a balance between basic science and clinical activities and include seminars, journal clubs, clinical correlation and paper presentations by the students on topics selected from the ‘List of Major Topics’.  The list of ‘Major Topics’ includes but is not limited to: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO),  Myasthenia Gravis, Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (Gullian-Barre syndrome),  Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), Epilepsy (Mesial Temporal Sclerosis, see also paraneoplastic syndromes such as Anti-Voltage-Gated Potassium and anti-NMDA receptor antibody syndromes), Movement Disorders (Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, Parkinson’s Disease), Alzheimer Dementia, AIDS Dementia, CNS Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS), CNS infections e.g., meningo-encephalitis, Cerebrovascular Disease (e.g. Stroke, CNS Vasculitis), Primary CNS tumors, Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Prion Diseases (Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease) and Autism.
  1. Students will appreciate the role that the immune system plays in many neurological disorders.
  2. Students will learn about recent basic scientific advances in immunology and how they may translate into clinical therapies.
  3. Students will appreciate the process of translating scientific discovery to bedside treatments. 
  4. Students will learn how to do a literature review and how to critically examine and interpret scientific literature.
  5. Students will produce a final project examining the role of the immune system in a neurological disease chosen from the “List of Major Topics.”
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will meet with the Course Director (Dr. Wianowska) prior to and at the start of the rotation to delineate a topic of interest from the ‘List of Major Topics’.
  2. In conjunction with the Course Director, students will perform an in-depth literature review on the role of neuro-immunologic therapies in the disease they have chosen to focus on.
  3. Students will attend journal clubs and seminars, under the direction of the Course Director, pertaining to their topic of interest.
  4. Students will attend outpatient neurology clinics tailored to the disease process they are studying (i.e. neuroimmunology/MS clinic, movement disorders clinic, neuro-oncology clinic, etc.).
  5. Students will produce a final scholarly project based on their research to be presented to the course faculty at the conclusion of the 2- week rotation. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will spend ~50% of their time in outpatient neurology clinics of their choosing, where they will have exposure to patients with neurological conditions which have proven or suspected immunological etiologies. 
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
  1. Clinical history taking and physical examination skills will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
  2. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Course Director and clinical preceptors. 
  3. Students will be required to present a final project (usually in the form of a power point presentation) to the course faculty.
  4. The student’s final grade will be based on evaluations from their clinical preceptors and the course faculty’s evaluation of their final project.
Please outline when and how the learners will receive feedback on their performance:
1. They will get weekly assessments of their performance from the clinical faculty and the Course Director.
2. They will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations and evaluation of their final project.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 10A, 10B
Yr 4 Status
Wiranowska, Marzenna
Basic Science 

 MDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med and Rehab
 Click here for additional course information
Jeffrey Radecki, MD
(610) 402-3560
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation/Physiatry elective is intended to allow students the opportunity to develop and refine neuro-musculoskeletal history and physical examination skills, competence in the understanding and evaluation of various neuro-musculoskeletal disorders, diagnostic testing, medication prescription, and exposure to radiologic interpretation under the supervision of a board-certified physiatrist.  In addition, the student will be given exposure to the variety of physiatric diagnostic and treatment options, including but not limited to fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures and electro diagnostic testing (EMGs). As an introductory course to PM&R, students will also rotate through the Inpatient Center for Rehabilitation at LVHN-CC and LVHN-Muhlenberg
At the completion of this clinical rotation, students will be able to
1. Complete a thorough History of Present Illness
2. Evaluate for risk factors contributing to current injury/illness
3. Perform complete musculoskeletal examination of patients
4. Use imaging appropriately in the evaluation of musculoskeletal injury/illness
5. Develop familiarity and comfort with medications used to mitigate illness/injury
6. Develop familiarity with Interventions such as epidural injections, radiofrequency ablation & acupuncture, and the use of these interventions in treatment plans
7. Develop treatment plan according to best practices
Rotation Activities:
1. Students will participate in the outpatient Physiatry clinics & the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities at the LVHN Cedar Crest and Muhlenberg campuses.
2. Students will follow the schedule created for the attendings and nurse practitioner with whom they work.  They will have an opportunity to customize a unique schedule to provide exposure to areas of interest
3. Care is provided at LVHN Cedar Crest and Muhlenberg locations treating patients from early adulthood to geriatric ages. 
4. Students are expected to observe, perform selected history and physical evaluations, and learn about certain procedures appropriate for the Physiatry setting.  All such procedures will be under the direct supervision of the attending physician.
Patient Encounters:

Educational objectives will be provided. Evaluation will be based on attendance and demonstration that the educational objectives have been met. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Radecki, Jeffrey

 MDE 8580 Intro to Physical Med & Rehab
 Click here for additional course information
Prior to rotation, contact:
Shereena Farrington
(813) 974-4142
A Chief Resident will be assigned to handle on site specifics.
General Rehab
Report to:
James A. Haley VA
SCI/Polytrauma Building
3rd floor , PMR Residency Suite
Area C Room 379 (maps will be provided)
This elective will provide the medical student with a broad and comprehensive educational experience in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Students will spend a week in each area – TBI, General Rehab., EMG and SCI.
Enable the student to become skilled in functional evaluation and anatomic correlation of pain and motion problems.
Gain experience in the care of rehabilitation problems.
Gain insight into the diagnosis of acute pain problems.
Recognize a conservative treatment model for acute pain problems.
To acquire experience in the management of patients with traumatic brain injury.
To understand the role of the rehabilitation team in the management of patients with TBI.
To gain experience in the neurologic examination of patients with motor and cognitive deficits.
To acquire experience in the management of patients with Spinal Cord Injury.
To understand the role of the rehabilitation team in the management of SCI.
To gain experience with the neurologic examination of patients with SCI. 
Rotation Activities:
There will be instruction in the evaluation and rehabilitation of a wide range of medical disability conditions including musculoskeletal problems, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, strokes, amputees, chronic pain, geriatrics, and cardiac rehabilitation. In addition, students will be exposed to physical, occupational, speech, audiology, vocational, recreational, and kinesiological therapies. There will be instruction in functional assessments of all types of physical disabilities and in the diagnostic use of electromyography for muscle and neurological disorders. These patients will then be reviewed in detail by the attending physician and appropriate examination techniques, diagnostic problem-solving methods and treatment plans will be discussed with the student. The student will also participate in weekly PM&R lectures. Overall, the educational experience will offer a practical approach to those patients with disabilities. This will benefit all medical students regardless of their primary area of interest.
Patient Encounters:

Educational objectives will be provided. Evaluation will be based on attendance and demonstration that the educational objectives have been met. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
McCarthy, Marissa

MDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Keith Dombroski

Shereena Farrington

Report to:
TGH 5K NeuroICU 7 am
This elective is designed as a preceptorship under the supervision of a neurocritical care attending. The student will become an integral part of a team that specializes in the care of  critically-ill neurological patients.
At the completion of this clinical rotation, students will be able to:
  1. Recognize neurologic emergencies and the initial management of critically ill patients with neurologic disorders
  2. Perform a neurologic examination on a patient in a comatose state
  3. Understand the basics of neuroimaging, including CT, MRI, angiography (CTA/MRA/formal angiography)
  4. Have a fundamental knowledge of the common medications used in the neuroICU (eg sedation, antiseizure medications, antihypertensives)
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will evaluate ICU patients by gathering a detailed history and performing a neurologic examination. This will typically be done independently prior to rounds, then repeated in formal rounding with the student and attending. The student will take ownership over two-three patients .
  2. Give oral presentations - formally present patients, both new admissions and follow-up patients, on daily bedside rounds. Determine the plan for the day and relay it to the rest of the team on multidisciplinary rounds.
  3. Present one topic of interest to the team each week. Choose a topic that is relevant to a patient being followed by the student, and present an interesting paper or brief overview of the topic.
  4. Attend daily rounds with the attending and the team, which typically includes APCs, residents and nurses.
  5. Participate in training level appropriate neurologic procedures in the Neuro-ICU as the opportunity arises
Patient Encounters:
Students on this rotation will be expected to work up and/or follow the following minimum number of patients with the specified conditions
  1. Hemorrhage (ICH or SAH) - 2 patients
  2. Post-op neurosurgical patients - 2 patients
  3. Status epilepticus - 1 patient
  4. Traumatic brain injury
Feedback is typically given following daily patient presentations to allow for improvement the following day. It should also occur following presentation of a chosen topic.
More formal overall feedback should be solicited by the student at the end of the week. They will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:

3 - 9, 11
Yr 4 Status
Hurst, Rebecca

MDE 8804 Senior Elective in Neurocritical Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Christopher Melinosky
Assistant Professor
NeuroCritical Care
(610) 402-2161
Report to:
LVHN Cedar Crest
Neurocritical Care ICU
Jaindl 2nd Floor
Monday at 7:00 AM
This elective is designed as a preceptorship under the supervision of a neurocritical care attending. The student will become an integral part of a team that specializes in the care of  critically-ill neurological patients.
At the completion of this clinical rotation, students will be able to:
  1. Recognize neurologic emergencies and the initial management of critically ill patients with neurologic disorders
  2. Perform a neurologic examination on a patient in a comatose state
  3. Understand the basics of neuroimaging, including CT, MRI, angiography (CTA/MRA/formal angiography)
  4. Have a fundamental knowledge of the common medications used in the neuroICU (eg sedation, antiseizure medications, antihypertensives)
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will evaluate ICU patients by gathering a detailed history and performing a neurologic examination. This will typically be done independently prior to rounds, then repeated in formal rounding with the student and attending. The student will take ownership over one or two patients and can place orders, call consults, and manage the patient with the assistance of the attending physician.
  2. Give oral presentations - formally present patients, both new admissions and follow-up patients, on daily bedside rounds. Determine the plan for the day and relay it to the rest of the team.
  3. Present one topic of interest to the team each week. Choose a topic that is relevant to a patient being followed by the student, and present an interesting paper or brief overview of the topic. This can be done in any number of ways - formally with powerpoint, less formally with or without handouts.
  4. Attend daily rounds with the attending and the team, which typically includes APCs, residents and nurses. This is where imaging and cases are usually reviewed and the majority of teaching takes place.
  5. Attend educational activities as offered by the department of neurology and the neuro ICU, including grand rounds (Thursdays at noon), stroke conference (Friday at 7am), neuro ICU lecture series (every other Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm) and case conference (Friday at noon).
Patient Encounters:
Students on this rotation will be expected to work up and/or follow the following minimum number of patients with the specified conditions
  1. Ischemic stroke - 4 patients
  2. Hemorrhage (ICH or SAH) - 4 patients
  3. Post-op neurosurgical patients - 2 patients
  4. Status epilepticus - 1 patient
Feedback is typically given following daily patient presentations to allow for improvement the following day. It should also occur following presentation of a chosen topic.
More formal overall feedback should be solicited by the student at the end of the week (attendings change weekly). They will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:

 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Melinosky, Christopher

 MEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen Neuro
 Click here for additional course information
Mark Bolden
(484) 862-3175
Report to:
1250 Building, 4th Floor
Neurology Department
Monday at 7:15 AM
The elective is under the supervision of a Neurology attending. Students become an integral part of a team that cares for patients with various neurological diseases. There are opportunities for participating in research projects.
1. Master skills in obtaining neurological history and examination 
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis 
3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan
4. Become familiar with Neurology beyond the core requirements
5. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients 
6. Develop readiness for transition into residency
7. Learn to perform lumbar punctures
8. Learn basics of EEG and EMG/NCS
Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of general neurological disorders.
Rotation Activities:
1. Students will perform consults and evaluations of inpatients under direct supervision of attending and residents.
2. Students will care for their own panel of pateints under supervision of attending and residents.
2. Students will present at morning report and case conference.
3. Students will accompany their patients to different tests such as EEG and EMG.
4. Students will participate in daily rounds on inpatients.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course, based largely on clinical evaluations completed by all residents and faculty who work with them.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Prior approval of Dr. Varrato is required before scheduling this elective.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Varrato, Jay

 MEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen Neuro
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
TGH, 9th Floor
Room 941-A
Monday at 7:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Hurst. During this rotation, students will become an integral part of a team that cares of patients with various neurological diseases and be expected to function at the sub-intern level.
1. Master skills in obtaining a neurological history and examination 
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis 
3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan for patients presenting with common neurological conditions seen in the inpatient setting.
4. Learn how to manage patients presenting with neurological emergencies
5. Become familiar with Neurology beyond the core requirements
6. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients 
7. Develop readiness for transition into residency
8. Learn to perform lumbar punctures
9. Learn basics of EEG and EMG/NCS
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Students will evaluate patients in the emergency room and in the hospital under Attending and Resident supervision. They will take a detailed history of new patients and will be responsible for following and managing the patient they pick up.  Neurological examination skills will be taught to the students at the bedside.
2. Students will participate in neuroimaging, EEG, and EMG/NCS interpretation as applicable to their patients.
3. Students will attend and participate in weekly Neurology Morning Report sessions and weekly Neurology Didactic teaching sessions and weekly Neurology Grand Rounds. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will see a variety of common and uncommon neurological conditions such as headache, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease, myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barre syndrome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given. 
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending. 
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Hurst, Rebecca

 MEL 8671 Elect in Inpatient Gen Neuro
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
James A. Haley VA Hospital
7th Floor Room 7B-711
Monday at 7:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Alfred Frontera. During this rotation, students will become an integral part of a team that cares of patients with various neurological diseases and be expected to function at the sub-intern level. 
1. Master skills in obtaining a neurological history and examination 
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis 
3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan for patients presenting with common neurological conditions seen in the inpatient setting.
4. Learn how to manage patients presenting with neurological emergencies
5. Become familiar with Neurology beyond the core requirements
6. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients 
7. Develop readiness for transition into residency
8. Learn to perform lumbar punctures
9. Learn basics of EEG and EMG/NCS
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Students will evaluate patients in the emergency room and in the hospital under Attending and Resident supervision. They will take a detailed history of new patients and will be responsible for following and managing the patient they pick up.  Neurological examination skills will be taught to the students at the bedside.
2. Students will participate in neuroimaging, EEG, and EMG/NCS interpretation as applicable to their patients.
3. Students will attend and participate in weekly Neurology Morning Report sessions and weekly Neurology Didactic teaching sessions and weekly Neurology Grand Rounds. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will see a variety of common and uncommon neurological conditions such as headache, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease, myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barre syndrome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.   
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given. 
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending. 
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Frontera, Alfred

 MEL 8673 Elective in Epilepsy
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
TGH, 9th floor
Room 941-A
Monday at 7:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Selim Benbadis. During this rotation, students will become an integral part of a team that cares of patients with various neurological diseases and be expected to function at the sub-intern level
Students may do a two or four-week elective in the Tampa General Hospital Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, USF clinics at Morsani and the South Tower as well as time at the James A Haley VA Hospital Epilepsy Center of Excellence. The elective is designed as a preceptorship under the supervision of an epilepsy attending. The student will become an integral part of a team that specializes in the care of patients with refractory epilepsy. 
1. Students should understand the differential diagnosis of epilepsy
2. Students should understand the difference between the different types of seizures and epilepsy syndromes and their implications
3. Students will learn the basics of EEG interpretation
4. Students should know the basics of video-EEG monitoring including its role and limitations
5. Students will learn the medical management of epilepsy patients and will be able to select the appropriate medications for patients with different types of epiulepsy
6. Students will become familiar with identifying refractory epilepsy patients and will familiarize themselves with the non-medical treatments of epilepsy
7. Students will learn the pre-surgical approach to patients with refractory focal epilepsies
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Students will learn how to obtain a thorough epilepsy history and understand the spectrum of epilepsy syndromes.
2. Students will round with the Attendings (and Fellows when applicable) on the patients in the video-EEG monitoring unit daily.
3. Students will have the opportunity to understand the basics of electroencephalography by reviewing studies with the Fellows and Attendings daily.
4. Students will have several opportunities throughout the month to participate in Wada testing, which is used for language and memory lateralization.
5. Attendance at weekly epilepsy surgery conference is mandatory.
6. Interested students may also spend a few days at the pediatric epilepsy clinic and video-EEG monitoring unit at All Children’s Hospital based on availability.
7. Students may attend and participate in weekly Neurology Morning Report sessions and weekly Neurology Didactic teaching sessions and weekly Neurology Grand Rounds. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will see patients presenting with epileptic seizures and mimics of epilepsy such as psychogenic non-epileptic attacks (PNEA).  They will see patients in both the inpatient long-term video EEG monitoring unit and in the outpatient clinic setting. 
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given. 
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending.  
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Benbadis, Selim

 MEL 8674 Elect in Headache & Pain Med
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
USF Morsani Clinic
3rd Floor
Monday at 8:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Kavita Kalidas.  During this rotation, third or fourth-year medical students may spend a two or four-week elective participating in the Headache and Pain Clinics. The elective is designed as a preceptorship under the supervision of Neurologists and Headache and Pain Specialists. The student will become an integral part of a team that specializes in Headache and Pain Medicine. 
1. Students will understand the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with headaches and head pain.
2. Students will understand the acute and chronic management of migraines and other primary and secondary headache syndromes. 
3. Students will learn about the various oral and IV medications used to management headache patients.
4. Students will learn about the various interventional procedures used to treat headache disorders such as botulinum toxin injections, trigger point injections and peripheral nerve blockade.
5. Students will learn about other complimentary interventions used to treat headache and pain patients such as neuromuscular re-education/biofeedback, physical therapy, occupational therapy and psychological intervention.
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will learn how to obtain a comprehensive medical, neurological and headache history and understand the spectrum of headache syndromes.
  2. Students will learn how to do a detailed neurological examination under the supervision of the Attending physician. 
  3. Students will observe a variety of interventional procedures such as botulinum toxin injections, trigger point injections and peripheral nerve blockade.
  4. Students will have the opportunity to learn acute treatment of a variety of headaches by attending the Headache Infusion Suite.
  5. Students will become acquainted with the interdisciplinary therapeutic Headache and Pain Medicine Team including but not limited to neuromuscular re-education/biofeedback, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological intervention.
  6. Participation in Didactic Lectures and Journal Clubs is mandatory.
  7. Opportunities to participate in research projects are available.
Patient Encounters:
Students will see patient presenting with various headache and pain disorders in the inpatient and outpatient settings.  The majority of the rotation will be based in the outpatient clinics, but students may also see patients presenting with acute headache and pain issues on the inpatient service at TGH and at the Headache Infusion Suite.
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical history taking and physical examination skills will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given. 
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending.  
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Kalidas, Kavita

 MEL 8675 Elective in Movement Disorders
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
TBD (dependent on rotation schedule what site you will start at)
Monday at 8:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Theresa Zesiewicz.  All students enrolled in this elective must email Dr. Zesiewicz at tzesiewi@usf.edu at the start of the academic year.
During this rotation, third or fourth-year medical students may spend a two or four-week elective rotating through the outpatient clinics with each of the movement disorders physicians (Dr. Zesiewicz, Sanchez-Ramos, and Hauser). Students will also observe a movement disorder neurosurgeon, either in the OR or in clinic (Drs. Smith and Vale).
The elective is designed as a preceptorship under the supervision of the Movement Disorders Neurologists and Neurosurgeons. 

1. Students will understand the pathophysiology of common movement disorders.
2. Students will learn how to diagnose patients presenting with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonisms, Essential Tremor, Dystonia, Ataxias, Huntington’s disease and Tic disorders. 
3. Students will learn about the medical management of patients with movement disorders, including observing botulinum toxin injections.
4. Students will learn about the surgical management options (DBS) for patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease and dystonia.     
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will learn how to obtain a comprehensive medical and neurological history in patients presenting with movement disorders.
  2. Students will learn how to do a detailed neurological examination in patients presenting with movement disorders under the supervision of the Attending physician. 
  3. Students will observe the use of botulinum toxin injections in the treatment of certain movement disorders.
  4. Students will learn how to select appropriate patients for surgical treatment with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).
  5. Students will have the opportunity to observe clinical trial visits evaluating the efficacy of experimental drugs in treating various movements disorders.
  6. Opportunities to participate in research projects are available.
Patient Encounters:
Students see patients at the North and South Campus Movement Disorder clinics under the supervision of Drs. Zesiewicz, Hauser and Sanchez-Ramos.  Students will rotate with the Movement Disorders Neurosurgeons (Drs. Smith and Vale) either in the operating room or in their clinics.     
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical history taking and physical examination skills will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending.  
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Zesiewicz, Theresa

 MEL 8677 Outpatient Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Mark Bolden
(484) 862-3175
Report to:
1250 Building, 4th Floor
Neurology Department
Monday at 7:15 AM
With the course director's assistance, the student will construct a calendar of outpatient experiences which can include any or all of the following Clinics: Alzheimer's Disease;  neuro oncology; ; epilepsy; general neurology; headache ; neuro-muscular; multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease; and stroke. Selected reading will be advised. The course is designed to assist students who want a career in primary care or neurology as they prepare for outpatient delivery of care. 
1. Master skills in obtaining neurological history and examination 
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis 
3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan
4. Learn different pathology in outpatient neurology
5. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients 
6. Develop readiness for transition into residency
7. Learn basics of EEG and EMG/NCS
Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of general outpatient neurological disorders.
Rotation Activities:
1. Student will spend time in various outpatient settings under the direct supervision of attendings and residents.
2. Student will spend time evaluating patients on their own and presenting to attending.
3. Students will learn basics of EMG and EEG testing.
4. Students will perform neurologic exams and histories in presence of attendings.
5. Students will attend all necessary conferences. 
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course, based largely on clinical evaluations completed by all residents and faculty who work with them.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval of Dr. Varrato is required 3 months prior to the rotation.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Varrato, Jay

 MEL 8677 Outpatient Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
TBD based on scheduling.  Please contact Course Director and Mrs. Shereena Farrington at least one week prior to the start of the rotation.
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Hurst. During this rotation, students will become an integral part of a team that cares for patients with various neurological diseases encountered in the outpatient setting.  Students will be expected to function at the sub-intern level.  The course is designed to assist students who want a career in primary care or neurology as they prepare for delivering care in the outpatient setting.
The department may assign students to USF Clinics, the James A. Haley or Bay Pines Veteran's Hospitals, Moffitt Cancer Center, Harbourside Medical Tower, or Tampa General Hospital to complete this elective.
1. Master skills in obtaining a neurological history and examination
2. Actively participate in discussing differential diagnosis
3. Learn to create a comprehensive management plan for patients presenting with common neurological conditions seen in the outpatient setting
4. Become familiar with Neurology beyond the core requirements
5. Gain more independence in dealing with neurological patients
6. Develop readiness for transition into residency
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
1. Students will evaluate patients in the outpatient clinic setting under Attending supervision. They will take a detailed history of new patients and a focused history in follow-up patients.  Neurological examination skills will be taught to the students during their patient encounters.
2. Students will participate in neuroimaging, EEG, and EMG/NCS interpretation as applicable to their patients.
3. Students will attend and participate in weekly Neurology Morning Report sessions, weekly Neurology Didactic teaching sessions and weekly Neurology Grand Rounds. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will see a variety of common neurological conditions such as headache, neck pain, back pain, stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord disease, Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia and myasthenia gravis. 
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given. 
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending. 
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the Course Director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Hurst, Rebecca

 MEL 8678 Vascular Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Mark Bolden
(484) 862-3175
Report to:
1250 Building, 4th Floor
Neurology Department
Monday at 7:15 AM
This elective is designed to give fourth-year students more extensive exposure to the practice of Vascular Neurology. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to evaluate patients with known or suspected stroke syndromes in hospital and ambulatory clinical environments. Students will round with the Stroke Team in the hospital on the Vascular Neurology Service and see patients in the outpatient stroke clinics under the supervision of a Vascular Neurology Attending. The elective will provide students with a better understanding of the dimension of Stroke, which is a leading cause of disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States. Students will also get exposure to interventional neurology as it pertains to the management of ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage and gain experience in critical care neurology as it pertains to the management of patients with ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
1. Recognize the heterogenous nature of stroke syndromes and be able to differentiate them from non-stroke mimics
2. Apply principles of evidence-based medicine to cerebrovascular diagnosis and management
3. Evaluate the proper use of laboratory and neuroimaging studies in cerebrovascular diagnosis 
4. Appreciate the diagnostic and management algorithms in acute stroke intervention
5. Understand the principles of management of acute ischemic stroke
6. Understand the principles of management of acute hemorrhagic stroke
7. Identify risk factors and treatment strategies for primary and secondary prevention of stroke
Students will see patients at Cedar Crest hospital and  Center for Advanced Health Care. Upon completion of this elective, students should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of patients who have vascular neurological disorders.
Rotation Activities:
1. Students will spend time on stroke service evaluating acute stroke patients.
2.Students will perform evaluations of patients under direct supervision of residents and attendings.
3. Students will see patients in the outpt stroke clinic with a attending
4. Students will spend time rotating in the NSICU covering ICH and SAH pateints
5. Students will spend time in neuro IR evaluating acute stroke patients who undergo mechanical intervention. 
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course, based largely on clinical evaluations completed by all residents and faculty who work with them.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
The student must meet with the faculty member with whom they plan to work and/or Dr. Varrato to plan the elective prior to scheduling. 
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Varrato, Jay

 MEL 8678 Vascular Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
TGH 9th Floor Room 941-A
Monday at 7:00 AM
The elective is under the supervision of Dr. David Rose. During this rotation, third or fourth-year medical students may spend a two or four-week elective on the inpatient stroke service at Tampa General Hospital and in the outpatient stroke clinics at the South Tampa Center for Advanced Health Care.  Students will become an integral part of the stroke team and will be expected to function at the sub-intern level. 

1. Learn how to do a focused neurological history and examination and evaluate patients using the NIH Stroke Scale under the supervision of the Attending physician. 
2. Recognize the heterogeneous nature of stroke syndromes and be able to differentiate them from non-stroke mimics
3. Apply principles of evidence-based medicine to cerebrovascular diagnosis and management
4. Understand the principles of management of acute ischemic stroke, including the indications and contraindication for use of IV-TPA, IA-TPA and intravascular clot removal
5. Understand the principles of management of acute hemorrhagic stroke
6. Evaluate the proper use of laboratory and neuroimaging studies in cerebrovascular diagnosis
7. Appreciate the diagnostic and management algorithms in acute stroke intervention
8. Identify risk factors and treatment strategies for primary and secondary prevention of stroke.
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will evaluate patients presenting with stroke-like symptoms in the emergency room and inpatient settings under Attending and Resident supervision.  They will be responsible for following and managing the patients they pick up.  Neurological examination skills will be taught to the students at the bedside.
  2. Students will participate in interpreting neuroimaging studies as applicable to their patients.
  3. Students will evaluate patients in the outpatient stroke clinic where they will learn about secondary stroke prevention and modification of stroke risk factors.  The outpatient setting will also give them experience in longitudinal stroke care where they will gain experience with the chronic effects of stroke and the dynamic process of neuro-rehabilitation.
  4. Students will also get exposure to interventional neurology as it pertains to the management of ischemic stroke and subarachnoid hemorrhage (intravascular clot removal, intravascular aneurysm coiling, etc.).
  5. Students gain experience in critical care neurology as it pertains to the management of patients with ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  6. Students will attend and participate in weekly Interdisciplinary Stroke Conference, weekly Neurology Morning Report, weekly Neurology Didactic teaching sessions and weekly Neurology Grand Rounds. 
Patient Encounters:
Students will evaluate patients with known or suspected stroke syndromes (acute and chronic) in hospital and ambulatory clinical environments. Students will round with the Stroke Team in the hospital on the Vascular Neurology Service and see patients in the outpatient stroke clinics under the supervision of a Vascular Neurology Attending.  
Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical history taking and physical examination skills will be evaluated by the Attending and weekly feedback will be given.
2. Students will also be evaluated by the Residents they work with and weekly feedback will be given.
3. Home reading assignments may be given and assessed by the Attending.  
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the course director, based on clinical evaluations completed by all Residents and Attendings who worked with them

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Rose, David

 MDR 8800 Research in Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Shereena Farrington
Neurology Education Coordinator
(813) 974-4142
Report to:
Contact Dr. Charles Brock prior to start of rotation at cbrock@usf.edu.
This is a 2-week or 4-week elective for third or fourth year medical students under the supervision of Dr. Charles Brock. 
This elective course is designed for the student who is interested in furthering his/her neurological knowledge by concentrating on an area of clinical research with the expectation of reporting the results in a paper. The student will work directly with one or more departmental faculty members in researching the literature and collecting clinical data to answer a research question of the student’s choosing. Research can be conducted in several areas including: Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias, epilepsy and EEG, cancer and chronic pain, neuro-oncology, neurotoxicology, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders, neuro-muscular disease and stroke. The elective is offered with approval of the Chairman.
1. Students will learn how to do a literature review and how to critically examine and interpret scientific literature.
2. Students will learn how to formulate a research question and scientific hypothesis.
3. Students will learn how to plan a research study to evaluate their hypothesis.
4. Students will learn how to analyze data in order to evaluate their hypothesis.
5. Students will learn how to write a scientific paper presenting the results of their research.
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to learn and achieve the educational goals and objectives through the following methodologies and activities:
  1. Students will meet with the Course Director (Dr. Brock) prior to and at the start of the rotation to delineate a topic of interest and identify a Research Mentor (if not already identified).
  2. In conjunction with their Research Mentor, students will perform an in-depth literature review, formulate an hypothesis, design a research study to test their hypothesis, obtain any pertinent IRB approval, collect and analyze data and create a manuscript reporting their findings.
  3. Of note, given that the expectation of this course is that the student produce a publication based on their research, the time limits of this rotation usually imply that the student has already done previous work on the research project prior to enrolling in this elective.  
Patient Encounters:
The student’s final grade will be based on a review of their final manuscript by the Course Director and their Research Mentor.   
Students will receive feedback on their performance:
1. Through weekly assessments of their performance from their Research Mentor
2. Through feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation by the Course Director, based on a review of their final manuscript

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Brock, Charles

MEL 7320N Externship - Neurology
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999N Indep Study - Neurology
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MDI 8650 Neurosurgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Kelly Thompson, Neurosurgery Residency Program Administrator
(813) 259-0901
Report to:
Chief Neurosurgery Resident for morning rounds at 6:30 am on the first day
Neuroscience ICU 5th Floor at Tampa General Hospital
This will be a clinical experience in which the student will work under the supervision of the Residents and Fellows in Neurological Surgery, and the attending neurosurgeons at the College of Medicine. It will be based at Tampa General Hospital, as well as the USF Health Ambulatory Clinics located on the 3rd floor of STC. There will be a concentrated experience in the diagnosis and management of neurosurgical illness and active participation in the radiological, clinical, and teaching rounds.
This sub-internship elective will give fourth year medical students an opportunity to gain experience in both inpatient and outpatient neurosurgical care and procedures, working closely with attendings and residents at both TGH and USF Health-STC clinic.   Students will have the opportunity to:
  • Participate in the care of Cerebrovascular Disorders patients
  • Participate in the care of Brain Tumor patients
  • Participate in the care of Pediatric Neurosurgical patients
  • Participate in the care of Spine and Peripheral Nerve disorders patients
  • Participate in the care of Neuro Critical Care/ICU/Trauma patients
  • Participate in the care of patients undergoing neurosurgical Stereotactic and Functional procedures
  • Participate in minor procedures (LP, LD, EVD, arterial line, etc.)
  • Participate in the OR to open and close cases
  • Observe the key and critical portions of cases in the OR
Participate in outpatient clinic care of neurosurgical patients
Students will learn and apply the specifics regarding performing neurological exams; collecting an accurate and comprehensive medical history; presenting and discussing cases with faculty and residents; reviewing and interpreting diagnostic information, including lab work, x-ray pictures, CT and MRI images; presenting the case to residents and/or attendings to discuss differential diagnosis and formulate a plan of care.
Students will demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills through their interactions with patients and their family members, neurosurgical staff, and other members of the patient care team; operate in a manner that shows compassion, professionalism, integrity, and respectfulness; be open to educational opportunities, and receptive to constructive criticism from supervising personnel.
Students will participate in team-based learning exercises; perform literature and/or database searches on specific topics; identify ways to optimize patient care and resource use within the healthcare system; employ collaborative approaches that effectively and efficiently make use of healthcare resources.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in daily ward rounds and will be integrated into the ward management team. Participating students will be required to submit neurological histories and physicals and to follow their patients from the time of admission through surgery into the post-operative period and discharge.  Student participation in the operating room will be geared toward individual talents at the discretion of the operating surgeon.
Students will give a brief (15-20 minute) lecture on a clinical or research topic of their choice to both demonstrate and develop their presentation skills. 
Didactics: Students will be expected to attend Neurosurgery Conferences on Friday mornings from 7:30 - 9:00 AM, including Grand Rounds and Quality Assurance/Morbidity and Mortality Reviews. Unless otherwise assigned by Chief Residents, students are also encouraged to attend: resident education hour Fridays from 09:00-10:00am; Spine Conference Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00PM; Cranial Conference Thursday evenings from 5:00-6:00PM; and occasional journal clubs, courses, etc.
Patient Encounters:
Students will have the opportunity to work with patients in the outpatient clinics of USF Health’s STC Building, Tampa General Hospital’s Neuro-ICU, and Tampa General Hospital’s fifth floor inpatient care.
Encounters will include gathering detailed patient history; performing and/or assisting in patient evaluations and minor procedures with the direct supervision of a neurosurgical resident and/or attending.
At the conclusion of the rotation, the student should be quite familiar with and have a basic appreciation of the scope of neurosurgical practice and the approach to neurological emergencies. Students will be evaluated by a consensus of the faculty and fellows based on their ward performance, conference performance, and the quality of their histories and physicals.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
USF students are encouraged to enroll in period 2 or 3.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Alikhani, Puya

 MDI 8650 Neurosurgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
Report to:
LVHN Cedar crest
A subinternship in the field of neurosurgery encompassing emergent and elective procedures including brain and spine surgery
1. Describe common neurosurgical disorders
2. Be able to develop a differential diagnosis for a patient with neurosurgical disease
3. Assist in neurosurgical cases and procedures
4. Participate in daily rounds and evaluations of patients
Rotation Activities:
The student will be associated with neurosurgical surgeons whose patients' exhibit a wide spectrum of neurological problems, including brain and cord neoplasm and acute and chronic cranial and cordtrauma. Activities will include bedside neurological diagnosis, assisting in the neurological operating room, participating in rounds and observing angiographic and CT diagnostic procedures.
Patient Encounters:
Clinic, Operative, Floor, Intensive care
Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:

 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Jean, Walter

MDR 8650 Neurosurgical Research
 Click here for additional course information
Kelly Thompson, Neurosurgery Residency Program Administrator
(813) 259-0901
Report to:
Mark Greenberg, M.D., Program Director, unless specifically assigned to another faculty member for your research project. Please coordinate with Kelly Thompson at least one week prior to your first day to verify when and where to report.
This rotation is considered an introductory step for students who may be planning an academic course and can be tailored to the individual student's interests and needs.
Students will identify a specific research topic of interest, whether independently, or in collaboration with ongoing research in the Neurosurgery and Brain Repair Department. Students will work with a specific faculty member, appropriate to their area of interest.
Research proposals should be submitted to Dr. Greenberg and Kelly Thompson at least two weeks prior to the start of the course to ensure adequate time for review, revisions, and planning.
Create a preliminary outline of the depth and goals of their research period.
Review published literature pertaining to the clinical area or topic; evaluate and critique publications based on methodologies, procedures, potential areas of bias, and overall outcomes. Apply this information and evaluation method to their own research efforts at USF, to identify need for further studies or trials, i.e. justify the need for the current research project.
Familiarize themselves with the various methods associated with data collection, interpretation, and analysis.
Gain a general understanding of the opportunities, sources, and challenges associated with securing funding and resources for research.
At the end of the elective, students should be able to report on their research, including initial goals, contributions, findings, etc. 
Rotation Activities:
The student will be exposed to a variety of techniques currently used in neuroscience research including anatomic, behavioral, histologic, imaging, and physiologic assessment in laboratories currently emphasizing research in neural tissue transplantation, molecular biology, angiogenesis in brain tumors, and spinal biomechanics. Short clinical research projects can also be arranged if planned well in advance.
Patient Encounters:
Patient interaction will be limited, and non-clinical in nature. If the project proposal requires patient interaction the student should include a full explanation of the nature of the observation and/or encounters, along with a justification in the initial proposal.
Evaluation will be based on faculty assessment of the student's research productivity, including a final report submission explaining methods, findings, conclusions, unknowns, implications, etc.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Greenberg, Mark

MEL 7320V Externship - Neurosurgery
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999V Indep Study - Neurosurgery
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MDE 8162 Gynecologic Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. M. Bijoy Thomas
Report to:
Lehigh Valley Hospital Cedar Crest
Monday 6:00 AM  
Call chief gynecologic oncology resident to set up specific expectations and requrements
Students will be expected to demonstrate a level of skill inpatient care of both gynecologic oncology in-patients and outpatients comparable to an intern completing his/her first gynecologic oncology rotation. Student will demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern by completing all intern related administrative tasks under supervision of chief resident and assigned faculty mentor.
1. Will act as the primary provider (house officer): admit, develop management and diagnostic plan for the gynecologic oncology patient and have plan for initial orders for assigned patients
2. Will follow up on patient’s status and develops new management and diagnostic plans for assigned gynecologic oncology patient
3. Will be assistant surgeon for procedures as level of training allows
4. Will follow, round on, document upon, and present assigned patients on the gynecologic oncology service during daily rounds
5. Will manage a sufficient number of patients as a medical student to gain skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to function as the primary physician and demonstrate critical aspects of caring for oncologic patients
6. Will see patient in the ambulatory gynecologic office setting with faculty attending when assigned
7. Will participate in and develop and understanding for the principles of robotic surgery 
8. Develop communication skills regarding the care of complex patients with morbidity and cancer
9. Will research, prepare, and present a 15 minute oral presentation relating to a chosen gynecologic oncologic topic during the rotation
Rotation Activities:
1. The student will work with the Gynecologic Oncology team caring for patients on the wards, in the OR, and in the ambulatory clinic. As skill level allows, the student will: Work in clinics evaluating and examining patients and will report to chief resident and/or faculty. Clinics include gynecologic oncology private clinics and colposcopy clinic in Center for Women’s Medicine (CWM). Attend all operations and procedures assigned to the team, acting as intern to evaluate and help manage patients. Participate as acting intern in all assigned pre-operative and post-operative care and procedures.
2. Participate in new consults and emergency room evaluations as acting intern and be responsible for examining and evaluating gynecologic oncology patients who are admitted or develop problems during his/her time on service. The student will check out to the OB/GYN resident assigned to ward call or faculty on call.
3. The student will attend all conferences and lectures that the Gynecologic team intern is required to attend.
4. The student will be responsible for writing clinic and/or inpatient notes as assigned by chief resident and/or faculty.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be based on clinical performance in the role as acting intern to include assessment of charting skills, clinical diagnostic skills, ability to formulate differential diagnoses, oral presentation skills and oral presentation, and general work ethic. The student's ability and willingness to work as an integral part of the team will be assessed and emphasized. It will include:
Daily Inpatient Service clinical observation
Daily Ambulatory service clinical observation
Daily Surgical service clinical observation
Daily oral feedback
End of period oral feedback
Written feedback
Written evaluation by the chief resident and Gynecology Oncology faculty assigned to the team

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
  1 - 11
Yr 4 Status 
Thomas, M. Bijoy

 MDE 8164 Adv Ob/Gyn Milestone Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Michelle Huang
Report to:
Labor & Delivery, 3rd Floor Jaindl
Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar Crest
Monday 7:00 AM
Email the course director the week prior to the rotation for the schedule
This elective is designed for senior students who have chosen to pursue a career in obstetrics & gynecology.  It will specifically make sure the students meet the level 1 ACGME defined milestones.  Level 1 milestones are knowledge, skills, attitudes, and other attributes that ACGME expects that an incoming resident should have.  Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will obtain knowledge and skills that will help facilitate transition into residency.
1. Demonstrate basic knowledge of normal obstetrical care and common medical complications seen in pregnancy
2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of routine / uncomplicated intrapartum obstetrical care including induction and management of labor
3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of normal postpartum care
4. Demonstrate basic surgical procedures and basic gynecology office procedures
5. Demonstrates knowledge of basic abdominal and pelvic anatomy
6. Demonstrates basic knowledge of common ambulatory gynecology problems
Rotation Activities:
Students will undergo a curriculum that addresses each of the ACGME Level 1 Milestones. The milestones course will be taught and evaluated through simulation, clinical case scenarios, and case-based learning.  
Patient Encounters:
Students will be evaluated by performance on meeting the ACGME Level 1 Milestones.  This will be done through graded written tests, clinical case scenarios, and simulation exercises.  Grades will be determined based on these evaluations done at the end of the course.  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Huang, Michelle

 MDE 8165 Gynecology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patricia Irvine
Report to:
Lehigh Valley Hospital – 17th Street
Monday 7:00 AM
This elective is intended for those students who wish to obtain additional background in gynecology and gynecologic surgery. This course would be most beneficial to those considering training in obstetrics and gynecology. Requests for the elective may be preferentially granted to students who express a genuine interest in performing their ObGyn residency training at Lehigh Valley Health Network in the future. These students will learn to demonstrate a level of skill in-patient care of both gynecology in-patients and outpatients comparable to an intern completing his/her initial gynecologic rotation. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern by completing all intern related administrative tasks under supervision of gynecology resident and assigned faculty mentor.
1. Will act as the primary provider (house officer): admit, develop management and diagnostic plan for the gynecology patient and have plan for initial orders for assigned patients
2. Will follow up on patient’s status and develops new management and diagnostic plans for assigned gynecology patients
3. Will be assistant surgeon and/or participate in procedures as level of training allows
4. Will follow, round on, document upon, and present assigned patients on the gynecology service during daily rounds
5. Will manage a sufficient number of patients as an acting intern to gain skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to function as the primary physician and demonstrate critical aspects of caring for gynecology patients
6. Will see patient in the ambulatory gynecology office setting with faculty attendings when assigned
7. Will participate in and develop and understanding for the principles of gynecologic surgery
Rotation Activities:
1. Oral presentation at end of rotation
2. Attend OR cases assigned to you by chief gynecology resident  unless assigned to clinic that day
3. Gynecology Outpatient clinic four half days/ month
4. Each week, student will meet with an assigned clinical attending.  During this time, can go over questions on assigned readings
  • Week 1:  Discuss expectations, Set up personal objectives for month
  • Week 2:  H&P, Operative note, Postoperative Note, and Outpatient Note
  • Week 3:  H&P, Operative note, Postoperative Note, and Outpatient note 
  • Week 4:  Oral Case presentation & Demonstrate One Handed and Two Handed Knots  Final Evaluation
5. Complete Passport
6. Complete Log Sheet regarding surgeries 
Patient Encounters:

Written evaluation by the chief resident and gynecology faculty assigned to the team. Evaluation will be based on clinical performance in the role as acting intern to include assessment of charting skills, clinical diagnostic skills, ability to formulate differential diagnoses, oral presentation skills and oral presentation, and general work ethic. The student's ability and willingness to work as an integral part of the team will be assessed and emphasized. Completion of rotational procedure log will be required.
50% Attending/ Resident Evaluations
30% Case Presentation
20% Notes & Completion of Passport and Log

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Contact Dr. Irvine at lease one week in advance to set up the first day meeting to review expectations.
Students are allowed to miss one day without having to make the shift up.  Students must notify the gynecology rotation attending leader prior to any missed days. 
  4 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Irvine, Patricia

MDE 8168 Urogynecology Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Nabila Noor
Carolyn Botros
Report to:
Email the above contacts at least one week in advance to set up the first day meeting to review expectations and meeting locations. 
This elective is intended for those students who wish to obtain additional background in urogynecology and urogynecologic surgery. This course would be most beneficial to those considering training in obstetrics and gynecology. Requests for the elective may be preferentially granted to students who express a genuine interest in performing their ObGyn residency training at Lehigh Valley Health Network in the future. These students will learn to demonstrate a level of skill in patient care of both urogynecology in-patients and outpatients comparable to an intern completing his/her initial urogynecologic rotation. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern by completing all intern related administrative tasks under supervision of urogynecology resident and assigned faculty mentor.  
  1. Act as the primary provider (house officer): admit, develop management and diagnostic plan for the urogynecology patient and have plan for initial orders for assigned patients
  2. Follow up on patient’s status and develop new management and diagnostic plans for assigned urogynecology patients
  3. Assist surgeon and/or participate in procedures as level of training allows
  4. Follow, round on, document upon, and present assigned patients on the urogynecology service during daily rounds
  5. Manage a sufficient number of patients as a  sub-intern to gain skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to function as the primary physician and demonstrate critical aspects of caring for urogynecology patients
  6. See patients in the ambulatory urogynecology office setting with faculty attendings when assigned
  7. Participate in and develop and understanding for the principles of pelvic reconstructive surgery and the use of robotics and synthetic adjuncts
  8. Research, prepare, and present a 15 minute power point oral presentation relating to a chosen urogynecology topic during the rotation
Rotation Activities:
  1. Work with the urogynecology team caring for patients on the wards, in the OR, and in the office. As skill level allows, the student will: Work in office evaluating and examining patients in conjunction with resident and faculty. Ambulatory experience will focus on urodynamics, cystoscopies, and conservative treatment of incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Attend all operations and procedures assigned to the team, acting as intern to evaluate and help manage patients. Participate as acting intern in all assigned pre-operative and post-operative care and procedures.
  2. Participate in new consults and emergency room evaluations as acting intern and be responsible for examining and evaluating urogynecology patients who are admitted or develop problems during his/her time on service. The student will work with and check out to the OB/GYN resident assigned to urogynecology service.
  3. Attend all conferences and lectures that the urogynecology resident is required to attend.
  4. The student will be responsible for writing clinic and/or inpatient notes as assigned by urogynecology resident and/or faculty.
Patient Encounters:

Written evaluation by the chief resident and urogynecology faculty assigned to the team. Evaluation will be based on clinical performance in the role as acting intern to include assessment of charting skills, clinical diagnostic skills, ability to formulate differential diagnoses, oral presentation skills and oral presentation, and general work ethic. The student's ability and willingness to work as an integral part of the team will be assessed and emphasized. Completion of rotational procedure log will be required.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students are allowed to miss one day without having to make the shift up.  Students must notify the urogynecology rotation attending leader prior to any missed days. 
 2 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Noor, Nabila

 MDE 8180 Maternal-Fetal Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Daniel Kraus
Report to:
3900 Hamilton Blvd, Suite 201
Allentown, PA
Monday at 8:00 AM
The purpose of this rotation is to advance your knowledge in the area of Maternal Fetal Medicine. Below is the general outline of the requirements of the rotation. Your elective can be tailored; if there is something else you would like to gain exposure to, please do not hesitate to discuss this with your preceptor. 
Students will be expected to demonstrate a level of skill in patient care of both high risk obstetrical patients who are in-patients and outpatients comparable to an intern completing his/her MFM rotation. Student will demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern on MFM service by completing all related administrative tasks under supervision of assigned faculty mentor. 
1. Gain exposure and develop a comfort level with  inpatient management of MFM patients including antepartum patients in PNU  with obstetrical and medical complications and complicated patients on labor and delivery
2. Develop an understanding of the management of patients in the high-risk obstetrical clinic including those requiring pre-conceptual counseling, genetic counseling, and antepartum consultations
3. Become familiar with principles of perinatal ultrasound and associated procedures including amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, and PUBs
4. Learn about both maternal and obstetrical complication during pregnancy 
Rotation Activities:
1.  Dr. Kraus is the preceptor for the rotation, though it is expected that you will interact with the entire MFM staff. Students will meet with Dr. Kraus at the starting, mid-point and completion of the rotation. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING ALL MEETINGS WITH DR. KRAUS. He will contact you by email the week prior to the rotation with more specific instructions for the first day.
2. Students are expected to function as a member of the MFM team. The team consists of the MFM personnel including faculty, residents on the obstetrical and MFM services, nurse practitioners, genetic counselors, and the sonographers. The more you interact with the team and the greater initiative and interest you show, the better the experience will be for you.
3. When in the office, Students are expected  to:
  • Watch ultrasounds and all perinatal procedures
  • Participate in consults with the physicians, nurse practitioners, and genetic counselors
4. Students are expected to follow and participate in the care of designated antepartum patients. They will be assigned 1-3 patients to follow at any one time and are expected to assume “ownership” of those patients while they are inpatients. This includes rounding on these patients in conjunction with the appropriate resident and on-service attending, attending all counseling and ultrasound sessions, and contributing to management decisions of these patients.
5. Students will have the opportunity and be expected to see an appropriate distribution of patients (both inpatient and outpatient) that correlates with the attached list of common clinical situations that a perinatologist routinely encounters. Please document the patient’s name and medical record number for each patient type. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THAT YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CARING FOR A DIVERSE SELECTION OF PATIENT PROBLEMS WHILE ON THE SERVICE. These patients occur with enough frequency that you should have no problem completing this list during your rotation. Failure to complete this list may result in an incomplete rotation.
Students will be expected to present a 15-20 minute talk during the rotation. This presentation will occur either during ultrasound conference or morning report and can focus on a perinatal topic or an interesting patient seen during the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Daily Inpatient Service evaluation
Daily Ambulatory Service evaluation
Daily oral feedback
End of period feedback
Written feedback
Completed H&P on Antepartum MFM patient and  outpatient seen in High Risk Clinic or MFM office during rotation
Completed oral project (slide set)
Completed “antepartum” procedural passport

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Kraus, Daniel

 MDE 8181 Obstetrics Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Michelle Huang
Report to:
Labor & Delivery, 3rd Floor Jaindl
Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar Crest
Monday 7:00 AM
Please email the Course Director the week prior to obtain your schedule
The purpose of this rotation is to advance your knowledge in the area of inpatient obstetrics. Below is the general outline of the requirements of the rotation. Your elective can be tailored, however, if there is something specific to which you would like to gain exposure. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with your preceptor. 
Students will be expected to develop a level of skill for the in-patient care of obstetrical patients comparable to an intern on his/her obstetrics rotation. Student will demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern on obstetrics service by completing all related clinical and administrative tasks under supervision of assigned faculty mentor. 
1. Perform initial assessment of patients in the triage area by conducting history and supervised physical exams, participating in decisions regarding management, admitting patients as appropriate and counseling patients being discharged on necessary follow-up
2. In conjunction with residents and attending staff, perform ongoing assessment of intrapartum patients and manage their labor progress
3. Under supervision, perform vaginal deliveries and laceration repair
4. Participate in cesarean deliveries with level of participation appropriate for the level of training
5. Perform postpartum rounds with resident obstetrics team
6. May engage in antepartum teaching rounds 
Rotation Activities:
1. Faculty will be responsible for the student’s orientation and completion of the evaluation although it is expected that you will interact with other members of the General Obstetrics/Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine staff. The student will be expected to meet with their preceptor at the start, mid-point and completion of the rotation.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING ALL MEETINGS WITH YOUR PRECEPTOR so please contact the preceptor at the start of the rotation.
2. Students are expected to function as a member of the obstetrics team. The team consists of the resident staff (typically 1 PGY1, 1-2 PGY2, PGY3, PGY4), general ob/gyn attending physicians, laborist, MFM specialist, ED resident, third year medical students, CNM, and nurses.
3. Students are expected to follow and participate in the care of designated patients. S/he will be assigned 1-3 patients to follow at any one time and are expected to assume responsibility of those patients while they are inpatients. This responsibility includes initial assessment/evaluation, intrapartum management, rounding on these patients in conjunction with the appropriate resident and on-service attending, and contributing to management decisions of these patients.
4. Students will have the opportunity and be expected to see an appropriate distribution of patients that correlates with the attached list of common clinical situations that an obstetrician routinely encounters. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THAT YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CARING FOR A DIVERSE SELECTION OF PATIENT PROBLEMS WHILE ON THE SERVICE. These patients occur with enough frequency that you should have no problem completing this list during your rotation. Failure to complete this list may result in an incomplete rotation.
5. Students will be expected to present a 15 minute talk during the last week of the rotation. This presentation will occur during day shift or night shift and can focus on a perinatal topic or an interesting patient seen during the rotation. The topic of the presentation should be determined by the midpoint in the rotation and approved by the preceptor.
6. Students will be expected to participate in the education of the third year medical student either through creating a study handout, education tool or presentation at their weekly lecture.
Call Schedule:  
This course is setup with two weeks of dayfloat from Monday through Friday and two weeks of nightfloat Sunday night through Thursday night. Students may also need to use weekend call shifts to make up time missed during the rotation.
Students will attend neonatal and ultrasound conferences, grand rounds presentations, and possibly resident education series.
Patient Encounters:

Daily clinical observation from Inpatient Service
Daily oral feedback
End of period oral feedback
Written feedback
End of rotation oral exam with faculty
Faculty and Resident assessment
Completed notes – may be completed in epic and then reviewed by name and MR# by course faculty:  H&P on labor patient, intrapartum progress note, and postpartum note for SVD and C-S patients
Completed oral project to be presented in second half of rotation
Completed third year medical student educational experience
Completed procedural passport

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 4 - 11 
Yr 4 Status 
Huang, Michelle

 MDI 8162 Acting Internship in Gynecology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Patricia Irvine
Report to:
Lehigh Valley Hospital – 17th Street
Monday 7:00 AM 
Contact chief gynecology resident by email to get a list of assigned cases for the following day.
Students will be expected to demonstrate a level of skill in-patient care of both gynecology in-patients and outpatients comparable to an intern completing his/her initial gynecologic rotation. Student will demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of an intern by completing all intern related administrative tasks under supervision of gynecology resident and assigned faculty mentor. 
1. Will act as the primary provider (house officer): admit, develop management and diagnostic plan for the gynecology patient and have plan for initial orders for assigned patients
2. Will follow up on patient’s status and develops new management and diagnostic plans for assigned gynecology patients
3. Will be assistant surgeon and/or participate in procedures as level of training allows
4. Will follow, round on, document upon, and present assigned patients on the gynecology service during daily rounds
5. Will manage a sufficient number of patients as an acting intern to gain skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to function as the primary physician and demonstrate critical aspects of caring for gynecology patients
6. Will see patient in the ambulatory gynecology office setting with faculty attendings when assigned
7. Will participate in and develop and understanding for the principles of gynecologic surgery
Rotation Activities:
1. Oral presentation at end of rotation
2. Attend OR cases assigned to you by chief gynecology resident  unless assigned to clinic that day
3. Gynecology Outpatient clinic four  half days/ month
4. Each week, student will meet with an assigned clinical attending.  During this time, can go over questions on assigned readings and notes that are due
5. Weeknight call at Muhlenberg Hospital, covering gynecology and obstetrics   
6. Complete Passport
7. Complete Log Sheet regarding surgeries
8. Oral exam on readings
Week 1: Discuss expectations.   Set up personal objectives for month.
Week 2:  H&P, Operative note, Postoperative Note, and Outpatient Note.
Week 3: H&P, Operative note, Postoperative Note, and Outpatient note. 
Week 4: Oral Case presentation & Demonstrate One Handed and Two Handed Knots. 
Final Evaluation
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be based on clinical performance in the role as acting intern to include assessment of charting skills, clinical diagnostic skills, ability to formulate differential diagnoses, oral presentation skills and oral presentation, and general work ethic. The student's ability and willingness to work as an integral part of the team will be assessed and emphasized.   Completion of rotational procedure log will be required.
50% Attending/ Resident Evaluations
20% Case Presentation
20% Notes & Completion of Passport and Log
10% Oral Exam
Evaluation areas will include: 
Daily observation of Inpatient Service, Ambulatory, Surgery
Daily oral feedback
End of period feedback
Written feedback
Oral examination
Written evaluation by the chief resident and gynecology faculty assigned to the team

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status 
Irvine, Patricia 

 MEL 8420 Ob/Gyn Subspecialty Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Melissa Mancao
Report to:
South Tampa Center (STC)
6th Fl
Dr. David Rapkin
(412) 535-1873
This elective is offered to introduce the fourth year medical students to 2 subspecialties within the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The students will be supervised by the division directors. The student will work one-on-one with the subspecialist attending and/or fellow for individualize exposure to the subspecialty. The format will provide a clinical, procedural, and operative exposure to the subspecialty. When part of the Ob/Gyn track, an emphasis will be on scholarly concentration towards publication of a case report or on-going research in an Ob/Gyn subspecialty. Students must take MDI 8160 Ob/Gyn Acting Internship before enrolling in this course.
1. Provide an introduction and appreciation to an Ob/Gyn sub-specialty
2. Develop student independent interest and research in the sub-specialty
3. Provide the student with a clinical interactive opportunity with a sub-specialty attending
Subspecialties available in the following areas:
  • GYN Oncology
  • Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS)
  • Maternal Fetal Medicine
  • REI (Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility)
  • Outpatient Generalist Ob/Gyn
Rotation Activities:
The student will report to the subspecialty divisions which they have chosen/ at that time the best clinical experience will be discussed with the division members to obtain the most clinically active insight into the 2-week subspecialty rotation.
Patient Encounters:

The division director of each sub-specialty will be responsible for evaluating the student. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Contact Melissa Mancao at least two weeks prior to the start of the rotation. The department will accept 2-4 students per month in periods 7,8,9,10. The desired specialty may not always be available, thus students must meet with Dr. David Rapkin prior to the rotation to determine the specific subspecialty.
Ob/Gyn AI
Rapkin, David

 MDI 8160 Ob/Gyn Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Michelle Huang
Report to:
Labor & Delivery, 3rd Floor Jaindl
Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar Crest
Monday 7:00 AM
This course is for those students who wish to gain additional experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Requests for the acting internship will be preferentially granted to USF students who are pursuing a career in ObGyn and who need to complete the acting internship as part of their ObGyn track.  It may then be preferentially granted to students who express a genuine interest in an ObGyn residency, especially Lehigh Valley Health Network. The purpose of this rotation is to advance your knowledge primarily in the area of inpatient obstetrics. Below is the general outline of the requirements of the rotation. Your acting internship can be tailored, however, if there is something specific to which you would like to gain exposure. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with your preceptor.
1. Perform initial assessment of patients in the triage area by conducting history and supervised physical exams, participating in decisions regarding management, admitting patients as appropriate and counseling patients being discharged on necessary follow-up
2. In conjunction with residents and attending staff, perform ongoing assessment of intrapartum patients and manage their labor progress
3. Under supervision, perform vaginal deliveries and laceration repair
4. Participate in cesarean deliveries with level of participation appropriate for the level of training
5. Perform postpartum rounds with resident obstetrics team
6. May engage in antepartum teaching rounds
Rotation Activities:
Additionally the acting intern on this rotation will participate in ambulatory ob/gyn clinic with a designated faculty member.  In this setting, the patient should primarily focus on preconception consults, antepartum obstetric care, and postpartum follow-up.
1. Internship faculty will be responsible for the student’s orientation and completion of the evaluation although it is expected that you will interact with other members of the General Obstetrics/Gynecology and Maternal-Fetal Medicine staff. The student will be expected to meet with their preceptor at the start, mid-point and completion of the rotation.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING ALL MEETINGS WITH YOUR PRECEPTOR so please contact the preceptor at the start of the rotation.
2. Acting Intern is expected to function as a member of the obstetrics team. The team consists of the resident staff (typically 1 PGY1, 1-2 PGY2, PGY3, PGY4), general ob/gyn attending physicians, laborist, MFM specialist, ED resident, third year medical students, CNM, and nurses.
3. Acting Intern is expected to follow and participate in the care of designated patients. S/he will be assigned 1-3 patients to follow at any one time and are expected to assume responsibility of those patients while they are inpatients. This responsibility includes initial assessment/evaluation, intrapartum management, rounding on these patients in conjunction with the appropriate resident and on-service attending, and contributing to management decisions of these patients.
4. Acting Intern will have the opportunity and be expected to see an appropriate distribution of patients that correlates with the attached list of common clinical situations that an obstetrician routinely encounters. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING SURE THAT YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CARING FOR A DIVERSE SELECTION OF PATIENT PROBLEMS WHILE ON THE SERVICE. These patients occur with enough frequency that you should have no problem completing this list during your rotation. Failure to complete this list may result in an incomplete rotation.
5. Acting Interns will be expected to present a 15 minute talk during the last week of the rotation. This presentation will occur during day shift and can focus on a perinatal topic or an interesting patient seen during the rotation. The topic of the presentation should be determined by the midpoint in the rotation and approved by the preceptor.
6. The acting intern will participate in ambulatory ob/gyn clinic in a general ob/gyn’s office.  The day of the week may vary but the frequency will be approximately one half day weekly and ideally with the same provider to allow the student to have autonomy to see patients independently (with appropriate oversight) and to expand his/her clinical abilities and medical knowledge. In this setting, the patient should primarily focus on preconception consults, antepartum obstetric care, and postpartum follow-up.  
7: The acting intern is expected to complete/ discuss four APGO obstetrics topics with a faculty member.  The topics and questions are on L&D in the LRC in a binder. 
8. Acting intern will be expected to contribute to a medical student lecture to third year students.  They are expected to contribute a 10-20 minute portion of the lecture.  The topic will be decided upon with the student and the preceptor.
Call Schedule:  
This course is setup with two weeks of dayfloat from Monday through Friday and two weeks of nightfloat Sunday night through Thursday night. Students may also need to use weekend call shifts to make up time missed during the rotation.
Students will attend neonatal and ultrasound conferences, grand rounds presentations, and possibly resident education series.
Patient Encounters:

Clinical Evaluations - 50%
Oral Final Exam - 25%
Oral Presentations - 10%                                       
Obstetrical Passport - 5%
Written Notes - 5%
Oral Teaching Cases - 5%

Your Evaluation-The Specifics
  • Clinical Evaluation – The faculty that you work with will complete an evaluation through Evalue.  At the end of the rotation, the clerkship director collects feedback from the resident team that you worked with and creates a composite evaluation on Evalue   At the mid-term feedback and at the end of the rotation feedback we will ask for any additional faculty / residents that you wish to receive an evaluation. 
  • Oral Final Exam – You will be given an oral final exam at the end of your rotation covering obstetrics by two attendings.  The exam content will be based upon your experiences during your rotation and reading assignments. 
  • Oral Presentations - You will be responsible for an oral case presentation that you will give during obstetrical morning report to the residents, participating faculty, and medical students. You will give a 10-20 minutes lecture on a topic during the medical student lecture series.
  • Obstetrical Passport –You must complete and hand in a passport of activities.
  • Written Notes - You are required to complete a H&P weekly. Also a postpartum note for both a c-section and vaginal delivery. These notes can be typed or hand-written but should not be copied from EPIC.
  • Oral Teaching Cases - You will be assessed on weekly obstetrical teaching cases by residents and faculty.
Honors Eligibility
Students often ask about what preceptors look for in distinguishing the “average” from the “truly outstanding” or honors student.  In order to be eligible for an Honors grade, a student must achieve ALL of the following:
  1. Attain a honors grade on the final oral exam. 
  2. Receive outstanding clinical evaluations from the resident team and faculty.  Need to be consistently evaluated as a fourth year student or intern level.
  3. Demonstrate professional behavior at all times.
  4. Participate during scheduled activities except in case of an excused, documented absence.
  5. Complete all clerkship requirements.
  6. Adhere to the honor code.
Pass with Commendation Eligibility
In order to be eligible for an pass with commendations grade, a student must achieve ALL of the following:
  1. Attain a high pass or honors grade on the final oral exam. 
  2. Receive above average clinical evaluations from the resident team and faculty.  Need to be consistently evaluated as a beginning of fourth year, fourth year student, or intern level.
  3. Demonstrate professional behavior at all times.
  4. Participate during scheduled activities except in case of an excused, documented absence.
  5. Complete all clerkship requirements.
  6. Adhere to the honor code.
Pass Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a grade of Pass, a student must achieve All of the following:
  1. Attain a pass or higher on the oral exam. 
  2. Receive average evaluations (meet expectations) from clinical preceptors.
  3. Complete all clerkship requirements.
  4. Demonstrate professional behavior at all times.
  5. Demonstrate adherence to the honor code.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
  1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Huang, Michelle

 MDI 8160 Ob/Gyn Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Melissa Mancao
Report to:
South Tampa Center (STC)
6th Fl
Dr. David Rapkin
The Ob/Gyn Acting Internship is divided into one week of L&D Days, one week of L&D Nights, and two weeks of a single subspecialty elective. The L&D rotation is a concentrated clinical experience at Tampa General Hospital in the Bayshore Pavilion, Women’s Center - labor and delivery, ante-partum and postpartum area. All efforts are made to directly expose and incorporate the fourth year medical student as a member of the labor and delivery team. The acting intern will triage, admit, and deliver those patients to whom they have been assigned. Students will choose one subspecialty elective for two weeks.  The students will be supervised by the division directors. The student will work one-on-one with the subspecialist attending and/or fellow for individualize exposure to the subspecialty. The format will provide a clinical, procedural, and operative exposure to the subspecialty. When part of the Ob/Gyn track, an emphasis will be on scholarly concentration towards publication of a case report or on-going research in an Ob/Gyn subspecialty.
1. Advance and mature the knowledge base and clinical skills in the care of the obstetrical patient
2. Demonstrate the independence of developing an assessment and plan for patient care to be presented, reviewed, and agreed upon by the medical team
3. Acknowledge and demonstrate responsibility and professionalism to patients, team and staff
4. Actively participate in all patient care directly or indirectly, attempting to meet patient care and team needs at all times
5. Share knowledge, support, and compassion to patients, team, and staff
6. Reflect, study, read, and be prepared, demonstrating growth by the next shift
7. Ask for and appreciate constructive feedback
8. Have fun
9. Provide an introduction and appreciation to an Ob/Gyn subspecialty
10. Develop student independent interest and research in the subspecialty
11. Provide the student with a clinical interactive opportunity with a subspecialty attending.
Subspecialties available in the following areas:
Gyn Oncology
Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (FPMRS)
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility (REI)
Outpatient Generalist Ob/Gyn

Rotation Activities:
The student will be supervised by USF Department of Ob/Gyn clinical faculty and residents that are part of the labor and delivery medical team. The course will provide the student with a comprehensive exposure to the unique combination of medical and surgical care provided to patients during labor and delivery. The course will challenge the student to participate as an active member of the team, within the unique dynamics of labor and delivery. The student will report to the subspecialty divisions which they have chosen/ at that time the best clinical experience will be discussed with the division members to obtain the most clinically active insight into the 2-week subspecialty rotation.
Patient Encounters:
Students will be asked to manage at least 2 patients at all times when volume permits: Triage/ Labor and Delivery in conjunction with the resident team. 
Formal evaluation forms will be completed by the Labor and Delivery faculty and resident team members. The division director of each sub-specialty will be responsible for evaluating the student.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Contact Melissa Mancao at least one month prior to the start of the rotation. The department will accept 2-4 students per month in periods 2,3,4,5. The desired specialty may not always be available, thus students must meet with Dr. David Rapkin prior to the rotation to determine the specific subspecialty.
 1 - 5
Yr 4 Status
Rapkin, David

MDT 8010 EPA Course in Ob/Gyn
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Bri Anne McKeon
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are units of professional practice, defined as tasks or responsibilities that trainees are entrusted to perform unsupervised once they have attained sufficient specific competence. EPAs are independently executable, observable, and measurable in their process and outcome, and, therefore, suitable for entrustment decisions.
In this elective, 4th year students who plan to join an Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program will be exposed to, and assessed in, activities that all entering residents should be expected to perform on day 1 of Obstetrics and Gynecology residency.
The goal is to provide a smooth transition for the graduating student into their expected performance as an intern in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
This elective will take advantage of faculty expertise in key clinical skills and simulated and didactic activities to fulfill this goal.
References: 1. Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency, A Curriculum Developers Guide https://icollaborative.aamc.org/resource/887/ 2. Ten Cate O. Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities. J Grad Med Educ. 2013;5(1):157-158.
At the completion of this 2-week course, the student will be able to:
1. Gather an obstetric and gynecologic history
2. Perform a complete breast examination
3. Perform a pelvic examination including speculum and bimanual examination in a gynecologic patient
4. Perform a cervical exam in a pregnant patient including palpation of the cervix and accurate assessment of cervical dilation
5. Interpret a fetal heart rate tracing and initiate appropriate management
6. Perform and interpret of a wet mount for common obstetric and gynecologic complaints
7. Provide an oral presentation following a clinical encounter including assessment, differential diagnosis and plan
8. Perform and receive patient handoffs effectively to transition care
9. Perform standard maneuvers of a vaginal delivery
10. Identify and perform initial evaluation and management for common obstetric emergencies
11. Obtain informed consent for basic office and surgical procedures (IUD insertion, Dilation and curettage, Cesarean delivery, Bilateral tubal ligation)
12. Perform adequate counseling regarding contraceptive options
13. Demonstrate basic GYN surgical principles including patient positioning, prepping and draping
14. Demonstrate basic surgical skills including Foley catheter placement, knot tying and simple suturing
Rotation Activities:
Students on this rotation will be expected to participate in the following activities to meet the goals and objectives stated above:
 1. Attend a series of preparatory workshops including:
     a. Fetal heart rate interpretation and management
     b. Wet prep interpretation and management
     c. Vaginal delivery and perineal laceration repair
     d. Common obstetric emergencies including obstetric hemorrhage,
shoulder dystocia, umbilical cord prolapse, and fetal bradycardia
     e. Contraceptive options and IUD insertion
     f. Gynecologic basic surgical principles
     g. Effective patient handoffs
2. In a simulated environment, perform the following activities with observation and feedback:
     a. Breast examination
     b. Pelvic examination including speculum and bimanual exam for a
gynecologic patient
     c. Cervical exam in a pregnant patient with assessment of cervical
     d. Vaginal delivery maneuvers 
     e. Initial evaluation and management of obstetric hemorrhage,
shoulder dystocia and umbilical cord prolapse
     f. Informed consent for the following procedures: IUD insertion,
dilation and curettage, cesarean delivery, bilateral tubal ligation
     g. Contraceptive counseling
     h. Patient positioning, prepping, and draping for gynecologic surgery
     i. Foley catheter placement, knot tying and simple suturing
3. Answer mock calls/pages from nursing staff for common intern pages
4. Spend 2 half-days with an attending preceptor in the ambulatory setting (pending availability)
Patient Encounters:
Students on this rotation will have rotated on their Ob/Gyn Acting Internship (4 weeks) and Ob/Gyn Subspecialty Rotation (4 weeks) for a combination of inpatient and ambulatory obstetric, gynecologic and surgical experiences. Rotating through the Ob/Gyn Acting Internship and Ob/Gyn Subspecialty Rotation is a pre-requisite to this course. 
Evaluation of the student will reflect the overall performance on the rotation including history and physical examination skills, constructing differential diagnosis and oral presentations by the attending physician.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Ob/Gyn AI
No Limit
McKeon, Bri Anne

MEL 7320O Externship - OB/GYN
 1 - 9
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999O Indep Study - OB/GYN
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study
Oncologic Sciences

 MDE 7286 Flex Yr3 Elective in Onc Hosp Med
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Neha Verma
(813) 745-4108
Report to:
IHM Offices MCC 3170
Students will rotate on the Internal and Hospital Medicine (IHM) Inpatient service at Moffitt Cancer Center. The student will have exposure to problems such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, diabetes management, thromboembolic disease, transfusion medicine, and neutropenic fever within the context of the oncology patient. Students will also be exposed to managing cancer pain and be an integral part of end-of-life care discussions with patients and their families. The student will work directly with the IHM attending on the interdisciplinary teaching service. The interdisciplinary team consists of a resident, intern and AI in addition to social work, pharmacy, case management, and advance practice professionals. During the month, the student is expected to attend Afternoon Report, Noon conference, Grand Rounds and Board review sessions.
1. Introduction to comprehensive, interdisciplinary hospital-based care of cancer patients
2. Learn how to perform complete history and physical examinations
3. Master the art communication with writing a daily progress note as well as oral presentation
4. Develop a thorough differential diagnosis in a problem based fashion
5. Introduction to the management of many common inpatient medical problems/diagnoses
Rotation Activities:
1. Table rounds with teaching service daily
2. Participate in the daily care of patients and write daily progress note
3. Participate in lecture series, practice H&P skills, oral presentation/case report
Patient Encounters:
Daily 1-3
10-30 total
Evaluation of the student will reflect the overall performance on the rotation including history and physical examination skills, constructing differential diagnosis and oral presentations by the attending physician.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 12
None, Yr 3 only
Verma, Neha
Oncologic Sciences

 MDE 8150T Intro to Palliative Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Hannah Bromberg
Management Assistant
Maria Isaza
(813) 745-6853
Report to:
Hannah Bromberg, DO
This elective is designed to introduce fourth year medical students to palliative care in an oncology setting.  Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to rotate on the inpatient consultative service and in the outpatient palliative care clinic at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center.  This elective will provide students with experience managing the complex care of patients with advanced illness and at the end of life.  Students will be exposed to comprehensive interdisciplinary symptom assessment and management including chronic pain, dyspnea, nausea, constipation, anxiety, depression, insomnia and decreased appetite.  In addition, students will develop communication skills and techniques to break bad news and have meaningful advance care planning discussions.  
1. Describe the domains of palliative care and outline means to address each domain in seriously ill patients. (Structures and processes, physical, psychological and psychiatric, social, spiritual, cultural, care of the imminently dying patient, and ethical and legal aspects of care)
2. Recognize how to effectively asses and manage complex symptoms including dyspnea, nausea, constipation, anxiety, depression, insomnia and decreased appetite3. Describe the principles of pain management in patients with chronic life limiting illness
4. Describe how to work collaboratively to deliver comprehensive palliative care through an interdisciplinary team approach
5. Demonstrate patient-centered interview techniques when giving bad news or clarifying goals of care
6. Develop the communication skills to hold a successful family meeting and hold meaningful advance care planning discussions
7. Evaluate what is normal and expected in the dying process, how to address these symptoms and guide caregivers in their understanding
8. Distinguish the services of inpatient hospice versus home hospice and recognize which patients are appropriate for referral to each service
9. Recognize patients that would benefit from specialist palliative care referrral
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients on the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center palliative care inpatient consultative service and in the outpatient supportive care medicine clinics.  They will be directly involved in patient care by taking histories, performing physical examinations and developing an assessment and plan, and will have advance care planning discussions with patients and participate in family meetings.  Students will participate in weekly interdisciplinary team meetings, didactic lectures, monthly specialty conferences and the monthly Palliative Care Journal Club during their elective rotation. Student will participate in weekly required journal article reading (articles will be given) followed by discussion of the topic. Upon completion of this elective, students will be able to describe core principles of comprehensive palliative care and will be able to effectively recognize, assess and manage complex symptoms in the seriously ill patient.  Students will be able to effectively give bad news, discuss advance care planning, and identify symptoms common at the end of life and manage them.
Patient Encounters:

Students will see patients on the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center palliative care inpatient consultative service and in the outpatient supportive care medicine clinics.  They will be directly involved in patient care by taking histories, performing physical examinations and developing an assessment and plan, and will have advance care planning discussions with patients and participate in family meetings.  Students will participate in weekly interdisciplinary team meetings, didactic lectures, monthly specialty conferences and the monthly Palliative Care Journal Club during their elective rotation. Student will participate in weekly required journal article reading (articles will be given) followed by discussion of the topic. Upon completion of this elective, students will be able to describe core principles of comprehensive palliative care and will be able to effectively recognize, assess and manage complex symptoms in the seriously ill patient.  Students will be able to effectively give bad news, discuss advance care planning, and identify symptoms common at the end of life and manage them. 
Students will be evaluated based on clinical evaluations completed by the course director.  There is a graded oral presentation of a topic of interest in palliative care, graded by the attending physician.  Grades are determined by: 40% clinical evaluations, 25% assessment and completion of patient interviews/clinical notes and required journal article reading, 25% oral presentation and 10% professionalism.
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior Approval Required: Any interested student MUST meet with Dr. Bromberg to plan the elective.  Ideally this should be done at least 1 month prior to the start of the rotation. 
 4 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Bromberg, Hannah
Oncologic Sciences

 MDE 8292 Advanced Genitourinary Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Rachel Compitello
Management Assistant
Dr. Michael Poch
Report to:
Contact Dr. Poch prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the practice of Genitorurinary (GU) Oncology. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to fully integrate in the clinical aspects of GU oncology. Students will evaluate GU oncology patients in the outpatient setting as well as participate in the operating room and on the surgical wards. Students will become familiar with routine work up of GU malignancies, epidemiology, biology and clinical management of those diseases. For students participating in a 4-week rotation 1 week will be spent divided between GU medical oncology and GU pathology.
1. Evaluate patients with newly diagnosed GU malignancies or patients with risk factors for GU malignancies
2. Become familiar with routine operative management of GU malignancies as well as routine OR practices (sterile technique, suture placement, tying knots) and relevant operative anatomy
3. Learn routine post-operative care, including the surgical ward, of patients undergoing surgery for GU malignancies
4. Learn patient – physician skills of effective communication focusing on “delivering bad news”, surgical consent, and integration of patient preferences for care plans
5. Participate in GU Tumor Board and Journal Club
6. Prepare one topic with GU Oncology for presentation at weekly GU tumor board (10 minutes)
Rotation Activities:
Clinical activities – GU Oncology Clinic – Surgery/Medical Oncology, Pathology, Operative Experience
Patient Encounters:

1. Medical Knowledge and Practice Based Learning - Does the medical student apply knowledge to the clinical situations?
2. Patient Care - Does the medical student actively participate in patient care?
3. Professionalism - Does the medical student act professionally (arrive on time, well groomed, act appropriately)?
4. Communication - Does the medical student communicate effectively with attending staff, resident/fellows, nurses and supportive staff and with patients as well?

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Surgical Care
Poch, Michael
Oncologic Sciences

 MDE 8633 Thoracic Surgical Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Jacques Fontaine
Report to:
Nancy Niles
(813) 745-7640
This elective is designed to provide exposure to the presentation, evaluation and treatment of patients with lung and esophageal cancer as well as less frequent complex thoracic malignancies.  The student will gain exposure in the operating room and become familiar with the anatomy chest and cardio-pulmonary physiology.  Under the supervision of the clinical faculty, and in conjunction with surgical residents and fellows, the student will be fully integrated in the surgical team and be expected to make daily rounds on patients in the intensive care and ward, participate in the operating room and evaluate pre-op and post-op patients in clinic.  From a didactic stand-point the student will join the surgical team in conference and multi-disciplinary tumor boards.
1. Conduct independently (but under supervision) an efficient consultation of a patient presenting to clinic with a thoracic malignancy
2. Present in a concise, reliable and organized manner patient data during rounds, in tumor board and in clinic
3. Interpret basic Chest Xray and Chest CT Scan images and findings
4. Demonstrate solid knowledge of chest anatomy and cardio-pulmonary physiology
5. Demonstrate proficiency in the following technical skills: bronchoscopy, sub-cuticular stitching, flawless knot-tying, basic thoracoscopy, basic robotic manoeuveurs, insertion/removal of chest tubes
Rotation Activities:
Participation in the operating room and seeing patients in clinic
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated by the course director at the end elective, based on clinical evaluations completed by the faculty surgeons as well as the surgical resident/fellow and mid-level providers on service that month. The student will be expected to complete an oral presentation of a topic of interest by the 4th week of their rotation.  Grades are determined by: 75% clinical evaluations and 25% oral presentation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Surgical Care
Fontaine, Jacques
Oncologic Sciences

 MDE 8646 Head and Neck Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Kristen J. Otto
Leanne Vorasse, Management Assistant
(813) 745-2675
Faculty include: Kristen J. Otto, MD (course director), Jimmy J, Caudell, MD, PhD (Radiaiton Oncology), and Kedar Kirtane, MD (Medical Oncology)
Report to:
Contact Dr. Otto prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
This elective is designed to give medical students an experience with multidisciplinary cancer care for Head and Neck Oncology patients.  In the surgicalportion of the rotation, , students will have the opportunity to observe and assist in Head and Neck cancer resection and reconstructive operations (including microvascular reconstruction), participate in surgical and multidisciplinary clinics, and attend tumor board conferences, and participate in patient management with the in-patient Otolaryngology team.  The student will also be provided with some general Otolaryngology training both in the clinical setting and in the form of didactic lectures.  Students will also have the opportunity to rotate in the Head and Neck Radiaiton Oncology and Head and Neck Medical Oncology clinics in order to observe and partake in the full gamut of Head and Neck Cancer  Care. The rotation will take place at Moffitt Cancer Center main campus.
1. Develop an understanding of the clinical applications of head and neck anatomy
2. Practice taking a history on a complex head and neck cancer patient, learn the salient symptoms associated with head and neck cancer
3. Practice head and neck physical examination skills
4. Develop an appreciation for multidisciplinary care of the oncology patient
5. Participate in complex head and neck surgical and reconstructive cases
6. Learn basic postoperative head and neck patient assessment including assessment of flap viability
7. Participate in team rounds and in-patient management with the Head and Neck Oncology team
8. Learn the basic priniciples involved in Head and Neck radiation planning
9. Learn the basic principles involved in chemotherapy, clinical assessment and evaluation of toxicities in Head and Neck cancer patients
Rotation Activities:
Two-week rotation in Head and Neck Surgery
On- week rotation with Head and Neck Radiation Oncology
One-week rotation with Head and Neck Medical Oncology
We will modify accordingly for students interested in two-week rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the rotation, with input from faculty members and residents and fellows with whom the student has worked.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Otto, Kristen
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 8831 Surgical Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. John Kiluk
Report to:
Email John.Kiluk@moffitt.org prior to the rotation for instructions
This elective is designed for medical students who wish to gain an in depth experience in surgical oncology. The course is based at the Moffitt Cancer Center, a comprehensive cancer center designated by the National Cancer Institute. Students would be offered their choice of disease sites to focus their rotation on that include: Breast, GI, GU, GYN, Head and Neck, Cutaneous, or Thoracic. Students would be expected to participate in every aspect of patient care including: outpatient clinics, operative procedures, inpatient rounds, and tumor boards.
1. Expose students to the role of the surgeon in the diagnosis, management, and surveillance of cancer patients
2. Expose students to the importance other disciplines (medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology, etc) play in the management of cancer patients
3.  Introduce students to various emotional responses of patients to cancer and how best to manage these responses
4. Expose students to the basics of clinical research in the care of cancer patients
5. Educate students on advantages and disadvantages to different diagnostic tests, surgical choices, chemotherapy regimens, radiation, and screening techniques
Rotation Activities:
The student will be assigned to work with surgeons based on disease sites. These sites include: Breast, GI, GU, Cutaneous, or Thoracic. Students may elect to spend four weeks with one site or two weeks with two different sites. Students would be expected to participate in every aspect of patient care including: outpatient clinics (surgical as well as 2 days of medical oncology and 2 days of radiation oncology), procedures, inpatient rounds, and tumor boards.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated by the course director at the end of the course. The evaluation will be based upon feedback and written evaluations of the student's clinical performance by the attending surgeons that the student worked with. The course will be designed to be satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Prior Approval Required: Students interested in a Surgical Oncology elective at Moffitt need to contact John Kiluk to plan their rotation. Timing of the elective may be dependent on availability of faculty that can be influenced by national meetings and vacations.  
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Kiluk, John 
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 8308 Ambulatory Hematology-Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Michael Jaglal
Report to:
Email Dr. Jaglal prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
The objective of this elective is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the principles of medical management evaluation and management of hematologic and cancer related problems in the outpatient setting. Students will participate with hematology/oncology fellows and faculty members in the care of patients seen at the H. L. Moffitt Cancer Center James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa General Hospital and/or University of South Florida. There will be scheduled conference activities in which the student will participate. The student will see approximately 10 -12 established and 3-5 new patients per week. The student will be required to present and discuss, in depth, patient evaluation and management issues The student will be evaluated on the basis of the adequacy of patient evaluation and case presentations.
The clinical experience should allow the student to gain additional knowledge and experience in the following areas:
1. Morphology, physiology, and biochemistry of blood, bone marrow, lymphatic tissue and spleen
2. Etiology, epidemiology, natural history, diagnosis, pathology, staging and management of a wide variety of neoplastic and hematologic disorders
3. Chemotherapeutic drugs, growth factors and their mechanisms of action, clinical indications, and limitations
4. Students should be able to recommend when to order diagnostic tests and be able to interpret the laboratory test results
5. Pain management, palliative care and psychosocial management of patients with hematologic and neoplastic disorders 
Rotation Activities:
Noon Lectures
Tumor Boards
Patient Encounters:

Students will receive an evaluation by their preceptor.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Please contact Lorie Jennings and Dr. Michael Jaglal at least one month prior to the rotation.
 3-6, 8 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Jaglal, Michael
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 8309 Inpatient Hematology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Michael Jaglal
Report to:
Email Dr. Jaglal prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
The objective of this elective is to attain a solid understanding of the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic studies and management of malignant hematological disorders, hematologic complications of malignant diseases, and hematologic consequences of cancer chemotherapy. The student will serve as an acting intern on the inpatient hematology service and will have extensive contact with the attendings of the division who will provide the basic tutorial supervision in the Hematology Conferences. The students will be required to participate in teaching and patient care rounds, special patient care conferences, and scheduled hematology/oncology-related teaching conferences. The students also will be introduced and exposed to the specialized research projects occurring in the division as well as to the special laboratory evaluation procedures used in hematology. The students will be expected to prepare a literature review on a specified topic for presentation. The faculty will complete performance evaluations based on the clinical discussions and didactic presentations by the student and on the performance of the student in patient care-related activities
The clinical experience should allow the student to gain additional knowledge and experience in the following areas:
1. Morphology, physiology, and biochemistry of blood, bone marrow, lymphatic tissue and spleen
2. Etiology, epidemiology, natural history, diagnosis, pathology, staging and management of a wide variety of neoplastic and hematologic disorders
3. Chemotherapeutic drugs, growth factors and their mechanisms of action, clinical indications, and limitations
4. Assessment of tumor imaging by CT, MRI and nuclear imaging techniques
5. Multiagent chemotherapy protocols and combined modality therapies
6. Management of neutropenia and immunocompromised patients
Rotation Activities:
Rotate on inpatient hematology team at Moffitt Cancer Center
Patient Encounters:
At least 20
Based on evaluation by attending on inpatient hematology

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Please contact Lorie Jennings and Dr. Michael Jaglal at least two months prior to the rotation.
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Jaglal, Michael
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 8362 Infect-Cancer/Bone Marrow
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Aliyah Baluch
Gwen Mitchell
Management Assistant, Infectious Diseases
Report to:
Email Dr. Baluch prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
Bone Marrow Transplant Infectious Disease (BMT ID) rotation is conducted at Moffitt Cancer Center.  The BMT ID service includes standard infections such as bacteremia, UTIs, and pneumonia. The patients can come from the community or from the inpatient service. As with the other sites for ID rotations, the BMT ID service utilizes a team approach headed by an Infectious Diseases attending on service and a variety of potential team members such as an ID fellow.  In addition to participating in bedside consultative rounds evaluating patients, there are daily didactic teachings.  The student’s progress during the elective rotation will be assessment during bedside and teaching rounds by the attending.  Teaching rounds include both general ID topics and bone marrow transplant related topics.  There are weekly assigned current topics discussed in an informal mini-Journal Club style.  Microbiology rounds are ad hoc depending on the cases of the day, but at a minimum an extended tour is offered of the lab, especially as there is cutting technology being used on a daily basis.
1. Provide fundamental information that allows for the assessment and treatment of an infectious disease
2. Obtain an appreciation for the evolution of a patient’s care while in the hospital and understand how antimicrobial usage can affect it
3. Gain insight into the process of selecting antimicrobials and creating durations of therapy
Rotation Activities:
The main component of the rotation is daily rounds with the multidisciplinary team of an ID fellow, ID trained pharmacist and the dedicated BMT ID attending.  Prerounding is expected of the rotating student with the goal of table rounds at 1:30 pm.  If there are BMT relevant meetings during the rotation, the team will attend and actively participate.  On a daily basis, integration of basic ID tenements and the higher level aspects pertinent to transplant will be discussed.  The BMT ID team often will go to the microbiology lab to review samples of the service patients.  Participation in the monthly interdisciplinary microbiology rounds is also required.  Additional research projects are available on request during the rotation.    
Patient Encounters:
There are 3 distinct types of patients on the service.  The BMT CI service includes autologous transplants, allogeneic transplants and immunotherapy recipients like CAR T.  BMT ID is also consulted for HIV as well as infections related to the immunosuppressed (CMV, EBV, BK, adenovirus, etc).  

Midway through the elective, there will be an informal evaluation process to allow the student to get early feedback as to the issues pertinent to an ID consultative service.  A formal evaluation will be undertaken at the end of the rotation where written comments are communicated to the student.  As mentioned above, daily feedback is often given back on the process of presentation skills and formulation of a good differential diagnosis from an ID perspective.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Baluch, Aliyah
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 8366 Adult Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Immunotherapy
 Click here for additional course information
Melinda Smith
(813) 745-3945
Dr. Farhad Khimani

Report to:
Contact Dr. Nieder prior to the start of the rotation for instructions on where to report.
This will predominantly be an outpatient rotation focused on the evaluation of patients needing a blood & marrow transplant or Cellular Immunotherapy. The student will be exposed to a wide variety of malignant disorders for which transplantation or cellular therapy has been requested.  The student will work with attending physicians in our BMT-CI clinics. New patients will be evaluated, patients will be undergoing active follow-up and patients will be undergoing outpatient transplant and outpatient cellular therapy. 
Some students may wish to spend time on the Inpatient BMT or Cellular Therapy setting. In this setting, the student will assist hematology/oncology fellows in the primary care of patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation or cellular immunotherarpy.  The student will be expected to attend daily teaching and work rounds, as well as teaching and research conferences. The student's ability to perform and present thorough histories and physical exams will be evaluated. The student's verbal and written patient progress reports will also be evaluated daily at morning rounds. Faculty will monitor student progress and give ongoing feedback throughout the elective. No written examination will be given although an evaluation of the student's performance will be available at the end of each rotation.
1. Have an understanding of the process of bone marrow transplantation and cellular immunotherapy.  Learn about the associated immunobiology of immune recovery after transplantation or cellular immunotherapy
2. Identify the different types of transplantation (syngeneic, allogeneic, and autologous) and the diseases in which each type of transplantation may play a role in therapy. Identify when Cellular Immunotherapy is a preferred treatment
3. Identify common problems related to cellular immunotherapy & marrow transplantation such as cytopenias; infectious complications; nutrition and electrolyte imbalance; renal, cardiac, and pulmonary insufficiencies; graft vs. host disease, and Cytokine Release Syndrome; as well as outline current medical means to support patients until marrow and immune recovery
Rotation Activities:
Actively participate in the evaluation and care of patients  in the Outpatient BMT CI Clinics and Treatment Center
Optional Inpatient care is available for those students who wish to rotate
Patient Encounters:

No written test; Attending physicians will provide feedback

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care
Khimani, Farhad
Oncologic Sciences

 MEL 7740 Radiation-Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Angie Courtney
Report to:
Angie Courtney
MCC 4035
(813) 745-8535
The Department of Radiation Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, provides comprehensive, patient-oriented care for all types and stages of cancer using the most technically advanced equipment with concern for quality of life and education. This elective is an introduction to basic Radiation Oncology with emphasis on clinical service designed to provide a background for students planning to practice in related oncology fields or in Radiation Oncology. Students will be assigned to one or two preceptors and will learn about the various Radiation Oncology applications to a wide range of disease sites. The clinic rotations will be designed at a level of learning for medical students. During the rotation students will be supervised and instructed on a one-to-one basis by their preceptor(s), residents, fellows and other qualified faculty responsible for teaching and evaluation. In addition, students will attend regularly scheduled tumor board conferences and didactic programs as assigned by their preceptor(s).
1. Medical Students will participate in all aspects of Radiation Oncology including clinical treatment planning, treatment delivery, medical physics, dosimetry, simulation, and port film evaluation.
2. Students will understand the natural history of cancers, the role of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer, general principles of oncology, basic radiation safety, multidisciplinary patient care, specialized treatment procedures, clinic structure and supportive care.
3. Students will learn how to conduct a thorough history and physical examination and how to examine patients to assess tumor response and progression.
4. To enhance the clinical experience and further knowledge, students will be required to do some reading of textbooks and the medical literature as assigned by their preceptor(s).
Rotation Activities:
1. Read at least 10 pertinent articles from the medical literature
2. Attend all departmental conferences and multidisciplinary conferences with the preceptors
3. Participate in simulations, procedures, follow-ups, on treatment visits and treatment planning
4. Present a 15 minute PowerPoint talk on a topic defined with the assistance of the faculty preceptor
Patient Encounters:

At the completion of the elective, training faculty and students will complete performance evaluations.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 6
Yr 4 Status
Frakes, Jessica
Oncologic Sciences

MEL 7320G Externship - RadiationOncology
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Oncologic Sciences

MEL 9999G Indep Study - RadiationOncology
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MEL 8501 Medical Ophthalmology
 Click here for additional course information
Raymond Budd
Academic Services Administrator
(813) 974-4835
Report to:
USF Eye Institute Administrative Offices
1st Floor FOB
First day of rotation
This course teaches the ophthalmic signs and symptoms of systemic medical disease through lectures and patient examination. It includes participation in clinics as well as observation of ophthalmic surgery. Students are expected to attend departmental teaching conferences. They must present and discuss an interesting patient they have seen during their rotation at our case conference during the last week of their rotation. The course is oriented to those students who are primarily interested in the specialty of ophthalmology. 
Students will have basic knowledge of the anatomy, clinical exam, and pathology of diseases affecting the eye.  
Rotation Activities:
Attendance in clinics and surgeries of subspecialties
Patient Encounters:

Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the attendings and a weekly feedback will be given
2. Students will get weekly assessments of their performance
3. Students will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)
Bhaleeya, Swetangi

 MEL 8501 Medical Ophthalmology
 Click here for additional course information
Robert Thompson, Practice Manager
LVPG Ophthalmology
(610) 969-2343
Report to:
To be determined by practice manager prior to start of elective
Students will rotate through an outpatient ophthalmic office and will be exposed to general ophthalmology.  Students will learn how we use ophthalmic equipment and how to perform basic ophthalmic exam including direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy.  Students will learn how various medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension affect the eyes.  Students will also learn how to recognize and treat primary ophthalmic conditions including dry eye syndrome, cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
1. Learn how medical conditions affect the eyes
2. Identify and treat basic ophthalmic conditions
3. Perform a basic eye exam, including slit lamp exam, direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
4. Learn basics of ophthalmic equipment including topography, biometry, and visual field testing
5. Learn how to triage ophthalmic complaints and learn when to refer and when to treat in a primary care setting
Rotation Activities:
Outpatient care of patients with attention to basic exam components and equipment
Patient Encounters:

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior Approval is Required.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Saad, Christine

 MEL 8506 Cornea/External Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Raymond Budd
Academic Services Administrator
(813) 974-4835
Report to:
USF Eye Institute Administrative Offices
1st Floor FOB
First day of rotation
This course is designed for students interested in ophthalmology as a career. Students will participate in the cornea/external disease service. The course includes participation in cornea clinics and observation of corneal surgery. Clinical and laboratory methods used in the diagnosis and treatment of external diseases of the eye will be presented. Attendance at departmental conferences will be expected, and independent reading and investigation is encouraged. In the last week of the rotation, students are required to present and discuss a patient they have evaluated during the course at the departmental case conference. 
Students  will have basic knowledge of the anatomy, clinical exam, and pathology of diseases affecting the cornea.  
Rotation Activities:
Attendance in clinic and surgeries
Patient Encounters:

Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the attendings and a weekly feedback will be given
2. Students will get weekly assessments of their performance
3. Students will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
1 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)
Espana, Edgar

 MEL 8507 Retinal Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Raymond Budd
Academic Services Administrator
(813) 974-4835
Report to:
USF Eye Institute Administrative Offices
1st Floor FOB
First day of rotation
This course is designed for students interested in ophthalmology as a career. Students will participate in the retinadisease service. The course includes participation in retina clinics and observation of retina surgery. Clinical methods used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the retina will be presented.  Attendance at departmental conferences will be expected, and independent reading and investigation is encouraged. In the last week of the rotation, students are required to present and discuss a patient they have evaluated during the course at the departmental case conference. 
Students  will have basic knowledge of the anatomy, clinical exam, and pathology of diseases affecting the cornea.  
Rotation Activities:
Attendance in clinic and surgeries
Patient Encounters:

Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the attendings and a weekly feedback will be given
2. Students will get weekly assessments of their performance
3. Students will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
1 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)
Bhaleeya, Swetangi

 MEL 8507 Retinal Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Robert Thompson, Practice Manager
LVPG Ophthalmology
(610) 969-2343
Report to:
To be determined by practice manager prior to elective
Students will evaluate patients with diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, senile macular degeneration, retinal detachments, intraocular tumors, and uveitis at the USF Eye Institute using direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy and slit lamp examination of the fundus. Students will learn the interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography and ultrasonography. They will participate in argon and krypton laser photocoagulation, intraocular injections, scleral buckles, vitrectomies, and radiation plaque therapy. For those interested in ophthalmology as a career, this course is an opportunity to learn the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic techniques used in eye care today. Those interested in family practice, internal medicine, geriatrics, and endocrinology will see the retinal pathology most often encountered in their future specialty and learn the resources that are available for evaluation and treatment. In the last week of the rotation, the student is required to present and discuss a patient they have evaluated during the course at the departmental case conference.
1. Learn how medical conditions affect the retina
2. Identify and treat basic retina conditions
3. Perform a basic eye exam, including slit lamp exam, direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
4. Learn basics of ophthalmic equipment including topography, biometry, and visual field testing
5. Learn how to triage retinal complaints and learn when to refer and when to treat in a primary care setting
Rotation Activities:
Outpatient care of patients with retinal pathophysiology
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be determined by daily performance observed during the 4-week elective period. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Kazahaya, Masayuki

 MEL 8509 Glaucoma
 Click here for additional course information
Raymond Budd
Academic Services Administrator
(813) 974-4835
Report to:
USF Eye Institute Administrative Offices
1st Floor FOB
First day of rotation
This course is designed for students interested in ophthalmology as a career. Glaucoma is one of the most common clinical problems ophthalmologists encounter. Its diagnosis and treatment will be taught through participation in clinics and surgery. Attendance at departmental conferences is expected as is independent reading. Participation in a research project is encouraged. During the last week of the rotation, presentation of an interesting patient or the results of a research project at the departmental teaching conference is required.
Students will have basic knowledge of the anatomy, clinical exam, and pathology of the disease of glaucoma.
Rotation Activities:
Attendance in clinics and surgeries
Patient Encounters:

Students on this rotation will be evaluated through the following methods:
1. Clinical History taking and examination will be evaluated by the attendings and a weekly feedback will be given
2. Students will get weekly assessments of their performance
3. Students will also get feedback and final assessment at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
1 - 11 (Yr 4); 9 - 11 (Yr 3)
Ayyala, Ramesh

MEL 7320E Externship - Ophthalmology
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999E Indep Study - Ophthalmology
 1 - 11
No Limit
Indep Study

 MDT 8600 Intro to Orthopaedic Peds
 Click here for additional course information
Terry Linder
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation 
Maureen Maciel, MD, Site Director
Joseph Khoury, MD
Cheryl Lawing, MD
This elective is designed to introduce 3rd year medical students to the subspecialty of pediatric orthopaedic surgery.  Working alongside USF clinical faculty the student will experience the full range of pediatric orthopaedics from office triage and management of common orthopaedic problems to surgical and non-surgical treatment of children and adolescents with congenital and developmental disorders (cerebral palsy, scoliosis, skeletal deficiencies and deformities).  The rotation is under the direction of the physicians at Shriners Hospital for Children.  Shriners is a pediatric specialty hospital that provides the highest quality of care to patients with neuromusculoskeletal disorders in a multi-disciplinary, patient and family centered environment.
Students will gain knowledge and exposure to a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions including fractures, congenital anomalies, limb deficiencies and deformities, neuromuscular conditions, spinal deformity, and metabolic bone diseases.  The student will participate in clinics and surgery, as well as didactic sessions and case reviews.
Rotation Activities:
Seeing patients in clinic, scrubbing into the operating room, attending departmental conferences and lectures, and interpreting relevant imaging. 
Patient Encounters:

Upon completion of this elective, the student should have a basic understanding of the recognition and management of common pediatric orthopaedic conditions.  The student will be evaluated by the attending physicians they rotate with including the site director, Maureen Maciel, MD.  They will be expected to present a surgical patient at the weekly pre-surgical conference, demonstrating their understanding of the patient’s condition, clinical presentation, interpretation of relevant images, and a basic understanding of surgical indications/options.  

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
None, Yr 3 only
Maciel, Maureen

 MDT 8600 Intro to Orthopaedic Trauma
 Click here for additional course information
Nicole Rives
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce 3rd year medical students to the subspecialty of orthopaedic trauma and fracture care.  Under the supervision of clinical faculty, fellows and residents, the medical students will have the opportunity to practice orthopaedic trauma in a Level 1 Trauma Center.  This elective will provide students with a better understanding of orthopaedic practice, improvement measurement plans, patient education, research, and how clinical staff from different medical disciplines work together for the benefit of the patient.
1. Understand the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, with emphasis on the upper and lower extremities and joints
2. Accurately diagnose, properly manage, and appropriately consult for common orthopedic conditions and emergencies
3. Understand which x-rays are appropriate to order for each common condition, and how to interpret them
4. Demonstrate understanding of aspiration and injection techniques
5. Explain the treatment of simple and complex fractures, bone infection and neoplasms
6. Demonstrate understanding of the management of complex soft tissue injuries as they relate to the musculoskeletal system

7. Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of the orthopaedic examination of the injured patient

8. Understand the multidisciplinary role of the Orthopedic Surgeon, Physician Assistant, Nurse, Operating Room Team, Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainers in the provision of coordinated, safe and high quality Orthopaedic care
Rotation Activities:
Daily rounding, dressing changes, seeing consults, assisting in fracture reduction and splinting, and scrubbing into the operating room. 
Patient Encounters:

Evaluations will be done on an individual basis by the clinical preceptors and will be based on patient interaction, case presentations, medical plans, and documentation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1, 9-11
None, Yr 3 only
Mir, Hassan

 MDI 8570 Orthopaedics Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Nicole Rives
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
Students will also have the opportunity to work with the faculty and residents of the Department of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine. Students on this rotation will experience the clinical and surgical treatment of benign and malignant disease, sports medicine injuries and trauma of the musculoskeletal system.
1. Understand the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, with emphasis on the upper and lower extremities and joints
2. Accurately diagnose, properly manage, and appropriately consult for common orthopedic conditions and emergencies
3. Understand which x-rays are appropriate to order for each common condition, and how to interpret them
4. Demonstrate understanding of aspiration and injection techniques
5. Explain the treatment of simple and complex fractures, bone infection and neoplasms
6. Demonstrate understanding of the management of complex soft tissue injuries as they relate to the musculoskeletal system
7. Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of the orthopaedic examination of the injured patient
8. Understand the multidisciplinary role of the Orthopedic Surgeon, Physician Assistant, Nurse, Operating Room Team, Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainers in the provision of coordinated, safe and high quality Orthopaedic care
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the weekly orthopaedic core lecture series on Friday mornings from 7 am -9 am. Students will also participate in daily rounding, dressing changes, seeing consults, assisting in fracture reduction and splinting, and scrubbing into the operating room.  Upon completion of this elective, the trainee should understand the principles of diagnosis and management of patients with musculoskeletal trauma, abnormalities or diseases.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluations will be done on an individual basis by the clinical preceptors and will be based on patient interaction, case presentations, medical plans, and documentation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Mir, Hassan

MEL 7320U Externship - Orthopaedics
 1 - 9
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999U Indep Study - Orthopaedics
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MEL 7816 Otolaryngology AI
 Click here for additional course information
Kayla Scott
(813) 974-2406
Report to:
Varies based the site of rotation. Tentative rotation schedule will be sent to student the week prior to the start of rotation detailing where they should report. 
This clinical preceptorship is designed to provide an in-depth experience in the practice of otolaryngology and should be taken by all students interested in otolaryngology as a career. Students will participate in the management and treatment of patients on the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Services of Tampa General Hospital, Tampa VA Hospital and H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and will follow them upon their admission to the hospital. They will assist at the operative procedures on selected patients and will be expected to follow their postoperative course. Opportunity will also be afforded to carry out long-range observation of postoperative results in patients who have previously been treated for otolaryngological problems. Students will also participate in specialty conferences and clinics during their rotation.
The objective is to provide greater exposure to the field of otolaryngology and to give further opportunity for first-hand experience in this area for students who are considering ultimate specialization in this field.
Rotation Activities:
By the completion of the elective, all students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the otolaryngological head and neck exam, have obtained an understanding of a variety of ear, nose, and throat disorders, and gain exposure to cutting edge treatments including endoscopic skull base surgery, robotic surgery, cochlear implantation, facial plastics, and microvascular reconstruction.  
Patient Encounters:

The formal evaluation will be prepared by otolaryngology faculty based on the following: fund of medical knowledge, quality of assessment and presentation, clinical judgment as indicated by rationale of didactic and management plans, attitude and rapport with patients and families and subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Parasher, Arjun

 MEL 7816 Otolaryngology AI
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
To be determined prior to start of rotation
This clinical preceptorship is designed to provide an in-depth experience in the practice of otolaryngology and should be taken by all students interested in otolaryngology as a career. Students will participate in the preoperative study of patientsat the medical center and on the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Services of Tampa General Hospital, Tampa VA Hospital and H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center .  and will follow them upon their admission to the hospital. They will assist at the operative procedures on selected patients and will be expected to follow their postoperative course. Opportunity will also be afforded to carry out long-range observation of postoperative results in patients who have previously been treated for otolaryngological problems. Trainees will also participate in specialty conferences during their elective rotation.
The objective is to provide greater exposure to the field of otolaryngology than what is possible in the basic surgical course, and to give further opportunity for first-hand experience in this area for students who are considering ultimate specialization in this field.
Rotation Activities:
By the completion of the elective, all students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the otolaryngological head and neck exam and will have obtained experience and/or understanding of a variety of ear, nose, and throat disorders such as acute respiratory obstruction, hearing loss, dizziness, sinusitis, external otitis, otitis media, modern diagnosis and management of head and neck cancer, maxillofacial trauma, epistaxis, hoarseness, and dysphasia.
Patient Encounters:

The formal evaluation will be prepared by otolaryngology faculty based on the following: fund of medical knowledge, quality of assessment and presentation, clinical judgment as indicated by rationale of didactic and management plans, attitude and rapport with patients and families and subjective elements of interpersonal relationships, motivation, and ability.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Dedio, Paul

MEL 7320T Externship - Otolaryngology
 1 - 8
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999T Indep Study - Otolaryngology
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study
 BMS 7663 Anatomic Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Davida Leayman
(610) 402-2554
Report to:
Dr. Sajjid Malik
Dept of Pathology
See 'Rotation Activities'. Under normal (non-Covid) conditions, students will observe and participate in the daily activities in Anatomic Pathology, including Forensic Pathology. Practical tissue dissection, frozen section diagnosis, immunocytochemistry and other special techniques will be illustrated in addition to routine histopathology. Participation in conferences will be encouraged. The role of the pathologist as consultant and educator will be demonstrated.
1. Describe the limitations and benefits of a frozen section
2. Analyze the role of the pathologist in different professional activities
3. Analyze important features, including pertinent molecular aspects of select cases encountered
4. Demonstrate appropriate handling and processing of a tissue specimen from its receipt in the Pathology gross room until its status as a finished product on a glass slide
5. Identify major histologic abnormalities in different organ systems
Rotation Activities:
During the Covid-19 epidemic, activities in the department will be significantly curtailed to include some virtual grossing sessions and daily virtual teaching sessions with pathologists. Under normal (non-Covid) conditions, activities include observation of tissue processing  in the grossing room; attendance of autopsies; and preparation and reporting of frozen sections.
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation will be based on assessment of the above objectives by members of the Department of Pathology.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
4-6, 7B-11
Yr 4 Status
Malik, Sajjad

 BMS 7663 Anatomic Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
TGH: B232, Clinical Lab, West Pavilion
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day to Dr. Nicole Riddle. Confirm rotation the week prior with the above named contact.
The objective of this course is to strengthen the students in areas of anatomic pathology relevant to the practice of clinical medicine. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants, attend autopsies, and examine surgical specimens under supervision. He/she will be expected to attend all Pathology Conferences and participate in microscopic sign-out sessions. Particular attention will be given to correlation between clinical information and pathologic findings.
1. Describe the limitations and benefits of a frozen section
2. Analyze the role of the pathologist in different professional activities
3. Analyze important features, including pertinent molecular aspects of select cases encountered
4. Demonstrate appropriate handling and processing of a tissue specimen from its receipt in the Pathology gross room until its status as a finished product on a glass slide
5. Identify major histologic abnormalities in different organ systems
Rotation Activities:
Students will observe and participate in the daily activities in Anatomic Pathology, including grossing, frozens, sign out, and autopsies as they occur. Practical tissue dissection (grossing), frozen section diagnosis, immunocytochemistry and other special techniques will be illustrated in addition to routine histopathology. Participation in conferences will be encouraged. The role of the pathologist as consultant and educator will be demonstrated. Focus will be adjusted to fit students needs re: expecting pathology residency verses other specialty.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be based on assessment of the above objectives by members of the Department of Pathology.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 3 - 11
Riddle, Nicole

 BMS 7663 Anatomic Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
T-VAH: 1D-171 (Resident’s room)
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The objective of this course is to strengthen the students in areas of anatomic pathology relevant to the practice of clinical medicine. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants, attend autopsies, and examine surgical specimens under supervision. He/she will be expected to attend all Pathology Conferences and participate in microscopic sign-out sessions. Particular attention will be given to correlation between clinical information and pathologic findings.
1. Analyze the roll of the pathologist in different professional activities (to focus on anatomic pathology)
2. Analyze important features of selected cases and the interplay with other areas of pathology
3. Demonstrate appropriate handling and processing of a tissue specimen from receipt within the pathology gross room until its status as a finished product on a glass slide
4. Identify major histologic abnormalities in different organ systems
5. Describe the limitations and benefits of frozen section
Rotation Activities:
Students will observe and participate in the daily activities in Anatomic Pathology, including autopsy, practical tissue dissection, frozen section diagnosis, immunocytochemistry and other special techniques will be illustrated in addition to routine histopathology. Participation in conferences will be encouraged. The role of the pathologist as consultant and educator will be demonstrated.
Patient Encounters:
Evaluation will be based on assessment of the above objectives by members of the Department of Pathology.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students should contact the Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service secretary (813) 972-2000 x2139 or x7525 as soon as they are enrolled in the rotation but no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation to complete all VA certification requirements. 
 3 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Bulkeley, William

 BMS 7664 Flexible Elective in Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Ardeshir Hakam
(813) 745-1874
Dr. Masoumeh Ghayouri
Room CSB 3158
(813) 745-3284
Report to:
Dr. Ardeshir Hakam
CSB 3165
Rotations in gross/FS (2-3 days) ,Cytopathology (2 days)  and other fields of pathology subspecialty sign outs (remaining of the rotation time
The objective of this elective is to gain experience regarding the practice of pathology for those students considering a career in pathology. Partial credit for certain specialty boards may be obtained for this elective. This program is flexibly designed to accommodate students wishing to have a combined anatomic and clinical pathology elective experience. The student will observe the daily activities of anatomic and clinical laboratory technologists, technicians and pathologists’ assistants, attend autopsies, and examine surgical specimens under supervision. He/she will be expected to attend all pathology conferences and participate in microscopic sign-out sessions. Particular attention will be given to correlation between clinical information and pathologic findings.
Rotation Activities:
Gross & Frozen Section Pathology
In the initial few days, students are stationed in the frozen section room where they shadow and learn from the Pathologist’s Assistants, Pathology   Residents and frozen section Pathologist.  Time spent in the frozen section room includes participating in selection of appropriate area to examine, slide preparation and finally diagnosis of the area and/or lesion of interest and reporting results to the surgeon in the operating room (OR).  Time is also spent in observing gross examination and appropriate sectioning of a variety of simple to complex specimens for processing and final diagnosis.
Systemic Pathology
This portion of the elective involves the process diagnosis of tissue prepared during gross examination of tissue received from the OR and clinics. The services are divided into organ systems (1-9 listed above) and the student rotates on a daily basis with a pathologist scheduled on a given subspecialty service.  The cases for sign-out include biopsies, large resection specimens and cases from review of material from outside institutions.  A detailed rotation schedule with daily assignments for students is included on the monthly assignment schedule for the Pathology Residents and is distributed at the beginning of the rotation.  
Cytopathology (Sign out & Intra-Operative Evaluation)
During this assignment, students shadow the resident(s) and Fellow on the cytology service, and sign out with the cytopathologist on-call. They accompany the team to the clinics or floor to observe the performance of fine needle aspirations, whenever these are ordered.  Time is also spent in the Cytology Prep Room learning about the technical process involved in producing slides for cytological diagnosis, and processing and diagnosis of intraoperative imprint cytology for sentinel lymph nodes.
Autopsy Pathology
On this service, the student accompanies the resident(s) to the autopsy suite when there is a post mortem examination to be performed and assists as needed. 
Patient Encounters:
The staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
1, 4-11
Hakam, Ardeshir

 BMS 7664 Flexible Elective in Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
T-VAH: 1D-171 (Resident’s room)
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The objective of this elective is to gain experience regarding the practice of pathology for those students considering a career in pathology. This program is flexibly designed to accommodate students wishing to have a combined anatomic and clinical pathology elective experience. The student will observe the daily activities of anatomic and clinical laboratory technologists, technicians and pathologists’ assistants, attend autopsies, and examine surgical specimens under supervision. He/she will be expected to attend all pathology conferences and participate in microscopic sign-out sessions. Particular attention will be given to correlation between clinical information and pathologic findings.
1. Analyze the roll of the pathologist in different professional activities (including anatomic pathology and clinical pathology)
2. Analyze important features of selected cases and the interplay with other areas of pathology
3. Demonstrate appropriate handling and processing of a tissue specimen from receipt within the pathology gross room until its status as a finished product on a glass slide
4. Identify major histologic abnormalities in different organ systems.
Rotation Activities:
Students will observe and participate in the daily activities in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, including autopsy, practical tissue dissection, frozen section diagnosis, immunocytochemistry, microbiology, molecular, clinical chemistry, hematology, cytology and other special techniques will be illustrated in addition to routine histopathology. Participation in conferences will be encouraged. The role of the pathologist as consultant and educator will be demonstrated.  The daily activities may vary depending on availability.
Patient Encounters:
The staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students should contact the Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service secretary (813) 972-2000 x2139 or x7525 as soon as they are enrolled in the rotation but no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation to complete all VA certification requirements. 
1, 3-11
Bulkeley, William

 BMS 7666 Clinical Cytopathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
T-VAH: 1D-171 (Resident’s room)
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the principles used by the cytopathologist to recognize normal and abnormal biologic processes (hormonal states, infectious diseases, neoplasia) through the examination of cellular specimens obtained from a variety of body sites. Major emphasis will be placed on clinical cytologic correlations. Students will review selected cytologic specimens during regular "sign out" sessions. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and technologists as they prepare cytologic specimens. There may be opportunities to observe procedures as well.
1. Analyze the roll of the cytopathologist in different professional activities
2. Analyze important features of selected cases and the interplay with other areas of pathology
3. Understand the common specimen types and processes utilized in cytopathology
4. Demonstrate appropriate handling and processing of a tissue specimen from receipt within the pathology gross room until its status as a finished product on a glass slide.
Rotation Activities:
Students will review selected cytologic specimens during regular "sign out" sessions. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and technologists as they prepare cytologic specimens. The students will learn the common specimen types that are submitted for cytologic evaluation and learn the common practices and procedures utilized in cytopathology.  There may be opportunities to observe procedures as well.
Patient Encounters:

The staff cytopathologist will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students should contact the Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service secretary (813) 972-2000 x2139 or x7525 as soon as they are enrolled in the rotation but no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation to complete all VA certification requirements. 

Rotation must be approved by the course director prior to scheduling.
1, 3-11
Bulkeley, William

 BMS 7666 Clinical Cytopathology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Ardeshir Hakam
(813) 745-1874
Report to:
Dr. Ardeshir Hakam
CSB 3165
Participation in screening and sign out of cytopathology cases and performing FNAs done by Cytopathologists
The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the principles used by the cytopathologist to recognize normal and abnormal biologic processes (hormonal states, infectious diseases, neoplasia) through the examination of cellular specimens obtained from a variety of body sites. Major emphasis will be placed on clinical cytologic correlations. Students will review selected cytologic specimens during regular "sign out" sessions. The student will observe the daily activities of laboratory technicians and technologists as they prepare cytologic specimens. There may be opportunities to observe procedures as well.
Rotation Activities:
Areas of Study
The rotation encompasses as many areas of Cytopathology as are practical in one month, including routine cytopathology as well as observing pathologist performed Fine Needle Aspirations (FNA) and Touch Prep diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes.
Gross & Frozen Section Pathology
In the initial 2-3  days, students are stationed in the frozen section room where they shadow and learn from the Pathologist’s Assistants, Pathology   Residents and frozen section Pathologist.  Time spent in the frozen section room includes participating in selection of appropriate area to examine, slide preparation and finally diagnosis of the area and/or lesion of interest and reporting results to the surgeon in the operating room (OR).  Time is also spent in observing gross examination and appropriate sectioning of a variety of simple to complex specimens for processing and final diagnosis.
Cytology preparation
Students will be rotating in the cytology preparation laboratory where they  learn about the technical process involved in producing slides for cytological diagnosis and processing.  Here they observe various methods of processing cytology specimens (eg., FNA smears and various fluids, including urine and pleural fluids among others), routine staining used for each and cell block preparation.
Cytopathology (Sign out & Intra-Operative Evaluation)
During this assignment, students shadow the resident(s) and Fellow on the cytology service, and sign out with the Cytopathologist on-call. They accompany the team to the clinics or floor to observe the performance of fine needle aspirations, whenever these are ordered.  They also participate in intraoperative imprint cytology slide preparation and diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes.
Patient Encounters:
Minimal (FNA)
The staff cytopathologist will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Clearance from USF/Moffitt prior to start of  rotation
1, 4-11
Yr 4 Status
Hakam, Ardeshir

 BMS 7667 Elective in Lab Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
T-VAH: 1D-171 (Resident’s room)
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The objective of this elective is to acquaint the student with appropriate technical and interpretative laboratory information important to the practice of medicine. Current economic emphasis places even greater importance on the proper use of the laboratory by the physician.
1. Analyze the roll of the clinical pathologist in different professional activities
2. Analyze important features of selected cases and the interplay with other areas of pathology
3. Become familiar with the processes and procedures utilized in various areas of clinical pathology.
Rotation Activities:
The student will participate under supervision in several areas of the clinical laboratory of his/her choice such as clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology, molecular, etc. The student will have the opportunity to work closely with the senior and resident staff. Major concentration will be on appropriate interpretative laboratory tests. The student will be expected to attend pathology conferences.
Patient Encounters:

The staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students should contact the Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service secretary (813) 972-2000 x2139 or x7525 as soon as they are enrolled in the rotation but no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation to complete all VA certification requirements. 
Rotation must be approved by the course director prior to scheduling.
1, 3-11
Yr 4 Status
Bulkeley, William

 BMS 7668 Forensic Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
Hillsborough County Medical Examiner, Main Entrance
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The rotation consists of daily exposure to and participation in, forensic autopsies conducted at the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Department. The range of participation may extend from simple observation to autopsy assistance to organ evisceration and dissection, depending on workload and student interest, and always under direct supervision by an attending forensic pathologist or forensic pathology fellow. The student attends daily case review conferences and may present cases in which he/she has participated. The student will have the opportunity to observe death scene investigations conducted by medicolegal death investigators or forensic pathologists and if applicable, observe courtroom testimony by staff forensic pathologists.
1. Learn to correlate autopsy findings with clinical information and information derived from scene investigations
2. Learn to complete death certificates in a manner acceptable to the Office of Vital Statistics and the World Health Organization
3. Learn anatomy pertinent to the future clinical practice specialty of the student
4. Gain an understanding of the working relationships between forensic pathologists and other professionals, including those in law enforcement, the Office of the State Attorney, the defense bar, the funeral industry, the press, and other medical specialties
Rotation Activities:
1. Assist with autopsies on the bodies of persons dead from suicide, accident, and natural disease by performing dissections and medical chart review under the supervision of staff pathologists
2. Review pertinent medical literature for selected cases
3. Accompany staff during testimony under oath at criminal and civil trials and at depositions
4. Accompany staff during death scene investigations (evening and night call-out optional)
5. Participate in departmental conferences two to three times per week. These conferences include a working case conference with photo review, a pending (cause-of-death opinion deferred to further study) case conference, and a fixed brain and heart cutting conference
6. Present a 15-minute power-point presentation on a forensic topic of personal interest related to autopsy pathology or anatomy for extra credit
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation is based on feedback from direct daily observation by attending physicians and the forensic fellow. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Prior approval required
1, 5-6, 8-11
Yr 4 Status
McEnnan, Daissy

 BMS 8661 Research in Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
T-VAH: 1D-171 (Resident’s room)
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day
The student will conduct investigative work in human or experimental pathology under the supervision of the senior investigator. 
The primary objectives of this course are to teach the basic principles of investigative work with emphasis on:
1.  Formulation of a specific hypothesis
2. Critical analysis of pertinent literature
3. Development of an appropriate experimental design to test the hypothesis
4. Appreciation of methodological limitations and pitfalls
5. Analysis and interpretation of experimental data
Rotation Activities:
The student will conduct investigative work in human or experimental pathology under the supervision of the senior investigator.  Specific activities will vary and are dependent upon the agreed upon research project.
Patient Encounters:

Monitoring the student's interest, initiative, and progress through daily interactions and at weekly research conferences
Evaluating the student's problem solving ability and diligence in the performance of realistic research assignments
Evaluating the student's judgment and critical approach in assigned library work as well as in analyzing and interpreting experimental data
The staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students should contact the Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Service secretary (813) 972-2000 x2139 or x7525 as soon as they are enrolled in the rotation but no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the rotation to complete all VA certification requirements. 
The senior investigator conducting the research must sign off on the rotation and notify the course director prior to scheduling of the rotation.
1-6, 8-11
Bulkeley, William


 BMS 8661 Research in Pathology
 Click here for additional course information
Michelle Burnham
Report to:
Dr. Wei-Shen Chen
8:00 AM on the first scheduled day or by prior arrangement via email with Dr. Chen
The Research in Pathology elective is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in either pathology or dermatology who have a desire to expand their skill set by participating in research activities of the department. Students will learn about research design with the goal of producing a poster or paper presentation by the end of the year. The complexity can vary based on the student’s interest, including case report, case series, retrospective research or prospective experiments. Interested students should contact the course director at the beginning of the academic year by email, so that proper planning can take place before the elective begins. Any core or affiliate faculty member of the USF Department of Pathology can supervise the student during this elective at the designated elective site. 
The primary objectives of this course are to teach the basic principles of investigative work with emphasis on:
1.  Formulation of a specific hypothesis
2. Critical analysis of pertinent literature
3. Development of an appropriate experimental design to test the hypothesis
4. Appreciation of methodological limitations and pitfalls
5. Analysis and interpretation of experimental data
Rotation Activities:
The student will conduct investigative work in human or experimental pathology under the supervision of the senior investigator. These studies will use primarily morphologic and molecular techniques as well as animal models.
Patient Encounters:

1. Monitoring the student's interest, initiative, and progress through daily interactions and at weekly research conferences
2. Evaluating the student's problem solving ability and diligence in the performance of realistic research assignments
3. Evaluating the student's judgment and critical approach in assigned library work as well as in analyzing and interpreting experimental data
4. The staff pathologists will evaluate the student using a standardized student evaluation form.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Approval, dates, and duration of course must be arranged with the course director and a faculty mentor (if other than the course director) at the beginning of the academic year.
1-6, 8-11
Chen, Wei-Shen


MEL 7320P Externship - Pathology
 1 - 8
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999P Independent Study - Pathology
1, 3-11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MDE 8407 Elective in Child Protection
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
On the first day after Pediatrics Morning Report, call Michele Nurse &/or Nyla Boulware, CAC Office Family Support Specialists, at (484) 633-0935. She will tell students where to meet Dr. Esernio-Jenssen and Tylynn  Cofer, MSW, LCSW, Social Worker – either on the Inpatient Pediatric Unit at the Cedar Crest campus or at the Child Advocacy Center at the 17th & Chew campus - 6th Floor (directly off the Green Elevators).
This elective is designed to provide a basic structure of child abuse pediatrics as a specialty medical practice of pediatrics and is structured primarily around inpatient, ED and outpatient clinical evaluation of child maltreatment. Opportunities to observe interactions of Multidisciplinary Investigative Team meetings; Act 33 (fatality and near fatality reviews); Child Death Review Teams; Court Preparation with various Assistant District Attorneys; and observation of courtroom testimony as available. Students will accompany staff on inpatient and ED consultations and on outpatient evaluations at the Child Advocacy Center. The majority of time will be spent at the CAC at LVHN, 17th & Chew, 6th Floor (directly off the Green Elevators).
1. State the elements of a history and physical that are critical when non accidental trauma is suspected
2. Participate in the medical evaluation of alleged abuse in children and explain the role of the multidisciplinary team in the care of a child with suspected abuse
3. Recognize various conditions and injuries that require specialty child protection team evaluation
4. Recognize various conditions and injuries that initially appear to be related to abuse but either have a medical or reasonable accidental explanation
5. Outline when and how to report suspected child abuse
6. Discuss what the legal and child welfare systems need from pediatricians in the community in response to allegations of child abuse
7. Understand the other specialties such as radiology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, trauma surgery, etc. that are involved in child protection evaluations
8. Describe community based partners such as CYS, Law Enforcement, District Attorney's office and their respective roles in the investigation of Child Abuse and Neglect
9. Recognize the role of the Child Advocacy Center and Child Protection Team in the evaluation and investigation of child abuse and neglect
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients at the medical center at LVHN, and, when available, different court cases. Students will have direct contact as well as observation of patient and family interactions to meet the objectives above. Students will be expected to give a presentation during the rotation. The topic will be selected by the student in discussion with the faculty preceptor.
Patient Encounters:

The evaluation will be completed by Dr. Esernio-Jenssen.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
 Yr 4 Status
Esernio-Jenssen, Debra

MDE 8415 Child Development and Behavior
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Adolescent Outpatient Office located at
3080 Hamilton Blvd, Suite 200
Allentown, PA  18103
This elective is designed to introduce senior medical students to the field of adolescent medicine. Students will be able to see and care for adolescents, ages 12 to 21 years, in a variety of outpatient settings. Adolescent clinics will afford students the opportunity to provide primary and specialty care to teenagers in a clinic setting, while students can also participate in adolescent health care in school-based clinics, at both high school and college settings. 
1. Appreciate the unique medical and health needs of the adolescent population
2. Increase comfort level in communicating with teenagers, performing psychosocial risk interviews using the HEADDSS assessment, and providing preventive health anticipatory guidance for adolescents
3. Understand the normal sequence of physical growth and psychological development during puberty, and be able to accurately stage sexual development with Tanner staging
4. Perform a well adolescent physical and take on the role of primary care provider in working with specialists and multi-disciplinary health professionals in order to develop coordinated care plans. Know the elements of health supervision visits for different ages, including indicated screening tests and immunizations
5. Act as a subspecialist consultant for patients referred by outside primary care providers, and communicate the findings and plan of action back to the PCP
6. Know how to diagnose and treat common adolescent medical problems, such as acne, dysmenorrhea, menstrual disorders (DUB, amenorrhea, PCOS, etc), breast disorders (fibrocystic breast disease, gynecomastia, etc), scoliosis, male genital disorders (varicocele, hernia, etc), STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc), pregnancy, obesity, psychological problems (depression, suicidality, eating disorders, substance abuse, etc), and others
7. Recognize the common problem of poor adherence among adolescents, and encourage adolescents to become more active, responsible health care consumers
8. Improve communication with parents and families to help them understand normal adolescent development and confidentiality. Help parents facilitate their teens in taking a more active role in their health care
9. Learn about the importance of and how to assist with a successful transition from pediatric to adult health care for all adolescents and young adults, especially those with chronic medical conditions and special health care needs
Rotation Activities:
The experience will be supplemented with time spent with the dietician, learning about disordered eating patterns and weight management as well as with the gynecologist learning about the unique reproductive care needs of the adolescent.
Patient Encounters:

Student performance during the Adolescent rotation will be assessed using the following methods:
Global assessment of the student performance completed by the supervising attending at the end of the rotation
Direct and timely feedback by attending during the delivery of patient care
Feedback on documentation by supervising attending

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 7 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Omar, Hatim

 MDE 8430 Pediatric Endocrinology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Dorothy Shulman 
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This course offers the student in-depth exposure to a wide variety of endocrine related problems and diseases in children and adolescents.
Students will gain an understanding of the management of common and complex endocrine diseases in children of all ages.  Medical management and understanding of growth physiology, sexual maturation and other hormonal processes/diseases will be emphasized.  Students will additionally gain insight into the appropriate laboratory/diagnostic tests necessary to diagnose and evaluate common endocrine diseases in children. 
Students will be expected to attend regularly scheduled research conferences and clinical conferences as well as Pediatric Grand Rounds.
Rotation Activities:
Students will have the opportunity to see and provide care for children with disorders including pituitary, thyroid, bone/mineral, adrenal, growth, puberty, gonad and sexual differentiation and diabetes.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will also rotate at Children's Medical Services. Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
 Yr 4 Status
Shulman, Dorothy

 MDE 8430 Pediatric Endocrinology
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
The Pediatric Endocrinology office located at 3080 Hamilton Boulevard, Suite 200, Allentown, PA 18103 after attending Pediatrics Morning Report on the first day.
This elective will provide medical students with an in-depth exposure to the diagnoses and management of acute and chronic illnesses of the endocrine system in infants, children and adolescents. Students will evaluate patients primarily in the outpatient setting and will occasionally join pediatric endocrinologists doing consults in the hospital. Students will also have the opportunity to work within a multidisciplinary team such as with diabetes educators, nutritionists, social workers and counselors.
1. Differentiate between normal and pathological states related to endocrinology
2. Evaluate and manage patients with presenting signs and symptoms that suggest an endocrine disease process
3. Demonstrate principles of growth and pubertal development important to the general pediatrician
4. Understand the role of the Endocrinologist and primary care provider in preventing and managing diseases of the endocrine system and in counseling and screening individuals at risk for these diseases
5. Collaborate and effectively communicate with both general and specialist Pediatricians in the management of patients with acute and chronic endocrine illnesses
6. Effectively communicate with patients and families about endocrine conditions, including management of acute and chronic conditions and interpretation of test results
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients in the specialty center. They will have direct contact as well as observation of patient and family interactions to meet the objectives above. Students will be expected to give a presentation during the elective. The topic will be selected by the student in discussion with the faculty preceptor. Student will also be scheduled to make a presentation at Pediatrics Morning Report towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Direct and timely feedback will be given to students by Endocrinologists. The evaluation will be completed by Dr. Kashmer with input from Drs. Kuryan and office clinical staff.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
 Yr 4 Status
Kashmer, Laurissa

 MDE 8470 Child Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Gieron
Dr. Nallu
Elizabeth Kociolek, Admin
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce students to the field of child neurology. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to evaluate infants and children with neurological problems in outpatient clinics and hospital setting.  This elective will enhance students’ ability to perform neurological examination in young patients and interpret its significance.
1. Learn to take a neurological history with an emphasis on the skills of talking and listening to parents
2. Perform an age appropriate neurological examination and differentiate between normal and abnormal findings
3. Learn how to use abnormal findings to localize the problem within either the central or peripheral nervous system
4. Learn how to use the history and neurological examination to determine the nature of a pathological process
5. Indications and selective use of neurodiagnostic studies such as electroencephalogram, electromyography and nerve conduction study, computerized brain tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and angiogram
6. Diagnose and understand the pathophysiology of, and know how to manage common neurological conditions of infants and children
7. Learn about neurological emergencies in children and basic principles of their management
Rotation Activities:
The student will provide patient care under close faculty supervision.  The student is expected to either provide a discussion of one selected topic or present a patient management case towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the preceptor using the following methods:
  • Clinical evaluation with same day feedback
  • Written (24 questions) examination at the end of rotation
  • Oral presentation of a topic of interest
Grades are determined by: 50% clinical evaluation, 25% written examination, and 25% oral presentation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics. Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal Newborn
2, 4
Gieron, Maria

 MDE 8470 Child Neurology
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Pediatric Neurology office located at 1210 S. Cedar Crest Blvd, Suite 2400, on the Cedar Crest campus
This course will expose the student to various neurological disorders in infants and children. The student will work in an outpatient setting and in inpatient consults to develop the skill in performing a neurological exam under the supervision of the attending physician. The student will follow the pediatric neurologist throughout all consultations and will get an opportunity to spend time in the neurophysiology lab as well as the pediatric sleep lab. The student will also be exposed to the pediatric wards, neonatal ICU and pediatric ICU patients and be responsible for participating in all follow-up care.
1. Demonstrate an approach for taking a proper history and neurological exam and be able to localize pathology in the nervous system
2. Justify the approach and use it to formulate an appropriate differential diagnosis
3. Identify the role laboratory data, neurophysiology, and neuroimaging have on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions
4. Discuss and effectively communicate treatment or therapy options with patients, family members, and other members of the health care team
Rotation Activities:
1. Student will complete a Pediatric Neurology orientation test questionnaire prior to start of the rotation and will review with the rotation leader.
2. Student will follow patients with one of three pediatric neurologists in the clinic setting each day.
3. Student will also join pediatric neurologists when consulting on the Inpatient Pediatric Unit.
4. Towards the end of the elective, student will present a case of interest to the pediatric neurologists.
5. Student should attend Pediatric Morning Report on Monday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 am at the Cedar Crest site and will be scheduled to present at Pediatric Morning Report before the end of the elective.
6. Student should attend Pediatric Grand Rounds on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am at the Cedar Crest site.
Patient Encounters:

Performance during the rotation will be assessed by supervising faculty with input from members of the clinical team.  You will be assessed based on the objectives listed above.  Visiting students will be assessed according to evaluations provided by their home institution.  There will not be a written exam but written work will be assessed as part of your clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Sheikh, Muhammed

 MDE 8511 Pediatric Sedation
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
On the first day of rotation (providing it is a Monday), at 7:30 am call the sedation doctor ASCOM phone at 610-402-0806 to find out where and what time to meet on the first day.
Arrive 30 minutes before scheduled start time of each sedation.
If no scheduled morning sedation, student is to attend Pediatrics Morning Report on Mondays and Thursdays and Pediatric Grand Rounds on Tuesdays. These conferences take place at the Cedar Crest campus at 8:00 am.
This course allows students to learn in a pediatric inpatient setting the basic principles and practice of pediatric procedural sedation. Students will be able to assess, evaluate and participate in the monitoring of sedation. Emphasis is placed on the review of relevant pharmacologic principles and techniques of sedative drugs and pain management.
1. Demonstrate the ability to conduct a comprehensive pre-sedation evaluation that includes a focused history and physical exam
2. Explain indications and contraindications for each sedative drug classification
3. Acquire and review pertinent medical records, select appropriate sedative and/or analgesia and develop a plan to manage pain
4. Accurately calculate dosage and predict the effect the medication will have on patient
5. Demonstrate the ability to properly use equipment designed to monitor sedated child
Rotation Activities:
Will work closely with sedation doctor on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for scheduled outpatient procedures requiring sedation. Student will also join the sedation doctor for procedures taking place in the Children’s Cancer Center and Multipurpose Infusion Area. Student may also assist pediatric hospitalists with sedations in the afternoons. On Tuesdays and Fridays student will work with the PICU physicians though there may not be sedations scheduled on those days.
Patient Encounters:

Student will be given feedback during the rotation from sedations doctors based on the above objectives. Rotation leader, with input from the sedation doctors and inpatient team, will complete student’s evaluation form and will forward to the medical school.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Umaru, Samuel

 MEL 7103 Pediatric Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Dan Mauriello
(727) 767-4106

Sara Mastry
(727) 767-4106
For questions if not able to reach the above contact:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept
(813) 259-8638
(727) 767-3970
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Principles of pediatric cardiology will be taught in outpatient and inpatient encounters at ACH-JHM. As a free-standing children’s hospital, patient cases will reflect both general pediatric cardiology exposure as well as exposure to highly specialized patient cases reflecting ACH-JHM’s status as a quaternary care center. Participation in clinical or basic research in pediatric cardiology may also be coordinated pending project and faculty availability.
1.  Understand the evaluation and treatment of heart murmurs, chest pain, palpitations, dizziness, and syncope
2. Understanding the evaluation and treatment of various forms of congenital heart disease: including septal defects, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, conotruncal lesions, single ventricles, and cyanotic congenital heart disease
3. Understand the basic principles of electrocardiograms and be able to interpret and have a treatment strategy for basic arrhythmias
Rotation Activities:
Clinically these objectives will be achieved by the following tasks:
Students will attend daily cardiology clinics at All Children's Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine. Emphasis will be placed on understanding of cardiac physiology and pathophysiology of pediatric patients, physical diagnosis and outpatient management. Principles in cardiac electrophysiology and anatomy will be taught using electrocardiography and echocardiography.
Students will participate in work up and care of cardiac patients including those admitted for diagnostic cardiac catheterization and inpatient consultation. Students will be expected to round and follow patients assigned to the cardiology team throughout the clerkship rotation.
Students are expected to participate in weekly conferences including cardiology specific conferences as well as resident noon conferences, JHUSOM Pediatric Grand Rounds and ACH-JHM Grand Rounds.
1. Outpatient cardiology clinics – daily cardiology clinics are held at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg and multiple outpatient care centers (Tampa, USF, Sarasota, Pasco, Brandon, Lakeland, East Lake and Ft. Myers.
2. Inpatient Service – Students will participate in work-up and care of cardiac patients including those in the cardiac ICU, neonatal ICU, and inpatient consults on the general medicine floors or emergency room.
3. Sub-specialty rotations – all students will observe at least one of the following: open heart surgery and learn about cardiopulmanary bypass, cardiac catheterization, cardiac electrophysiology procedure, fetal echocardiogram, cardiac MRI/CT scan, and exercise stress test. Each student should know the indications for these procedures and the limitations of each diagnostic modality. In addition each student should be able to perform a 12 lead electrocardiogram and understand the indications and limitations of long term heart rhythm monitors (events/loops)
4. Educational Conferences – Participation in weekly disposition and educational conferences. 
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Adult Med or Mat Newborn
Mauriello, Dan

 MEL 7103 Pediatric Cardiology
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
The Children’s Heart Center of NE PA
1605 N. Cedar Crest Blvd, Suite 119
(Roma Corporate Center)
Allentown, PA
(610) 437-6687
This elective is designed to introduce fourth year medical students to the field of pediatric cardiology. Students will be able to see and care for pediatric patients up to the age of 18 in the outpatient setting.
1. Student will accompany an attending pediatric cardiologist to learn the essential elements of the pediatric cardiologic examination, history taking, and modes of therapy for different pediatric cardiac illnesses.
2. Student will familiarize themselves with what constitutes an innocent versus a pathologic murmur.
3. Student will understand the grading system of heart murmurs and modal auscultation for both innocent and pathologic murmurs.
4. Student will learn the basic differences between the pediatric EKG and the adult EKG.
5. Student will learn basic concepts of both performance of echocardiography and reporting.
6. Student will become familiar with the most common pathologic entities of congenital heart disease and acquired heart disease in patients from a fetus until eighteen years of age. 
7. Student will see patients in an outpatient setting and will participate in history taking and performance of physical examination. Student will be asked to come to an assessment based on the prior information obtained. 
Rotation Activities:
Student will spend each day with one of three pediatric cardiologists in the office setting. Student may join one of the cardiologist on consults on the inpatient Pediatric unit, the PICU or the NICU at Lehigh Valley Children’s Hospital located on the Lehigh Valley Hospital campus. Student will be scheduled to present at Pediatrics Morning Report towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Upon completion of this elective, student should understand the principles and diagnosis of most common congenital heart disease, common acquired pediatric cardiology issues as well as understand the difference between innocent and pathologic murmurs.
Students will be evaluated based on their level of participation and improvement over the course of the elective. Rotation leader, with input from other pediatric cardiologists and the clinical staff, will complete the student’s evaluation form and will return to the medical school.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Hansrote, Louis

 MDI 8400 AI-In-Inpatient Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
After attending Pediatrics Morning Report on the first day, report to the Pediatric Inpatient Unit 5th Floor Jaindl Pavilion at 9:00 am.
The inpatient pediatric course is presented to give the student an experience in the management of children with problems requiring hospitalization. The student will be responsible for the evaluation and treatment of a limited number of pediatric cases. The student will care for these patients as an acting intern in consultation with a senior member of the pediatric house staff. The student one week of night call with a Pediatric resident during the four week rotation.
1. The student should be able to conduct a history and physical examination in a concise and logical fashion and define the child's problems.
2. The student should be aware of the diagnostic and therapeutic tools available in pediatrics and be able to use them when appropriate to patient care.
3. The student should develop increasing clinical responsibility and judgment in dealing with hospitalized children and their families.
4. The student should gain familiarity in performing certain basic procedures including venipuncture, lumbar puncture, intravenous line placement, suprapubic puncture, arterial puncture, and bone marrow aspiration.
5. The student should be able to give the indications for admission to the hospital for children with various diagnostic and therapeutic problems.
Rotation Activities:
1. Student will sign in, pre-round, round and sign-out each day with either the Lion team or the Zebra team. During the week of nights, student will take sign-out at 6:00 pm and will sign out to the day team at 6:00 am the following morning.
2. If student has full EPIC access, student will follow the Pediatric template and document in EPIC. Notes are then forwarded to attending to sign. If Read Only EPIC access, then notes can be written and emailed to the attending using MS Outlook or completed in a Word document and emailed to the attending on service.
3. Student should follow 3-5 patients depending upon complexity.
4. Student should become familiar with and use the IPASS method when signing out patients.
5. Student will be given access to the Hallway New Patient Presentation template and the Hallway Established Patient Presentation template and should become familiar with and use when presenting patients to attending and senior resident.
6. Student should attend Pediatrics Morning Report on Monday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 am with the inpatient team; as well as Pediatric Grand Rounds on Tuesday mornings with the inpatient team. Student is excused from these educational sessions when on the night shift week.
7. Student will be scheduled to present at Pediatrics Morning Report once during this rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Student’s evaluation will be a combination of feedback from faculty as well as from Pediatric residents whom the student worked with during the 4 weeks. The evaluation form provided by the student will be completed by the rotation leader and submitted to the medical school.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Kudenchak, Lindsey

MDI 8400 AI-In-Patient Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Chief Resident
(813) 259-8752
Dr. Shaila Siraj
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The senior medical student will serve as an "acting intern" with the resident staff assigned to the inpatient medical teaching service of All Children's Hospital. He/She will interview and examine patients and participate in the planning and execution of diagnostic and therapeutic programs under the supervision of residents and faculty in pediatrics. The student will participate actively in teaching rounds, journal clubs, and seminars as a junior house staff member.
Offer the student a period of intensive exposure to inpatient general pediatrics by permitting the student maximal responsibility for patient cares in a supervised setting.
Rotation Activities:
The student will participate actively in teaching rounds, journal clubs, and seminars as a junior house staff member.
The student will provide patient care under close faculty supervision. 
The student is expected to either provide a discussion of one selected topic or present a patient management case towards the end of the rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

The student's written histories and physical examinations, problem list, and plans of evaluation and therapy will be reviewed by the attending faculty, the director of the Inpatient Service and senior residents of All Children's Hospital, each of whom will meet with the student frequently. The quality of these records as well as the student's daily activities at rounds and conferences will form the basis of the evaluation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Night call is no more frequent than every 4th night. Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status

 MDI 8400 AI-In-Patient Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Chief Resident
(813) 259-8752
Dr. Melinda Murphy
(813) 259-8752
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The inpatient pediatric course is presented to give the student an experience in the management of children with problems requiring hospitalization. The student will have the responsibility for the evaluation and treatment of a limited number of pediatric cases. The student will care for these patients as an acting intern in consultation with a senior member of the pediatric house staff. The student will have the opportunity to take night call for one week of the rotation.
1. The student should be able to conduct a history and physical examination in a concise and logical fashion and define the child's problems.
2. The student should be aware of the diagnostic and therapeutic tools available in pediatrics and be able to use them when appropriate to patient care.
3. The student should develop increasing clinical responsibility and judgment in dealing with hospitalized children and their families.
4. The student should gain familiarity in performing certain basic procedures including venipuncture, lumbar puncture, intravenous line placement, and bone marrow aspiration.
5. The student should be able to give the indications for admission to the hospital for children with various diagnostic and therapeutic problems.
Rotation Activities:
The student will participate actively in teaching rounds, journal clubs, and seminars as a junior house staff member.
The student will provide patient care under close faculty supervision. 
The student is expected to either provide a discussion of one selected topic or present a patient management case towards the end of the rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Murphy, Melinda

 MEL 7563 Pediatric Nephrology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Frank Ayestran
(361) 244-9718

Dr. Jessica Rodriguez
(954) 675-9144
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970 
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective will aid students in their initial approach to pediatric renal disease, understanding the mechanisms of renal injury and evaluation and therapy of renal diseases. Tutorials are offered at least twice a week, covering topics such as proteinuria, hematuria, developmental anomalies, urinary tract infection, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic renal failure, lupus erythematosus, hypertension, dialysis, and transplantation. Other topics may also be covered as determined by student preference.
1. Learn to take a history with an emphasis on the skills of talking and listening to parents and patients.
2. Perform an age appropriate examination and differentiate between normal and abnormal findings.
3. Learn how to use the history and examination to determine the nature of a pathological process.
4. Learn about nephrology in children and basic principles of their management
Rotation Activities:
The students will provide inpatient (TGH and /or ACH) and outpatient (USF Clinics) care under close faculty supervision. The student is expected to either provide a discussion of one selected topic or present a patient management case towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused. 
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal Newborn
Flores, Francisco

 MEL 7563 Pediatric Nephrology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Campos
Dr. Panzarino
Dr. Charles Hu
(813) 259-8764
(813) 259-8688
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective will aid students in their initial approach to pediatric renal disease, understanding the mechanisms of renal injury and evaluation and therapy of renal diseases. Tutorials are offered at least twice a week, covering topics such as proteinuria, hematuria, developmental anomalies, urinary tract infection, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic renal failure, lupus erythematosus, hypertension, dialysis, and transplantation. Other topics may also be covered as determined by student preference.
1. Learn to take a history with an emphasis on the skills of talking and listening to parents and patients.
2. Perform an age appropriate examination and differentiate between normal and abnormal findings.
3. Learn how to use the history and examination to determine the nature of a pathological process.
4. Learn about nephrology in children and basic principles of their management
Rotation Activities:

Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics. Part of the rotation will occur at Children's Medical Services.
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused. 

Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Adult Med, Pri Care, or Maternal Newborn
Campos, Alfonso

 MEL 7565 Neonatology Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
NICU, 4th floor Jaindl Pavillion
8:00 AM on first day of rotation
Students will participate as members of the NICU clinical team consisting of faculty attendings, neonatal nurse practitioners, and pediatric residents. They will function as acting interns in the care and management of hospitalized neonates in 40 bed level IV NICU. In addition to the learning opportunities provided by hands-on patient care, the educational experience is supplemented by a didactic lecture series for medical students/residents, biweekly morning report case conference and weekly Pediatrics Grand Rounds.
Students will be able to
1. Take a good history and exam of common NICU admissions
2. Understand pathophysiology of common neonatal problems
3. Attend deliveries with NICU team with graded supervision
4. Perform simple procedures under supervision
5. Respond to on call problems in the unit when on call
Rotation Activities:
Students will be expected to :
1. Manage patients assigned to them with resident /attending supervision
2. Attend deliveries with NICU team
3. Participate at rounds, patient and family centered care
4. Attend morning report, Xray rounds, pediatric didactic lectures, grand rounds
5. Assist and do procedures under supervision
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated by the service attending based on
1. Completeness of history, exam, presentation and management
2. Communication skills, Ability to work in a team will be assessed
3. Reading assignments with presentations at rounds
4. Delivery room resuscitation , procedural skills
5. Feedback will be given informally and formally in the middle and end of rotation. Students are expected to ask for feedback to facilitate self-improvement and learning 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
NRP Certification Required
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Chinnakaruppan, Nachammai

 MEL 7565 Neonatology Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Tina Ho
(813) 844-3437
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation

The objective of this elective is the development of clinical expertise in the management of disorders of the neonate. The student will be an integral part of the neonatal management team with participation in conferences, rounds, and providing clinical care under close faculty and neonatal fellow supervision.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate as members of the NICU clinical team consisting of faculty attendings, neonatal nurse practitioners, and pediatric residents. They will function as acting interns in the care and management of hospitalized neonates. In addition to the learning opportunities provided by hands-on patient care, the educational experience is supplemented by a didactic lecture series for medical students/residents, biweekly morning report case conference and weekly Pediatrics Grand Rounds.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
NRP Certification Required
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Ho, Tina

 MEL 7596 Pedi Diabetes & Metabolic Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Dorothy Shulman 
Dr. Henry Rodriguez
(813) 396-2580
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to provide clinical exposure to children with insulin dependent diabetes as they appear in the clinic. The activity will be based at the USF Diabetes Center at the Carol and Frank Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare on the USF campus. Special emphasis will be placed upon diabetes care management including insulin dose adjustment, nutrition, and psychosocial aspects of the disease and will be supervised by the Diabetes Center team including pediatric endocrinologists, nutritionist, psychologists, and others. The Diabetes Center staff will provide specific education about the techniques required for home management of type 1 diabetes.
The objective is to provide clinical exposure to childhood diabetes and improve understanding of the basic clinical disorder and the problems associated with routine home management.
Rotation Activities:
The student will provide patient care under close faculty supervision.  The student is expected to either provide a discussion of one selected topic or present a patient management case towards the end of the rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Prior approval from Dr. Rodriguez required.
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
Those interested in more intense exposure to children with a chronic disease should contact Dr. Rodriguez to learn the dates of camp sessions for children with diabetes.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 3 - 11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Bollepalli, Sureka

 MEL 8134 Intro to Med-Peds
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. John McCormick
For questions if not able to reach above contact:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the specialty of Internal Medicine-Pediatrics. Under the supervision of faculty, students will care for adults and children in an ambulatory primary care setting. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in rounds on inpatients at Tampa General Hospital. In addition to clinical experiences, didactic sessions will include participation in the weekly resident clinic curriculum, as well as department conferences (i.e. Grand Rounds, noon conferences). This elective will provide students with a robust clinical experience in primary care as well as a better understanding of Med-Peds as a career.
1. Evaluate and treat common acute problems encountered in adults and children in a primary care setting
2. Evaluate and treat chronic conditions in adults and children in a primary care setting
3. Perform appropriate preventative health maintenance measures in adults and children including well child care, vaccinations, anticipatory guidance, and screening tests
4. Gain familiarity with procedures common to the primary care setting including arthocentesis, joint injection, and circumcision
5. Gain appreciation for the specialty of Internal Medicine-Pediatrics
Rotation Activities:
Senior medical students will see patients in the Internal Medicine-Pediatrics combined clinic at the USF Health South Tampa Center for Advanced Health Care under direct supervision of faculty. Trainees will also attend didactic conferences and participate in the weekly resident clinic curriculum. Students will also have the opportunity to see patients in an inpatient setting.
Patient Encounters:

Ongoing as well as summative final assessment will be provided by supervising faculty. Students will also be required to prepare and present a primary care topic during their rotation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
McCormick, John

 MEL 8554 Primary Care - Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Sharon Dabrow
(813) 259-8752
For questions if not able to reach above contact:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
17 Davis (across from USF Health STC, 1st Fl)
This rotation allows the student to experience the broad range of primary pediatric care issues in the USF Health Pediatric Clinic, located at 17 Davis Pediatric Clinic. Students will sometimes also work at HealthPark Pediatrics. The student is expected to improve skills of obtaining histories, performing physical examinations, and developing thorough differential diagnoses and management plans. Primary care issues are discussed daily. Each student will present a topic relevant to ambulatory pediatrics at the end of the rotation. Attendance at Pediatric Grand Rounds and scheduled conferences is required.
1. Improve knowledge of general outpatient pediatrics
2. Improve skills in performing histories, physicals, assessments and developing appropriate management plans.
Rotation Activities:
Hours: 8:30-5pm each day
Morning report 8-8:30 mandatory
Noon conference 12-1:00 required
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Contact at least one month prior
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status

 MEL 8554 Primary Care - Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Student will spend 2 weeks in The Children’s Clinic at the LVHN 17th & Chew campus and 2 weeks at LVPG Pediatrics at Health Center/Madison Farms
This rotation allows the student to experience the broad range of primary pediatric care issues in Pediatrics outpatient clinics within the Lehigh Valley Health Network. The student is expected to improve skills of obtaining histories, performing physical examinations, and developing thorough differential diagnoses and management plans. Primary care issues are discussed daily.
Each student will present a Morning Report presentation. Attendance at Pediatric Grand Rounds and scheduled conferences like Wednesday afternoon PediaPRED is required.
Improve knowledge of general outpatient pediatrics and improved skills in performing histories, physicals, assessments and developing appropriate management plans.
Rotation Activities:
Direct patient care of both well and sick patients in 2 outpatient settings. Option to participate in specialty clinics in the Children’s Clinic. Mandatory to attend Grand Rounds, PediaPRED and Morning Reports, and prepare a Morning Report presentation
Patient Encounters:

Composite evaluation by the supervising physicians in the Children’s Clinic and LVPG Pediatrics office

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Student should clarify objectives and expectations on the first day of the rotation, as well as complete a mid-rotation review with the provider.
 1-5, 7-11
Yr 4 Status
Coughlin, Anne Marie

 MDE 8455 Acquired Immunodeficiency
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Carina Rodriguez
Gina Lombardo, Administrator
(813) 259-8800
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The senior medical student will participate in both inpatient and outpatient clinical duties involving HIV-infected children and adolescents. The student will perform history and physical examinations on infants born to infected mothers and on HIV-infected children. Diagnostic and therapeutic programs will be executed with the supervision of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases faculty. The principles of laboratory evaluation of the HIV-infected child will be demonstrated in the clinical immunology laboratory. For students interested in participating in clinical and/or basic research, participation in small pilot projects is encouraged under the mentorship of a faculty member.
Offer the student a period of intense exposure to HIV infection in infants, children, and adolescents with participation in a supervised outpatient, inpatient, and laboratory setting.
Rotation Activities:
The student will participate in teaching rounds, journal clubs, and seminars with the faculty, and will rotate at the TGH Clinic and the CMS clinic in Tampa.
Patient Encounters:

The student's history and physical examinations, generation of problem lists, and plans for evaluation and treatment will be reviewed frequently by the attending faculty. The quality of these records as well as the student's daily activities at rounds and clinics and conferences will form the basis of the evaluation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
No night is call required. 
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Shapiro, David

 MEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Nanette Grana
(813) 259-8725
(727) 767-3970
Dawn Jones
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept 813-259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The student will be involved in the management of patients with pediatric hematology and oncology disorders, both in the inpatient and outpatient settings.
Introduce the student to the clinical aspects of hematologic and oncologic disease in children
Learn the basics of work up and care for the pediatric hematology/oncology patients
Rotation Activities:
The student will be involved in the diagnosis, evaluation and management of  patients with a spectrum of pediatric hematology and oncology disorders, both in the inpatient and outpatient settings at ACH.
In the outpatient setting, the student will actively participate in interviewing and examining newly referred and follow-up patients.  Students will additionally gain exposure to the multi-disciplinary approach to the care of children with chronic oncologic and hematologic conditions.
The student will be an active participant in daily rounds and will be expected to interact with patients and team members. Students will develop a basic understanding of hematologic and oncologic pathophysiology as well as cancer chemotherapy.  Written histories, physical examinations and plans for evaluation and treatment will be reviewed with the attending physician.
Students will attend the weekly multidisciplinary patient care and teaching rounds and monthly tumor board as well as resident noon conferences, JHUSOM Pediatric Grand Rounds and ACH-JHM Grand Rounds. Students will have the ability to participate in other settings related to the care of this population of children.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Adult Med or Mat Newborn
Moore, Colin

 MEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Rico
Berlinda Garcia-Mora, Administrator
(813) 259-8635
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept 813-259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The student will be involved in the management of patients with pediatric hematology and oncology disorders, both in the inpatient and outpatient settings. 
Introduce the student to the clinical aspects of hematologic and oncologic disease in children
Learn the basics of work up and care for the pediatric hematology/oncology patients
Rotation Activities:
For inpatient services, the student will participate in the AM rounds and assist with diagnostic procedures and therapy planning.
Students are encouraged to study the basics of hematopoiesis and cancer chemotherapy.
Written histories and physical examinations and plans for evaluation and treatment will be reviewed with the attending physician.
In the outpatient setting, the student will actively participate in interviewing and examining newly referred and follow-up patients.
The student will attend the weekly multidisciplinary patient care and teaching rounds and monthly tumor board.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Pri Care, Mat Newborn
Galligan, Andrew

 MEL 8568 Pedi Hematology-Oncology
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Dr. Daniel Zinn after attending Pediatrics Morning Report on the first day, at the outpatient clinic (Children’s Cancer and Multipurpose Infusion Center) that is located on the first floor of the Pediatric Subspecialty Center at the 1210 Cedar Crest building. On subsequent days the student will report to the attending who is on service at 8AM.
The student will be involved in the management of patients with pediatric hematology and oncology disorders, both in the inpatient and outpatient settings. For inpatient services, the student will participate in the AM rounds and assist with diagnostic procedures and therapy planning. Students are encouraged to study the basics of hematopoiesis and cancer chemotherapy. Written histories and physical examinations and plans for evaluation and treatment will be reviewed with the attending physician. In the outpatient setting, the student will actively participate in interviewing and examining newly referred and follow-up patients. The student will attend the weekly multidisciplinary patient care and teaching rounds on Tuesday mornings. By the end of the period the student is expected to be able to know basics of work up and care for the pediatric hematology/oncology patients.
Introduce the student to the clinical aspects of hematologic and oncologic disease in children.
Rotation Activities:
Student will spend time each day rounding and doing procedures on the inpatient unit. In the afternoon student will report to the clinic to see patients. On Tuesday mornings, student will attend the team clinical management conference to discuss patients. Student will be scheduled to present at Pediatrics Morning Report towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be evaluated on multiple aspects of patient care and clinical performance during the 4 week rotation. The student will have direct observation and be precepted by faculty attendings and senior pediatric residents. Rotation leader, with feedback from the team, will complete the evaluation provided by the student’s medical school at the end of the rotation.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Zinn, Daniel 

 MEL 8571 Developmental Pediatrics
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Carol Lilly

For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970 
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation

Familiarize the student with the clinical aspects of child development
Learn to administer basic screening tests and to assess the many aspects of development, which contribute to diagnosis and intervention.
The objectives of this elective can be met via a research track, a clinical track, or a literature review/writing track.
Rotation Activities:
Participating in patient evaluations via observation and direct contact and interacting with various members of a multidisciplinary team will facilitate an understanding of the diversity of the field.
In addition to "hands-on" training, weekly didactics will provide teaching in the basic areas of normal, delayed, and disordered child development, including neurological and genetic disorders, intellectual disability, autism, and specific learning disabilities.
This elective incorporates a wide variety of clinic environments, with exposure to NICU follow-up, age Birth-3 Early Intervention Program, and the school-age population.
When working close to Tampa General or All Children’s Hospital, the student is expected to attend the pediatric residency’s daily noon conference.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Contact Coordinator at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the elective
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
There is no night or weekend coverage expectations.
 **Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Lilly, Carol

 MEL 8573 Pedi Allergy & Clinical Immun
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Mark Ballow
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970
Report to:
Division of Allergy/Immunology
Children’s Research Institute (Band-Aid Building) at ACH 8:30 AM
This elective is designed to give the student experience on both the outpatient and inpatient Pediatric Allergy and Immunology services of All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.
1. Expose the student to clinical allergy immunology through supervised patient care responsibilities 
2. Learn about the performance and interpretation of allergy skin testing, spirometry, tympanometry, rhinoscopy, food challenge procedures, immunotherapy to aeroallergens, and drug desensitization
3. Gain experience in current treatments of immunodeficiency disease
Rotation Activities:
Students will assist in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with a broad spectrum of immunologic, allergic, and rheumatologic diseases.
The elective will emphasize a logical approach to clinical immunologic problems, interpretation of immunology laboratory tests, and the treatment of allergic and immune disorders including autoimmunity.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Leiding, Jennifer

 MEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Carolyn Robinson

Shirley Robles, Administrator
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:

USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation

1. Obtain a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease in the infant, child, and adolescent
2. Understand and interpret basic imaging of the respiratory system and lung function testing
3. Establish a level of competence in diagnosing and managing asthma in children utilizing the principles presented by the NIH Asthma Guidelines
4. Possess an understanding of pulmonary physiology as it relates to common pediatric respiratory disorders
5. Become familiar with common respiratory therapeutic agents employed in pediatrics including airway clearance techniques and asthma pharmacotherapy
Rotation Activities:
This elective will involve working with a multidisciplinary team that will provide experience in the evaluation and management of acute and chronic pediatric respiratory diseases.
Some of these disorders will include: cystic fibrosis, stridor, chronic lung disease of infancy, congenital malformations of the respiratory system, sleep-related disorders of breathing, upper airway problems, and management of the medically-complex child with chronic respiratory problems such as having a tracheostomy tube or requiring supplemental oxygen at home.
Pertinent literature will be discussed and will be available for review on the Moodle Pediatrics Learning Site. Attendance at the USF Residency didactic sessions (i.e. morning report, noon conference, etc.) is STRONGLY encouraged.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
1-5, 7-8, 10-11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
2, 4
Ewig, Jeffrey

 MEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Marisa Couluris
(813) 259-8767
Marlene Papia, Administrator
(813) 259-8810
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:

USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation

1. Obtain a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease in the infant, child, and adolescent
2. Understand and interpret basic imaging of the respiratory system and lung function testing
3. Establish a level of competence in diagnosing and managing asthma in children utilizing the principles presented by the NIH Asthma Guidelines
4. Possess an understanding of pulmonary physiology as it relates to common pediatric respiratory disorders
5. Become familiar with common respiratory therapeutic agents employed in pediatrics including airway clearance techniques and asthma pharmacotherapy
Rotation Activities:
This elective will involve working with a multidisciplinary team that will provide experience in the evaluation and management of acute and chronic pediatric respiratory diseases.
Some of these disorders will include: cystic fibrosis, stridor, chronic lung disease of infancy, congenital malformations of the respiratory system, sleep-related disorders of breathing, upper airway problems, and management of the medically-complex child with chronic respiratory problems such as having a tracheostomy tube or requiring supplemental oxygen at home.
Pertinent literature will be discussed and will be available for review on the Moodle Pediatrics Learning Site. Attendance at the USF Residency didactic sessions (i.e. morning report, noon conference, etc.) is STRONGLY encouraged.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
1-5, 7-8, 10-11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Colon Cortes, Yanerys

 MEL 8574 Pediatric Pulmonary Disease
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
On the first day after attending Pediatrics Morning Report, the student will report to the Pediatric Pulmonology office located in the Children’s Subspecialty Center, 1210 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite 2700,  Allentown, PA 18103 on the Cedar Crest campus.
This elective is designed to introduce medical students to the field of pediatric pulmonology. Students will see patients in the outpatient setting as well as join one of the three pediatric pulmonologists when consulting on the pediatric inpatient unit, the PICU and the NICU.
1. Obtain a history and physical examination as it relates to pulmonary disease in the infant, child, and adolescent
2. Understand and interpret basic imaging of the respiratory system and lung function testing
3. Establish a level of competence in diagnosing and managing asthma in children utilizing the principles presented by the NIH Asthma Guidelines
4. Possess an understanding of pulmonary physiology as it relates to common pediatric respiratory disorders
5. Have a familiarity with common respiratory therapeutic agents employed in pediatrics including airway clearance techniques and asthma pharmacotherapy
Rotation Activities:
This elective will involve working with a multidisciplinary team that will provide experience in the evaluation and management of acute and chronic pediatric respiratory diseases. Some of these disorders will include: cystic fibrosis, stridor, chronic lung disease of infancy, congenital malformations of the respiratory system, sleep-related disorders of breathing, upper airway problems, and management of the medically-complex child with chronic respiratory problems such as having a tracheostomy tube or requiring supplemental oxygen at home. Student will be scheduled to present an interesting case at Pediatric Morning Report towards the end of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Student will be evaluated on clinical performance during this 4 week rotation. The student will have direct observation and be precepted by Pediatric pulmonologists in the outpatient setting. Student will receive weekly feedback. Rotation leader, with input from the clinical team, will complete student’s evaluation form and will return to the medical school.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
  7, 9 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Schwartz, Michael

 MEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
After attending Pediatrics Morning Report at the Cedar Crest Site, report to the PICU, 2nd floor Jaindl at 0900
The PICU is a multidisciplinary unit providing acute care for pediatric patients with a wide variety of medical and surgical problems. The goals and objectives for this elective are intentionally broad to allow for a learning experience in meeting the student’s individual needs. Students will learn to utilize a physiologic-based organ system derived approach to patient problems. Integration of multiple healthcare providers is emphasized. Students are given the responsibility for patient care under the direct supervision of the PICU resident or attending faculty. Educational goals will be met through discussions on teaching rounds, didactic presentations on aspects of pediatric critical care medicine, and self-directed study on individual patients.
1. The student will learn to utilize physical exam skills, laboratory data, and radiographic data to assess the physiologic stability and severity of illness in pediatric ICU patients.
2. The student will learn to incorporate accumulated data with critical thinking skills to both assess a patient’s condition and institute a treatment plan.
3. The student will learn to appreciate the utility and usefulness of both invasive and non-invasive physiologic monitoring and support.
Rotation Activities:
Student will round daily on the PICU (2 Jaindl) and the PICU Intermediate Unit (4 Pool). In addition to the learning opportunities provided by hands-on patient care, the educational experience is supplemented by a didactic lecture series for medical students, biweekly morning report case conference and weekly Pediatrics Grand Rounds. Student will be scheduled to present at Pediatrics Morning Report during this rotation. Medical students will be on call two to three times during the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Final evaluations will be based on the guidelines presented on the evaluation form and the degree to which the student has met his/her stated objectives.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Lindmark, Amy

 MEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Julia Ashworth
(727) 767-2743

(727) 767-3970
For questions if not able to reach above contact:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The PICU is a multidisciplinary unit providing acute care for pediatric patients with a wide variety of medical and surgical problems. The goals and objectives for this elective are intentionally broad to allow for a learning experience in meeting the student’s individual needs. Students will learn to utilize a physiologic-based organ system derived approach to patient problems. Integration of multiple healthcare providers is emphasized.
1. The student will learn to utilize physical exam skills, laboratory data, and radiographic data to assess the physiologic stability and severity of illness in pediatric ICU patients.
2. The student will learn to incorporate accumulated data with critical thinking skills to both assess a patient’s condition and institute a treatment plan.
3. The student will learn to appreciate the utility and usefulness of both invasive and non-invasive physiologic monitoring and support.
Rotation Activities:
Students are given the responsibility for patient care under the direct supervision of the PICU resident or attending faculty. Educational goals will be met through discussions on teaching rounds, didactic presentations on aspects of pediatric critical care medicine, and self-directed study on individual patients.
Patient Encounters:

Final evaluations will be based on the guidelines presented on the  evaluation form and the degree to which the student has met his/her stated objectives.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 **Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Weibley, Richard

 MEL 8575 Pediatric Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Dan Riggs
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The PICU is a multidisciplinary unit providing acute care for pediatric patients with a wide variety of medical and surgical problems. The goals and objectives for this elective are intentionally broad to allow for a learning experience in meeting the student’s individual needs. Students will learn to utilize a physiologic-based organ system derived approach to patient problems. Integration of multiple healthcare providers is emphasized.
1. The student will learn to utilize physical exam skills, laboratory data, and radiographic data to assess the physiologic stability and severity of illness in pediatric ICU patients.
2. The student will learn to incorporate accumulated data with critical thinking skills to both assess a patient’s condition and institute a treatment plan.
3. The student will learn to appreciate the utility and usefulness of both invasive and non-invasive physiologic monitoring and support.
Rotation Activities:
Students are given the responsibility for patient care under the direct supervision of the PICU resident or attending faculty. Educational goals will be met through discussions on teaching rounds, didactic presentations on aspects of pediatric critical care medicine, and self-directed study on individual patients.
Patient Encounters:

Final evaluations will be based on the guidelines presented on the  evaluation form and the degree to which the student has met his/her stated objectives.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 **Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Weibley, Richard

 MEL 8577 Neonatology
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Mitzi Go

Dawn Jones
(727) 767-3970
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation

Students will be taught to provide patient care that is compassionate, appropriate and effective for the promotion of health, prevention of illness, treatment of disease and at the end of life in the neonatal intensive care unit. 
Rotation Activities:
Opportunities to participate in simulated resuscitative scenarios will be available.
Students will attend the NICU follow-up clinic.  Students will have the opportunity to follow nutritional, developmental and other clinical issues on discharged neonatal patients.   Students are expected to participate daily rounds and didactic conferences and other structured learning opportunities.  Students will attend JHUSOM Pediatric Grand Rounds and ACH-JHM Grand Rounds.
Students will be able to observe a variety of procedures including but not limited to sterile gowning and aseptic preparation, venipuncture, intubation, lumbar puncture, suprapubic bladder aspiration, bladder catheterization and umbilical line placement.
Patient Encounters:

Final evaluations will be based on the guidelines presented on the  evaluation form and the degree to which the student has met his/her stated objectives.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Yr 4 Status
Go, Mitzi

 MEL 8579 Ped Gastroenterology/Nutrition
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Patrick Lin, MD
Hecht Family Children’s Hospital Subspecialty Center
1210 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Suite 2400, Allentown, PA 18103
(610) 402-3888

1. Identify and explain the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the digestive system
2. Utilize knowledge about the developmental stages of the digestive system to aid in disease diagnosis and treatment
3. Be able to accurately evaluate and manage a pediatric patient for common gastrointestinal problems
4. Explain the role genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology has on the digestive system
5. Justify the use of drugs to treat gastrointestinal conditions and be able to explain the pharmacological effects on the body
6. Summarize the principles of gastrointestinal surgery and be able to assess the risks and benefits of surgical procedures.
Rotation Activities:
The student will attend the Pediatric Gastroenterology clinic with one of the attendings, discuss the findings of the history and exam of the patient, discuss differential diagnosis and develop appropriate plan for work up and treatment. The student will respond to the consults from the pediatric inpatient team and discuss the consult with the attending. Additionally, the student may observe gastrointestinal procedures (upper endoscopy and colonoscopy). These outpatient procedures are done in the Children’s surgery Center located at 1210 S. Cedar Crest Blvd, 3rd floor on the Cedar Crest campus.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated on multiple aspects of patient care and clinical performance during the rotation. They will have direct observation and be precepted by pediatric faculty and pediatric residents where appropriate. Students will receive weekly feedback and a final evaluation with formative and summative comments based on clinical performance, knowledge and skills. Students will be expected to read about the diseases of their clinic and hospital patients. Grading for the course will be a reflection of the students' participation and daily activities.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1-5, 7-11
Yr 4 Status
Lin, Patrick

 MEL 8579 Ped Gastroenterology/Nutrition
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. McClenathan
Jennifer Leanna
(727) 822-4300
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
ACH GME Dept (727) 767-3970
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Pediatric Gastroenterology/Nutrition Department is a very active clinical service. Students will participate in the evaluation and management of children with gastrointestinal disease. Students will interview and examine outpatients and inpatients referred for pediatric gastrointestinal disorders. Students will attend daily gastroenterology clinics at ACH and interview and examine outpatients referred for gastrointestinal disorders. Students will assist in planning the diagnostic and therapeutic program for these patients. 
1. Identify and explain the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the digestive system
2. Utilize knowledge about the developmental stages of the digestive system to aid in disease diagnosis and treatment
3. Be able to accurately evaluate and manage a pediatric patient for common gastrointestinal problems
4. Explain the role genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology has on the digestive system
5. Justify the use of drugs to treat gastrointestinal conditions and be able to explain the pharmacological effects on the body
6. Summarize the principles of gastrointestinal surgery and be able to assess the risks and benefits of surgical procedures.
Rotation Activities:
Students will be expected to participate in clinical gastrointestinal rounds and Gastroenterology Journal Club.
nts will observe diagnostic modalities such as endoscopy, manometry, esophageal dilation, suction rectal biopsies and Ph probes.  The student will be evaluated on faculty evaluations, attendance and overall performance.
Patient Encounters:

The student will be expected to read about the diseases of their clinic and hospital patients. Grading for the course will be a reflection of the student's participation and daily activities.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Contact Coordinator and Dr. McClenathan prior to the first day of the rotation.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Adult Med or Mat Newborn
Wilsey, Mike

 MEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Drs. Wassam Rahman
Dr. Laleh Bahar-Posey
Danielle Wolfson, Emergency Admin Coordinator

Johns Hopkins ACH GME
(727) 767-3970
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Pediatric Emergency Medicine elective is designed to give an in-depth exposure to the identification and management of acutely ill and injured children. By the completion of the rotation, students will be able to identify an acutely ill or injured child and develop and implement an appropriate management plan.
1. Introduce students to the clinical aspects of pediatric emergency medicine
2. Learn the basics of work-up and care for the pediatric emergency patient 
Rotation Activities:
Students are integrated into the health care team and participate directly in all aspects of patient care for medical/surgical/trauma emergencies including history, physical examination, management options, evaluation of laboratory and radiographic studies, utilization of consultants, decision making, and disposition. Under the supervision of an attending physician, students are involved in technical procedures including suturing, immobilization, splints, phlebotomy, IVs, ABGs, lumbar puncture, bladder tap, central venous access, arterial lines, endotracheal intubation, chest tube insertion, thoracentesis, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The emergency center environment features a computerized tracking system and exposes students to this modality for expediting patient care. Students participate in daily didactic conferences, radiology rounds, chart review, plus monthly mock code scenarios designed to integrate with syllabus material.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Rahman, Wassam

 MEL 8580 Pediatric Emergency Medicine
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Jasmine Patterson
(813) 627-5973
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Pediatric Emergency Medicine elective is designed to give an in-depth exposure to the identification and management of acutely ill and injured children. By the completion of the rotation, students will be able to identify an acutely ill or injured child and develop and implement an appropriate management plan.
1. Introduce students to the clinical aspects of pediatric emergency medicine
2. Learn the basics of work-up and care for the pediatric emergency patient 
Rotation Activities:
Students are integrated into the health care team and participate directly in all aspects of patient care for medical/surgical/trauma emergencies including history, physical examination, management options, evaluation of laboratory and radiographic studies, utilization of consultants, decision making, and disposition. Under the supervision of an attending physician, students are involved in technical procedures including suturing, immobilization, splints, phlebotomy, IVs, ABGs, lumbar puncture, bladder tap, central venous access, arterial lines, endotracheal intubation, chest tube insertion, thoracentesis, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The emergency center environment features a computerized tracking system and exposes students to this modality for expediting patient care. Students participate in daily didactic conferences, radiology rounds, chart review, plus monthly mock code scenarios designed to integrate with syllabus material.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 1 - 11 
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Patterson, Jasmine 

 MEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. David Berman
(813) 259-8725
(727) 767-3970
For questions if not able to reach above contacts:

USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective in pediatric infectious disease is a clinical preceptorship with the Infectious Disease team.
1. Introduce students to the clinical aspects of pediatric infectious diseases
2. Learn the basics of work-up and care for the pediatric infectious disease patient
Rotation Activities:
The majority of time is spent on inpatient consults. The student is exposed to all areas of the hospital since consults are answered in critical care areas, the general pediatric wards, and NICU. In the ambulatory setting, the student will have exposure to the outpatient ID clinic and the pediatric/adolescent HIV clinic. Microbiological laboratory utilization and antibiotic therapy are emphasized during the rotation. Informal teaching conferences are held frequently. The student is expected to participate in weekly journal club, presenting an article each week.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Please contact the department at least two weeks prior to starting elective.
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics.
No night call is required.
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 2 -11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Berman, David

 MEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Dale Bergamo

For questions if not able to reach above contacts:
USF Health Peds Edu Dept (813) 259-8638
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective in pediatric infectious disease is a clinical preceptorship with the Infectious Disease team.

Rotation Activities:
The majority of time is spent on inpatient consults. The student is exposed to all areas of the hospital since consults are answered in critical care areas, the general pediatric wards, and NICU. Inpatient consultations on the Tampa rotation will be performed at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital. In the ambulatory setting, the student will have exposure to the outpatient ID clinic and the pediatric/adolescent HIV clinic. Microbiological laboratory utilization and antibiotic therapy are emphasized during the rotation. Informal teaching conferences are held frequently. The student is expected to participate in weekly journal club, presenting an article each week.
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation of the student’s performance will be made by observing development of his/her clinical expertise and the use of informal quizzes.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Please contact the department at least two weeks prior to starting elective.
Transportation may be needed for travel between hospitals and clinics. Part of the elective will take place at St. Joseph's Hospital.
No night call is required.
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
Students will be tentatively scheduled during the lottery process, but course availability is subject to change pending resident schedules.
 2 -11
Pri Care or Mat Newborn
Bergamo, Dale

 MEL 8582 Pediatric Infectious Diseases
 Click here for additional course information
Cari Cleffi
(484) 862-3131
Jessica McKee
(610) 402-7632
Report to:
Dr. Tibisay Villalobos
Pediatric Infectious Disease Physician Inpatient Unit at Cedar Crest.
This elective in pediatric infectious disease is a clinical preceptorship with the Infectious Disease team. The majority of time is spent between the inpatient and outpatient settings. The student is exposed to all areas of the hospital since consults are answered in critical care areas, the general pediatric wards, and NICU. Microbiological laboratory utilization and antibiotic therapy are emphasized during the rotation. Informal teaching conferences are held frequently. The student is expected to participate in weekly journal club, presenting an article each week.
1. Learn to take a complete and thorough history pertaining to common infectious diseases problems
2. Demonstrate appropriate physical examination skills and ability to perform adequate assessment and differential diagnosis between infectious and non-infectious illnesses
3. Learn about laboratory diagnosis of common infections and the interpretation of current microbiologic, virologic, mycologic, parasitologic and serologic tests
4. Learn how to correlate laboratory findings (such as antibiotic sensitivities) to the clinical evaluation at the patient bedside
5. Learn about antimicrobials and the proper use in pediatrics
6. Identify the immunizations administered during childhood and adolescence and evaluate the indications for specific vaccines
7. Learn basic concepts of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Prevention / Control and how to apply them to daily clinical practice
8. Understand the principles of treatment for most common infectious diseases
9. Identify infectious disease in the perinatal period that can cause congenital and neonatal infections
10. Learn about travel medicine and global health: how infectious diseases spread around the world.
Learning Outcomes: This course will prepare the student to diagnose, treat and manage common infectious diseases in children caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. The student will develop an appreciation for immunizations, advanced tests used to identify pathogens, and the appropriate use of antimicrobials to treat infections.
Rotation Activities:
Students will join pediatric rounds each day with the Pediatric Infectious Disease team, including Pediatric Pharmacology. Student will see patients with Dr. Villalobos in her clinic several days a week. Combined Pediatric and Adult ID microbiology rounds take place once during the rotation. Student will be scheduled to present at Pediatric Morning Report towards the end of the rotation. A short project or presentation is voluntary and up to the needs and interests of the student.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated on multiple aspects of patient care and clinical performance during the 4 week rotation. The student will have direct observation and be precepted by pediatric faculty and pediatric residents where appropriate. Student will receive weekly feedback and a final evaluation with formative and summative comments based on clinical performance, knowledge and skills.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
No night call is required.
**Students who select a 2 week rotation may only have 1 day of absence excused.
  1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Villalobos, Tibisay

MEL 7320K Externship in Pediatrics
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999K Indep Study - Pediatrics
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

MDE 8157 Adv in the Understanding of the Pathophysiologic Underpinnings of Dementia
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Gregory Sullivan
Report to:
(813) 972-2000 ext. 6723
JAHVA Main Hospital, GA-004
8:00 AM
This course will be conducted in a seminar style fashion. Students will meet with faculty to review recent articles about latest advances in the understanding of dementia (most prominently Alzheimer’s type). Topics will include underlying pathophysiology, genetics, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention of dementia. 
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Discuss the latest models of how neuropathological protein misfolding occurring in the brain plays a role in the development of dementia along with other pathophysiology that leads to cognitive disorders
2. Describe trophic factors that support neuron functioning and toxins that may accelerate dementing processes
3. Identify evolutionary and genetic factors that make a person susceptible to dementia and current recommendations for identifying these factors in clinical care
4. Discuss potential interventions to prevent dementia
5. Discuss the work up for a patient with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia
6. Describe the pathways and biological targets for pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions
Rotation Activities:
Students will meet with course faculty to review recent papers about advance in the understanding of the development, prevention and treatment of dementia. Students will identify a basic science aspect that they want to learn more about and give a presentation to faculty and peers at the end of the rotation. There will be an opportunity for interested students to get clinical exposure to patients with cognitive impairment. 
Patient Encounters:
1. Students will evaluate articles using a critical appraisal tool that they will turn in for faculty review.
2. Students will give a presentation on the final day of the rotation to faculty and peers including a list of references. Faculty will complete a checklist providing feedback on the quality of the presentation.
3. Professionalism and group participation will also be assessed throughout the elective. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Sullivan, Gregory
Basic Science

 MDE 8811 Integration of Brain Networks
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Michael Centorino
Report to:
JAHVA Mental Health Clinic
10770 N 46th St
Tampa, FL 33617
The course will provide a conceptual framework to think about brain disease following the National Institutes of Mental Health Strategic Plan agenda seeking new ways of classifying psychopathology based on dimensions of observable behavior and neurobiological measures. Specifically, this interdisciplinary course is designed to provide students with basic science lectures integrating state of the art knowledge about how brain networks integrate into dimensions of behavior spanning the spectrum of health to disease, with the experimental and clinical application of therapeutic techniques (neurostimulation and optogenetics). Students will learn in depth about dynamic integration of networks and functional brain anatomy in week one, and about therapeutic and experimental applications in week two. Classroom lectures during the morning, will be integrated with laboratory and neurotherapies clinic attendance in the afternoon. At the end of the course, all students will be required to present a small conceptual paper on a topic of their choice related to course materials.
At the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Discuss  different classes of variables (or units of analysis) affecting behavior including genes, molecules, cells, neural circuits, physiology, behaviors, and self-reports
2. Describe the circuits that represent the core aspect of these classes of variables – as central to the various biological and behavioral levels of analysis
3. Discuss  the selection, implementation and limitations of modern treatment modalities for brain disorders (neuromodulation and optogenetics)
4. Integrate the basic science knowledge described with clinical applications and laboratory research problems
5. Critically evaluate the pertinent literature to one topic of their choice and summarize it into a 20 minute conceptual presentation
Rotation Activities:
Students will meet with course faculty and review selected articles. At the end of the course, all students will be required to present a small conceptual paper on a topic of their choice related to course materials.
Patient Encounters:
Students will be evaluated based on faculty evaluation of interaction, participation, peer evaluation, and a final scholarly project.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Centorino, Michael
Basic Science 

 MDE 8842 Emergency Psychiatry
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Cory Klippel
(813) 457-0226 (Pager)
(863) 326-3000 (Cell)
(813) 972-2000 x6229
Report to:
Main JAHVA Hospital campus
Room 1A-105J
13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
This elective gives the student the unique opportunity to participate in the evaluation, diagnosis, and the short-term treatment planning for patients in the JAHVA Emergency Room. Under close supervision by the faculty and staff of this service, the student gains experience in interviewing, diagnosing, and managing the acute psychiatric patient. The student sees a very wide range of pathology from adjustment disorders to frank psychoses to complex multisystem illnesses. Students work directly with the attending psychiatrist.  Students will participate in the decision-making process performing a risk assessment to determine if the patient requires inpatient admission or create a plan for outpatient care. Directed readings will be provided.
During the rotation the student will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Obtain a history and perform relevant physical exam for urgent psychiatric complaints
2. Conduct a thorough mental status assessment inclusive of:
1. A comprehensive assessment for dangerousness inclusive of suicide and violence risk 
2. Use of the MoCA to screen for cognitive deficits
3. Differentiate functional from organic disorders, define and identify common psychotic, affective and characterological disorders
4. Recognize interaction of substance abuse with other syndromes
5. Differentiate problems which require further inpatient assessment and treatment versus outpatient care
6. Appropriately utilize medications and recognize major side effects
7. Use of brief interventions inclusive of crisis intervention, chemical and physical restraint, etc. 
8. Describe the elements required for confidentiality, involuntary hospitalization and surrogate decision making under the Florida statutes and Mental Health Code. 
9. Identify appropriate sources of collateral information to inform the psychiatric evaluation (i.e. family, pharmacy, ALF, narcotic verification registry etc.). 
10. Demonstrate the ability to document a psychiatric history, mental status exam and medical decision making for an urgent psychiatric assessment. 
Rotation Activities:
1. Perform supervised clinical interviews with the patient in the acute crisis setting Monday-Friday 8AM-4:30 PM
2. Demonstrate the ability to refine both oral and written psychiatric presentations. 
3. In-service lectures on common topics relevant to psychiatric care in the acute care setting, including:  management of agitation, neuropsychiatric manifestations of common medical illnesses, psychiatric emergencies, substance use disorders, etc.  
Patient Encounters:

Direct observation by supervising faculty of interviewing and PE skills (at least weekly)
Review of medical documentation by faculty supervising the rotation (daily)
10 minute oral presentation on a topic of interest
The grade will be compromised of 75% clinical evaluation and 25% oral presentation on a topic

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Klippel, Cory

 MEL 8109 Outpatient Psychiatry
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Saundra Stock
(813) 230-8422
Report to:
University Psychiatry Center
7:45 AM on first day - Ask front desk for “attending” for resident clinic
3515 E. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33613
This elective is designed to provide interested students with clinical and didactic training in outpatient psychiatry. The student will have an opportunity to develop greater diagnostic and management skills in varied outpatient settings including the University Psychiatry Center Outpatient Clinic and the James A. Haley Tampa VA Hospital. Specific experiences can include the Adult Evaluation Clinic, the Memory Disorders Clinic, and the Child Evaluation Clinic. An opportunity to gain increased understanding of crisis intervention in an outpatient setting at the Tampa VA Hospital is also available.
By the end of the rotation students will be able to:
1. Describe common presenting symptoms and disorders in various outpatient psychiatric settings
2. Discuss challenges in establishing a psychiatric diagnosis in the outpatient setting including interviewing techniques that facilitate building rapport
3. Describe variety of psychotherapy modalities including individual, group, and family, therapy and when to refer each of these modalities.
4. Compare and contrast use of psychotropic medications in the outpatient and inpatient settings
Rotation Activities:
Students will see new and established patients in conjunction with psychiatry residents and faculty. 
Patient Encounters:
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.
MEL 8109 outpt Psych Syllabus.pdf
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Notify Pat Crump of any potential scheduling conflicts, such as precepting, exams, or interviews at least 4 weeks before the start of the rotation.
 1 -11
Stock, Saundra

 MEL 8602 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Saundra Stock
(813) 230-8422
Report to:
Silver Child Development Center
7:50 AM on first day
3515 E. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33613
This elective is designed to provide the interested student with an opportunity to develop diagnostic and management skills essential to the evaluation and treatment of children with psychiatric problems including the behavioral disorders that are commonly encountered in family medicine and pediatric practices.
At the end of the rotation students will be able to:
1. Describe how to evaluate and diagnose common psychiatric and behavioral disorders in children
2. Discuss the role of psychotherapy including individual and family therapy in the treatment of psychiatric disorders for youth.
3. Discuss legal and ethical aspects of psychiatric are for children and adolescents including informed consent, assent and confidentiality in the outpatient setting.
4. List  community agencies available to help children with psychiatric and behavioral problems
Rotation Activities:
Students will see new and established patients and families in conjunction with psychiatry residents and faculty. 
Patient Encounters:

The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.
MEL 8602 Child Psych Syllabus.pdf
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Notify Pat Crump of any potential scheduling conflicts, such as precepting, exams, or interviews at least 4 weeks before the start of the rotation.
1 - 11
Stock, Saundra

 MEL 8602 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Siddhartha Maru
(484) 884-6503
Report to:
Dr. John Campion and Dr. John Paul Gomez
Adolescent Inpatient Unit at Muhlenberg
This elective is designed to provide the interested student with an opportunity to develop diagnostic and management skills essential to the evaluation and treatment of children with psychiatric problems including the behavioral disorders that are commonly encountered in family medicine and pediatric practices.
1. Learn how to evaluate and diagnose psychiatric problems including common behavioral disorders in children
2. Learn basic management skills of psychiatric problems including common behavioral problems
3. Become familiar with community agencies available to help children with psychiatric and behavioral problems
4. Become more familiar with the general practice of child psychiatry
5. Enhance interviewing skills of children and their families
Rotation Activities:
Students rotate on the inpatient child and adolescent psychiatry unit.  They will follow several patients on the unit and participate in all aspects of their patients’ care.  Students will also be expected to give a 10-minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
Patient Encounters:

The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval of Drs. Gomez, Campion, and Martin required at least four months prior to the start of the elective.
1-3, 6-11
Yr 4 Status
Maru, Siddhartha

 MEL 8608 Memory Disorders Clinic
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Jean Fils
Report to:
USF Memory Disorders Clinic
Outpatient Psychiatry Center
3rd Floor, Room 317
3515 E. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33612
8:00 AM
This elective is designed to provide interested senior medical students with an advanced experience in the evaluation and treatment of Memory Disorder Clinic patients. The psychiatric evaluation will allow the senior student to become proficient in the diagnostic work-up of the patient with a memory complaint and with the memory disorders work-up which includes neuroimaging studies of the brain, laboratory studies, neuropsychological testing and psychosocial evaluation. Students will gain expertise in geriatric medicine, geriatric psychiatry and the differential diagnosis of patients with memory complaints and psychiatric disorders.
1. Become familiar with the multidisciplinary assessment of elderly patients
2. Develop specialized diagnostic skills for identifying and differentiating the multiple causes of dementia
3. Learn how to integrate psychiatry and medical care of the elderly
4. Become familiar with utilization of community resources in the care of the elderly
5. Become familiar with the therapeutic rapport between physician and the patient’s family or/and care giver
Rotation Activities:
The student will spend the majority of the elective at the Memory Disorders Clinic at the Psychiatry Center. The student may be involved at other facilities such as an Assisted Living Facility or nursing home as relates to the geriatric population. Supervision and seminars will complement these clinical activities.
Patient Encounters:
Mild Cognitive Impairment
The student's clinical performance will be evaluated by the supervising faculty according to the elective objectives. In addition, the student will be required to prepare a written summary of the elective experience including a description of clinical and academic activities, a self-evaluation of what the he/she learned on the elective, and a critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Notify Pat Crump of any potential scheduling conflicts, such as precepting, exams, or interviews at least 4 weeks before the start of the rotation. 
 1 -11
Fils, Jean

MDI 8843 AI Psych: Adv Adult Inpatient
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Report to:
JAHVA Hospital Acute Recovery Unit (ARC) 30-G
Ground Fl of the nursing home
7:30 AM
13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
This elective is designed to provide an advanced clinical and didactic training in inpatient psychiatry. Students will participate as a “sub-intern” on an inpatient psychiatric ward. Students are expected to have a small caseload of patients that they actively manage taking on primary responsibility for the patient’s care in conjunction with the supervising faculty. Students will perform the history and physical for patients admitted to the hospital and follow the patient on a daily throughout the hospital course. Students will learn to construct a biopsychosocial formulation of the patient’s presenting problems along with providing acute, intense biological, psychological and social interventions during the hospitalization. Students will also learn to compose discharge summaries. Close supervision, seminars, and independent study will complement the clinical activities.
By the end of the rotation students will:
  1. Demonstrate the ability to interview patients with acute psychiatric symptoms including those that are suicidal, agitated and/or psychotic
  2. Be able to conduct a risk assessment for suicide and violence
  3. Discuss the differential diagnosis for patients under their care
  4. Be able to create a biopsychosocial formulation
  5. Discuss how to select an initial pharmacologic agent for common psychiatric disorders in the inpatient setting (understanding the pharmacology of various agents and possible medication interactions) and the necessary medical monitoring for these medications
  6. Describe psychotherapy interventions for acutely ill patients including milieu management, crisis intervention, individual and family therapy.
Rotation Activities:
Students will perform the history and physical for patients being admitted to the hospital and follow the patient daily throughout the hospital course. Students will document the H&P for new patients and write daily notes for patients under their care. Students will participate in multidisciplinary team meetings. There is the opportunity to mentor 3rd year medical students on the team. 
Patient Encounters:

The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit two discharge summaries for review by faculty.
AI Inpatient Syllabus.pdf
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Some rotations can accommodate 3 students. An additional spot can be requested via drop/add.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Stock, Saundra

 MDI 8843 AI Psych: Adv Adult Inpatient
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Siddhartha Maru
(484) 884-6503
Report to:
Dr. Karper and Dr. Primelo
Adult Inpatient Unit at Muhlenberg
This elective is designed to provide advanced clinical and didactic training in inpatient psychiatry. Students will participate as a “sub-intern” on an inpatient psychiatric ward. Students are expected to have a small caseload of patients that they actively manage taking on primary responsibility for the patient’s care in conjunction with the supervising faculty. Students will perform the history and physical for patients being admitted to the hospital and follow the patient on a daily throughout the hospital course. Students will learn to construct a biopsychosocial formulation of the patient’s presenting problems along with providing acute, intense biological, psychocological and social interventions during the hospitalization. Students will also learn to compose discharge summaries. Close supervision, seminars, and independent study will complement the clinical activities.
1. Examine various psychiatric conditions in greater depth while determining the best method of treatment for these conditions
2. Analyze and identify appropriate uses of psychotropic medication
3. Develop a familiarity with a variety of psychotherapy modalities including individual, group, and family psychotherapy
4. Develop effective interviewing skills used when working with psychiatric patients
Rotation Activities:
Students rotate on the inpatient psychiatry unit.  They will follow several patients on the unit and participate in all aspects of their patients’ care.  Students will also be expected to give a 10-minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
Patient Encounters:

The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
In addition, the student will be required to prepare a written summary of the elective experience including a description of clinical and academic activities, a self-evaluation of what the student learned in the elective, and a critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval of Drs. Karper, Primelo, and Martin required at least four months prior to the start of the elective. 
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Maru, Siddhartha

 MEL 8612 Geriatric Psychiatry
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Report to:
James A Haley VA Acute Recovery Unit (ARC) 30-G
Ground Floor
7:30 AM
13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
This elective is designed to offer advanced experience in the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of elderly patients with psychiatric disorders. Students can participate in both inpatient and outpatient geriatric psychiatry care. Students will have clinical responsibility for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of elderly psychiatry patients. Supervision, seminars, and independent study will complement the clinical activities.
1. Become familiar with the multidisciplinary assessment of elderly patients
2. Develop specialized diagnostic skills for identifying and differentiating organic brain syndromes
3. Learn how to integrate psychiatry and medical care of the elderly
4. Become familiar with utilization of community resources in the care of the elderly
Rotation Activities:
Students will see geriatric patients and their families in a variety of settings. Evaluations of new and established patients will occur in conjunction with faculty. 
Patient Encounters:

The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives. In addition, the student will be required to prepare a written summary of the elective experience including a description of clinical and academic activities, a self-evaluation of what the student learned in the elective, and a critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Part of the rotation will also be at the University Psychiatry Center.
 1 -11
Sullivan, Gregory

 MEL 8613 Alcoholism & Substance Abuse
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Mildred Barnett
(813) 631-2527
Report to:
JAHVA Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic 
10770 N. 46th Street Bldg E
Tampa, FL 33617
This elective is designed to offer advanced experiences in the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of alcoholic and substance abuse patients, and the assessment and diagnosis management of other co-existing psychiatric disorders. The student will participate in a therapeutic community treatment program for chemical dependency, have direct clinical responsibilities for patient care and interact with available community resources for chemically dependent patients. The student will have the opportunity to participate in ongoing addiction research activities.
1. Demonstrate diagnostic skills in chemical dependency and associated medical and psychiatric disorders
2. Describe individual, group, and community treatment techniques for the chemically dependent patient
3. Discuss how to facilitate rehabilitation of chemically dependent patients
4. Identify   community resources for chemically dependent patients
Rotation Activities:
Students will see both new and established patients in the outpatient substance use treatment program at the James A. Haley VA in conjunction with faculty and residents. 
Patient Encounters:
Alcohol use disorder
The supervising faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives. In addition, the student will be required to prepare a written summary of the elective experience including a description of clinical and academic activities, a self-evaluation of what the student learned in the elective, and a critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Notify Pat Crump of any potential scheduling conflicts, such as precepting, exams, or interviews at least 4 weeks before the start of the rotation. 
 1 -11
Barnett, Mildred

 MDI 8841 AI: Adv Adult Psych Consults
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Kimberly Hartney
(941) 276-3759
Report to:
Tampa General Hospital
2nd Fl
7:30 AM
(813) 844-7545 or (813) 844-7950
Follow the signs to the rehab building. Once you cross the glass-enclosed walkway, you will see, immediately on the right, a door labeled "Aeromed." Enter that door, and the first floor on the right inside the suite is the Psychiatry Consult Office.
This elective is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of the interface between psychiatry and medical illness. Students will assist the consultation team in interviewing medical/surgical patients at Tampa General Hospital. Students will be asked to evaluate patients and ascertain how the patient's medical illness is affected by psychological factors. They will be exposed to a wide range of psychopathology including mood disorders, conversion disorders, psychotic disorders, delirium, dementias, and other organic illnesses with a heavy focus on the interface of psychiatry in the medically ill. .
1. Demonstrate familiarity with psychiatric diagnoses common in the medically ill
2. Demonstrate the ability to perform interviews on difficult medical/surgical patients
3. Demonstrate the ability to function well as part of a consultation/liaison team and work with members of other medical teams and other disciplines
Rotation Activities:
Students will:
1. Perform psychiatric consultations for patients on  medical and surgical floors conducting both new and follow up evaluations
2. Create documentation and orders for the care of those patients.  
3. Act as an educator for junior medical students. 
Patient Encounters:
Alcohol withdrawal
Faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.
syllabus AI - CL Psychiatry.pdf
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Adult Med, Psych/Neuro
Hartney, Kimberly

 MDI 8841 AI: Adv Adult Psych Consults
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Gregory Sullivan
(813) 972-2000 ext. 6723
Report to:
JAHVA main hospital
GA-004 at Ground Fl
8:00 AM
13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
This elective is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of the interface between psychiatry and medical illness. Students will assist the consultation team in interviewing medical/surgical patients at the James A, Haley Veterans Hospital. Students will be asked to evaluate patients and ascertain how the patient's medical illness is affected by psychological factors. They will be exposed to a wide range of psychopathology including mood disorders, conversion disorders, psychotic disorders, delirium, dementias, and other organic illnesses.
1. Demonstrate familiarity with psychiatric diagnoses common in the medically ill
2. Demonstrate the ability to perform interviews on difficult medical/surgical patients
3. Demonstrate the ability to function well as part of a consultation/liaison team and work with members of other medical teams and other disciplines
Rotation Activities:
Students will:
1. Perform psychiatric consultations for patients on  medical and surgical floors conducting both new and follow up evaluations
2. Create documentation and orders for the care of those patients 
3. Act as an educator for junior medical students
Patient Encounters:
Alcohol withdrawal
Faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.
syllabus AI - CL Psychiatry.pdf
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Adult Med, Psych/Neuro
Sullivan, Gregory

MDI 8841 AI: Adv Child/Adult Psych Consults
 Click here for additional course information
Dr. Siddhartha Maru
(484) 884-6503
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
This elective is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of the interface between psychiatry and medical illness in the pediatric and adult populations. Students will assist the consultation team in interviewing medical/surgical patients at LVHN-Cedar Crest Campus Hospital. Students will be asked to evaluate patients and ascertain how the patient's medical illness is affected by psychological factors. They will be exposed to a wide range of psychopathology including mood disorders, conversion disorders, psychotic disorders, delirium, dementias, and other organic illnesses.
1. Become familiar with psychiatric diagnoses in both the adult and child populations
2. Improve interviewing skills by performing interviews on difficult medical/surgical patients
3. Learn to be part of a consultation/liaison team and be able to work with members of other medical teams and other disciplines
Rotation Activities:
Students rotate on the consult service.  They will see 3-4 new consults each day and participate in all aspects’ of their patients’ psychiatric treatment plan. Students will also be expected to give a 10-minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
Patient Encounters:

Faculty will evaluate the student’s clinical performance according to the elective objectives.
The student will conduct a 10 minute presentation on a relevant topic of interest.
The student will submit medical documentation for review by faculty.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval of Dr. Martin required at least four months prior to the start of the elective.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Maru, Siddhartha

 MEL 8626 Neurostimulation in Psych
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Jaime Fernandez
(917) 822-4293
Dr. Frank Kozel
(813) 974-2000 ext. 5289
Kim Vantrees, Nurse Treater
Report to:
Memorial Hospital
2901 W. Swann Avenue, Tampa, FL 33609
Go to the main entrance and text Dr. Fernandez when you arrive.
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the use of various forms of neural stimulation in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Under the supervision of clinical faculty, students will have the opportunity to practice in a university neural stimulation clinic. Students will participate in the initial evaluation of patients for neural stimulation. Students will also take part in the neural stimulation treatment of suitable patients. This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the current use of neural stimulation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.
1. Familiarize the student with the multiple available methods for neural stimulation
2. Identify the psychiatric disorders which are indications for treatment by neural stimulation
3. Compare neural stimulation to the pharmacologic treatment of psychiatric disorders
4. Compare the treatment response of neural stimulation to other current treatment methods
5. Evaluate new patients for suitability for deep brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy
6. Participate in the treatment of patients with electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation and deep brain stimulation
Rotation Activities:
Students will see patients at the James A Haley Neurotherapies Clinic,  Memorial Hospital, and other related settings. Students will be provided with a training packet prior to the start of the elective pertaining to neurostimulation. Upon completion of these elective, students should understand the principles of neurostimulation, selection of appropriate patients and the implementation of neurostimulation treatment plan.
Patient Encounters:

Students will work closely with the Neurostimulation Attending who will provide the assessment.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Obtain required reading from Pat Crump before the rotation starts. Part of the rotation will occur at Memorial Hospital.
 1 -11
Stock, Saundra

 MDR 8840 Psychiatric Research
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Dr. Glenn Catalano
(813) 382-8959
Report to:
VA Mental Health Outpatient Building
10770 North 46th St, Building E
Tampa, FL 33617
This elective is designed to enable the advanced student to become acquainted with the methodologies of behavioral medicine in basic neuroscience and their application in psychiatry and medicine. Opportunities exist in both basic science and clinical research areas including molecular genetics, neuroimmunology and cognitive medicine. Each student will participate in an ongoing research project and/or an individual tutorial during this time under faculty supervision and review and will evaluate the literature that pertains to his/her chosen topic.
1. Increase the knowledge of psychiatry and behavioral medicine in an area of particular interest to the student
2. Become familiar with research methodology
3. Gain an enhanced perspective of the role of behavioral principles in the practice of psychiatry and medicine
Rotation Activities:
Activities will be individualized based on student interest and available projects. 
Patient Encounters:
The research supervisor will evaluate the student’s research performance according to the elective objectives. The student will also be expected to prepare a written summary of the research project including an appropriate review of the relevant literature and a description of the student's research activities. In addition, the student will provide the elective supervisor with a written critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval from the Associate Chief of Staff for Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences is required. For T-VAH contact Dr. Glenn Catalano at least 4 weeks before the start of the rotation.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Catalano, Glenn

 MDR 8840 Psychiatric Research
 Click here for additional course information
Pat Crump
(813) 974-5368
Stephen Strenges
Assistant to Dr. Glenn Currier (Department Chair)
(813) 974-7853
Report to:
8:00 AM
3515 E. Fletcher Ave
Tampa, FL 33613
This elective is designed to enable the advanced student to become acquainted with the methodologies of behavioral medicine in basic neuroscience and their application in psychiatry and medicine. Opportunities exist in both basic science and clinical research areas including molecular genetics, neuroimmunology and cognitive medicine. Each student will participate in an ongoing research project and/or an individual tutorial during this time under faculty supervision and review and will evaluate the literature that pertains to his/her chosen topic.
1. Increase the knowledge of psychiatry and behavioral medicine in an area of particular interest to the student
2. Become familiar with research methodology
3. Gain an enhanced perspective of the role of behavioral principles in the practice of psychiatry and medicine
Rotation Activities:
Activities will be individualized based on student interest and available projects. 
Patient Encounters:
The research supervisor will evaluate the student’s research performance according to the elective objectives. The student will also be expected to prepare a written summary of the research project including an appropriate review of the relevant literature and a description of the student's research activities. In addition, the student will provide the elective supervisor with a written critique of his/her elective experience.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Prior approval from the department (the Chair of Psychiatry or Faculty supervisor for the rotation) required. Call (813) 974-7853 or email sstrenges@usf.edu to make an appointment with the chair at least one month PRIOR to the rotation.
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Currier, Glenn

MEL 7320Y Externship - Psychiatry
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999Y Indep Study - Psychiatry
 1 -11
No Limit
Indep Study

MDE 8769 Pediatric Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Cody Donchez
Administrative Secretary
Radiology Administration
(610) 402-8088
Report to:
Cody Donchez, Radiology Administrative Office LVH-Cedar Crest
This elective is designed to allow a medical student to work closely with an attending pediatric radiologist in a busy community hospital/tertiary care center. The emphasis is not on didactic sessions or exams, although student directed study is encouraged. Rather, the emphasis will be on one-on-one didactic teaching by attending radiologists and the use of audio-visual aids including online pediatric radiology teaching files and courses.
1. Identify and explain indications/ contraindications for common pediatric radiographic tests
2. Develop clinical judgment regarding the appropriate use of radiographic examinations.
3. Identify alternatives to radiography, fluoroscopy and CT in the pediatric patient
4. Identify and instutute pediatric specific protocols in common examinations
5. Interpret common pediatric radiographic examinations
6. Identify and discuss imaging concerns directly applicable to the pediatric patient, including radiation exposure, child life assistance, and sedation
7. Integrate information into a multidisciplinary approach to radiologic care and services
Rotation Activities:
The student will gain one-on-one didactic and practical experience and training in the correctly ordering, protocoling and interpreting various diagnostic imaging examinations and procedures.On a case by case basis, the student will discuss the imaging findings and formulate age specific differential diagnoses tailored to pediatric patients. The student will observe and participate in various invasive procedures in fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT and interventional radiology/angiography and nuclear medicine when applicable to the pediatric patient. The rotation will include interdepartmental conferences.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on feedback from the various attending radiologists who interact with them.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Kowal, Alexander

 MDE 8771 Radiological Anatomy
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Dr. Summer Decker
Dr. Jonathan Ford
Report to:
Dr. Decker
This elective is designed to provide students with a self-study program in radiological anatomy as it relates to medical imaging techniques such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Topics covered during the elective include cross-sectional imaging of the brain, head and neck, spine, upper and lower limb, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.
1. Identify important anatomical structures of the head, neck, brain, and spine in different medical imaging modalities
2. Identify important anatomical structures of the musculoskeletal system of the upper and lower extremities as well as the chest, abdomen, and pelvis in different medical imaging modalities
3. Identify important anatomical structures within the chest, abdomen, and pelvis different medical imaging modalities
Rotation Activities:
Final Exam
Patient Encounters:
A series of 4 quizzes and a final exam will cover imaging anatomy of the head and neck, spine, upper and lower extremities, as well as the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
The final examination will be on the last day at the Tampa campus testing center (proctored). Arrangements can be made for students to sit for a proctored exam on the LVHN campus on the date scheduled. Make up exam only available on universal make up day. 
Available on Canvas
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Final exam proctored on last day of elective in the USF Testing Center. The only option for rescheduling is on the universal reschedule date in April. 
No Limit
Decker, Summer
Basic Science 

 MDE 8772 Breast Imaging
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior medical students to the role and practice of breast imaging and intervention, including mammography, sonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and interventional breast procedures.  During this rotation, students will spend time with faculty, residents and fellows at Moffitt Cancer Center.  This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the role of diagnostic imaging and image guided diagnostic procedures in disorders of the breast.  
1. Develop an understanding of the effects of screening mammography on population based survival rates and the current recommendations for screening mammography
2. Discuss the most common pathologic entities of the breast
3. Develop a sound understanding of how to interpret a screening mammogram using the BI-RADS lexicon
4. Understand when a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound or MRI is indicated in the evaluation of the breast
5. Observe mammograms and breast ultrasounds being performed and interpreted
6. Understand the strengths and limitations of the  various breast imaging techniques
7. Describe image guided breast procedures and their indications
8. Develop an understanding for the interdisciplinary environment of breast care with radiologists, clinicians and surgeons, including attending weekly tumor board conference
9. Follow a patient from image guided needle localization to lumpectomy
10. Have the opportunity to be involved in research for publication if a 4 week elective is chosen   
Rotation Activities:
The student will review breast imaging studies with faculty and diagnostic radiology housestaff at Moffitt Cancer Center.  The student will also have the opportunity to observe breast interventional procedures at Moffitt Cancer Center.  Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in the screening, diagnosis and management of breast pathology and have an understanding of image guided diagnosis of breast pathology on mammography, sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The student will  give a 10-minute presentation on an interesting case encountered during the rotation.   If the student elects the  4-week elective, then the student will have the opportunity to participate in research for publication to the extent the student wishes to become involved.  Examples of such research include;  authoring  a case report intended for publication, assisting  in data collection and/or analysis and authoring or co-authoring original research. 
Patient Encounters:

The student will work closely with the attending radiologists who will provide the assessment of performance based on attendance and participation.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Falcon, Shannon

 MDE 8760 General Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
1st day Orientation for Periods A
Assigned rotation for Periods B
This two-week elective is designed specifically for third year medical students to provide an introduction to fields of diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology, with emphasis on developing an understanding of the indications for appropriate imaging and procedural interventions as well as the role of evidence-based imaging in the cost-effective work-up of commonly encountered clinical conditions.

The elective is divided into two one-week rotations—one week will be spent on interventional radiology and the other week will be spent in a subspecialty area of diagnostic radiology such as body (abdominal) imaging, cardiothoracic imaging, or neuroradiology. Students will spend each week of the rotation working alongside the residents and faculty on service, participating in small-group image interpretation sessions, and attending a series of didactic sessions given by radiology residents. At the end of the elective, each student will present a diagnostic radiology or interventional radiology case encountered while on rotation for discussion to the group.    
1. The medical student will develop an appreciation of the complexity of diagnostic imaging including an understanding of the types of studies which are available and the information they can provide.
2. The students will also gain an understanding of the clinical indications for obtaining studies, the relative risk/benefit of radiologic procedures and the basic technical aspects of how examinations are performed.
3. The student will develop an understanding of the differences between, and interactions among, each of the imaging specialties and the operation of these radiologic subspecialties in the context of modern radiologic and medical practice.
4. Regardless of their planned specialty, students should be able to recognize the following conditions on appropriate diagnostic imaging studies: pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, small bowel obstruction, cecal and sigmoid volvulus, ascites, malpositioned lines and tubes, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, space occupying lesions, bone, fracture, elbow joint effusion, and shoulder dislocation.
Rotation Activities:
Attend weekly lectures, participate in rotation assignments, presentation
Patient Encounters:

Students are evaluated based on daily attendance, skills in presenting an imaging case, and by a written evaluation at the end of the course from each rotation week. 
Uploaded to Canvas
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Enrollment will be subject to availability and will require prior approval of the director. During the week on IR, there may be additional requirements/ activities that can be found in the IR Expectations Document – Please review these possible requirements before requesting the elective.  
 2 -11
None, Yr 3 only
Hazelton, Todd

 MEL 7701 Neuroradiology
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the practice of neuroradiology, including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, non-invasive neurovascular imaging, and neurologic interventional procedures. During this rotation, students will spend time with faculty and housestaff in the USF South Tampa Center for Advanced Healthcare and at Tampa General Hospital. This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the role of imaging and diagnostic procedures in disorders of the nervous system. Students will have the opportunity to attend neuroradiology lectures and multidisciplinary conferences at Tampa General Hospital.
On this elective, the medical student will obtain:
1. An understanding of the indications for advanced neuroimaging (CT, MRI, CTA, MRA)
2. A fundamental understanding of basic neuroimaging with respect to pertinent normal anatomy on cross-sectional imaging
3. The ability to categorize and organize subdivisions of neuroimaging such as cerebrovascular, neoplasms, infection, etc.
4. The ability to discuss the most common neuropathologic entities
5. A basic understanding of technique and indications for cerebral angiography and other invasive procedures
Rotation Activities:
The student will review neuroimaging studies with neuroimaging faculty and diagnostic radiology housestaff at the USF South Tampa Center for Advanced Healthcare and at Tampa General Hospital. The student will also participate in neuroimaging conferences during their elective period. The student will also have the opportunity to view neuroangiography and neurointerventional procedures at Tampa General Hospital. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in the diagnosis of neuropathology and have a basic understanding of imaging diagnosis of neuropathology on computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Patient Encounters:

Students are evaluated based on daily attendance and by a written evaluation at the end of the course.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Students are responsible of contacting the course director within the first 3 days of the rotation. 
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Hazelton, Todd

 MEL 7703 Interventional Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
TGH J342 Office
Dr. Davis/Dr. Hoots
Interventional radiology procedures, outpatient and inpatient pre and post care and IR related diagnostic imaging will be the focus of this elective. 
The primary objective of this elective is to introduce the student to this specialized area of radiology and to help him/her evaluate the appropriateness of these techniques in patient management. Emphasis will be placed on interventional techniques and their realistic place in the therapeutic armamentarium available for patient care.
Rotation Activities:
1. Attend and assist in IR Clinic at least twice
2. Perform Consults
3. Assist in cases in the IR suites
4. Attend Lectures and Conferences

During this elective, a project will be undertaken under the supervision of one of the instructors. More information on this and the above rotation activities can be found in the IR Expectations Document.
Patient Encounters:

Attendance form and evaluation by the Attendings will be used to measure grade.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Davis, Cliff

MEL 7703 Interventional Radiology

 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Dr. Choi
This elective experience is designed to introduce the medical student to diagnostic, therapeutic and palliative interventional radiologic procedures with an emphasis on interventional oncology and the appropriateness of these techniques as they relate to the overall patient care. 
1. Gain knowledge about a wide range of interventional radiologic procedures
2. Identify the role of disease specific image guided interventions
3. Gain knowledge on patient evaluation/candidacy, image guided techniques, and post procedural management.
4. Understand the multidisciplinary options for cancer patients
Rotation Activities:
The student will have additional opportunities to participate in multidisciplinary conferences and residency curriculum meetings. During this elective, a project will be undertaken under the supervision of one of the instructors.
Patient Encounters:

Criteria include attendance, quality of comprehension, and clinical performance in patient care.
Suggested Literature: Handbook of Interventional Radiologic Procedures – Kandarpa
Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 3 -11
Yr 4 Status
Choi, Junsung

 MEL 7710 Musculoskeletal Imaging
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the practice of musculoskeletal imaging, including conventional radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and imaging-guided procedures. During this rotation, students will spend time with faculty and housestaff in the Imaging Center at the USF Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare. This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the role of imaging and diagnostic procedures in disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Students will have the opportunity to attend musculoskeletal imaging lectures and conferences at USF, Tampa General Hospital, and the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center.
On this elective, the senior medical student will obtain:
1.  An understanding of the indications for advanced musculoskeletal imaging (ultrasound, CT, arthrography, and MRI)
2. A fundamental understanding of basic musculoskeletal imaging with respect to pertinent normal anatomy in a musculoskeletal radiograph
3. The ability to categorize and organize subdivisions of musculoskeletal imaging such as rheumatology, neoplasm, infection, etc.
4. The ability to discuss the most common musculoskeletal pathologic entities
5. A basic understanding of technique and indications for arthrography, bone biopsy, and other invasive procedures
Rotation Activities:
The student will review musculoskeletal imaging studies with musculoskeletal imaging faculty and housestaff at the USF Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare. The student may also have the opportunity to participate in musculoskeletal and orthopedic imaging conferences during their elective period. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathology and have a basic understanding of imaging diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathology on radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Patient Encounters:

The student will work closely with the attending musculoskeletal radiologists and housestaff who will provide the assessment of performance based on attendance, participation, and a written evaluation. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Prakash, Neel

 MEL 8704 Diagnostic Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to provide an introduction to diagnostic radiology for medical students to develop basic imaging interpretation skills for clinically important pathology and to provide a foundational knowledge of imaging algorithms for common clinical presentations.
Student will spend three weeks at Tampa General Hospital and one week at the Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare on the USF campus.
1. Students will develop a basic understanding of radiation safety and the risks of radiation exposure to patients, become familiar with relative radiation doses of commonly ordered examinations, and become familiar with methods used to reduce radiation exposure.
2. Students should be able to choose the radiologic test that is most appropriate for the most common clinical presentations encountered in medical practice.
3. Regardless of their planned specialty, students should be able to recognize the following conditions on appropriate diagnostic imaging studies: pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumoperitoneum, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, small bowel obstruction, cecal and sigmoid volvulus, ascites, malpositioned lines and tubes, stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, space occupying lesions, bone, fracture, elbow joint effusion, and shoulder dislocation.
Rotation Activities:
The student will rotate through the following subspecialty areas of diagnostic radiology: body imaging, cardiopulmonary radiology, fluoroscopy, musculoskeletal radiology, nuclear medicine, neuroradiology, and ultrasound. On these rotations, the student will review diagnostic imaging studies with radiology faculty and housestaff at Tampa General Hospital and at the USF Morsani Center for Advanced Healthcare. Didactic lectures covering major topics in diagnostic radiology will be provided. Through assigned readings, students will gain knowledge of basic radiology imaging strategies for common clinical presentations. A PowerPoint presentation by the student on a topic in diagnostic radiology will be required. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in medical diagnosis and have a basic understanding of the imaging diagnosis of pathology on radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. A final exam will be given at the end of the elective. 
Patient Encounters:

The student will work closely with attending diagnostic radiologists and housestaff who will provide assessment of performance. A final examination consisting of both written questions and images will cover the reading assignments, didactic lectures, and important imaging diagnoses. The final exam is given on the last day of the elective on the Tampa campus in the testing center.
Will be posted on Canvas
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
All rescheduled final exams are only given on one universal date in April. 
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Hazelton, Todd

 MEL 8704 Diagnostic Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Cody Donchez
Administrative Secretary
Radiology Administration
(610) 402-8088
Report to:
Cody Donchez, Radiology Administrative Office LVH-Cedar Crest
This elective is designed to maximize the opportunity for a medical student to work closely on a one to one basis with radiologists from a broad range of subspecialties within the context of a busy private practice covering a large community hospital/tertiary care center. Unlike rotations in a more traditional academic environment, the emphasis is not on didactic sessions and exams, although student-directed study is encouraged. Rather than relying on house staff for teaching over the majority of a workday, the student can expect to be taught by a radiologist throughout the day. The student can also choose to spend more time in a particular area of interest if requested.
1. Students will develop an appreciation of the broad services a modern diagnostic radiology department provides, including all of the major body systems (neuroradiology, chest, breast, GI/GU, etc.), all of the major modalities (radiography, CT, MR, US, nuclear medicine) and dedicated imaging of pediatric patients.
2. Students will be introduced to the concept of Appropriateness Criteria (as developed by the ACR) so that they may choose appropriate imaging examinations in the future, no matter what medical specialty they choose.
3. Students can expect to observe and be taught to recognize common and life threatening conditions including tube and line placement, pneumothorax, pneumoperitoneum, pneumonia, pleural effusion, pulmonary edema, small bowel obstruction, fractures, dislocations, bowel wall thickening, abdominal masses, intracranial hemorrhage and stroke.
Rotation Activities:
The student will rotate through the following subspecialty areas of diagnostic radiology: plain film, fluoroscopy, body CT, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, musculoskeletal radiology, pediatric radiology, breast imaging and interventional radiology. While on these rotations, the student will review and analyze diagnostic imaging studies directly with the attending radiologists of the department. The student will be expected to attend tumor boards and radiology rounds including pediatric and neonatal imaging rounds. A curriculum will be provided, outlining various books and online resources available for independent study. There is an assigned text the student is expected to read over the course of the rotation.  Upon completion, the student should be comfortable recognizing several common and important conditions. The student should also feel more comfortable identifying which examination is appropriate for a given clinical situation.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on feedback from the various attending radiologists who have interaction with them.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Kowal, Alexander

 MEL 8707 Cardiothoracic Radiology
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the practice of cardiac and pulmonary imaging, including radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and interventional chest procedures. During this rotation, students will spend time with faculty and housestaff at Tampa General Hospital. This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the role of imaging and diagnostic procedures in disorders of the heart, mediastinum, pleura, airways and lungs.
On this elective, the medical student will obtain:
1. An understanding of the indications for advanced cardiothoracic imaging (HRCT of the lungs, CTA of the heart and lungs, and cardiovascular MRI)
2. A fundamental understanding of basic cardiothoracic imaging with respect to pertinent normal anatomy on cross-sectional imaging
3. The ability to discuss the most common pathologic entities of the chest
4. A basic understanding of technique and indications for imaging-guided biopsy and drainage procedures in the chest
Rotation Activities:
The student will review cardiothoracic imaging studies with faculty and diagnostic radiology housestaff at Tampa General Hospital. The student will also have the opportunity to view thoracic interventional procedures at Tampa General Hospital. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in the diagnosis of chest pathology and have a basic understanding of imaging diagnosis of chest diseases on radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. 
Patient Encounters:

The student will work closely with the attending radiologists and housestaff who will provide the assessment of performance based on attendance, participation and written evaluation. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Hazelton, Todd

 MEL 8711 Body Imaging
 Click here for additional course information
Destiny McArthur
Medical Education Specialist
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to introduce senior students to the practice of abdominal imaging, including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and interventional body procedures. During this rotation, students will spend time with faculty and housestaff at Tampa General Hospital. This elective will provide students with a better understanding of the role of cross-sectional imaging and diagnostic procedures in disorders of the abdomen and pelvis.
On this elective, the senior medical student will obtain:
1.  A basic technical understanding of ultrasound, CT, and MRI
2. An understanding of the indications for ultrasound as well as body CT and MRI
3. A fundamental understanding of basic body imaging with respect to pertinent normal anatomy on cross-sectional imaging
4. The ability to discuss the most common pathologic entities of the abdomen and pelvis
5. A basic understanding of technique and indications for imaging-guided biopsy and drainage procedures in the abdomen and pelvis
Rotation Activities:
The student will review body imaging studies with faculty and diagnostic radiology housestaff at Tampa General Hospital. The student will also have the opportunity to view body interventional procedures at Tampa General Hospital. Upon completion of this elective, the student should understand the role of imaging in the diagnosis of abdominal and pelvic pathology and have a basic understanding of imaging diagnosis of abdominal and pelvic diseases on ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Patient Encounters:

The student will work closely with the attending radiologists and housestaff who will provide the assessment of performance based on attendance, participation, and written evaluation. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 2 -11
Yr 4 Status
Kedar, Rajendra

MEL 7320R Externship - Radiology
 1 - 7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999R Indep Study - Radiology
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
No Limit
Indep Study

 MDE 8605 Vascular Surgery Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Students will participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of patients with vascular pathophysiology.  An introduction to angiogram and ultrasound interpretation will be given.  Focus will be on the preoperative assessment and decision for operative intervention.  
1. Describe a variety of noninvasive vascular diagnosis
2. Interpret physiologic data relative to angiographic findings and clinical symptoms
3. Compare operative and non-operative therapy for a wide variety of arterial and venous diseases
Rotation Activities:
The student is expected to function on a team with residents and attending surgeons. This service generates an active schedule of operations and arteriograms daily, including endovascular procedures. Additionally, the student will become familiar with work in the Non-Invasive Vascular Laboratory and Interventional Radiology.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Ju, Mila

 MDE 8632 Cardiothoracic Surgery
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Students will participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of this patient base.  A basic introduction to cardiopulmonary bypass will be given.  Please discuss with the chief of the division personal goals as this wide ranging field encompasses multiple complex surgeries and disease processes.  
1. Participate in pre-operative evaluation of the patient
2. Participate in the post-operative management of the patient
3. Assist with designated procedures in the operative suite
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in pre-operative evaluation, assist at surgery and procedures and be involved in post-operative management in a one-on-one relationship with an attending surgeon or a resident. Because of the size and complexity of this division, which includes open heart and thoracic activities, it is recommended that the student discuss personal goals with the chief of the division before starting the course.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
Students will discuss personal goals with chair prior to start of rotation.  
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Misselbeck, Tim

 MDE 8660 Plastic Surg Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Marshall Miles, MD
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The service is oriented to trauma, facial, hand, cancer and cleft-palate surgery as well as reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Exposure to the Regional Burn Center located at Lehigh Valley Health Network is also provided. The student will work with attending surgeons and plastic surgery residents.
1. Develop an understanding of the varied areas of plastic surgery
2. Participate in the evaluation of plastic surgery patients
3. Participate in the treatment of plastic surgery patients
4. Describe basic plastic surgery principles such as flaps, v-y advancement, etc.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of patients with pathophysiology requiring plastic surgery intervention.  Responsibilities will include outpatient surgery, clinic, inpatient rounds and surgeries.  The student will be exposed to a large variety of surgical procedures and disease states.  Additional experiences are available in the regional burn center.  
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Miles, Marshall

 MDE 8676 Colorectal Surgery
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The student will participate in a busy service with colon-rectal surgery residents. This rotation addresses common disorders that the student may encounter whether he or she should choose to specialize in general surgery, internal medicine or family practice. Additionally, the rotation focuses on colon-rectal surgery and provides opportunities in sigmoidoscopy, fiberoptic colonoscopy and the evaluation and care of colon and rectal disorders arising from systemic disease.
1. Develop an understanding of the pathophysiology of common colorectal diseases
2. Create a differential diagnosis of colorectal disorders
3. Describe treatment and surgical options for colorectal disorders
4. Observe or participate in colorectal procedures and colonoscopies
5. Identify the relation of such disorders to systemic disease
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the outpatient, inpatient and surgical services provided by colorectal surgery.  An emphasis will be placed on preoperative evaluation and operative decision making.  Outpatient surgeries are performed at 17th street.  
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Park, John

 MDT 8600 Adv Surg Anat/Pathophysiology
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Schedule will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation via Canvas and email
This course is specifically designed to prepare students for surgical internship with a focus on the basic principles that must be mastered by all general surgeons and should be familiar to all medical doctors. It will provide an overview of the key concepts in anatomy and physiology that are fundamental to the care of surgical patients and the students’ long term success as surgeons. The course consists of intensive reading, anatomic dissection, and case scenario experience. This is a 4-week elective. Lectures will be given at both Tampa General Hospital and USF main campus. Anatomic dissections will take place at the medical school's gross anatomy lab.
At the completion of the elective, students should be able to:
1. Identify general surgical anatomy as it relates to surgical disease processes and common operations using models and anatomic dissection
2. Have an advanced understanding of the etiology, anatomic pathology and physiology of common surgical diseases
3. Have an advanced understanding of the postoperative physiologic state
4. Recognize and understand the treatment of immediate life threatening conditions in the post operative patient
5. Recognize and treat common physiologic derangements and basic complications in the post operative patient
Rotation Activities:
Didactics in AM, Anatomy lab in PM
Patient Encounters:

Students must successfully complete each component of the course in order to receive a passing grade for the course. Requirements include: weekly Department of Surgery Ground Rounds and Morbidity and Mortality Conferences, orientation, weekly quizzes, pre-test and post-test, didactic lectures, anatomic dissections, and clinical case conferences.
Laboratory - 60% 
Weekly Quizzes - 20%
Post test - 20%
Total - 100%

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Sanchez, Jaime
Basic Science 

 MDT 8600 Intro to Surg Subspecialties
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Chief resident contact information will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective provides the student the opportunity to participate in hands-on care of surgical patients during rounds, in the OR, and clinic. The objective of this elective is to give students extra exposure to one of the surgical sub-specialties. Potential rotations include pediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, urology, ENT, anesthesia, cutaneous oncology, or plastic surgery, depending on availability. The student is under the direct supervision of both attendings and residents. In addition, participation in conferences, didactic lectures and other teaching opportunities will be available.
To give third year medical students exposure to surgical-subspecialties they might not experience elsewhere 
Rotation Activities:
Operating room, clinic, and rounds
Patient Encounters:

Evaluations will be based on clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -12
None, Yr 3 only
Sanchez, Jaime
 MDI 8660 Plastic Surg Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Hailee Hall
USF Plastic Surgery Residency Coordinator
Report to:
Michael Harrington, MD
Plastic Surgery Department
This elective provides the opportunity to participate in the active "hands-on" care of plastic surgery patients including critically ill burned patients. The student is under the direct supervision by the faculty in the intensive care unit, ward, operating room. Students also participate in the outpatient follow-up care of the patients. No night call is required.
Exposure to General Plastic Surgery, Cancer Reconstruction, Trauma, and Burn
Rotation Activities:
Operating Room and Clinics
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be completed by direct observation. There will be no examination. 
USF Plastic Surgery AI Syllabus 2020.docx
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Harrington, Michael

 MDI 8660 Plastic Surg Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Marshall Miles, MD
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective provides the opportunity to participate in the active "hands-on" care of plastic surgery patients including critically ill burned patients. The student is under the direct supervision by the faculty in the intensive care unit, ward, operating room. Students also participate in the outpatient follow-up care of the patients. No night call is required.
1. Develop an understanding of the varied areas of plastic surgery.
2. Participate in the evaluation of plastic surgery patients
3. Participate in the treatment of plastic surgery patients
4. Describe basic plastic surgery principles such as flaps, v-y advancement, etc.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of patients with pathophysiology requiring plastic surgery intervention.  Responsibilities will include outpatient surgery, clinic, inpatient rounds and surgeries.  The student will be exposed to a large variety of surgical procedures and disease states.  Additional experiences are available in the regional burn center.  
Patient Encounters:

Evaluation will be completed by direct observation. There will be no examination. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Miles, Marshall

 MDI 8680 Trauma Surgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Students electing this course will work with the residents and faculty at LVHN Cedar Crest. Students will also see elective general surgery cases, attend clinic and participate in the urgent and emergent cases that are seen in consultation on the wards as well as in the ER. This includes patients with appendicitis, biliary disease, bowel obstruction GI bleeding. In addition students will participate in the care of patients that have blunt and penetrating trauma.
1. Obtain a basic understanding of ATLS
2. Obtain a basic understanding of FAST
3. Identify life threatening acute traumatic injuries
4. Understand the psychosocial impact of traumatic injuries
5. Obtain a basic understanding of the pharmacology of pain management and its importance in acute traumatic injuries  
Rotation Activities:
As a member of the trauma team, students will participate in all endeavors and become conversant in the initial assessment and resuscitation of the trauma patient as well as the critical care and post-operative aspects of the surgical patients. At least a 1-week rotation on nights will be required.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Stirparo, Joseph

 MDI 8680 Trauma Surgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Chief residenct contact information will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This clinical elective affords the students an in-depth experience in total patient management as an acting intern on a trauma surgery service in order to provide exposure to the daily responsibilities that are associated with a surgery intern year. Students may choose to participate in the trauma surgical ICU service or on the trauma and acute care surgery ward under direct supervision of a chief resident. On these services, the student is expected to function as an intern. Responsibility will vary with the ability of each student.
1. To expose the senior student to the role of a surgical intern
2. To afford the student an in-depth experience in total patient management so these responsibilities may be assumed with confidence in the internship year
Rotation Activities:
Attendance will be required at Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Morbidity, and Mortality Conferencse, and various other conferences. As a member of the Division of Acute Care Surgery, students will participate in all endeavors and become conversant in the initial assessment and resuscitation of the trauma patient as well as the critical care and post-operative aspects of the surgical patients. At least 2 overnight weekend calls are required.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Lorch, Steven

 MEL 7815 Advanced Surgical Skills
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Lehigh Valley Hospital – Cedar Crest – Surgical Simulation Center
This intensive elective is designed for the fourth year medical students who has a desire to entire a general surgery residency program. The student will be provided a focused and structured surgical readiness curriculum that provides them with the essential skills to confidently enter a general surgery residency. Activities will include surgical lectures, clinical and operative settings across the surgical continuum. Students will rotate through General Surgery, Surgical Intensive Care, Trauma and Robotics. Afternoon sessions will take place in our American College of Surgeons Level II accredited Surgical Education Center (SEC). In the SEC, the student will be introduced to a variety of common surgical skills with low and high fidelity task and other trainers. Some examples of activities include knot tying, suturing, basic laparoscopic skills, chest tube placement, central line placement, airway management and basic robotic skills.
1. Complete common surgical procedures using simulators and prosections
2. Develop an advanced understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnostic studies used to diagnose and treat surgical diseases
3. Develop an advanced understanding of surgical treatment options and alternatives for surgical diseases
4. Be able to recognize and treat immediate life threatening conditions
5. Improve their ability to treat and relieve pain and suffering
Rotation Activities:
This course is designed to prepare students for entering first year clinical experiences in surgical fields.  Students will receive lectures involving preoperative and postoperative care, intensive care management, common floor calls and basic surgical procedures.  Simulation activities include suture and knot tying, basic laparoscopy, emergent bedside procedures.  
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance and 1-2 oral presentations.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Stirparo, Joseph

 MEL 7815 Advanced Surgical Skills
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Schedule will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation via Canvas and email
This four-week elective is geared towards developing the surgical skills medical students entering a surgical internship should possess at the time of graduation with an M.D. degree.  Advanced surgical principles and procedures will be taught with an emphasis on knowledge, operative instrumentation, airway management, and operative procedures.  The course consists of a one-month intensive operative experience using prosections and advanced simulation.  After completion of the elective, students should be able to identify and understand the management of surgical problems and be able to complete basic surgical procedures.
1. Complete common surgical procedures using simulators and prosections
2. Develop skills that will be needed during the first weeks of residency, such as being the first responder for critically ill or unstable patients, emergency procedures (ventilation), common electrolyte abnormalities, management of common and urgent perioperative conditions, interpreting radiographs, and knowledge of operative anatomy
3. Establish the fundamentals of basic perioperative care of the surgical patient
4. Demonstrate proficiency in basic suturing and knot tying techniques
5. Develop an effective strategy for self-directed learning
6. Demonstrate understanding of the basics of wound care and management
Rotation Activities:
Didactics and simulation sessions at CAMLS
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on laboratory performance, a final written exam, and attendance. At the end of the rotation, a summative evaluation will be submitted with each student’s grade.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
Yr 4 Status
Sanchez, Jaime

 MEL 7819 Surgical Transplant Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Chief resident contact information will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to offer students active participation in organ procurement, preservation of kidneys and livers, and an understanding of the role of organ sharing networks.
Students will receive an overview of all aspects involved in liver and renal transplantation, from donor identification through clinical transplantation and long-term follow up.
Rotation Activities:
Students will work under the direct supervision of the Director of Transplant Surgery and LifeLink Transplantation Institute, Inc. They will gain insight and experience in the area of transplantation immunology tissue typing and the concepts of histocompatibility antigens.
Patient Encounters:
Students will be directly involved with the evaluation and work up of possible renal and liver transplant recipients, observe surgery, and play an active role in the postoperative management of transplant patients, which includes the identification, management and treatment of infections, and rejection complications.
Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance. 

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -10
Yr 4 Status
Bowers, Victor

 MEL 7819 Surgical Transplant Elective
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This elective is designed to offer students active participation in organ procurement, the harvesting and preservation of kidneys and livers, and an understanding of the role of the organ sharing networks.
Students will receive an overview of all aspects involved in liver and renal transplantation, from donor identification through clinical transplantation and long term follow up.
Rotation Activities:
Students will work under the direct supervision of the Director of Transplant Surgery, LifeLink Transplantation Institute, Inc. They will gain insight and experience in the area of transplantation immunology tissue typing and the concepts of histocompatibility antigens.
Patient Encounters:
Students will be directly involved with the evaluation and work up of possible renal and liver transplant recipients, observe surgery, and play an active role in the postoperative management of transplant patients, which includes the identification, management and treatment of infections, and rejection complications.
Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance. 

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Moritz, Michael

 MEL 7827 Advanced Surgical Intensive Care
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This is a clinical rotation that includes graded responsibility, as well as regular formal instruction in techniques of management of critical surgical illness. Students will be assigned primarily to the unit at LVHN-Cedar Crest with the possibility of occasional visits to other sites.
1. Describe common surgical complications, preoperative preparation of the complex surgical patient, and practical application of hemodynamic monitoring
2. Analyze the acute phase response patients undergo with respect to their disease processes and surgical procedures with an emphasis on fluid and electrolyte balance
3. Examine pulmonary artery catheterization, placement of central venous catheters, and modalities of parenteral and enteral nutrition
Rotation Activities:
Inpatient rotation assisting a dedicated team provide surgical critical care to patients with critical illnesses.  Focus on understanding the basic principles of critical care including sedation, pain control, ventilator management and management of shock states.  
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Stirparo, Joseph
 MEL 7828 Vascular Surgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Hailee Hall
Report to:
Dr. Mary Ottinger
Students will participate in clinical care involving the Vascular Surgery Service. The student will work closely with the vascular surgery resident and fellow in the preoperative, operative, and postoperative patient management of the vascular surgery patients. They will also attend outpatient clinics with full time faculty members. Students will also gain exposure to a variety of noninvasive vascular diagnosis in the Vascular Diagnostic Center. Interpretation of physiologic data relative to angiographic findings and clinical symptoms will be emphasized
This rotation should provide the student with a broad exposure to clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and operative and non-operative therapy for a wide variety of arterial and venous diseases.
Rotation Activities:
Operating room and clinics
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Ottinger, Mary
MEL 7828 Vascular Surgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Hailee Hall
Report to:
Dr. Mary Ottinger
Students will participate in clinical care involving the Vascular Surgery Service. The student will work closely with the vascular surgery resident and fellow in the preoperative, operative, and postoperative patient management of the vascular surgery patients. They will also attend outpatient clinics with full time faculty members. Students will also gain exposure to a variety of noninvasive vascular diagnosis in the Vascular Diagnostic Center. Interpretation of physiologic data relative to angiographic findings and clinical symptoms will be emphasized
This rotation should provide the student with a broad exposure to clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and operative and non-operative therapy for a wide variety of arterial and venous diseases.
Rotation Activities:
Operating room and clinics
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Ottinger, Mary

 MEL 7828 Vascular Surgery AI
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Students will participate in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care of patients with vascular pathophysiology.  An introduction to angiogram and ultrasound interpretation will be given.  Focus will be on the preoperative assessment and decision for operative intervention.  
This rotation should provide the student with a broad exposure to clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and operative and non-operative therapy for a wide variety of arterial and venous diseases.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in clinical care involving the Vascular Surgery Service. The student will work closely with the vascular surgery resident and fellow in the preoperative, operative, and postoperative patient management of the vascular surgery patients. They will also attend outpatient clinics with full time faculty members. Students will also gain exposure to a variety of noninvasive vascular diagnosis in the Vascular Diagnostic Center. Interpretation of physiologic data relative to angiographic findings and clinical symptoms will be emphasized. 
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Ju, Mila

 MDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Chief resident contact information will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This clinical elective affords the students an in-depth experience in total patient management as an acting intern on a general surgery service at Tampa General Hospital in order to provide exposure to the daily responsibilities that are associated with a general surgery intern year. Students may rotate on either the “Gold” General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, or Bariatric Surgery services. On these services, the student is expected to function as an intern. Responsibility will vary with the ability of each student.
1. To expose the senior student to the role of a surgical intern
2. To afford the student an in-depth experience in total patient management so these responsibilities may be assumed with confidence in the internship year 
Rotation Activities:
Attendance will be required at weekly Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Morbidity and Mortality Conferences, and various other conferences. The student will perform patient histories and physical examinations, write all progress notes, and write orders for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention with supervision from house staff. Students will be encouraged to perform procedures such as CVP placement, invasive monitoring line placement, and chest tube placement with appropriate supervision. Operating room experience will also be extensive. Students are required to take at least 2 overnight weekend calls.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
DuCoin, Christopher

 MDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Margaret Child
Report to:
Chief resident contact information will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
This clinical elective affords the students an in-depth experience in total patient management as an acting intern on a general surgery service at the James A Haley Veterans Hospital in order to provide exposure to the daily responsibilities that are associated with a general surgery intern year. Students may rotate on either the  Cardiothoracic Surgery service or the  “VA1” General Surgery service. On these services, the student is expected to function as an intern. Responsibility will vary with the ability of each student.
1. To expose the senior student to the role of a surgical intern
2. To afford the student an in-depth experience in total patient management so these responsibilities may be assumed with confidence in the internship year 
Rotation Activities:
Attendance will be required at weekly Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Morbidity and Mortality Conferences, and various other conferences. The student will perform patient histories and physical examinations, write all progress notes, and write orders for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention with supervision from house staff. Students will be encouraged to perform procedures such as CVP placement, invasive monitoring line placement, chest tube placement with appropriate supervision. Operating room experience will be extensive. Students are required to take at least 2 overnight weekend calls.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their clinical performance.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
DuCoin, Christopher

 MDI 8600 Gen Surg Acting Internship
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
Students may choose to participate on the several services. On these services, the student is expected to function as an intern. Responsibility will vary with the ability of each student. The elective will afford the students an in depth experience in total patient management so that these responsibilities may be assumed with confidence in the internship year.
1. Obtain a basic understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of general surgery conditions including hernia, gallbladder and appendix
2. Refine basic technical skills including suturing and knot tying
3. Identify postoperative complications in common surgical procedures
4. Understand the pharmacology of basic medications for pain control
Rotation Activities:
Attendance will be required at Grand Rounds, Morbidity, and Mortality Conference, and various other conferences. The student will perform histories and physical examinations, write all progress notes, and write orders for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention with supervision from house staff. Students will be encouraged to perform procedures such as CVP placement, invasive monitoring line placement, chest tube placement, etc with appropriate supervision. Operating room experience will also be extensive.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance.

Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via Lehigh Valley Network on VSAS.
Special Instructions:
 1 -11
Yr 4 Status
Stirparo, Joseph

MEL 7320S Externship - Surgery
 1 -7
Yr 4 Status
No Limit

MEL 9999S Indep Study - Surgery
 1 -10
Surg Care    
No Limit
Indep Study

MDI 8674 Clinical Urology AI
 Click here for additional course information
Joseph Stirparo, MD
(610) 402-1350
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation
The Department of Urology provides comprehensive, urologic patient-oriented care with concern for quality of life and education. Physicians and staff provide state-of-the art multidisciplinary patient care while striving to blend compassion, technology and advanced techniques.
The elective is an introduction to basic urology with emphasis on clinical service designed to provide a background for students planning to practice in related specialties. The clinic rotations will be designed at a level of learning for medical students. During the rotation students will be supervised and instructed on a one-to-one basis by their preceptor(s), fellows, residents, and other qualified faculty responsible for teaching and evaluation.
The objectives of this rotation are to provide exposure to the field of Urology as a background for practice in other areas and to offer closer acquaintance with this field for those considering it for possible future specialization.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the pre-operative work-up of urological patients. Students will learn from attending faculty and residents alike. Participation in cystoscopy and surgical procedures will form a significant part of the experience provided on this rotation. Students will follow patients to the operating room; assist in the procedures carried out, and will share in the responsibilities for post-operative care. Participation in the evaluation and treatment of common urological problems in the outpatient clinics will give the student an overall understanding of office urology. Students will attend and participate in all conferences and activities of the Urology Service and perform such activities assigned as a part of their added learning experience. Students will present a case to the weekly conference for urology residents and faculty during the last week of the rotation.
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.

Visiting Students:
Special Instructions:
 1 - 11
Yr 4 Status
Johannes, James

MDI 8674 Clinical Urology AI
 Click here for additional course information
Eleni Spirou
Dr. Trushar Patel 
Report to:
Will be provided one week prior to the start of the rotation.
The Department of Urology, at the University of South Florida provides comprehensive, urologic patient-oriented care with concern for quality of life and education. Physicians and staff provide state-of-the art multidisciplinary patient care while striving to blend compassion, technology and advanced techniques.
The elective is an introduction to basic urology with emphasis on clinical service designed to provide a background for students planning to practice in related specialties. Students will be assigned to preceptors and rotate at the James A. Haley VA and Tampa General Hospital. The clinic rotations will be designed at a level of learning for 4th year medical students. During the rotation students will be supervised and instructed on a one-to-one basis by their preceptor(s), fellows, residents, and other qualified faculty responsible for teaching and evaluation.
The objectives of this rotation are to provide exposure to the field of Urology as a background for practice in other areas and to offer closer acquaintance with this field for those considering it for possible future specialization.
Rotation Activities:
Students will participate in the faculty clinics and pre-operative work-up of urological patients. Students will learn from attending faculty and residents alike. Participation in cystoscopy and surgical procedures will form a significant part of the experience provided on this rotation. Students will follow patients to the operating room; assist in the procedures carried out, and will share in the responsibilities for post-operative care. Participation in the evaluation and treatment of common urological problems in the outpatient clinics will give the student an overall understanding of office urology. Students will attend and participate in all conferences and activities of the Urology Service and perform such activities assigned as a part of their added learning experience. Students complete a 10-15 minutes presentation at the weekly educational conference for urology residents and faculty prior to the completion of their rotation. 
Patient Encounters:

Students will be evaluated based on their ward performance and oral examination.
Visiting Students:
Yes. Apply via USF Health Morsani College of Medicine on VSAS.
Special Instructions:

1 - 6
Yr 4 Status
Patel, Trushar

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