Process flow-Actuals Validation

Process flow-Actuals Validation

Process summary

  • The process initiates when the Board of Governors (BOG) provides USF with data (historical and actuals) for a specific metric. 
  • The SSRA team starts the verification process which in some cases will require the involvement of some USF external units.
  • If SSRA is able to validate the metric, they will compare to published reports or internal data sources.
  • If SSRA is unable to validate the metric, they will send the data to the external units for validation.
  • When discrepancies are identified by SSRA or external units, these are communicated to BOG and the request is made for BOG to provide additional information to aid in the reconciliation. 
  • Once BOG has provided all relevant information, the data is approved and notes are made of any discrepancies. 
  • SSRA sends out approvals to BOG as data is validated, and all approved data is inserted into the Masterfile.
  • Once BOG has received all the approvals, they prepare the Accountability Plan Report Template and is then sent to SSRA. 
  • SSRA will review the Accountability Plan Report Template for missing data or discrepancies to the Masterfile. 
  • When discrepancies are identified by SSRA, these are communicated to BOG who will determine how the change will be made.
  • Once all discrepancies have been addressed, the actuals are finalized.

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